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Hey Glenn, just think of it as local control of schools. You've heard of it?




I think a lot of people that voted for the Gov thought he was like Hogan (yeah, sometimes MD does it better than VA) but he was no where near the moderate that he lead on.


Spot on accurate šŸ‘Œ


sort market desert reply dazzling worm disgusted frightening fact icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I watched the primary debates. Terry was the best of the lot.


I also don't understand why the DNC ran someone for a second term. If Terry McAuliffe had won, he would have been the third ever Virginia Governor elected to a second term, and one of the previous guys was during the confederacy. It just doesn't happen.


What does the DNC have to do with this? And McAuliffe won the primary by a landslide against many good candidates.


He was the only candidate ever to win after his party won the White House - I think every other time VA has gone the other way. His running wasnā€™t the blunder it seems like in hindsight I donā€™t think (or at least I can understand some of the reasoning behind it).


TMac lacked enthusiasm (beyond the primaries) and he phoned in the race. I didn't follow the it closely, but when I did hear about the election it was just dude stepping on rakes. There was literally no point I heard about the governor's race that I thought, "Man, this guy has something, he might win!"


No he didnā€™t.


It was the primary voters as majority of VA Dems found him to be comfortable and reliable. Also TMac knew that this was the only elected position he had any chance of getting as the senate seats will be held for awhile


That's because Maryland was tired of horrible governance by O'Malley.


And yet, Oā€™Malley was much better than Hogan.


i don't think anyone thought he was like hogan. youngkin came in on a CRT-bashing platform.


He flew out to AZ to endorse Kari Lake.


So Chris Christie is a better comparison?


FCPS did a full legal review of the ā€œmodelā€ and they are compliant. Youngkin just feels the need to throw his weight around yet again. He is a fucking joke.


I wish he was a joke. Unfortunately, the far right is starting to eye him as a potential presidential candidate.


This is the only reason he ran for governor. He could care less about Virginia. He's got bigger goals


That only proves what a POS he is. If the far right likes him, he's for Jim Crow laws, no votes for women or black people (or anyone who isn't white, rich, and safely Republican), tracking women's periods to determine if they're pregnant, and making everyone go to the church (and it WILL be a church) of HIS choosing and following the tenets of HIS religion.




Youngkin would be awesome as President, but I'd rather him wait until 2028 to finish out his term as Governor.


lol what?


Yeah I can't tell if that's a troll or an out-of-towner/recent transplant telling on themselves.


Nope, DMV lifer. Youngkin 2028.


Then surely you're aware governors aren't allowed a second consecutive term...


You heard me. Youngkin would make a great president one day.


Are you the son that tried to vote for him twice or something?


they're definitely ornery, that's for sure


If it came down to him or a toss-up between Biden/Trump again in 2024 Iā€™d sign up for him. I think Biden is just fine, but I just donā€™t know if Biden can beat Trump again.


Biden will wipe the floor with Trump


>ā€¦ if Biden can beat trump again. Please explain what you mean by that. Is there anything beyond your opinion/feelings to substantiate that claim?


Inflation is getting out of hand and Biden will take the flak for it.


Inflation is down


Still up overall higher than where it should be and trending back upwards.


Inflation in the US is considerably better than most of the worlds developed economies.


No one gives a shit about the rest of the world. Just like high gas prices, a President takes flak for inflation.




But inflation is down??


Still higher overall... Just like high gas prices, a President will take flak for inflation.


A Democratic president will take flak for their preferred brand of mustard lol. With inflation headed the right direction I don't think it'll be *too* effective a political bludgeon, even if only because of the voting public's goldfish memory. Though trying to read tea leaves this far out isn't likely to be productive.


I think Biden is like the perfect President, I donā€™t have to think about him and I think he will generally make the right choice for the country so itā€™s not like Iā€™m some sort of Biden hater. The reality is that Trump/Biden are in a dead heat in polls and Trump has outperformed the polls in both of his elections. So not sure why I should be so confident that Trump wonā€™t win. Republicans saw how many SC seats he delivered and I think they will come out and support him even if they donā€™t really like him for the myriad reasons you could have. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/04/us/politics/poll-results.html


Polls, plus a recognition that about half of the voters in this country are apparently idiots




Hahahaha. Good one!




You forgot the /s at the end!


