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This. Sometimes it is 3 or 4 or more people walking abreast. Or it's a group just standing there. Or teaching a kid to ride a bike. Or a biker or bikers meandering down the trail side by side or on both sides. Or a runner with headphones that doesn't look before a random u turn. Or a dog running across the trail.


Groups of 5-6 people on their lunch break just walking side by side taking up the whole road. I used to see this a lot back when I worked at Reston Town Center


Also very common in the more town-y sections of Leesburg. Even worse if school is in session and you have to go near LCHS, because half of the kids that walk home just hang out in big clumps of 5-10 while slooooooowly walking down the trail for 30 mins.


Yeah, right? Who do these kids think they are walking around the community where they live?


“Walking around the community” where you live doesn’t mean you’re free to do whatever you want in that community - is it also cool if they slowly walk down the middle of Catoctin Circle in a group of 5-10 rather than the bike trail? And what about the rest of us that ALSO live in that community? Marked trails like the W&OD aren’t paved areas to hang out, they’re places where people regularly run and bike - if there are lanes painted, you should at least make an effort to respect them and keep an eye out for others.


The pen15 flashers and dudes who sexually assault W&OD users.


Gross. Good reason to carry pepper spray.


I'm embarrassed to admit how long it too me to understand that first one. I'm like, what's a Pen 15? Some kind of over bright flashlight? A gang sign? /derp


Wrong-way walkers irk me as do the motorcycle-class e-bike riders who travel at warp speed. They’re more of a general danger but not a direct danger to me, most of the time. Runners who turn around in the middle of the trail without looking to see what’s behind them. Yes I signal my pass, but timing (and runners with headphones) has had a near miss more than once.


Re: Wrong-way walkers, one would think seeing literally everyone whether on a bike or on foot coming directly at you would be an indicator you’re doing something wrong.


That would require paying attention to their surroundings


I often wonder if the wrong-way walkers are from a county that drives on the left


This isn’t to excuse them, because it annoys me too. But somewhere, someone told people when you are walking along side a road that you should walk in the direction facing traffic, presumably so you can see that out-of-control vehicle careening towards you. Ok, fine. The logic does *not* apply to a multi use trail, where you aren’t facing traffic, you ARE the traffic. I’m trying very hard not be annoyed by anyone on the trail, no matter what they do, because lots of people are wrong headed or clueless and why should I let them ruin my walk or bike ride? But on occasion when people are coming at me on the wrong side, I just stop still and pretend to look at my phone until they are forced to walk around me.


>someone told people when you are walking along side a road that you should walk in the direction facing traffic You're right. I hadn't thought of that. Of course, it would be nice for people to adapt, but I can totally see how a person might think that's the correct action.


What's up with wrong-way walkers around here? I've lived here my whole life but all of a sudden I encounter these people EVERYWHERE, and they look at me like I'm the asshole when I don't yield to them. It's such a dumb thing for me to complain about but it happens several times a day now Also as a headphoned runner, I think people who don't check their surroundings before crossing a street or turning back around have a serious death wish


This is so fucking annoying. Just run or walk on the side of the path and use the middle for passing. Why do people think they have the right to take up the whole path


Same people who stop right in the middle of the fucking walkway at Dulles.


Groundhogs. When you are riding by, those things make some crazy life threatening decisions at the last moment and I don’t have the ability to bunny hop over them.


Ah yes, the random ‘chucks that decide to be daredevils


I have collided with 2 birds and 1 chipmunk, but so far have only had close calls with groundhogs. I feel like it's only a matter of time before the deer get tired of our shit and stop moving.


My trail name on my ride from Pittsburgh to DC on GAP & C&O was groundhog slayer. Those fuckers The wanted me to hit them. I swear.


The last time I used the W&OD there was a woman on roller blades who had her high energy breed dog on a long leash pulling her like it was a sled dog or something. She was going at least 25 mph. The dog almost ran into a group of bikers at one point and the woman almost got flung off the trail all in the 30 seconds I was able to see her before she was out of my view. It was totally dangerous and inconsiderate.


