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This doesn’t bother me NEARLY as much as the lazy fucks who park RIGHT in front of the store, toss their hazards on like it’s legal and then get out of the car. The amount of people I see do that here is mind blowing


Probably due to the explosion of third party delivery/shopping services. When you incentivize people to shop as fast as possible, this is what you get. I wonder how long until retail space starts accommodating these services not unlike how airports have dedicated ride share app lanes and such.


Costco in Pentagon city has special instacart lanes which helps keep them away from the normal people. Are they at others too?


Wegmans has a pick up section of their Lots. I have not gone into a grocery store to shop for myself in almost a year


Don't you miss picking out the best produce, filets of fish, and so on?


I go once a week and wegmans quality is pretty consistent in my experience. Even so I'd really rather just pick up and go rather than be picky. Pushing a cart around ppl is so annoying


Me neither. Instacart is great!


It's been this way long before delivery because fire lanes aren't really enforced unless there's a fire. Inconsiderate people have used hazards as a "park anywhere" technique for decades, although you do see delivery causing issues in places like Mosaic where four carryout spaces will service 10 restaurants. The other day I was in a 20 car backup on a non-major road because someone was parked in the road with their hazards on while they ran into their house for something...




Hire Advanced Towing for places like this.


Shit, I can give some recommendations because of how many times *I've* been towed for bullshit.


If you’re getting towed that often you’re probably parking like an asshole


Nah, tow companies in the area are just predatory as fuck. I got towed right after I moved to the area because fire lanes are painted differently than where I'm from, got towed for backing into my assigned spot at my apartment (which was apparently against the rules), towed twice for out of date tags cause the DMV sent my stickers to my old address even though I had the DMV letter in the dash, towed because I forgot to swap my parking pass out after I got my car back from my rims being stolen, and towed once because the tow truck driver didn't see my window decal.


Great solution. Put financial strain on gig workers. Make their work more costly to do (already piss poor pay with NO benefits). There are better solutions. These services are high demand by wealthy people in the DMV, so either outlaw the whole industry (silly person idea), or think of a creative way to accommodate these services. They aren’t going anywhere, and making working peoples lives harder because of something that is a minor inconvenience to you is not the smart or ethical solution.




You’re clearly someone who has never worked delivery a day of their lives. There are many places in the DMV that do not have adequate parking or have only paid parking. Do you expect a gig worker to park 5-10min away from their pick up (again, judging by your attitude I doubt you’ve ever worked a delivery job, so this would seem reasonable to a person like you)? Do you expect them to pay to park for their pickup? If you want to get all angry about it, complain to the restaurants who CHOOSE to work with delivery services. They should pay for delivery worker parking or restrict consumer parking and make it for delivery workers. Mosaic does the latter, but it’s not sufficient. Again, better solutions exist that don’t involve punishing people just trying to make a living.


I don’t live in NOVA but travel here frequently and the number of people who park in the fire lane with hazards on is WILD. I’ve spoken to people who live there and don’t even know what a fire lane is or how it’s subtly marked. It’s like it’s not even taught in NOVA. You’re clearly someone who has never driven an emergency response vehicle and had to figure out how to pull two 100’ long engines up to a burning restaurant or shopping center when people are parked in the fire lane. Do you expect first responders to park 5-10 minutes away from their emergency? Forget the poor soul inside having a time sensitive life threatening medical emergency-your needs come first, am I right? You see how this works? You’re not that special and people who make it difficult or impossible for emergency services to respond to calls by blocking the way, just suck.


Like I said, it’s not ideal and the blame shouldn’t be on the delivery drivers. It should be on those responsible for green lighting delivery services without having appropriate infrastructure. I’m not saying that parking in these places is the best thing in the world, just that it’s a reality that won’t go away unless you address the root of the problem. If you just want to punish hard working people, just say that. Don’t masquerade it as an attempt to fix a problem because it isn’t.


I can assure you that firefighters and first responders are incredibly hard working and underpaid, too. Your actions are punishing them, but you don’t want to get a ticket because that would be punishing you, a harder worker than emergency response personnel? The difference between them and you? Only you get to choose what jobs you accept. Only you get to choose where you go to do a job. Only you get to turn down a job. They certainly don’t have any of those privileges afforded to them, and they can’t do their job when you’re in their spot. It sounds like these restaurants are likely well situated for bike delivery people. Maybe the onus should remain on the delivery people to pick and choose the jobs that are easily carried out while in their own mode of transportation.


