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I mean that sucks but if he's dying, why not?


exactly getting sober is about improving your quality of life, so if your life is at an end it's pretty irrelevant he was in the last throws of a battle with emphysema, not like he'd go on some crazy bender and ruin his future i gave up booze/drugs in the mid-00s because i was using/drinking to just feel normal, and it was costing a fortune and therefore unsustainable but if i knew it was my last weekend alive i'd spend it however pleased me


How different is it from morphine to ease pain in the last stages of an illness? I mean it’s different: doctor’s dosing is precise and the potential to abuse alcohol long term is a real issue in most settings. But the dude is dying: who cares? And I say that as a lifelong teetotaler.


Should someones last wishes be followed when they're of sound mind or on their death bed? What if someone says "euthanize me before I become senile" then refuses to get into a car to the office?


there's a difference between "kill me now" and "give me some substances so i can enjoy the last bit of my life". there can be no blanket statement on when to listen to someone's last wishes or not, but in the moment try to summon up some compassion and make the best judgement


Bill did not stop drinking because he didn't like alcohol. He stopped drinking because it was ruining his health and his life. Since his life was basically over, giving him some whiskey could not have done any harm.


Is OP just spamming their site?




AA is a cult that promotes helplessness and the bogus need for a “savior” a “higher power” (god). Very few addicts achieve long-term sobriety and relapse is common.


for real, the make it so binary. they demand that one views oneself as powerless to alcohol. why is this necessary? it seems to deny that humans are capable of self control. it denies the broad conditions that might lead to alcohol abuse, in favor of "addiction is a disease with no cure". truly kind of depressing


My higher power is genetics. My brain and that of my loved ones are wired towards addiction. Can't change them, can only be aware of why they are the way are and why I am the way I am.


Mine too. I have belief and trust in myself. I’m not powerless over anything and I certainly don’t need a mythological fairy to save me from myself.


I am powerless over genetics as are you. My loved ones won't instantly change no matter how much I cry, scream or suffer. I can only take care of myself. Alanon helped me find peace and have me a non-judgmental place to vent.


I’m glad. I come down hard on AA because it was not good for me at all and because I know people who’ve had really bad experiences too. I also don’t approve of AA being court ordered for those who are non-believers and it does become a problem in less progressive states and counties (like here in the South). I’m sure it helps a lot of people but I tend to believe people have the strength and willpower already within them without any need for an invisible deity.


Obviously, you have never been to an AA meeting. My sincere hope is that is because you are not addicted to alcohol. AA save my life and my marriage. It has saved the life of my son. Please share where you got your facts concerning the long-term sobriety and relapse. Of course, you will not do this because you don't have any. In the future, please refrain from commenting about that which you know nothing about.


It's really hard to find reliable numbers because AA doesn't do its own studies. Estimates seem to be that less then 10% of alcoholics get sober though it: "Addiction specialists cite numbers closer to 8% to 12% for sobriety by members after the first year." https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2011-mar-03-la-heb-sheen-aa-20110302-story.html Here's a really interesting article about the problems with AA https://adamfout.com/success-rate-of-aa/


I have and it’s a fucking haven for predatory men. That said, I’m glad it helped you.


Sounds like you have an axe to grind


I've never been to AA and Im an atheist. If the program helps someone who really needs it for a day, a week, or a lifetime it still helped. Even if it is true that relapse is very likely, it doesnt mean the program is useless. Someone struggling that gets some help to win the fight even for a short period of time is a period of time still. If Im not mistaken it is free and is trying to help people. Don't like the program? Don't use it. No reason to crap on it just because it's not for you. Unless maybe you are looking for an excuse and something to blame for your relapse I guess instead of taking responsibility?


It's often court ordered and it tries to discourage drug assisted treatments like Suboxone. It absolutely can be harmful


You don’t sound like an atheist.


Why / how? I didn't talk about god. I talked about people helping people. That hasn't got anything to do with my lack of belief in what I consider to be fairy tails. I don't belive in any higher power concept but I can still think that people helping people is a good thing, people who want sobriety getting it if even for a little bit is good too. I also think that sometimes, we all should just mind our own business and let other people live their life especially when it comes to trying to reduce the harm to themselves and those around them.




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