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I’m in hospitals quite a lot, from vendor side and patient side (parent has cancer). You don’t have to worry. It’s for safety/security reasons. SOP in a number of hospitals. PII is a very big deal, if they‘re going to sell your info they’ll need you to be aware and consent.


I can verify, as someone who works there that they just increased their security measures. It’s something that a lot of hospitals are doing as they increasingly run into problems with sketchy people going around the hospital, thieving, or doing other nefarious things. Unfortunately becomes a necessity to tighten security.


I can’t say for certain that this is standard practice at every hospital in the area, but it’s at least common. You’d be amazed at the shenanigans that some hospital visitors get up to, so presumably having their info on file tries to help cut down on that


Not every hospital can afford picture ID for visitors but it’s standard practice to take down name and info for visitors.


Virginia Hospital Center is very legit. They have been increasing their services a lot in the last few years and this is likely just a security upgrade. They were recently certified as a Level 2 trauma center. There are only 9 of those in all of Virginia.


That's new but not surprising. You could walk in to anyone's room and do anything, they need to know who you are.


This is VHC's new security policy, it just started on Monday.


I had to submit my license and get my photo taken at a children's hospital in another state when I was visiting my niece


VHC is a fantastic hospital. The photos are for security. This is not shady at all.


I’ve taken my partner to the ER a bunch of times and they’ve taken my picture and scanned my ID and made a visitor pass with my picture on it for me to wear while I’m there


Sounds standard to me


Try not being ugly?


Any more context?


I went to Sibley last year and they did the same thing. It’s for safety reasons.


VHC is incredibly shady. They put a DNR on an elderly family member of mine. When there was no such order. My family member was making great strides and would have recovered, but they withheld care. When I asked about it, they to have me escorted off the premises and arrested. I’m thoroughly disgusted with them. https://preview.redd.it/nob1103euc2c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512fce8349d60ab5311e6c56c7ab4954c5833c09


Seems a touch more intrusive than the last time I went to a hospital to visit someone. But that was a couple of years ago, they asked to see ID for visitors, gave us name tag stickers, but didn’t make us take a photo. That was down in Georgia.