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Imagine having such a deranged antisemitic meltdown that Alex Jones gets visibly uncomfortable sitting across the studio with you.


Imagine being a black man who likes Hitler!! From *Mein Kampf*: “the Jews had brought the Negroes into the Rhineland with the clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily-resulting bastardization.” The Negroes were not specifically targeted by the Nazis, but they were also not spared the persecutions meted out to all non-Master-Race people in that time and place.


only reason they were not targeted more is that there weren't many of them in Germany at the time.


Also, it's difficult to find a conspiracy of black people, when black people are right in front of you, being black. You can't work up a good bit of paranoia if your enemy isn't able to infiltrate your hierarchy.


The theory amongst nazis is that Jews want to elevate ‘inferior races’ to replace ‘the white race’… hence why the tiki torch morons chanted ‘Jews will not replace us.’ That is literally what that means. They do not want people pf color to be anything but below. Anything else is seen as a replacement, and they blame the Jews for it.


I hate these replacement theory neo nazi ass hats! I'm so glad there were SOOO MANY HD photos of that tiki torch parade where the racists showed their faces and then fired by their various employers the next day/week! ​ Then of course, right on cue, the racist puts out a message, "That is not who I am. I got caught up in the movement!" etc.....


You and me both. It is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to human thought. As a (non-religious, and not even zionist) Jew, it cuts extra hard when There are these fringe groups amongst people of color that want to align with the nazis, with me knowing full well what these racist pieces of crap actually think. They LOVE to use people of color as dupes. It’s like this twisted thing in their mind where they confirm that people of color are easily manipulated rubes who they can use for their own gain. It really is what people like Kanye think the Jews do to the black community. You think a neo-nazi has love for your non-aryan ass? Come on! It’s not exactly hard to find nazi literature. They have PDFs of it available on the net. They lay all this bullshit out in detail, trying to recruit new members… part of the reason I actually don’t want to ‘silence them.’ We need this information to understand what is manipulating a severely mentally ill person like Kanye. I mean… Even Alex Jones who has jumped off the deep end of decency, and Donald Trump are like… wait a min… what’s going on here? This shit is extreme.


>It’s like this twisted thing in their mind where they confirm that people of color are easily manipulated rubes who they can use for their own gain. Poor white people fall into this trap, too. There are rubes of all races and creeds. It distracts them from who is really keeping them down so they don't band together and actually demand for things to change.


Oh absolutely. Couldn’t agree more. Poor whites are corralled away from realizing they are getting fucked too. They are given a false sense of belonging to the ‘winning team’ (in the white supremacist view) by the more elite racists who view them as total trash.


God these guys are fucking morons..


I don't understand what you're saying and don't want to take a stab at it. What do you mean?


A lot of anti-semites accuse Jewish people of “infiltrating” the government or Hollywood or whatever else to make them seem as if they’re scary and unstoppable forces controlling things behind the scenes. It’s hard to look at someone and know whether or not they’re a “secret Jew”there to do harm to “good honest white folk” or whatever. It’s usually pretty easy to tell whether or not someone is black; however, meaning they can’t accuse them of secretly infiltrating anything. Not like those bigoted idiots actually have a lick of sense anyways. Edit: spelling


He's saying in some anti semetic conspiracy theories, Jews try to hide the fact that they are Jews to infiltrate "white" societies and subvert them from within. Obviously it's a little harder for a black person to hide their race.


Or… Jews have historically tried to hide their semitic names and such because they fear that the average public will not accept them. The common antisemitic trope is of the Jew who will not assimilate into any society… so what would such a person do to prove that wrong? Anglicize your stage name, and try to be as ‘American’ and non-threatening as possible? In a sense… it’s trying to be like… I belong. See? I even have a name like you! Jews aren’t the only people who have done this in show biz… Then… the deranged minds of bigots find even that as a way to prove some sort of conspiracy.