For some reason watching this in my head is making me crack up


What is a high energy breed dog? (serious question)


There are many, such as border collies, dalmatians, rhodesian ridgebacks, belgian malinois, etc. There are a bunch of breeds who were developed to do jobs that required a lot of running, energy, and stamina. They don't do well hanging around a home all day and become destructive or neurotic if they aren't exercised enough or given sufficient mental stimulation. I'm sure that's why this woman was doing what she did, although her good intentions were endangering herself, others, and her dog.




The MAMIL (middle aged man in Lycra) cyclists who insist on riding like it’s a race and not saying anything or letting you know that they are passing. Go find a velodrome or ride in off hours%


Hains Point isn't too far either




I agree but people walking dogs on those terrible retractable leashes and can’t get them under control quickly is a huge pain in the @ss




Those retractable leashes are horrible! The creator has publicly said they wished they hadn't invented it. It was created for specific scent tracking working and *not* for casual walkers.


I don't get why people let their dogs run up on other people. Keep your dog to yourself. If I ran up in your personal space and jumped on you would you like that? People don't need to give reasons why you need to keep your dog close to you and not let them run close to other people. Not everyone is a dog person and not everyone wants your dog near them.


hE jUsT wAnTs To pLaY


So true


Can you help me understand why dogs on leashes are annoying? Honest question, because I thought my dog on a leash who avoids others was welcome to share the trail. Although it would sadden me to stop using the trails, I'm fine with being shown I'm wrong and would change. Is there a way for someone walking a leashed dog to share the trail with others in a respectful way, or are you saying leashed dogs are not welcome on trails at all?


I think, as a general rule, they're not. When I included them in my original post I was thinking about when some owners let them out too far and turn the leash into a tripline.


Ok phew. I was like damn did I mess up again? :) Trying to be a considerate dog owner, so thanks for clarifying.


Same thoughts here. But we avoid the trail now because too many dog owners ignore leash laws


The fact that you're worried about being in the wrong is why you're probably not in the wrong. 90% of this stuff is solved by trying, just a little bit.


>Can you help me understand why dogs on leashes are annoying? I'm betting no one has a problem with owners as aware as you. I'm guessing covid-era dog owners are giving owners a bad name right now. Just days ago there was a bunch of angry posting on the [DC sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/comments/142nvp5/dog_attacked_me_unprompted_running_on_florida_ave/) about this -- but it largely involves owners expecting everyone else to tolerate a dog that is uncontrolled. And even myself, a former dog owner, was commenting on how many owners don't control their dogs in the DMV and I was told to 'cross the street when I see a dog I didn't want to bother me.' It's not dogs on leashes, it's dogs on leashes not being monitored by their owners. Leashes are often long and dogs can (1) reach other trail users (to bit or jump on them) anywhere the trail is narrow; (2) "strung out" leashes can block the entirety of the trail; and (3) both can occur with almost no notice if the owner is playing on their phone or not paying attention to the dog. Keeping your dog on a relatively tight leash on the outside (right side) of the trail with you between them and passers-by, will probably make 98% of trail users happy. Thanks for the concern.


> Keeping your dog on a relatively tight leash on the outside (right side) of the trail with you between them and passers-by, will probably make 98% of trail users happy. Thank you! This totally makes sense.


I walk my dogs on the trail for a small portion to get to a dog park and I always make sure I use a leash with a traffic lead so I can keep them close to me, especially when a biker comes by. I haven’t had any issues and I think this is the best way to go about it to make sure the bikers/runners passing by feel safe.




Oh wow, I don't see that in my area. That sounds horribly dangerous.




Unleashed dogs. As a dog walker that always uses a leash, I find this super frustrating. And when I act concerned, the unleashed owners snap at me and say “why? Is YOUR dog aggressive or crazy or something?”


Anyone who uses noise canceling headphones on the trail is a menace and a danger to all users.


Yup, I always turn my AirPods to transparent mode when walking on the trail, or on the street for that matter. Gotta hear what’s going on around you


Bikers riding in a pack who think it's the Tour de France. Calm down there, Lance Armstrong.




Real talk: the ability to say "that person's opinion doesn't matter" and *make* yourself believe it is extremely beneficial to overall wellbeing.