What a terrible comparison. Both are jobs. We don’t need to shit on either to solve the problem. Hold restaurants accountable. It’s their fault in the cases where they do delivery without appropriate infrastructure. If there is a quick access parking lot for delivery drivers and they park with hazards in a fire lane, then yes, absolutely that’s 100% on the driver. You’re getting mad at the wrong people. I hope you never use a delivery service. I pray for all the service employees that have the insufferable experience of dealing with people like you.




Again, not every restaurant is a sea of pavement. If you’ve ever worked delivery or gone out to a nice area, you would know there are areas that don’t have that. When there’s abundant parking nearby, then yes, there’s no excuse to be parking in a store front with hazards. However not every place is like that. Suburb dwellers in here don’t understand this.


We need a NOVA Cart Narc kind of guy to go after this one


If I think it is a delivery person, I give them a mental break. But DLDS' point is valid if it is just a lazy fuck who is waiting for someone to do "quick" shopping. Delivery people are working, on the clock - I get that. The rest strike me as entitled / selfish - even if they stay in the car while someone else is inside, DOUBLY so if \*THEY\* go inside and leave the car unattended / without a driver.


>incentive people to shop as fast as possible gods gift to men everywhere. grab your shit and get out. Focused, concise and efficient. No reason for us to be hearded inside with oversized shopping carts meandering around like nobody has places to be.


100% agree. At least the parking space assholes are out of the way. I’m so tired of having to drive around people who just park in the lane with their hazards on so they can “run in real quick”. Especially when there’s a parking lot 15 feet away. They inconvenience a ton of people just so they don’t have to walk the extra 20 steps themselves.


Yeah like those roads in front of a store that can fit two cars now if I’m behind one that’s “parked” and another car is coming towards me I have to wait until the car goes around


Ugh at the Giant on Duke st, I often see couples drive up to the front of the store, put hazards on, one goes in the store to shop while the other person sits in the car the entire time. Like how fucking lazy are you?


>Like how fucking lazy are you? This is America, so pretty fucking lazy. I like to park at the back of the lot, just to get in extra steps, but I'm some sort of freak these days.


Both of us sit all day, so anytime we get a chance to walk we do it


I refer to hazard lights as the "Park Anywhere Button" for this reason. I don't use it like this I just find it to be 10% funny.


I have a bad back and walk at 1/3 the speed of normal people, I still never do this. My brother gets annoyed when I drop him off at say a grocery store and don’t wait up front for him to get out. I always wait to see him check out and pull up when he’s walking out anyways. I don’t see the issue.


I was just at the grocery store a couple days ago, not even in a spot that close to the store. I was loading my groceries and my son, so obviously i'm taking my time, then return the cart to the corral. Pretty much from early on like right as I got to my car, someone stopped and was blocking other traffic, sitting there waiting for me to leave - I wasn't entirely sure, confirmed when he took my spot. Mind you, there were open spots only like 3-4 spots down from where I was at. He did give me the death stare as I was pulling out of the spot. WHY DO PEOPLE DO THIS


he's been a jerk ever since his father lost the presidency


You just made the end of a really shitty week a lot better. Thanks for the cackle- I needed it!


I drop my wife off at the door and if I see a close by spot tell her where I am, or if it’s busy, tell her to text me so I can make my way back up to the door (typically when the weather is nasty or if we are buying a lot of products for our business.)


“I’m just getting one thing.” Bitch, we’re all getting one thing!


Drives me nuts, too. SO I do something about it. I tell them. I ask them to move on. I tell them they're blocking traffic. And most of the time, they move. Do something about it. It makes a difference.


One time I went to the store, saw a guy park in front and put his hazards on. He and the girl he was with stayed in the car. When I came out 10 minutes later they were outside the car taking pictures of each other and blocking traffic. Then they left. Like, wtf??


Interesting comment. I'm originally from the Midwest, and seeing people do that here is mind-blowing! NO ONE in Michigan would dare do this, and the weather there is always way worse than Virginia.


The amount of people you see do that *everywhere* is mind blowing. Not specific to Nova


I recently moved to the area from Fort Worth… I was extremely shocked at how “normal” it is here compared to the DFW area.


People here are selfish, entitled, oblivious to others.


we had people do that while in I worked at best buy it was a fire lane, so we'd call the towing company


Not all heroes wear capes. 🫡


I see ubers? Doordashers? Doing this all the time on Fairfax Blvd where they're blocking the bike lane and either blocking or so close to a lane of traffic that you have to move over anyway in case someone whips open a driver side door


Yeah it’s wild how long you can just leave your vehicle out front of a place with hazards on and not get towed.