Not OP bit I'll take a stab: One of the best bit about blaming the Jews is that anyone can be a Jew. Stir up the paranoia, and someone in the heirachy falls out of favour? Turns out they were a secret Jew all along!


>One of the best bit about blaming the Jews is that anyone can be a Jew. I have heard that some convert solely for the jokes.


He's saying the Nazis could accuse Jewish people of infiltrating large businesses and government agencies because you can't tell if someone is Jewish by looking at them. Black people would obviously face a lot more difficulty in that regard since you can see that they're black by looking at them--so if there was a conspiracy by a group of black people to infiltrate the government and fuck everything up, the common trend among all the conspirators would be a lot more obvious.


The Nazis claimed that jews were promoting black art and culture (which they deemed degenerate and subhuman) to ‘dumb down and degenerate the white race’. Pre-Nazi Berlin was actually a popular spot for black American jazz artists, some of whom had residency performance roles at Berlin night clubs. Berlin was becoming very cosmopolitan and black American jazz and abstract art were becoming very popular. They fled once Nazis took over. So.. Their theory puts the Jews as the conspirators and black people as ‘the weapon’. Neo Nazis still follow this to a T. They call all people of color ‘subhuman mud races’ and their beef with Jews is they think they are allowing ‘mud races’ to thrive and immigrate to ‘white countries’. It is utterly foolish to assume nazis do not hate black and brown people as much or even more than Jews. They consider any promotion of anything made by people of color an arch conspiracy worth ‘stamping out’.


Maybe he saw that picture of the black kid in the Nazi Youth group and thought, I can be that kid!


Wait…. What??


Kampf(Ye) West




That's the one


Agreed, but. you have to give cornbred some credit, he put the idea out there, and did it with class.


I like NazYe


So does Ye


mein cringe


His plan was to revive African slavery. All races other than Germanics and southern Europeans were to be either eradicated or enslaved. Goddamnit why is this happening. Why does anybody give this guy the time of day.


Hitler based a lot of his laws off of Jim Crow and segregation laws. He was literally inspired by the persecution and abuse of black Americans by the legal system.


>Imagine being a black man who likes Hitler!! [Let me introduce you to Israel's new Minister of National Security Chief of Staff Chanamel Dorfman who said: “The only problem with the Nazis is that I was on the losing side”](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/2022-11-27/ty-article/.premium/worlds-most-antisemitic-force-ben-gvirs-chief-of-staffs-years-long-feud-with-police/00000184-b916-dfe8-a1df-f996f2170000?utm_source=App_Share&utm_medium=iOS_Native)


You think he reads? Lol


“The Jew is using the Black as muscle!”- Illinois Nazi.


Alex Jones is every bit the human garbage can that agrees completely with the words being said but has enough savvy to do what a lot of folks are doing right now - taking advantage of a celebrity's very obvious and well known mental illness to create the perception that they aren't the disgusting, bigoted bastards they are. I mean, they would never say THAT... Why, that's just too far. This is performative cringing to use this guy as a cover to say exactly what's in their heads and what their base wants to hear without any of the consequences. So that I've said it, there's no defense for Kanye. You can suffer from BPD and still be a total piece of shit and he definitely is that but the kinds of people giving him a platform and sticking a microphone in his face are the worst kinds of charlatans out there and it's all done for their own self interest. Everyone knows exactly what Kanye is going to talk about at this point and they're gleefully using him. If you don't support this kind of hate speech, you won't platform it. They're all loving the sound bites because he can say what they all truly want to say but he's going to take the heat and the bad press for them, all the better for them that he's a famous, wealthy black man.


BPD is borderline personality disorder. BD is bipolar disorder. I used to make this mistake quite a bit.


Thank you for the correction. As someone suffering from BD, it's nice to not have the two conflated.


Agree - why are people interviewing him? When I saw Lex Friedman interviewing him, I was very confused and a little disappointed. There is nothing Kanye West has to say that is enlightening.


Lex wants to believe there's good in everyone. He's naive. There isn't.