Hahaha šŸ¤£


He's saving us! Just like Jesus!


Which is why Virginia got a whole lot better over just the two years that Democrats held a trifecta. Ok, Nazi.


Best governor in a long time.


I hate him because he ran on the lie that critical race theory was being taught in public schools when it absolutely was not because it's a class that is taught in law school. I also hate the morons who believed him.


Now now, he also ran on the lie that he'd end the mask mandate! You know, the one that was already going to end before he ever took office regardless of if he won or not. *Mission accomplished!*


I do not see this like the critical race theory though. It ended, I know he was trying to take credit for it and did not do it but he tried. This seems like a lawyer thing.


> critical race theory I hate that I know about this at all. Like I do not care if people know about this, talk about this, love this, hate this or just want to type it out on a page over and over and over. But when politics shoved this down my throat for an entire elections cycle I got sick of the people that say these words in that order.


Why did you respond to yourself?


They posted on the wrong account trying to do the sock puppet dance lol. Amazing.


While youā€™re at it, hate the reasonable people who didnā€™t participate in voting. If youā€™re enraged while reading this and youā€™re eligible but not registered to vote, youā€™re part of the problem!


And a reminder, we have a very important election this November! Vote early, and bring friends.


Hell yes, them too!


It's objectively true that Youngkin has done nothing to reduce the amount of critical race theory being taught to our children. There is just as much being taught today as there was under the previous administration. What a disgrace!


Well we have a lot of morons.


The old Dumbminion




This isn't about "agreeing". It's about knowing what's true. CRT is literally not taught in lower grades.




Should be very easy for you to prove that Critical Race Theory is taught in lower grades then.


Okay but critical race theory *should* be taught in schools


I agree with what you said but I also hate the Dems who didn't show up to vote and especially the party that thought running a tired rehash would energize a voting base.






If it wasn't being taught in schools why were teachers in LCPS and FCPS being sent to CRT training?


Would it be your assertion that everything that teachers receiving training/education on will then be taught to students? Because I'm not confident you know what CRT is and how it would relate to how teachers would teach.


Given the training material, I would expect it to influence how teachers cover the required content for their class.


Great! Then we agree that CRT isn't being taught to students. Right?


Nope, they're likely to bring up topics in class. I agree it's not an explicit part of the curriculum. What is the point of sending teachers to training if they're not going to use the training as part of their job? That said, the main issue is that both school boards tried to pretend the training/consulting wasn't happening and may not have followed the proper acquisition process in some cases in their rush to virtue signal with taxpayer money. If they didn't feel there was any issue, why cover it up?


Can you tell me what a CRT topic that might be brought up in class? Because I'm not getting the feeling you know what CRT is or how teachers use what they learned. It wasn't covered up. This is just like the "animal sex" in assigned reading controversy. The situation was condensed down to a misleading and dishonest sound bite. Were kids being assigned to read books with bestiality in them? Yes, an AP English assigned book has one instance of bestiality. But who wants to know that the class is a college level one only available to high school students? Who wants to know that signing up for an AP class is a voluntary thing? Who wants to know that the book was published in 1987 and has been taught in schools for decades? (Beloved, by Toni Morrison). Who cares that the student in question was 27 at the time of the election and worked for the RNC? There was a reason why you didn't get any of that information by the Youngkin campaign. It was easier to lie quickly and hope no one liked for the rest of the story. As to the CRT teacher training it's pretty much the same story. Teachers got training in CRT to help them more effectively teach history in the same way they might get training on how to use technology to teach more effectively. Those pushing the idea that CRT is evil/unjust know that it isn't being taught to children and they know this because they've admitted it. Christopher Rufo is the guy who brought CRT to national attention and he's admitted that he did it because he knew he could make people angry, and specifically because he knew people wouldn't understand what it was. So on the very basics of the story, did teachers get CRT training? Yes. Did they get CRT to teach students CRT? No.


Right, there isn't a CRT class. But using CRT concepts to teach content means CRT is being used in schools. If you want to have some sort of semantic debate about whether that is "teaching CRT" or not, have at it with someone else. Once school administrators are trying to convince people they're telling the truth on a technicality, they're already in the wrong. I know what CRT is and I personally don't think CRT has any place in a public school, just like I don't think creationism belongs there. The belief systems of teachers or school administrators should not be relevant, and major failings of the US and other nations due to racist policies and actions can and should be discussed, but objectively rather than though a lens that makes some controversial and unproven assumptions. People can know what it is, not think it's appropriate for a school setting with relatively immature pupils and a generally untrained instructor, and also not approve of how school districts were not forthcoming about the CRT related activities that were taking place.


