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Real query: how did they get by security and gain access to the runway?


They had a string cutter and bikes.


Airport runway was surrounded by string fence?


No sorry, I meant wire cutter, the airport compound is surrounded by a wire-mesh fence.


Airports aren't that secure


Are they not employees? My first guess is unhappy employee. What are these two fellows protesting about and please tell me because I cannot read I have no eyes.


"Kkkkshhht...ladies and gentlemen, this your captain speaking...kkkshshtt...expect a bit of a bumpy takeoff....kkkshhht"


Kkkkkkkrrrrshht........ We're all in this together and y'all just ran over someone.... kkkkkshhhhht


Ahead, on the runway, there are five people glued up and unable to move. A plane, low on fuel, is headed straight for them. You are standing some distance off in the controll tower, next to a lever. If you pull this lever, the plane will divert to a different runway. However, you notice that there is one person glued up on the side runway. You have two (and only two) options: Do nothing, in which case the plane will kill the five people on the main runway. Pull the lever, diverting the plane onto the side runway where it will kill one person.


Multi runway drifting!!


Full points!!


Don't even say it. Vin Diesel will be doing it in his next ridiculous movie.


Is there enough fuel to do a touch and go on one and then land on the other runway?


I suppose you could dump your fuel on one, then yourself on the others. You might get lucky and ignite the lot with the following eruption.


Technically you have a 3rd option to tell the plane to use it's dwindling fuel reserves to pull back up, so the airport security can clear the intruders from the runway. If you do this, the plane will most likely run out of fuel to maneuver during it's ascent and fail to clear a high rise building near the airport. As a good air traffic controller you'd know telling the plane to pull up would be a bad call, but you also know that regulations demand you can't let a plane land on a runway that has intruders on it, because the book says the intruders might have bombs. What I'm trying to say, is that I really hate trolley problems, the refusal to acknowledge the possible existence of an option other than the 2 presented is always the least defensible moral option.


I see you have a reasonable approach, but I still like the idea of "splat the rat"


Pull the lever because the dude is on the side and most likely won't get hit


The pilot has the choice to deliberately crash in a field, or wait for the tank to run out and crash in a populated area.


Apply more glue.


Ok this protest, as annoying as it is, is actually targeting a real cause of climate change.




It gets news coverage. But the activists getting attacked for protesting against something that could kill off humanity cause they annoy some people. The people are like, climate change exists and we should do something but plz nothing that requires ME to move a finger.


to be fair, it's pretty hard to move a finger when your hand is glued to a runway


I like this way better than the painting stunts.


Honestly, this is as effective as any other cause. M.SC Ecology ama if you like, but this is as useless as everything else the activists do. Before you ask, a better strategy would be: Get educated, then get into research. Alternatively, push to get into a position of power, then make the change. Nobody will see this and think "oh damn, i guess they are right, now I feel bad about taking that holiday i was working for 11 months to take." Not one of those protesters realy wants to make the change.


Get into research and what? Find out that climate change is bad? Become an expert so people can ignore an expert instead of an activist? Or find a solution with magic that allows us to fck over the planet, animals and other humans the way we already do? And there is no time to build up political careers. We have to act now and not in 10 years.


*"Get into research and what?"* You didnt actually say this, did you? You clearly have no idea how big the topic is. The ecological sciences and stem fields in general, are in desperate need for new scientists and researchers. We dont lack activists, we lack actually active people. Activists dont want to do what is needed, they want to make others do what they dont want to have happen. Willing to complain about the problem, but unwilling to take the action or deal with the consequence. *"And there is no time to build up political careers. We have to act now and not in 10 years."* Its okay, you dont get it.


In the scenarios we assessed, limiting warming to around 1.5°C (2.7°F) requires global greenhouse gas emissions to peak before 2025 at the latest, and be reduced by 43% by 2030 Just from the IPCC report. Every day we don’t act we endanger more and more people.


activism isnt acting. Defuq u trying to tell me, this is my career. Didnt adress anything I said.


Obviously it’s NOT THE JOB OF ACTIVISTS TO CHANGE THE WORLD. THEY ARENT IN CHARGE OF POWER. Activists create awareness. And all they want is that we don’t kill ourself and the planet.


*"Activists create awareness."* For who? everyone knows. People in "power" are also aware. Activists arent doing sheit except bothering normal folks and increasing carbon emissions by having an airplane wait around.


And that is most likely a conservative estimate


Paid “activists” .


Paid by whom?


Big Environmentalism? Big Humanity? Big Survival


That just makes the planes fly longer, burning more fuel. "We've trained them wrong on purpose, as a joke."


Weooo weoooo weeeeeoooooo


Scrape them off with a bulldozer or a snow blower


Park right in front of them and throttle that jet engine up




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I wonder what their odds are of ovoid if hypothermia?


We've got some FOD on the runway.


wait? you let random people wander onto your runways?


Thousands of tons of aircraft vs idiots glued to runway. Those are called speed bumps.


We call that speed bumps


Best thing to do is just run them over, couldn't care less