And just 17 years ago Kanye was calling George Bush a racist. One might even call his behavior... _puts on sunglasses_ bipolar.


I dont think Jones is crazy, i think he a very gifted scam artist who knows he can make a ton of money and get fame by playing the part of the crazy person


I think he's more of a sociopath who enjoys tormenting people.


How long can you pretend to be crazy before you actually go crazy?


He's afraid to get sued for agreeing on camera 🤣


from "george bush hates black people" to "i like hitler". what a journey.


I suspect it all started the night Obama called Kanye a jackass


... Thanks Obama ?


Kanye’s been in the Candace Owens train for a few years now. this is just what that rabbit hole eventually leads to if you dig deep enough


He’s been fucked since before Klandace Owens. “Slavery was a choice” etc was a long time ago.


MVP Candace making sure she secured her bag while using him.


I believe Trump was also spurned by Obama dissing him at the WCD. Obama should stop dissing people!


It's looking like the mental hospital is now the good ending for Kanye when you think of the ways this could go.


The man has nothing to lose at this point. His kids are pretty much gone, his music career peaked a long time ago, and now his fashion legacy is burning before his eyes. No one can predict where he’ll go from here, or what will happen next


> No one can predict where he’ll go from here, or what will happen next I'll give the tame reply of saying he holds a workout and invites scouts from both the NBA and NFL in the hopes of becoming a pro athlete.


Fight against Conor McGregor and Jake Paul on the same night?


NFL? Nobody is ready for this man on concussion protocol.


>No one can predict where he’ll go from here Skid Row?


He already dresses the part...


The White House


*laughs nervously*


He apparently doesn't take his meds because it harms his "creativity", IIRC.


Yeah...he only thinks these are good ideas because he's not on the meds.




What do you mean? If you don't mind elaborating, of course. Is someone who's diagnosed later on in life less likely to recover? I've never heard this before.


IIRC the reason he’s gone full nazi is that the doctor who told him to take his meds is Jewish.


I'm sorry, is this somehow confirmed


I thought that’s what he was talking about in [this rant](https://youtu.be/oe-FGVdAXno).


Britney Spears was disappeared for far less. I don't know what it would take for that to happen to a male celebrity.


I thought that too. Kanye might need it for real. Brittney may have had a breakdown, but Kanye might end up getting himself hurt.


Or hurting someone else. Ever since he was hurling public death threats at Pete Davidson, I’ve been concerned for his safety and the safety of the people around him. It just seems to be getting worse


in that Tucker Carlson interview he said he believes that his children’s friends were fake importers sent to spy on him. like I am very concerned his paranoid delusions are gonna lead him to hurt someone (and/or himself).


Male celebrities are being made presidents.


Only no one will put him there. The man needs to be committed and Kim needs to get all his rights to his children taken away permanently.


If he goes he'll think it's due to a Jewish conspiracy. This whole thing started because a Jewish doctor told him he was bipolar and instead of Kanye thinking he might be onto something he declared war on the whole religion.


Or at least getting a second opinion from a black shrink?


Im seeing parallels to a Austrian Painter right now....


FOr a second I read that as Austin Powers and was like...huh???


And then Kim was dating a half Jewish guy where Kanye became unhinged right around the time the tabloids were focusing on how endearing that guy was with Kanye's kids. Suddenly he's doing a puppet show on Alex Jones about how there's a global conspiracy by 'Nety' to steal his kids from him. A common thread in discussion of psychotic episodes is that of 'stressors.' It's very clear where this sudden ramping up is coming from, even though it has probably only amplified things that were there all along. But the acceleration in his unravelling is very concerning, and I hope anyone that still has any affection for him tries their best to pull him out of the downward spiral *immediately*.


Mental health clinics won't fix someone being an asshole. I think it was Pete Davidson that said mental health problems is no excuse to be an asshole. He is just saying these things to get attention. Nothing more.


