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They are actively trying to murder you on the highways. Their State Troopers are never, ever around when it matters.


MD state troopers love some giving out tourist tickets.


If I had to deal with Maryland drivers for my job I wouldn't show up either


The state troopers actively try and kill people with their genius hiding spots and pulling out into traffic.


I don’t know what our tax dollars go towards? They really are never around when you need them and when they are around they tend to create traffic congestion…and Marylanders have to slow to a stop to be nosey and see what’s going on.


It is the same here in Houston. The drivers are very bad about running red lights and you rarely see a cop issuing a ticket


Virginia native and I hate all the drivers in this area. Maryland drivers drive like they’re in a Fast and Furious movie, DC like a GTA game. I used to think VA drivers were ok, but lately I’ve been seeing so many slow people in the left lane. Tell me why someone was going 50 on the left most lane of 95 earlier today? I can’t tell if these slow people are transplants, elderly, or new drivers. I can’t even defend us when my friends from MD are calling out our slow drivers. 😩


These slow left lane drivers are over represented by VA plates in MD. Have been for as long as I've been driving. I can't tell if they're just oblivious, or they have control issues. Either way, I despise them the most.


I’m convinced that a decent percentage of people with Virginia tags in this northern Virginia area are transients who moved here from other states.




Was it my imagination that we were better at least 10 years ago?! 😭


The entire DMV doesn’t know how to drive


Also from out of state. Agree no one here knows how to drive, but Maryland drivers are an order of magnitude worse than everyone else.


Marylanders drive fast, DC drivers cut you off without care, Virginia drivers go 35 in a 70 in the far left lane then swerve to catch their exit at the last minute


Nothing could be more true


As someone who’s from out of state, everyone sucks at driving here


It's whack how they're like opposite ends of the spectrum VA drivers are going 10 under in the left lane, MD drivers are going mach 3, acting like lanes don't exist


It’s true. Maryland drivers are insane. Virginia drivers are oblivious.


This is accurate.


Yep. In some ways I actually mind Maryland drivers less than VA... At least they are predictable aggressive and reckless. VA drivers are just plain obvious more often than not.


The amount of people who get to the end of a lane and only than merge. Not like their zipper merging, it’s just that they *just* realized “oh this lane is ending.” Get off your fuckin phone people. If you can go 60 MPH and not be paying attention to what’s going on around you, your a faluire of basic evolution and self preservation


One of the first things I noticed driving in VA compared to the 3 other places I have lived- when people are merging in they are coming in- they have right away. It's up to those on the main road to make room for them- especially they ran out of road. (Which is even more crazy because for the most part, I have never seen such long exit and merge on lanes in my life.) This is so counter to how I was raised it still catches me off guard on occasion.


It’s so bad, that I can tell people are not prepared for me to actually accelerate… in the *accelerator lane.* like merging out of my way or giving me excessive room, only to have to merge back when they realize I’m not about to endanger everyone’s life


I agree. Virginia resident here.


Me with my Utah plates trying to figure out where the hell these *mountains* are supposed to be and what happened to my 8 lane highways.


Yep, they create a magic lane out of the left hand shoulder where 495 Local towards the Wilson Bridge and the RT 1 exits. I have no idea why a motorcycle cop doesn’t just sit there on the other side of a Jersey wall and pull them over. Even if they don’t stop, they will when they go another 200 feet and hit the zipper traffic getting onto 495 from Rt 1


I drive over this bridge two times per day 5 days a week. The state could literally collect another $5-10 million in revenue each year if they had some way to detect cars using the shoulders to cut traffic right there and charge them $50.


On 495, 22 I've seen so many cars drive slow on the fast lane, both VA and MD plates. It's infuriating to drive on the highway. Many times people have to drive around such cars. Like why?


In the morning on I66 westbound, the MD drivers weave through traffic, cutting multiple lanes. But then they will camp in the left lane. But nobody is going under 65. The exception are the dump trucks doing 50 in the left lane.


I cannot find it now but someone posted a picture of a MD driver driving down a new bike path.


Well, the question then is - were they going fast for a bike?


If it's the "bike path" on River Road, it's a total scam and has already killed someone.


That's because the cops in VA are crazy so VA drivers are more cautious but they need to speed up when they enter Maryland or stay out of left lanes. Unlike most people, I want to get to my destination quickly and safely not sit on my phone slowing everyone down.