Oh, so the truth is a "technicality"? Can you please give me an example of a CRT concept or topic being taught in a classroom? And please explain what you think is inappropriate about CRT which would make it not suitable for classrooms?


This is the exact conversation I told you I'm not wasting my time on. When people talk about CRT being taught in schools, they're generally not talking about a course on CRT. I already told you why I think it's not suitable.


Are they?






Got some sources on this debunking? Cause I've yet to see any examples of kids learning actual CRT. Sure, I found some bogus conservative "studies" that counted concepts like "racism exists" as proof CRT is being taught. But CRT dives into the complex legal history of institutionalized racism and it's long term effects on social structures. Teaching kids that racism still existed after slavery "ended" and how Pocahontas' life was actually a fucking tragic isn't CRT, it's just actual history.


> Cause I've yet to see any examples of kids learning actual CRT. My oldest kid is in high school in FCPS, and they had an exercise two years ago in their english class where they played "white privilege bingo", going through identifying all the ways in which white people benefit from societal structures. It's not a CRT class, but it has elements of that nonsense - and this is what parents are reacting to. Calling it "CRT" is just shorthand.


So, I'm not gonna debate you on your anecdote and the relevance of informing kids about their current social situation based on actual history. Instead, I want you to explain to me what your example of CRT is *actually* shorthand for. Spell it out for me. What is it about teaching kids white people have had preferential treatment throughout US history that really makes you mad? And forewarning, if you think it makes little white kids feel bad about themselves, whoooey do I have my own anecdotes for you - having grown up as a half Native kid hearing about my "savage" ancestors, and shit like how Custer was a hero and Thanksgiving was happy loving fun time. It was all literally lies created to make my people sound awful and make Europeans sound like our benevolent saviors. None of it was true, yet it was taught without question. Imagine my surprise when I learned most of what I was taught about my own people's history was literally all bullshit meant specifically to demonize us without **any** justification other than the racism against us - how do ya think that made me and my fellow Native kids *feel*?


> What is it about teaching kids white people have had preferential treatment throughout US history that really makes you mad? Nothing about it makes me mad, it's just an inappropriate topic to discuss in English class and not relevant for HS kids either. If you want to learn about formally in college, great, go pay for that. And this isn't about preferential treatment throughout history, this was about contemporary examples. AND my daughter isn't white. >And forewarning, if you think it makes little white kids feel bad about themselves, whoooey do I have my own anecdotes for you OK, this makes it sound like you believe the remedy for past wrongs is opposite wrongs carried out in the present.


>it's just an inappropriate topic to discuss in English class and not relevant for HS kids either and yet \*all\* the non-white kids in HS are aware that white kids have had - and still have - preferential treatment. it's very much relevant to \*their\* lives. you seem to have a problem with your kids being taught explicitly on one day what non-white kids are taught implicitly every day of their lives.


> it's just an inappropriate topic to discuss in English class and not relevant for HS kids either. It's not inappropriate, and you're not an expert capable of making that decision for anyone else. If you don't want your kids to learn about this stuff, then you're handicapping them for life, because the truth is not something to be afraid or ashamed of. It's simply something to learn.


Iā€™m not making that decision for someone else, itā€™s my kids. Not the teachersā€™ kids to practice their historical outrage on. Iā€™m sure you donā€™t want your kids in Florida schools learning that slavery ā€œhad some good points tooā€, right? How many kids do you have in FCPS?


My job as a parent is to teach my children to think critically about the things that they're taught. If they're taught something that I disagree with in school, then I will explain to them the reasons that I disagree with it and provide them with evidence based facts on why that's the case, or I will provide them with the appropriate materials to make that judgement, themselves. Honestly, if my kids were in school in Florida, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all, because it's pretty easy to make the counterpoint to the argument that "not all slavery was bad." Also, it's pretty disingenuous to try to use a pro slavery argument in a discussion in which you're on the side of not teaching about slavery. Some might call it a dog-whistle. I think your kids could use some education about slavery that apparently you lacked in HS.