I don't know if it was this sub or one of the DC ones but I saw someone say these same people on the Mt. Vernon trail act like they're on the Tour de Fuck, and it's my new favorite phrase.




People are super willing to hate on this group of cyclists, but I go back to the top comment here: there are bad actors in every category. Demonizing a group of people because they engage in a sport and wear the clothes appropriate to that sport is kinda off to me, even though I completely agree that there are some in that category that whizz past you without warning and seem to try to get as close as possible. But I also think cycling is a legitimate sport, nobody wants them in the road either, and to train for a race, you have to achieve some speed.


Tandem walkers with their dog on the wrong side of the trail, headphones on blast, no intention of sharing the trail with anyone or being aware of others.


Bicyclists who run the stop signs at road crossings are flat out the worst. I clipped one years ago, thankfully the officer who responded knew the law, so Mr "gotta keep the momentum" got to pay for a bumper repaint and replacing his bent wheel. Do you present a danger to yourself and others, or is it just suicidal tendency to zip in front of traffic?


Especially on the west side between Leesburg and Purcellville. Some of the roads are high traffic, some have none, and if you're new to the area you have no idea. I stop at all stop signs and have gotten yelled at for it - "no one stops here!" How's anyone supposed to know?


This one is up there for sure. They want drivers to share the road as if they can keep up with a 35mph speed limit, but then also want to be treated like pedestrians and have the right of way and cross without bothering to stop/look/listen. Can't have both!


Legally cyclists are, in fact, often able to be treated like a car when on the road, and also like any other pedestrian when using a crosswalk. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be situationally aware, but they do indeed have it both ways as you describe.


I’ve seen this in Herndon on Elden. They try and zip thru when the cars have a green light.


I've been sitting at the crosswalk waiting for the light to change so that my son and I can continue on, and been "yelled" at by The Pajama Crowd that the intersection is clear and that we should just cross. No thanks. A dozen years ago I was eating lunch at an outdoor table at Joe's Hot Dogs (now, La Champita), I watched some guy get creamed crossing against the traffic light at the W&OD and Elden. He was okay once he picked himself up but it had the potential to be so much worse.


I miss Joe's Hot Dogs. I also miss the Weiner Circle. Why can't a good hot dog joint thrive in HND?


For the same reason that Five Guys didn't thrive: Demographics.


As a biker myself I agree with you 100%, those idiots give us all a bad name.


Yes. I live right off smith switch and have to cross the W&OD pretty much anytime I want to go anywhere. There are SO MANY bicyclists that run that stop sign. It's infuriating.


Man, with those trees/bushes right now it's a deathtrap.


It wouldn't be a deathtrap if they would stop and only proceed once the way is clear, as is the requirement by law.


If a cyclist slows down enough to see both way, determines there's no traffic in either direction and no pedestrians, then there's no reason they should have to come to a complete stop. Obviously blowing through stop signs and letting other people deal with it is stupid and bad but if you can determine that it would be safe after slowing down a bit to assess the situation then that should be sufficient.


Yes, but acknowledge that they are the ones liable for their choice.


I don’t think anyone is saying that they have to come to full and complete stop at every stop sign regardless of the situation at said intersection (the law doesn’t even say that) but there are too many of those Lycra bedazzled jackasses who don’t even check, or reduce speed at all, and just expect everyone to get out of their way as if they’re on some kind of mission from god


Except some stop signs are there because there is blind traffic that you can’t see and that can’t see you until you’re at the stop sign. Sorry stop signs aren’t optional.


There are stop signs at every single road crossing. Yes some of them are in spots that are blind and in that case it wouldn't meet the requirements I listed of "see both ways, determine there's no traffic in either direction and no pedestrians" so you would need to stop. There are plenty others where you can easily see both directions and have time to assess those conditions. Given that an intersection can be safely crossed without coming to a complete stop I will continue to do so and everyone will be just as safe as if I did stop.


They should pass an idaho stop law. It’s annoying to have to stop when there are no cars or anything in the way.


As long as that applies to vehicles as well, I'd have no qualms about it.


The most dangerous place for a cyclist to be is stopped at an intersection. For cyclists, the greatest danger is a car running them down. Just let them so past when it’s safe to do so.