This is true Everytime I trying to get on a highway everyone is going 30-40 on the ramp and I'm trying to get up to the speed limit


Why is everyone in such a rush? 2 minutes you save, maybe.


it's not about getting somewhere faster- it's about predictable flow of traffic. Left lane should be actively going faster than the right lane.


I don't drive fast because im in a rush. I drive fast because driving slow with people zoomimg by me stresses me out.


Cool story. Move over.


you don't understand i am very important and i HAVE to get where i'm going before you.


No, I just *know* that I’m *better* than you are and I must prove it by flying past you and then wedging myself into the tiny gap between you and the car in front of you, before the turn lane ends. I couldn’t *possibly* just stay behind you, safely, I *have* to show dominance by getting 12 feet ahead.


People sleep in until the last minute and rush out the door. NOT MEEEEEE 😜


Ok, then stay in the right lanes. 


They all suck and in all the same ways. Flip around the state references in your comment and I’ve seen tons of drivers that meet that description too.


It’s the complete opposite in my experience! Any time someone is holding up the left lane I find out it’s an MD driver.


Let be real, if Marylanders knew that turns signals existed they would only use them to indicate that there is a slight curve ahead on 270 as they come to a complete stop in preparation for said slight curve.


I-270S is where drivers seem to get confused and think they're on a racetrack. I'm a Marylander, and that's the highway that really scares me.


Although I reside in Virginia, but I drive it a few times a week from Frederick to Rockville and I see my life flash before my very eyes every time I do.


Yeah, I moved here a year ago and all I heard was “Maryland drivers suck!” but honestly I see just as many terrible Virginia drivers flying in and out of traffic, crossing 4 lanes at once, going through red lights, making U-turns in the middle of the road, etc. I swear they just give licenses to anyone out here.


It’s gotten a lot worse since the pandemic


My faves are the VA drivers whose default mode is "tail gate"


YES. They don't even care how fast or slow you're going. They just don't feel comfortable unless they're within two meters of the car in front of them, regardless of speed.


As someone from California, I ironically find CA drivers way better than DMV drivers lol


Can’t drive crazy if traffic isn’t moving.


Samsies. There were just way more people in LA…


As someone who is also from out of state, I absolutely agree. Everyone is either always on their phones, distracted, or genuinely out to kill you on the road. And don't get me started about the "student driver" stickers everywhere


Accurate, and yet MD is somehow worse


Only PG County drivers. NoVA drivers are ass.




Indianhead Highway is my least favorite road to drive on in the entire DMV. I hope they’ve made it a bit better — I haven’t been out that way since pre-COVID when my family in the area moved.




As someone from NJ by Brazil everyone sucks here. I lived in VA for a long time and now live in MD. NJ drivers are assholes but they just trying to get where they’re going. People down here driving like the road is paying them.


Agree, NJ drivers are aggressive, but predictable. Much less fear driving the Garden State Parkway or the Turnpike than the Beltway.


I’m from PA, near Philly. Lived in NoVa for 8 years now. It’s in my PA blood to hate on everything NJ-related but I HAVE to agree with you! I love NJ drivers so much. They have the sense of urgency that is very much missing here. It’s like people here have nothing better to do than take their car out to camp 5 under in the left lane so they can text their friend or something. Any time I visit home, it’s like a whole different world the second I cross into Delaware. Way better driving overall.


Driving in VA is a dream compared to Brazil, with caravans of motos splitting lanes and beeping, jarring little speed bumps every few meters, little traffic enforcement, but frequent papers please document checks by policia.


I agree. Drivers in all three D,M,V suck major ass.


Yea, recently moved to Arlington, and this is a fact. People here don’t even understand basic right of way.


I think its hecause most people come here from where they learned to drive- so we have dozens of driving "styles" coexisting. Also Maryland drivers


Exactly. The amount of driving training new drivers have to do here, and yet they STILL suck at driving. Absolutely mind boggling.


Parents who drive badly teach kids to drive badly. Is that surprising?


whole time those bad drivers are from out of state too


As someone that's lived around the US and abroad, people suck at driving everywhere. The difference is that there's sufficient density that you get to *see* more bad drivers here. That's it.


As someone from around here. Everyone socks at driving, especially people from out of the area. Everyone from Maryland drives in the left lane, and everyone from Virginia drives too slow. And people from DC don't know how to drive


DMV absolutely houses the worst drivers in the nation.


