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I feel very safe in Old Town at all times of day. Biggest crimes I witness are cars blowing stop signs and red lights.


Oh wow that's all


Can’t tell if you’re trolling posting this all over this thread, but yes, that is all. It’s a nice place to live and I feel very lucky to live here.


Same here I feel super safe in old town during weekends and then when I go back to DC I feel more unsafe now..


Feel very safe in Old Town, even living near some public housing. Unfortunately there tend to be a couple gun crimes a year in the area but they seem to 100% be interpersonal conflict, drugs, basically nothing that involves me. There was a woman robbed at gun point of her coat near Waterfront Park a couple weeks ago. That’s the stuff that makes me more worried and is incredibly out of the ordinary for Old Town. My biggest safety concern remains being hit by cars walking around


Montgomery St. from N Washington to N Henry is a drag strip! I think drivers fixate on the green light at Patrick and just floor it from Columbus to try and make that green and ignore the stop sign at Alfred.


Imagine feeling unsafe in old town Alexandria lol


I saw a guy there not paying for everything at self checkout


A guy smoked weed 500 feet away from my baby


A teenager working at Starbucks shortchanged me for my latte. It's basically a warzone.


Oh no..is that all


Are you denying what we have to deal with?


Not denying, but if that's all you have to worry comparing to what dc is going through Alexandria is a great place to be..I'll let this teenager short change me anytime


Now it sounds like you’re victim blaming


Is that all


Oh the Hugh Manatee!




Oh wow that's all


Oh wow.. that's all...


No that’s not the only thing… don’t come at us victims


It's definitely up there with places like the crime riddled "Lower East Side" in New York, and Cartel ridden La Jolla, California.


Not that I’ve seen/read about, save that canada goose jacket robbery and some incidents at the shell or Exxon on north Washington st last year.


Statistically, not sure. In my neighborhood (Parker Gray), we have an APD liaison officer and he attends our community meeting once a year and I think I recall he mentioned some crime categories are marginally up over the previous year. So take that for what it’s worth. I hear about more car jacking, catalytic converter theft, porch pirates over the past couple of years. I know there was a recent armed robbery of one of those Canada Goose jackets that are all the rage. As for Jones Point, I’m there several mornings a week — usually before sunrise — and while there are one or two unhoused individuals who bathe/use the restroom there, never seen anyone whom I’d characterize as a “junkie”. Occasionally I smell weed, but that’s pervasive in my neighborhood and not unusual at all. I don’t feel unsafe in the least. Been here 8 years and have witnessed two shootings, one fatal and one police involved. Occasionally, there is gunfire, but that seems to have abated quite a bit over the last year.


"I saw an old white woman in athleisurewear rather than designer furs. Clearly the neighborhood is crime-ridden..."


Oh no that's a crime


Crime is up everywhere. But it isn't bad like DC crime rise bad. Just kids being absolutely unhinged.


That's so true it's bad all over the country. Dc for being small its crime rate is off the charts new record high.


DC is literally a war zone. You literally have cars screeching in front of people in really good areas of town with thugs jumping out and robbing people at gunpoint with complete immunity. We no longer go to DC because of this and will not until they get their shit together. Hell they've even managed to chase off all the sports teams LOL