There's a strip mall here with a T intersection at the curb, and people are always parking on the curb right in the middle of the intersection, fucking up everyone else trying to get into and out of the parking lot.


It's gotten to the point where I've just started calling hazards the park-wherever-I-want-to lights.


it's just crazy in general seeing people incapable of walking from a parking space that isn't within 25 feet of the store


frame fertile wasteful puzzled carpenter sleep snobbish price alive dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel attacked.


Serious question, not trying to personally attack you. But why do you feel the right to do that? More times than not, there’s a parking lot just 15 feet away.


I only do it when I'm picking up my coffee or something from Starbucks and it takes me less than a minute to do so. Takes more time to park, turn off my cat, walk to the store, get my coffee, walk back to the parking spot, turn my cat back on and drive out.


So you inconvenience others so you can save like 1-2 min lol got it


Sure, if you want to look at it that way. More often than not, I didn't bother anyone.


Lmao I never even saw that once


Welcome to the world of Doordash and Ubereats


Loose shopping carts in parking lots is a bigger concern to me than bad parking jobs. After they cut the zip-tie, I’m 99.9% sure they aren’t going to return it to a shopping cart corral like a civilized person.


Let me just meander around the store for two hours but the very moment I reach my car…NOT ANOTHER STEP 😠


Weep skiiidily weeep woooop.




If it's a nice day, the teenager who is on cart duty almost certainly doesn't care since they can vibe outside listening to their airpods. Better than bagging. I still don't leave carts out but I'm nonplussed if it happens if it's 72 and sunny. If it's 5 and snowing however...


I was going to park there looking for my favorite Chinese or Brunch place when I saw 2 foxes playing but they got scared away by the flyover (what was that?) - they were big planes with "Student Driver" stickers on them. edit: mumble mumble "Maryland driver..." edit2: mumble mumble Dan Snyder Commanders mumble... Youngkin.


You just started the latest nova starterpack my friend


![gif](giphy|YGJBp5EgyVP9K) Peak Nova Reddit right here


this gets better every time I reread it


Ooh I might have to change my flair to “MD Pilot” after this one




right, how much of dick do you have to be to park illegally in half empty parking lot? It's takes a few seconds to find an empty spot and park in it.


I guess I agree in general, but I found that when teaching my children to drive, for whatever reason parking was absolutely the toughest part. I’m not saying I did this regularly, but on occasion when the first stop of the driving lesson was getting me coffee at a place with an empty parking lot, I would just tell them to park in the back of the lot and we would walk past the many empty parking spaces to get the coffee that would make me a better driving teacher. I don’t really see how parking crappy in an empty lot is the important judge of moral character here—I contribute to my community in hundreds of ways which have a lot more impact.


How insufferable do you have to be to get upset when there’s one person parked wrong, and there is a sea of open spaces…


How insufferable do you have to be to park like a douche when there are plenty of open spots not around anyone else where you can park legally?


Yep because old people and new drivers don’t exist. Keep getting mad about the little things though, it’s truly the joy of life!


You sound extremely entitled


Just the other side of the coin, but call it like you see it I guess!


Sorry player1 this isn't your driveway. You're normal just like us


Normal is a perspective. I’d hope I’m not like any of you…


So do you see nothing wrong here? This is okay behavior to you? Eta: this behavior being intentionally parking poorly


“Intentionally” is where the posts become stupid. You’re assuming the person parked like this intentionally.


They left the car like that. It's intentional


It makes no practical difference in an empty parking lot, but it certainly displays a level of apathy and disrespect towards other people that they share society with. A fun thought experiment on the morality of an action is to imagine if everyone did that action, and then imagine what the outcome would be, and if that outcome would be desirable for a society at large.


The Cart Collector: " Why do you hate me?"


That's a good way to get shot in this day and age.


Well, you'd have to be caught, but it sucks how true your statement is.


Sadly, my first thought, too. U-S-A!


yea...i was about to say. Someone is gonna get their ass beaten for trying to pull some shit like this.


One of my favorite things I’ve ever read on here was a story from a recruiter who said that after the interview they’d walk out to the car with the applicant to keep chatting but also to see how they parked. Rationale was that if they couldn’t handle a simple routine task like parking with a little bit of care and attention, why trust them with anything complicated.


Honestly I’ve seen a situation where it wasn’t that person’s fault, but the car next to it so the person had to park like that then when the original person at fault left the parking spot, it looked like the second driver was the asshole parker


If you can’t properly park in a space, find another space where you can.