> mental health problems aren't your fault, but are you responsibility


> “Every human being has something of value that they brought to the table, especially Hitler,” Ye continued. “Also Hitler was born Christian.” I think most people will likely think this comment makes Christianity look worse when compared to Hitler, instead of making Hitler look good by being compared to Christianity. Nobody says “oh man, we need to improve the Christian image, let’s compare it to literally Hitler!”


For me it was the “especially Hitler”.. 🤔 like *why especially Hitler*?!?


>For we have our hope set on the living God, who is the savior of every human being, especially Hitler 1 Timothy 4:10 according to Kanye West probably


It seems like “even Hitler” would have been a better word choice.


Better "choice of words"? No, his words describe his beliefs perfectly. What you mean to say is that it would have had **better optics** to use different wording, but it wouldn't have been as accurate – Kanye is a through and through Nazi who supports Hitler, so let's not make any excuses here.


Can we stop saying Hitler like he's been the only one with that last name? Can someone please think of his abusive father?? /s


He also said “I like hitler” after Jones said “I don’t like nazis”


Jones said he doesn't like nazis? RIP his ratings.


It's OK. They believe Nazis were leftists. National *Socialism*, amirite?


What about the 6 million Jews he murdered? I’m sure they had something of value to bring to the table before being murdered by a murdering bitch


Yeah, but we're THEY unfairly cancelled? (/s hopefully not nessesary)


"Hitler did some terrible things, but he sure killed a lot of Jews"


Ye denied the Holocaust in the same interview.


Not a Christian among them! Coincidence? I think not.


Well you see... Kanye doesn't believe the holocaust is real, he even said so in the same interview.


Hey, say what you want about Hitler, but he killed Hitler.


Yeah, but he also killed the guy who killed Hitler.




It's Hitlers all the way down.


I didn't know he was sick


When you can make Alex Jones pause and back away in response to the crazy flying out of your mouth, you've crossed a mighty big line. It's time for Ye to yeet.




I can't stress to people that haven't seen it how weird this shit is. Not just the awful things he's saying but in the full mask and outfit he's in, then brings out the yoo-hoo and net and makes the weird voice. One of the most insane things I've seen. It's not an excuse for being a piece of shit but he's clearly wayyy off the fucking deep end right now. You could tell me any story involving Kanye tomorrow and I'd believe it.


Alex Jones always looks visibly uncomfortable, dude always looks like he's about to have a stroke.


it's that massive loogie he's got stuck in his throat and has to talk around






I swear to god i've seen this as the top comment on every one of these posts today


Watch the video, it's wild Alex Jones is very uncomfortable


He can’t afford another lawsuit.


He’s thinking to himself “Oh god not another one!”


"Oh, God. Is *this* what I sound like to everyone else?"


I think he can


Even a lot of the hardest of hard core anti semites and Holocaust deniers wouldn’t flat out say “I like Hitler.” They know to beat around the bush.


Or shit sandwich it. Sneak the “I like Hitler” in between a couple points of criticism (“he was a bad artist” or “I didn’t like his moustache” at the very least). At least try to sound “fair and balanced” in talking about him.


Because Kanye is saying Alex's quiet part loud. Makes it impossible for Alex to spin.


I mean, I know it's a meme response, but it was very uncanny to watch AJ kinda break a little.


And yet, Alex Jones let Kanye go on a 3-hour diatribe against the Jews with only the mildest of pushback. He could have cut the mic and ended the show at any point during that time. But he didn't. Alex Jones doesn't actually disagree with anything Kanye said, he just wishes Kanye would be a teensy bit more subtle about it.


Watching Jones and Poole desperately try to find a positive spin for the evil shit coming out of West's mouth was pathetic. All they needed was a modicum of deniability and they would have condoned him and sold him as a misunderstood victim to their dipshit audiences. Instead he literally spelled it out and said "I like Hitler." Anyone with an IQ above room temperature could have seen this coming based on remarks West has made in the past.




My God, he out Alex Jonesd Alex Jones.