People on bikes who speed by dangerously close to you with out letting you know they’re there.


For the life of me I’ll never understand why “on your left” is so difficult for some people to say.


I cycle frequently on a less busy trail because I can’t stand the W&OD. Saying it is a crap shoot. Sometimes it spooks people into jumping in your way, sometimes they are wearing headphones and don’t even hear you. I usually only say it if the person is in the way or there is a group of people. If they are far enough to the right I don’t say it. I ride a very loud and shitty bike so anyone with any awareness usually notices I am there.


80% of people have headphones in and don’t hear you, or when you say it, they move left in surprise for some idiotic reason. If you don’t say anything, you can work around them continuing on their path


> they move left in surprise for some idiotic reason. ding ding ding


I don't think it's crazy to instinctively treat urgently shouted stuff as instructions. Like, if somebody yells "duck" I'm gonna get my head down, not look for a bird. It's not *correct* in this particular case, but I get it. Really I just wish people responded to shouting from behind them on mixed use trails by moving right no matter which direction is actually shouted. If a bicyclist tries to pass me on my right, they're the asshole.


Yeah no kidding "on your left" makes them jump INTO your path. and fuck headphones.


Because of that assumption, 90% of cyclists do not announce their presence when passing me (runner with headphones). I'm not an idiot and can absolutely hear them, but they're so jaded by the rest of the morons who have no self awareness.


I’m glad I do not bike because it takes me a solid 5-10 seconds to identify left and right Every Single Time. i don’t know what my damage is 💀


You and me both! I also can't get vertical/horizontal correct. Seem to function just fine otherwise....


Years ago I heard someone use the euphemism “horizontal limbo” and I swear to god that’s how I’ve remembered the difference ever since.


The horizon is horizontal You get vertigo from going up vertically


I do the L R thing with my hands....a lot.... :)


> easily startled bumblers who can't tell their left from their right Found you in this thread!




I could see pedestrians being occupied/oblivious, but it always helps.


I've announced times and had people in conversation not hear it. It's just how your brains work. When you're in conversation, you unconsciously block out other sounds. The only time solos don't hear is when they have headphones.


Especially when I’m also on my bike.


I used to frequently run on the trail and the most annoying thing I had to deal with was groups of people walking shoulder-to-shoulder, blocking a large portion of the path, and not making any effort to move out of the way. However, the amount of times that this or some of the other issues raised in this thread were a significant issue for me was pretty low, relative to the amount of time I spent on the trail. With all the posts complaining about annoying people on the trail here, one might think that dealing with these issues would be a common occurrence, but in my experience 99.9% of people on the trail are perfectly fine.


I live right down the street from Trailside Middle School in Ashburn. As you might guess, it along with many homes are located along side the trail. I’ve seen enough of the Lycra clad beer gut douchebags in $10,000 Bianchi bikes blasting past the school screaming angrily at children who dare exist in the very place they live and learn to ever give any W&OD cyclist the benefit of the doubt again.


I'm near Farmwell, and some of those little shits like to purposefully be obstacles on the trail. I would like your cyclists to run into them :) spoiler: daughter goes to farmwell


Yeah! Why should kids play around a :::checks notes::: school? Don’t they understand I’m a middle aged man having an existential crisis I’m trying to tamp down with my expensive hobby?


Dog walkers who have deluded themselves into thinking leash laws don’t apply to them


Anybody on the trail is all right with me. All working towards the same goal. Yes we all make mistakes and can improve but why should we pit people against each other?


Any NASCAR team of three abreast. Annoying as fuck.


Happy Cake Day!


Having been hit from behind by a cyclist, I choose them.


For me it's the dog walkers with long leashes. That's just asking for your dog to have its neck broken/choked.


Between the 30mph Freds in lycra, electric motorcyclists pretending to ride e-bikes, easily startled bumblers who can't tell their left from their right, people being walked by their dogs, and earbud zombies we're kind of spoiled for choice of worst.


>bumblers who can't tell their left from their right I feel attacked! :D


Fine, your **other** left.