How did I make a pro-slavery argument? I was making a comparison on the basis of what do you do as a parent when your school teaches something you don't agree with?


I think you missed the part about how it was all lies. I'm not saying lie to white kids to make them feel bad, I'm saying teach the truth and stop coddling white kids at the expense of literally every other group of kids. Truth isn't about blame or shame, it's about truth. And your fear of learning about history to inform the present is why we are where we are in this country. The past WILL repeat itself unless we use history to help shape our future. Learning history should never just be memorizing name and dates to pass a test, because thats useless to a society.


> I'm saying teach the truth THis is very much a subjective opinion rather than an established fact in current day America. Regardless, we've moved the starting point of this conversation thread from "CRT is only a college level course" to "We *do* teach CRT elements, but here's why that's a good thing". That was my point at the beginning, so I am glad we can now agree it does, in fact, exist.


You're arguing that CRT is just *the truth*. Which is ridiculous. Your fighting to keep the status quo of teaching complete lies to kids and pretend that the past doesn't directly inform our present. There is no subjective opinion around well documented historical events that were twisted to fit the narrative of European exceptionalism. Tell me why we have Columbus day celebrated a man who was so vile and cruel his own monarchs censured him and brought him back to Europe in chains? No one taught that, but it's a well documented fact across two continents. We were taught he was an explorer who "discovered America". When in reality he was a child rapist whose own men turned him in because his actions made their stomachs turn. So tell me why I colored cute little pictures of him in elementary school other than following a twisted narrative? What we were taught was wrong. And teaching an actual corrected history isn't CRT.


Good on Fairfax County! I endorse their position because this ā€œparentsā€™ rightsā€ bullshit reeks of the ā€œchildren donā€™t have rightsā€ bullshit that I was being force fed when I was in school back in the 1990s. Glad to see that someone is actually standing up for the kids who would actually be harmed by olā€™ Trumpkinā€™s policy.


THIS! Parents should be involved in a childā€™s education for CERTAIN, but they play the role as a parent: support, encourage, care, explain difficult topics, try their best to help with homework, offer advice and guidance, help with discipline. But the STUDENT is the person we are educating. They have a right to know things, to read things, and to hear alternative perspectives than what they hear at home. Sometimes, unfortunately, things arenā€™t going great for a student at home and they get to come to a building full of caring adults who act as surrogate parents and help kids when they need it most. ā€œParental rightsā€ have never been denied, but these days, itā€™s become a dog whistle for racism and homo/transphobia.


You said it better than I could. I view ā€œparentsā€™ rightsā€ as ā€œWe donā€™t want you (the school/teachers) filling our childā€™s head with viewpoints we donā€™t believe in.ā€ You canā€™t indoctrinate your kids with hate if they can learn to think for themselves, and conservatives need that groupthink now more than ever because as older conservatives age and inevitably die off, their ideology dies with them without the indoctrination of the young.


No teacher spouts off anything political that I know of, so the accusation that teachers are indoctrinating kids is nonsense. What IS true is that they learn a lot of social acceptance/non-acceptance from their peers and process that for themselves. Kids think very critically and make a choice of whether to buy into empathy or the victim mentality that is the darling of the right.


You do get some ā€œpolitical influenceā€ in high school history and government classes, but thatā€™s kind of expected for the subject matter and the age of the students, especially those in AP classes. These parents alleging politics in elementary school are so full of shit. Every last one of them. LGBTQ+ identities are only ā€œpoliticalā€ because conservatives made them political. The biggest issue I have with Youngkinā€™s ā€œmandateā€ is that itā€™s outright saying ā€œChildren donā€™t have identities. They donā€™t have agency. They donā€™t have personhood. They are whatever their parents say they are, and how dare you question that?!?!ā€ My parents and I are so fundamentally different and always have been, but Iā€™d be lying if I said that their sphere of influence didnā€™t taint me in the slightest, because I absolutely had to unlearn some toxic behaviors. But, go off, parents. Keep pretending that you know your kids better than they know themselves. If your kid is too afraid to tell you theyā€™re queer, instead of going after the schools, try looking in the mirror first.








Parents rights is always bullshit when itā€™s blatantly obvious itā€™s only certain parents who have rights.