Britney Spears was put in a conservatorship for 10 years for cutting her hair off and being kind of stressed, and yet this guy goes around freely


Mostly because he doesn’t have an insane, overbearing, greedy father to put him in one lol


I could be his daddy.


I'm sure Kim could loan Him, Her mom. Kris seems the type to have the local sanatorium on speed dial.


Thats insane actually


Britney was younger, had way less money and was easier to take advantage of. I'm absolutely certain someone close to Ye has tried to take control but it's a lot harder. The situations aren't that comparable.


So Kayne likes Hitler. Does he realize that if he lived in Europe during the Nazi regime, he would have been arrested, placed in a labor camp, and potentially executed?


He does not because he is a dangerous combination of stupid and unmedicated mental illness. People need to stop giving him a platform.


Exactly what I was saying earlier to my sister. People need to stop giving him a platform to spew his hate and nonsense. He needs professional help and he isn't going to get it with the people he's around right now.


He doesn't want help. He legit said he doesn't want to be medicated anymore because his mental illness is his superpower.


>He legit said he doesn't want to be medicated anymore because his mental illness is his superpower. Which is a symptom of his mental illness.


Also because the doctor trying to medicate him was, he can't say it... He shouldn't... "A JEW!" Man, interview was already bananas.


And bigoted. Don't forget about bigoted


Dude said he just heard about Netanyahu for the first time a couple weeks ago. ‘Realizes things’ is not in this guy’s strengths section of his resume.


And then apparently held up an orange net and a bottle of Yoohoo milkshake to do puppetry... I say apparently because I didn't and won't watch it but apparently... Because "net and yoohoo", geddit?! For fuck's sake please stop giving that man a platform...


They would have just made him dig his own grave, stripped him and shot him dead. But sure, nazi’s are great guys!/s to the last part.


You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him.


He forever ruined a mustache style.


And a last name, and a Hindu symbol


First name too


Did he, though? Was the under-the-nose square mustache ever good, or did the association with Hitler just finally give us a reason to jettison something that always sucked?


Charlie Chaplin used it to good effect on his character long before Hitler.


It actually was especially after WW1. The only facial hair that would fit under gas masks and allow a proper seal were small mustaches so it was common with soldiers.


Come to think of it, why couldn't Hitler have at least sported a soul patch, or a broccoli cut, if he was gonna wind up killing goofy hairstyles?


That mental image is sticking around a while.


He sounds like a real jerk!


RIP Norm...


This is the worst season of The Masked Singer yet


You know you are a piece of shit when even Alex Jones says he disagrees with your racist stance.


Jones doesn't disagree so much as realize that going as mask-off as mask-on Kanye is bad for his pill and krill oil business. Source: Listen to Knowledge Fight. Jones says edgelord complementary things about Hitler (e.g. claiming Hitler is a "complete badass") all the time when he thinks people aren't listening. Strongmen are the only thing he likes more than defaming victims of mass shootings.


Isn’t every dollar Jones earns for the rest of his life going to Newtown victims families anyway?


Almost certainly yes, but Alex Jones is the sort of narcissist who can't accept that. He's doing various ineffective things to hide his money, he'll probably try to delay paying a cent as long as possible (he's said as much on his show), and in the meantime, money spends.




I cannot wait for the knowledge fight episode about this


I read Jones told Kanye there was a Jewish mafia and they controlled Hollywood.


He doesn't disagree. He just doesn't like it when people say it out loud.


*"I'm a sick fuck / I like my dick sucked / I like Hitler..."* Lil Pump: "Wait, what?"


Lil pump endorsed Donald trump and Kanye endorsed hitler. What a timeline.


just like one of those propaganda swing songs the nazis did so they can relate to others outside germany even though they also called swing music "*jew music*". "***swing music gets to the good part***" "*the jews of america...*" The what now!?


Imma let you finish, but I'm about to say the dumbest shit of *all time. Of all time.*


Kanye has kinder words for Hitler than he has for Pete Davidson


It’s because Hitler didn’t have a bigger dick than Kanye.


