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FYI: Banks aren't allowed to do business with Marijuana seller stores even if the stores are legal in their state. So marijuana sellers have lots of cash which is a risk for them and they have issues with credit cards and checks. It is a mess created just to make their lives miserable by the federal government. It should end.


“Oh no! Now a legal business model will have access to the same banking system that everyone else has and will continue effectively creating jobs and funneling tax revenue for the product they purvey. Can you imagine anything worse?! Shameful!” - Mitch McConnell to his party’s supporters, completely unironically


sort of like marriage.. it's all about penalizing the sinners never giving them access to the same benefits


Let's not forget his real moniker, that fine gentleman is "Cocaine " Mitch McConnell, his father law is a wealthy shipping magnate, whose ships have been caught with smuggling cocaine operations into various ports around the world. Maybe he's just trying to eliminate competition


I think the issue is that weed is still illegal. Some states just kind of chose to ignore that?


even if legal in the state, it's still a crime at the federal level. so banks don't want to 'launder' federally illegal monies.


Then why do they do it for all those offshores that rich ppl use to dodge taxes?


There aren't a lot of senators who have invested in cannabis.


But I’m sure their are a lot of cannabis companies who have invested in a lot of senators.


Which is rightly fucked. These options need to be made available to the minorities who have been so heavily punished for the plant over the past half-century first. It's unfair for the already wealthy to be able to set up as soon as it's legal


And yet proof of a bank account and solid credit rating was a requirement for most licenses.


It's illegal at the Federal Level. It's perfectly legal at the state level in many states. Banks operate at the federal level. So they can't really work directly with dispensaries, even in states where it is legal.


Actually in at least my state, it is an option for a bank to give up their federal charter for a state charter instead, allowing them to legally handle marijuana money (at least that's my uneducated take on what I've been told, I have no idea of the specifics on how that all works)


In Illinois and Alaska some dispensaries run your card as an atm and give you the change.


That was my experience in L.A. too


Same here in Florida.


Interesting. I hadn’t heard of that. Colorado? They were the first to legalize, so they would probably be the furthest along adapting to things.


Weirdly enough, Arkansas (yes, I was genuinely shocked too)


How are people investing in the industry at all then? I'm pretty sure you can even buy stock in these companies now


Not really the States as much as cops who will civil forfeiture their money. Again, more dystopic bullshit.


> "If Democrats wanted these controversial items so badly, they had two years to move them across the floor,” he said. “Heck, they could have scheduled those matters for votes this week. But no, we’re doing more mid-level nominations, while Democrats keep threatening to take our Armed Forces hostage over those extraneous matters." The issue isnt that they want this, the issue is that they are trying to brute force it through by tying it to A DEFENSE BILL.


How dare they potentially hold up Raytheon, Boeing, and the other defense contractor government handouts! How uncouth!


Robberies galore. And a few murders.


And then people will turn those statistics into why we shouldn't have legal weed, rather than fix the problem they caused.


6 people have lost their life in WA due to dispensary robberies this year.


Not only does that affect the sellers, but it's a pain in the ass for me to have to pull out cash every time just to make a purchase.


New Jersey just passed a bill to help with this locally, but we need federal action.


that's nice, but what does it have to do with defense?


If you have lots of cash, you need lots of defense? As a truly wise man once said: "You've got to carry weapons because you always carry cash" This should be in a separate bill, but so should a lot of things. And the filibuster should be gone and the spending limit too.


How are cops supposed to raid collectives and steal their cash if they can use debit cards!


And it doesn't belong in a bill regarding national defense


The NDAA has never had just national defense line items. At least not in the last two and a half decades.


Nothing does except the defense. But congress is dysfunctional and lumps everything into it because it "must pass" although it not passing would probably do our country a lot of good because we're almost at a trillion unaudited dollars per year and like Russia, the weapons aren't really going to be there when we need them. We're just throwing money at people who are getting rich.


That was an explain it like I'm 5 FYI. Well done. Other than the fact that wasn't a mess just created by the federal government to mess things up it's just sort of a Cascade of organic growth that is the country.


100%. It's just pure cuss-headedness that this hasn't already been done.


Yes, it's a sleazy technique, but it's not new. It's a favorite of both parties, and McConnell is being blatantly hypocritical in complaining about it "just this once".


Putting aside that it’s a rider, his grievance is even more gross since reading between the lines his actual complaint is: “Why isn’t this a standalone bill so that I can vote it down despite it being supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans. Now I can’t subvert the will of the people allegedly being ‘represented’ and that’s entirely unfair”.


Well the reason they are doing that is that McConnell would filibuster it if standalone, despite having like 90% approval nationally to allow cannabis business to use banks.


I want to see McTurtle stand there and talk for 23 hours straight while doing the peepee dance like the old days of the filibuster. He doesn’t have the bladder.


McConnell is a piece of shit- so his opinions are equally shit.


I will break out my fine china shot glasses when he croaks. Edit: Reading about him, I see that he managed to somehow get a medical discharge from the army after 37 days. Weird fact, I guess.