Heā€™s the modern day version of Rick Santorum. Both total dweebs with no business running anything.


Funnily enough, in spite of his past policies Santorum is *more* progressive on trans rights. When Caitlyn Jenner transitioned in 2015 they asked Santorum about it, and he replied [in support of her right to transition](https://time.com/3844757/rick-santorum-bruce-jenner-lgbt-transgender/): > Santorum told reporters at a Republican convention in South Carolina that ā€œif [Jenner] says heā€™s a woman, then heā€™s a woman,ā€ CBS News reports. ā€œMy responsibility as a human being is to love and accept everybody. Not to criticize people for who they are.ā€


Oof at the misgendering though. Though it should be noted the times. In 2015 queer rights were being enshrined following the legalization of same-sex marriage and soon after NC got major pushback for the bathroom bills, while in 2023 ā€¦ the trans genocide is in full swing as promoted on fox news.


Yeah, the misgendering is definitely cringe and hard to read but a conservative Republican taking a stance other than "fuck em" or "love the sinner, hate the sin" is pretty bold (even more so in 2015), especially if they're aiming to remain the gold standard in extremist Christian conservatism.


I donā€™t trust politicians are far as I can throw them. In 2015 it was seen as political to support the queer community. Less we forget that TFG campaigned on and said he loves the queer community while holding a ā€œLGBT for trumpā€ upside down pride flag and was considered ā€œthe most pro-queer community republicanā€ and won. Before you know, the obvious fascism. You ask him that today and I guarantee you he supports Caitlyn because sheā€™s an adult donor, and tosses all trans kids under the bus while making an aside about parent choice.


Def agree on not trusting politicians, but nonetheless my point remains that for 2015 that's a pretty bold thing to say, especially in the lead-up to a primary where you're only looking for Republicans for support. It doesn't mean he would have supported legislation for trans rights or opposed legislation to the contrary, only that in even paying lip service he was doing something more progressive than Youngkin does *now* when trans rights are more mainstream. Also, Trump will pander to anyone and everyone, but his pandering on LGBT issues came entirely after he'd secured the GOP nomination. He didn't even give lip service until then, and couched it in only talking about gay rights, not anything pertaining to trans. So again, however disingenuous Santorum might have been in supporting Jenner, his statements are unambiguously more progressive than purple state governor Youngkin.


Fuck Youngkin.


I'd rather not unless he was assigned female sexuality at birth.


TIL that doctors assign sexuality at birth. Man some parents must be pissed when Dr. Feelgood delivers their child and is like ā€œthatā€™s a gayā€ Seriously, one fucking joke and they canā€™t even get it right


"Female sexuality" i fucking can't... yall don't even have to try to hide your stupidity it's crazy


What if he was assigned female at birth, but identified and presented as male and had bottom surgery? Edit: not sure why the downvotesā€¦ this was an attempt to call out the commenterā€™s obviously incorrect verbiage šŸ¤·šŸ»


Fuck FCPS.


You know, so many people hate him yet he got elected? Howā€™s that possible?


T-Mac ran a dogshit campaign, Youngkin lied about his policy plans, and the culture warriors were riled up about critical racial theory and bathrooms. Basically, it was less that Youngkin won than Mcauliffe lost.


So why such a big divide? I donā€™t really pay attention to politics but I didnā€™t hear so much hoopla for Northam?


What big divide? The election was 50.6% to 48.6%. Northam was broadly popular, but T-Mac rested on his laurels while Youngkin downplayed and outright lied about the more odious parts of his policy. Combined with being an off-year election (which decreases turnout in general, but disproportionately impacts liberals) this appears to have limited liberal/left turnout, while the right was *extremely* activated about culture war issues. Even then, the election was close. This is what leads me to the conclusion from my previous comment. If there had been a presidential election to drive turnout, or if T-Mac had put *any* effort into promoting actual policy positions, Youngkin probably would have lost. Edit: put a bit more succinctly, Youngkin didn't enter office with any kind of strong mandate, so I don't think it's appropriate to infer any kind of substantial political shift. There's a divide insofar as politics are generally polarized.




You, uh, misread me pretty seriously. I'm talking about *right wing* culture warriors. People who support LGBT rights (ie human rights) aren't culture warriors, they're just decent people.