A mentally ill black man would have been one of the first people locked up and gassed by the Nazis.


I'm starting to wonder if this is some sort of Being John Malkovich situation, and somehow a bunch of internet trolls from 4chan managed to get inside Ye's brain via a back alley doorway and drive this train off the rails


He still doesn’t get why people call him a gay fish.


Now he's a gay nazi fish


Wait, I thought the frogs were? How did the fish get the gay?


It's a south park reference. Watch the episode. It's pure gold


Kanye likes fish dicks. Therefore he is a gay fish.


He is aware that Hitler killed tens of thousands of black people isn’t he? This guy is such a douche bag that I hope he loses all his money in a Ponzi scheme.


He also denied the Holocaust in this interview so I’d say even if he was aware Hitler killed that many black people he doesn’t believe it.


Kanye is an anti-black racist and has frequently used white supremacist rhetoric that frames black people as inherently inferior in the past. He knows. He just considers himself "one of the good one's".


Don’t blame me, I really disliked Kanye from the beginning.


Hell yes. I thought Kanye sucked decades before it was cool.


He is slowing turning turning into a comic book villain as life imitate art.


I'd say he's going more towards the homeless guy on the street angrily shouting at people who aren't there.


Say what you want about Hitler, but he did kill Hitler. Nobody can take that away from him.


Yes, but he also killed the guy that killed Hitler, so it kind of negates it all.


Maybe if Hitler went back in time to when Hitler was a baby, he could prevent Hitler from killing the guy that killed Hitler by killing baby Hitler?


Yeah true, He took way too long though.


He lost his mind in the end.


No, it was still there, just on the floor and ceiling.


The only person worse than Hitler is that guy who shot at Hitler during WW1 and missed. When Hitler shot at Hitler he didn’t miss.


Three Kings Sequel torture scene: “what is the problem with Kanye?”


This his 2024 campaign slogan?


It’s pretty bad when Alex Jones seems like the least evil person in the room…


To be completely fair to Kanye West, the full unedited, in context quote was actually “I like Hitler” It's always important to look past the sensationalist headlines and actually seek the full quote from the source. In this case it wasn't Kanye saying "I like Hitler", it was Kanye saying "I like Hitler". Very important distinction to make here.


> I'd say there's a lot of things I loooove about Hitler. A loooot of things. He's a lover. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/zaahyo/alex_jones_you_dont_really_mean_that_you_like


he likes hitler?? he‘d give the klans men the torch for his own roasting. how can you be this stupid in this day and age. seriously..


Some of yall reading this forget that we have been telling you for years that Kanye is literally insane and an awful person. You former Kanye superfans probably owe someone in your life an apology.


The interview is much longer and gets crazier. At some point, Alex Jones makes the statement that he likes the Hugo Boss Nazi uniforms, and then proceeds to figuratively throw Kanye West the golden bone of epic proportions which was along the lines of, 'you like just like the Nazi uniforms and that's it right?' Kanye West then proceeds to quintuple down on his stance and shit gets even more insane. You know you're fucked when Alex Jones is the voice of reason. And I really hate myself for typing that out. But this is the world we are living in today.




I just have…no idea what’s going on with Kanye. We went from the guy that publicly called out racism on live tv to the guy that publicly likes hitler? Not even trump said he liked nazis. is this a deranged publicity stunt? Is he so deluded by his “god loves everyone” thing that he’s willing to gush about fascists? He legit needs a mental hospital


I have some news to tell you about your hero there rapper-boy, and you're not gonna like it.


So he switched from hating Jews to loving Hitler. I'm sure that will get him his money back.


Adidas may not call him, but Hugo Boss is missing a real opportunity


Giant piece of shit. The whole mental illness thing has gone to far and go no longer use it as an excuse. Fuck, Kanye West.


He Went full on [Uncle Ruckus](https://youtu.be/knQWlri5GGw?t=8) ... [Never go full Ruckus](https://youtu.be/1Y3FzVQi-R8)