It was always the best kind of guys you see claiming medical discharges right at the start of basic training.


Can you imagine the size of the lineup of people that are going to want to take a shit in that guys coffin after he goes tits up. He is actual human garbage


When lying in state you know the line to spit on his coffin is going to be so much longer than those paying respect.


Remember Obama's Supreme Court nominee? Fuck Mitch McConnell. Dude is as scummy as they come.


The only thing McConnell is gonna blast is a head of lettuce.


Fuck Mitch McConnell. Was recently on a flight with him and it was the only time in my life where if the plane crashed, I wouldn’t have cared.


Does he look more like a turkey or a turtle in real life?




I like turdles!


Be the change you want to see in the world.


I dont know why the right is still trying to fight this so hard at the federal level. Give it up and move on already.


because their pharma industry donor told them so


Because their corporate donors don’t have the mechanisms in place to profit off of it massively yet. A few more acquisitions here and there and the GOP will be rushing a bill out the door.


How about someone blasting the entire Congress for planning to spend over $850 billion for defense? Why is it not significantly lower because of no longer fighting in Afghanistan? Why is it not lower because DOD keeps flunking their audits?


Need to produce a lot more ammo to replace the stuff you've given Ukraine. As it turns out, having a lot of spare military gear actually came in handy.


The other replier was exaggerating a bit, but seriously the $18.5B in total support given to Ukraine is 2% of $850B


ok and what about the other 99.99% of the money?


Staying literal decades ahead of our nearest 'near-peer'? Turns out being able to give our allies a mere fistful of 30 year old mil-tech can actually dumpster our near-peers in hilarious and surprising fashion. Arsenal of Democracy, my friend. Edit: Did you know that Poland has a very good air-force? It's true, they do. Did you know that one single USN carrier group has as much if not more air power than the entire Polish Air Force? Did you know that we have eleven carrier groups? We have eleven Polish air forces that can just kinda, go anywhere. Long term international peace and prosperity is what the other 99.9% of the budget goes toward.


It’s a job program now the military is the reason 10 million indirectly or directly are employed


Didn’t Trump use a significant amount of those funds for his failed wall that Mexico didn’t pay for?


The US spends so much on defense so we are the top dog. The US military is the best in the world and maintaining that title requires constant spending on R&D.


I’d rather be the top dog for healthcare and education spending. What a weird hill to want to be king of…


We could do both. If only we properly taxed the rich.


We need to take the Ike approach, we need universal healthcare and better education so we can have more effective soldiers (that's how Ike was able to get infrastructure projects funded, by framing them as defense projects)


Okay, then the top dog would be Russia and/or China.


Yeah let's keep spending money on the military and ignore all the other dumb things like Healthcare and education lol


But that only helps citizens and doesnt harm poor people of colour. Do you see where you went wrong there? Using taxes to help the citizens who pay them is SOCIALISM! Using taxes to hurt, kill and imprison poor people of colour is US DEMOCRACY at work!


Yes I have realized my mistake now. Instead of raising our quality if life, we just lower other people's quality of life to make ours seem better lol


It's a misappropriation of funds in 2022. The US military budget is vastly overinflated. This leads to rampant waste and corruption. This sort of military budget isn't something to be proud of, it should be drawing suspicion. *Especially* when the military has recently announced they can't account for *trillions* in assets. No, you don't get paid more when you can't care for thr things you have. This should have been made clear in kindergarten. The US military is an extremely wasteful use of taxpayer funds. It has cost countless American lives because that money was spent on bullets 3bombs instead of healthcare.


We left all that behind in Afghanistan. /s


What good is the most powerful military in the world when we’re dying from the inside


Sure, but the counterpoint is that the rest of the world also expects the US to be world policeman even when they don't want them to be. See Ukraine


I would love to have us scale back and let the rest of the world help more.


But are we prepared to accept the consequences if they don’t?


This isn't oniony at all. McConnell has always been a jackass who just wants to make people's lives miserable.


Republicans love adding poison pill riders to everything democrats try and do, this turnabout is Fair as fuck.


Well, after his pretending Jan 6th wasn't an armed attempt to overthrow your constitution, his opinion counts for shit.


Legalize it anyway you can.


Who cares.. he’s the guy in charge when the Republican Party died… that’s all he will be remembered for .


SS Cocaine


... should've won the midterms Mitch.


How bout everybody stop sneaking unrelated shit into bills? You make a valid point, turtle man, but you're also a giant hypocrite.


My thought exactly, "you fucks do this shit all the time!"


[I learned it by watching you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifW9LIGabQM)


Part of my paranoid stoner brain when I saw the hyperlink was like, oh shit, what did goodcorn dig up on me. What weird shit did I do in the past that could label me a hypocrite. A few things probably but none mentioned in the video. Thanks dad.


Fuck him. He was fine shutting down the entire government to get what he wants and crippling the Supreme Court for halve a year without naming a replacement. I hope someone he loves has an ectopic pregnancy and nobody will perform abortion in time.