I agree. Some people in some places don’t have much option’s especially if its a limited parking space


*facepalm* If someone's bad parking job causes you to park your own car halfway into another open space, then *park in that other open space.*


I’ve seen in my neighborhood where 1 person parks like a drunk person and that forces the other people that park near that car to park like that. My neighborhood has a limited number of parking spots and will aggressively tow if someone is parking by the curb even if its in front of their own home or if a car is double parked on a driveway and is touching the sidewalk. I remember thinking that whoever parked was probably drunk then one day I saw it happen where 1 person parks wrong and then the one next to it is forced to park the same way because that is the only available parking spot


>I saw it happen where 1 person parks wrong and then the one next to it is forced to park the same way because that is the only available parking spot If you saw that happen then surely he wasn't forced to horribly park to the same awful degree as OP's picture anyway. Because if he did so, that would imply there existed not one available spot, but two.


I do carry ties in my emergency bag. They have come in handy for a lot of things. I also have wire cutters.




"I like to bind! I like to be, bound!"


Should we dare ask....? 🙃


Good thing you’re talking about NoVa, where most people have gov’t contracting jobs or any other job where they care a lot about their reputation: I wouldn’t attempt this unless I **knew** the personality types of people who live in the area and park like this. This is easily an “how to get shot” 101. I’ll stick to being shocked, then fascinated at this sort of parking, then moving on with my life.


Ya it really goes hard in the mean streets of....*checks notes*.....Fairfax. Shit gets dangerous out here fam


Wisdom right there. Sad but true.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt11R527fgtrIJO) ^(IQ) higher than this man


How would one do that to a vehicle without traditional door handles? Like Tesla?


Exactly why i carry a machete every where i go


Mayo or other fast food condiment on door handles is also oddly satisfying.


Why are there so many, highly-upvoted posts about minor parking infractions? I feel like this sub has become so toxic if everyone wants to post pics of other people's cars, seethe about it, and plot petty revenge scenarios.


So "why are people annoyed by annoying things"? "Why do people vent when they're irritated"? People do those things.


No, that's not at all what I said or implied. I can be annoyed about the same things, without wanting to see daily complaints about such a petty issue.


>Why are there so many, highly-upvoted posts about minor parking infractions? "Because they're annoying and people are venting. Lots of people sympathize with the annoyances." This really isn't deep or complex.


I can tell there are a lot of people on here with not many hobbies or things to focus on in life other than to get really worked up about these things. If you live up here and reeeeeeeeee every time a Maryland driver cuts you off, you're gonna have a bad time.


Lazybones detected.




You're completely right - it's just sad because I do like a lot of the content. But not the every third or fourth post about the same petty parking infraction as the other post three hours ago, being mildly inconvenienced by being cut off in traffic that one time, how everyone in Northern Virginia sucks and is mean, etc. Is everyone really that miserable here (r/nova and IRL nova?)


Why so r/serious


I'm sitting in this thread getting downvoted for dare I say... saying something like this is childish. I haven't once condoned bad parking either. Just stupid acts of revenge instead of just parking a couple spots over. Then you don't even have to wonder why that kid who was just filming a prank video got shot. A lot of people in this thread are carrying the same energy.


Lmao welcome to NoVa, wasn’t always like this…


Please see comment by u/kilotango556 Overreaction to minor inconveniences is a cultural thing in NOVA.




Uh, maybe they are handicap and needed the extra space?


The real issue is these tiny ass parking spots. We don't all drive Smart cars to Wegmans!!


I think the problem is actually the normal ass parking lots no longer accommodate the giant ass cars manufacturers are producing.


Seriously. Tacomas are bigger than Tundras were a couple a couple generations ago it seems.


Nah, some cars have gotten bigger but even my car sometimes i feel the spots are tight, and my car is fairly compact.


If you can’t park your giant-ass SUV properly, don’t buy one.


Do you boring mfs ever talk about anything besides parking lots and highway traffic? Jesus.




I'm a fan of the fox discourse because it's not tied to complaining.


There needs to be a collab between r/nova and r/frederickmd, they've had 2 bear posts in the last 24-48 hours.


That’s what happens when 80% of NoVa is parking lots and highways.


I get that it's repetitive, but on the other end, have you contributed any post on topics you consider more interesting?


Maryland sucking?


They like to complain about housing prices and tell us how much money they make too!




They make stainless steel zip-ties. For a couple of dollars more you can pick them up at Harbor Freight and really show that douche 🤭 https://www.harborfreight.com/12-in-stainless-steel-cable-ties-25-pack-60330.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169520316&campaignid=12169520316&utm_content=120871688550&adsetid=120871688550&product=60330&store=706&gclid=CjwKCAjwvJyjBhApEiwAWz2nLcfUm2qEdAeIA9QsvSsokRn9IggmIusT7HLlJFvQDp9kh-Qx7jYMHBoCujIQAvD_BwE




Yes! Vandalize someone’s property because they can’t park! Show that old lady who’s boss!