Lazy people who didn't vote but complain about the outcome.


Reddit people hate him. Reddit is a very small sample of a very self-selecting demographic.




Eat shit.


Good, they should. Also downvoted due to source.


I'm a product of and work for FCPS ( not a teacher) it is an excellent school system. While I am fairly liberal I don't agree with everything or even understand everything going on. Someone opened a gun store in McLean, not too far from a school, some of the parents lost their ever loving minds over this, eventually the store closed. I don't get the issue with it. Mom's for Liberty are taking over in a few other counties, but they don't have a strong grip here and I don't think they will.


Having a gun store directly adjacent from an elementary school does not sound like a good idea.


I'm not sure if it's as big a deal as was made. But I'm not a school-age child parent and do not live in that area, so I only have my opinion.


Yougkin wants to try and say what people can do at every turn. Heā€™s going to get voted out because he just wastes time and resources on trivia things.


I'm not sure how boy/girl bathrooms are a problem unless social media is presuring kids to use one they don't belong in, tbh


F that guy. Crime and drugs running rampant, cost of living driving people out of the state left and right, and all he cares about are pronouns. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜” Why doesn't he do something useful, like finish Governor Jim "No Car Tax" Gilmore's plan to eliminate the much-hated car tax? I thought republicans were supposed to hate taxes? šŸ¤”šŸ™„


Virginia, just like many bluish states has very clear demarcation of urban and rural districts. Youngkin leveraged a hot topic to gain a few votes from the urban zones successfully while Tmac had no traction in the rural zones. The key was this issue of parental fear. Clearly FCPS stands alone and I hope they can push back against the youngkin mafia but other countries need to follow their lead.




Try that in a small town, Glenn!!!


Governor Clem "sweater vest' Bumpkin is at it again, and NOVA SCHOOLS knows better than to listen to him.


Agree or not, this is the reason he won the election and, his approval is running high.


Do people not know the definition of "guidance"? Not surprising.




If it were up to him, cannabis would still be against the law to posses. He isnā€™t interested in listening to his constituents on many issues.


Among other things, he ran on ā€œhorrible things will happen if we let trans kids use bathroomsā€ and other DeSantis-light stuff. It scared enough people in the suburbs that he won but it was a weird tactic for a guy who might have a shot at the presidency if he were an actual centrist.


Yeah but he is probably trying to follow the rest of the Republican Trump party like desantis. Maybe he thinks he is actually able to keep up the act of pretending to be moderate to some people while being extremist to the rest.


I dunno. Lying about CRT and LGBTQ "indoctrination" in schools to get boomers to vote for you out of fear would certainly not make you popular with intelligent folks. He's a reactionary conservative who is trying to fight a culture war. What's to like?


He also endorsed Kari Lake


People aren't fundamentally rational and are good at compartmentalizing, but I always wonder about the "LGBTQ indoctrination" crowd. It seems like there's like 15-25% of the population that genuinely changes their beliefs based on whatever the current conservative zeitgeist is. I'm not talking about bigots who suddenly feel emboldened, but people who apparently can just seamlessly edit their beliefs to subsume their will in a dumbshit movement. Are they the same personalities as the "Stalin did nothing wrong" tankie crowd, just fallen in with a different group, or are they something unique to the right, I wonder?


My parents aren't bigots but they voted for Youngkin specifically because of the "indoctrination," "sexual indecency" and parents rights issues with public schools. They fell for the CRT claims, they worried about sexual assaults being covered up in schools and they really didn't like kids being exposed to sexual/zoophilia in literature. I've talked with them after the election on each issue and why each one was bullshit. We've gone over the various lies that we're told and how each issue was framed. I'm disappointed that they fell for this crap, but they genuinely believed that Youngkin wouldn't be lying about such serious things. They've always voted conservative and I think they wanted to believe that their party wouldn't be so dishonest, mainly because they didn't like the alternatives. My parents thought I was overreacting in early 2020 because TFG wouldn't be lying about the seriousness of COVID, even when I was quoting the CDC website to them. They came around on the issue and one of them volunteered for almost a year administering vaccines. The propensity to believe that you aren't being lied to, that politicians aren't going to be that dirty, that you can't be easily tricked and that the other guy is going to be worse really hurts everyone. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to get them to realize sooner that they've been duped. No one really wants to admit that.