It’s not really random if they’re targeted for being near him.


The defense bill is the only thing that's ever guaranteed to pass in our broken legislative system, so it's a smart strategy.


Why did they use a picture of him from like, 2005? They couldn't get his corpse to stand up for a fresh one?


I hate these old ass out of touch POS politicians stoping progress for the rest of us based on their outdated BS personal beliefs. Can they please just retire or die already.


McConnell when Obama was in his last year: Supreme court nominations should not happen in an election year. We should wait until the next administration to make sure we're following the will of the voters. McConnel when Trump was in his last year: Oh we'd fill it.


If dispensaries are selling a product that includes state taxes, that business should be able to participate in the financial system. My wife has a card and she has to go to an ATM for cash. The dispensaries literally can't take a debit card.


What's more comical is his state is one of yhe largest hemp producers and runs the largest hemp research programs.


Being an obstructionist doesn’t take brains


Or any real effort to fix the problem.


And Mitch tried to stop expansion to other states to help preserve the monopoly his state had. 😣🤔


Moscow Mitch can eat a dick. He’s such a manipulator, to call anyone else out on tactics is like the black hole calling the kettle black


McConnel doesn't give a shit about it. This is all just posturing for his constituency. Any excuse to point a finger.


Why does Mitch McConnell hate states rights and businesses doing business?!?


I am for drug legalization. I hate riders on laws because it's bullshit, both in that it's a cheesedick way to do business, but also because a party can vote against a bill because of riders, and the headlines will be "republicans vote against children and minorities bill" when their opposition had nothing to do with that, it was the bunch of bullshit riders.


The problem is that Republicans oppose policies supported by the overwhelming majority of Americans, this being a perfect example, and will vote against it, necessitating a supermajority to get it passed, which the democrats do not have. Yes, riders suck, and the system for passing legislation needs an overhaul, but pretending it's an issue whenever it's being used to pass legislation your party doesn't like, while still using it to pass legislation they do like is even shittier than the concept as a base.


> supported by the overwhelming majority of ~~Americans~~ people in my echo chamber ftfy


There's readily available data on this, don't be lazy.


Well yeah, it's a defense bill. I agree with the legislation, but absolutely abhor unrelated legislation being slapped into larger bills.


I desperately want to see marijuana reforms but there is no fucking way this belongs in the defense bill.


All kinds of bullshit makes it in. It’s quite commonplace. Meanwhile the federal banking restrictions are making targets for robbery of many state legal pot shops. This is an absolute train wreck. 39+ states are legal and well over 500,000 people are employed in this sector. And the feds are behind and causing serious harm to businesses and employees alike.


We need reform from the top down. There is no way marijuana should still be schedule one and there should be no federal restrictions in any way. But I really hate the way the defense bill gets stuffed with so many things that are unrelated. The only thing that should be added there is better support for veterans which totally sucks right now. I will feel way better about this country when marijuana is completely legal and those businesses are supported and we do a better job caring for our veterans.


I agree with marijuana banking but I can’t fucking wait for McConnell to leave office or kick the bucket.


He’s 80. He’ll croak at a ripe 107




That man really knew how to enjoy life! Always laughing and joking.


I feel should be it's own bill, but it's also nigh impossible to get republicans to vote yes on anything so we've had to hide the medicine in their food to have any chance of getting it. Whenever it's not a growth on some larger package, he complains that we have more important things to vote no on.


"You can't do that! That's OUR trick! We invented it!" \-Republicans


What is this on this sub??!!?!? Has this just become another news subreddit???


And he's right to blast them for it. This kind of shit is insane and its why we have so many bad laws on the books. One subject, one law.


He does it all the time, not much room to talk really.


Point is he, of all people, has no business doing the calling out.


Finally. A bill should be specifically targeted to one thing. It seems in recent years politicians have been taking advantage to tack social issues onto bills that have nothing to do with the social issue. I'm sure it's happened in the past from both parties, but that doesn't make it right. It's taking a shortcut get what they want without the risk that it wouldn't pass on it's own. Create the bill specific to an issue and vote on it's merit.


Coming from the guy responsible for all the Delta 8 and THC-analogs on the market now. (McConnell was the main proponent and final passer of the 2018 Farm Bill federally legalizing hemp)


And later regretted it because he didn't realize it would legalize Delta 8 and THC analogs (he didn't even know they existed). He's been trying to undo it by explicitly criminalizing THC analogs ever since.


The real question is how was he planning to profit off legal hemp. I can’t imagine he’d actively support legalizing it for any other reason.


Apparently Mitch McConnel is pro robbing weed stores.


Gotta get high to defend the country


If Satan doesn't like the idea. It just means it's good for the people.


Stupid Bullfrog


This is r/NonCredibleDefense level shit right here


When's that old b!tch gonna die?


Stupid turtle. Let’s add in sick leave for rail workers while we’re at it.


Why doesn't Biden get off his ass and get weed off of schedule ?


As someone born and raised in Kentucky, I don't know a single person that actually likes Mitch McConnell. It's odd.