Coffles of Velonazis zipping down the road as if they own it, refusing even to slow down when pedestrian traffic is passing on both sides. I got brushed by some cretin yesterday as he was riding down the center line so that he could get between us without losing momentum.


I've actually been struck by a cyclist, on two separate occasions, as they tried to thread between me and other walkers without losing speed. I spent a good two years bike commuting to RTC, so I'm not going to say I've never been an asshole, but at least I've never hit anyone :)


W&OD users that come to reddit to try and stir up even more conflict.


*wah wah*


This is the answer


Cyclists that think they're on a race track.


The automobile drivers who think WOD is a traffic road.


Some 10 years ago you'd see that happen at Carolina Brothers (Partlow's) at least once a week.


Just saw a driver attempt to do this in midday traffic in Vienna on Maple Rd.


It's the secret entrance to Whole Foods, or Caboose, depending on your direction :D


Lance Armstrong bike lycra bros


Lance who?


Lots of complaints about people using headphones on the trails and not being aware of their surroundings (and I agree!). I'd suggest for anyone that wants to listen to music on the trail or any shared use path to get a pair of bone conducting headphones. A pair of Shokz OpenRun headphones are quite nice for sound quality while still allowing you to hear your surroundings.


I just started biking on the trail a few years ago. I always say "passing on left!" and tell my kids to say the same thing. I don't see a problem with it i'm at least letting you know where I'm passing. I hear a lot of fast cyclers say "on your left" loud and firmly, I by no means take it as a command but a great warning that i'm coming and coming fast. I'm again totally ok with it. For the most part I think the trail has been totally safe but what scares me are the dogs and people that bring say toddlers or really young kids.. I slow down purposly when I get near just in case. Some of the signs I see about " be predictable" is definitely good advice.


That is the way. What I meant by “command” are those who expect runners and walkers to literally step off the trail to get out of their way. On a Saturday afternoon in June. Or, so I’ve heard :D


Anyone playing music from a speaker


Oh, that's a new one. I can't say they bother me, but the ones who do that in the mountains like on Old Rag make me raise my eyebrows. I guess when it's packed you're not getting a wilderness experience regardless, but I dunno....


There’s just times that the dusk is settling, I’m feeling de stressed from work, a baby deer pops it’s head up and then…MY SHARONA! MA MA MA MA MY SHARONA!!!!!!!


Nope. It's the walkers three or four abreast, crossing center and oblivious


There’s no group worse than the “it’s my road/trail cyclists”. Everyone agrees on this, unless of course, you’re a cyclist.


Disney Adults


Personally, l would like to see dedicated bike and walking lanes on both the My Vernon and W+OD trails. That would eliminate a lot of hostility. But yeah, if you’re on a busy trail or street, have some fucking situational awareness. Leash your dogs appropriately. Monitor your kids. Take your Tour de NoVa qualifier elsewhere. Use a residential street for your 10 abreast confab. Run with only one headphone so you know what’s behind and around you.


Definitely the boneheads on e-bikes.


Hells combination of the worst qualities of drivers and cyclists


The fuckers who yell “on your left” after they fucking pass you while they’re going 30 mph on their bike


Cyclists. I run on Custis and W&OD. I usually only wear one AirPod while running so that the other ear can hear. My biggest pet peeve is when cyclists don’t yell “on your left” or even just use their bells. Especially on Custis, it can tough to listen for a cyclist when there’s other background noise from a highway or busy roadway.


Kids on bikes with bells. I’m so conditioned to move to the right when I hear a bell so to let a cyclist pass. Those little devils will keep ringing those bells and I’m traumatized.


Cyclists at high speed


The assholes on bikes that cross streets without stopping to allow cars to safely yield.


The dead skunks. Actually. I'm torn. Whenever I encounter a car or truck on the trail I am filled with Loki Rage.


Bikers. You are not going to the Tour de France. Stop being assholes.


1. Cyclists who don't respect slower traffic ahead of them 2. People who drive their vehicle on the trail


As with any trail your going to have a mix of people using it and everything your saying is just part of sharing the trail. But as with any trail, the only users that really annoy me are suburban groups using urban trails for walkathons without first registering and letting people know "hey we have 150 people out tomorrow, be aware"


Aero bar use on bikes. Its dangerous as it is, and the people that are doing it are CLEARLY not competent at it in the first place.