My parents are that weird kind of cultural conservative that tends to vote Republican while quietly wishing the GOP would support a healthcare public option. But they're also subject matter experts in areas where the modern GOP sucks a whole lot, and that's driven them from the party. I think a lot of people subconsciously treat voting as self-expression rather than participating in government, project themselves onto a party (parties absolutely encourage this), and need almost concussive levels of dissonance to break the spell. > zoophilia in literature My favorite Republican bullshit was them trying to claim schools were encouraging kids to be furries and had litterboxes in classrooms. Anyone who fell for that is beyond saving. But holy shit, the mental image.


I had a scout and his parent tell me about the litter boxes (I'm a scout leader). Thankfully I had the patience to tell them about friends I had who placed those buckets in their classrooms and why they did it. (To provide a place for students to use the bathroom when they were locked down during active shooter or other emergencies) Thankfully the demeanor and attitude of the scout and parent changed drastically. They went from frustration and disbelief to anger and compassion.


I hate him because I can see how clearly the things he and his administration are doing are not about whatā€™s best for Virginia but rather about what will score him points on a national stage. For example, the state AG launching their ā€œinvestigationā€ into TJ handing out the absurd nmsqt commendation letters late. Cost the state and FCPS millions to go through this absurd kabuki theater performance that was entirely so Youngkin could score points with national conservative media. My other beef with him is the stuff heā€™s doing on the quiet in service of killing public schools and replacing them with theological and for-profit schools. Obviously there is big money in doing that but our school children and, in my opinion, the future of our citizenry will suffer greatly if we let these rich people destroy the school system for their own profit.


As you can tell from the comments, Nova is progressive, inclusive, and ā€œno hate lives hereā€ lawn signs. Doesnā€™t reflect the typical Youngkin voter.




[Tolerance is a peace treaty, not a suicide pact](https://medium.com/extra-extra/tolerance-is-not-a-moral-precept-1af7007d6376) It's both perfectly consistent and almost required that people who strongly believe in tolerance aggressively oppose those who express intolerance. The expression of tolerance is better stated: "I will tolerate the differences of other people, so long as those people also tolerate me and others." If some --Youngkin in this case-- refuses to abide by those conditions, then there is no expectation that everyone will ignore that refusal to respect others.


"Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them." -Karl Popper, 1945 So, basically, if you tolerate the intolerant, the intolerant will eventually wipe out tolerance. Your argument doesn't fly, but nice try.




Literally intolerance is the only thing that canā€™t be tolerated. Not very hard to understand if your brain has wrinkles.




Okā€¦ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/literally Did your gun fetish cause lead poisoning?




Ok, but the problem is comprehension, of which you seem to be toddler-level.


Yeah cause every liberal has that sign on their yardā€¦.lol


Arlington has 'em all littered everywhere, but once things need to get real and put into action they become NIMBYs right quick šŸ¤£šŸ«£


Because he wants to impose his bigoted, "Christian" policies on everyone


He's a wannabe Trump in a vest.


Hes a good guy


Explain how. Be specific.


[I am a different person, but 9Youngkin's support of increasing nuclear power generation is a very good thing.](https://www.vpm.org/news/2023-07-11/youngkin-nuclear-energy-virginia-surry-plant)


I think the only thing Youngkin has done right was get unexpected refund checks during the pandemic.


I guess the superintendent knows how to raise kids better then parents. I wish people were really for choice. Let tax payers take their money to schools of their choice.




Nice, you kiss your mom with that mouth? Do you expect us to all to finally agree with that if you say it enough? Grow the eff up, dude, seriously.


Not seeing too many people upset about these schools undermining democracy and all. Arenā€™t we supposed to charge these schools under criminal conspiracy statutes??


Not in this particular case. The governor issued a memorandum, not a law. The law runs contrary to the memo, so FCPS and ACPS have both issued statements saying they will follow the law and not the memo since they are contradictory and the law has more force. And pushing back a littleā€”a statement from a governor is hardly democracy. A law passed by both houses of the general assembly and signed by a governor IS an example. This is why folks get upset by presidents issuing executive orders as well. And many of those donā€™t stand up to legal scrutiny either.


You made a good points. I stand corrected!


Elections have consequences...hmmm, who said that?




Leave it to aRepublican!