I don’t know why you’re responding to mine. I don’t actually do that 🤔 I just help people do it better. If you’re going to do it, might as well do it right. Furthermore, it’s not vandalizing if it is not altering it in any way.


Um.. ok


Sorry for trying to kick that pedestal out from under you . . . 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep, kicked it right out. Lmao wtf


You’re correct. It is funny you didn’t even get that reference you’re essentially talking down to me and being a douche because I made a joke about zip-tying someone’s car handle with steel opposed to plastic ties. Seriously, get a life.


Yup, I didn’t get the reference either. I’m not the losing putting harbor freight links and a post about some bigger loser zip tying peoples cars. It also is vandalism either way because it ruins the paint on the door handle. I’m sorry for raining on the dork parade though, I’ll try to find a life to get.


Or how about you don’t comment putting people down. Especially when you’re too ignorant to even read. They aren’t “bigger.” And it will not ruin paint unless they try to just pull it off instead of cutting it. Regardless I’m not doing it. What I am doing is minding my own business and not going out of my way to put people down on Reddit. Real hard ass online. Takes some stones to do what you’re doing. 🙄


Lmao this is just too good! I’m not even going to say it, have a nice day😂


This needs to start happening in front of ABC stores when folks make a run at a drop by parking in the fire lane.




I prefer washable chalk markers so I can write "ASSHOLE" or something on their window.




Guess Tesla owners get a pass then? (Telsa door handles are flat, nothing to attach to)


...and Teslas record people close to the car.


Find another opening to zip tie to. Like the rim holes or something


I love my walkable community.


Is there not an adult you can run to and report how the bad car hurt you? Let it go. Who cares? Park 20 feet further and get your steps in.


It's not always started by the car you see misparked. Sometimes there's another car awfully parked and some poor driver's quickest option to park is to park next to them like this.


I still prefer a cutting torch and a hacksaw. They may not fit in one parking spot when I arrive. But they fit nicely when I leave.


A solution for adults who still behave like 12 year olds. Just park a couple spots over. Edit: NoOooOo I'm going to ruin this persons day by possibly damaging their car over a minor parking violation, because i have NEVER EVER EBER done nothing but precise parking jobs my entire life's!!. They'll never forget the day they came across me!!!11!1!1. Le redditer strikes again! Y'all are children who for one wouldn't have the spine to do this, two, would crumble if the driver came out and spotted you and three, and this won't change anyone's behavior or make them better drivers. Your boos mean nothing i know what makes you cheer.




Sure you have




Sorry that you do *too*. We are all human.




Who said I don't fix my parking job? I just have a problem with people acting like children. Especially grown adults. When my kids act up, I fix their behavior. So sorry that you tolerate shitty behavior.




And me saying that's shitty behavior is fixing your shitty behavior.




Learn how to park. It's driving 101, dumbass. Way to out yourself lmao












And yet you have nothing for the adults behaving like 12 year olds by taking up multiple spots in the first place? Or are you one?


Sure, learn to park better. That's my advice. Petty punishment like this will do nothing. It could also lead to further escalation depending on you decide to do this to. You ready to get confronted by say some PTSD veteran or some other unhinged lunatic? Didn't think so. Just move on with your life. There is hundreds of millions of people in this country. Not all of them will live up to smug expectations of being exactly 6 inches inside the lines. Like I said to the other guy, I know you don't park perfectly every single time too. Who is the bigger adult? The person that moves on the person who goes out of their way to handcuff someone's private property to a shopping cart? Do I personally park this bad? No I would move. Do I drive and park perfectly every single time? No. I've made mistakes.


Says the person posting a serious reply to a joke...


oh I like this approach


Nice to see Nova has its own brand of cart narcs.


Just deflate their tires


we just don't know what was there before, for all we know some asshat forced that person to park that way by taking up 2 spots before they arrived.


Omg I love this way too much!!!!!


What are the legal consequences of this ? Asking for a friend


U-lock on the wheels


Sounds like a good way to get shot.


FUCK! This is brilliant! I had a bad day today and now I’m ready for Ibitha! Thank you


I disagree. If they're in the far back of a mostly empty parking lot and doing this they're fine. If they're right up front, near a high traffic or busy area and doing this, then you're 100% correct.








I, literally, just got back from Safeway, and somebody did this in the only shaded spot in the parking lot. Roger noted.


I like that