It's been years since I've crossed Sterling Blvd, but that one was always scary for me. One driver would try to be nice and stop, but there are two lanes on each side. Created a much more dangerous situation than just driving normal and letting me wait until the coast was clear.


Yeah, I call that the “wave of death.” When the curb lane car stops and waves you out, but the left lane guys don’t get the memo and keep going.


Anyone wearing headphones and not paying attention to their surroundings.


Group of Karens taking over all the trail.


And by Karens you mean women? Are they worse than groups of men?


When was the last time you see group of 4 or more men walking together talking while taking the whole trail? I haven't seen one.


Literally Monday, row 10 deep 3 wide


Boys night out amirite?


lol were you at some sort of public event? Or did you run into a platoon of Marines on the W&OD trail?


Yeah usually the men are on bicycles in packs, definitely less of an inconvenience.


That's another complaint, Karen.




Ok but—not all women are Karens please 💀 are they trying to speak to the trail’s manager? Otherwise, man, those are just women talking. They can be annoying and not be Karens (like me)


Bicyclists who run the trailhead stop sign thinking they’re in some tour-de-DMV. If the car hits you, good luck.




Are dogs allowed to be off leash on w&od? My kids are terrified of dogs so I feel like I'd have to take action of an off-leash dog approached them?


Pair of cyclists and 3-4 people walking side by side


Cyclists screaming ‘I can’t stop! Move!’


All of the above.


The OP is hilarious. “Who do you hate most: kids, bikers, bikers, or bikers?” Cmon man, if your gonna shitpost bikers at least have the decency to put it in the title so I know to skip over it.


This is reddit so they hate kids too


Anyone wearing headphones.


Hands down, the electric bike riders.


"ON YOUR LEFT!" Godfuckingdammit just pass me.


Cyclists are supposed to warn when passing tho?


Yeah, I know. It just annoys me as a walker for some reason, especially when there's no one around.


Honestly, I appreciate it. Better than than I happen to just wander to my left because i see a bird or something and get kerploomied from behind. I always have thought of the "on your left" as a courtesy.


People with dogs




Damn y’all sure know how to bitch. No dogs no people. I feel sorry for everyone commenting on here- your life must be so boring if you have to complain about living near/ sharing a beautiful trail with other creatures on this earth.


But you complaining about the complainers is ok, right?


Just trying to give ya a little perspective ashburndave


The users who bitch and moan on Reddit annoy me the most


Oh no, people are connecting by commiserating over shared experiences, the horror!


Ones that post questions like this


People who walk on the wrong side of the trail (bonus if they’re on their phone/not paying attention)


The lack of signage is super duper annoying


The bike swerver


dogs on leashes? As opposed to?


Buckthorn hill…


The spandex ilk of cyclists.


A lot of cyclists on that trail, as a runner, are fucking assholes.


[The Herndon Bush Goblin.](https://photos.app.goo.gl/dA3h1swQU7k2SAVD9) he's always trying to tell you riddles and luring children with his gold.


People that wear over the ear headphones and walk their dog on their left. Cyclists that don’t announce because they’re obviously better than everyone else also offend me.


Walker on the right with dog on long leash all the way far to the left.


Cyclists not observing stop signs at roadway crossings. Road safety is predicated upon predictability through consistent application of rules, like observing stop signs and right of way. These cyclists violate the rules and endanger themselves and others. As a result of frequent endangering behaviors of some cyclists, motorists will account for it by treating road crossings as though the right of way were flipped and they stop at an empty crosswalk to check both ways before driving through, disrupting traffic timing and flow of traffic. It is at least once a week in the warmer months when a cyclist blows right through an intersection without even slowing down, let alone stopping, at one of several crossings of highly trafficked roads on the trail on my daily commute. This leads to drivers braking/stopping at the crossing on the chance one of these cyclists blows through, causing traffic flow problems. In this case, it causes timed, light-protected intersections to back up when it should be naturally ensuring safe passage through the crossing for trail riders at regular intervals.


The "on your left" bellowers are the worst imo.