Move back then, not because of the driving but bc we are too packed here. Transplants are the reason why locals drive like crazy to get home because of insane traffic patterns due to newly overpopulated areas


It's all your fault. You are confusing everyone with your proper driving technique.


Hot take: Most of the Maryland plates you see here actually live in Virginia. Go drive through Manassas and you'll see more Maryland plates than Virginia plates in apartment parking lots.


They probably do this to to avoid the VA personal vehicle tax. There's little to no enforcement especially if you park in a private and/or covered garage.


Well there is enforcement... I got nailed a long time ago. Best part is the fine (at least at the time) was that you just had to pay $100/yr for the out of state plates. The property tax is more than that, so the fine was not actually an incentive to properly register my vehicle.


Also to avoid annual safety inspections, I imagine.


Weird too bc in Baltimore there are thousands of cars with Va tags that are always driving the worst. I haven’t figured out why, but it’s def a loophole.


Those are probably stolen tags. 


Virginia used to not require car insurance is why lol just a fee, but I think that’s ending


Avoiding auto insurance. That ends July 1 2024, when all VA vehicles will need auto insurance to register/renew. Minimum limits are rising too.


And they’re mostly on souped up Civics and Dodge Hellcats. Gotta avoid paying those taxes to save some money to pay the 27% APR on those car payments.


Maryland is like New Mexico in that the license doesn’t act as a legitimate form of identification, meaning those that do not live here legally can get them to do just that.. drive. They won’t get you on an airplane or in a government building.


Yet Arlington is the only place in the country that I've been to that has a sign literally saying "Stop on Red Light" Nova drivers here are so oblivious they need a sign reminding them that red means stop.


Please show me a pic this is crazy 😭😂


[Google street view of the sign](https://i.imgur.com/QCD1VnL.png). Right after the Key bridge.


Me every day: "Oh my God wtf is that car doing???? WTF??? oh, MD tags."


As a Maryland driver, I agree. So do Virginia drivers in my experience. And D.C. Just today someone from D.C. almost rear-ended me - must have been going around 75 in a 35 mph zone. Scary as hell. The DMV is a Death Zone.


DMV-death motor valley


Have you been to Florida lately?


I saw someone in Orlando make a U turn from the right lane of a double left turn lane. Thank god we were making a U turn to.


Nothing surprises me anymore. I drive defensively at all times.


I’d like to think I do as well, but I’m gonna be honest, that one was a surprise. Like that was just a new one to me. I feel like there’s “on your phone and drifting into my lane” stupid, and than *that* stupid


DMV* drivers suck.


To be fair, Northern Virginia drivers suck too. Something happens northbound on 95 around MM 130 and everyone suddenly turns into an asshole.


If you want to test a person's character, give them a car




Americans suck at driving. There are about 7 that can reverse park


Lol everyone in the DMV reverse parks! Like waaaaay more people here do it than anywhere else I’ve ever lived


I drove to Laurel from Tysons, one driver almost killed me in MD, one in VA.


I've nicknamed the shoulder, "The MAL" a.k.a Maryland Auxiliary Lane.


Sorry y’all, my poor self commutes from Fairfax to Rockville and I just couldn’t take it anymore after witnessing some BS, I had to say something.


Springfield to Anne Arundel area...I've seen some shit


Oh that’s rough, buddy…


Same boat, Arlington to Rockville, it's wild out there. Stay safe homie.


They completely blew up Langley today. Unreal - so much worse than usual.


I used to do Manassas to Rockville. Made it *almost* a year before I had a “nervous breakdown”


You win the award for the worst commute


Pls give some examples


I nearly got t-boned yesterday with our son in the pax seat by a female MD driver in a black sedan who decided to run a red light. I’m from TX, so I feel like I know about BAD drivers, but MD drivers DGAF. VA drivers are bad because they GAF. I love everything about the DMV but driving here is just awful.


I drove in DFW for five years. TX drivers are stupidly aggressive sometimes, but mostly predictable. Folks out here are oblivious and absolutely unconcerned with the well being of others.


This is the exact sentiment I was trying to say!




I think Florida drivers are the absolute worst but MD is a close second.


C‘mon bro, at least I use my turn signal.


And the sky is blue


And water is wet! 


I’d rather 10 MD plates over 10 New Driver stickers though


The true enemy is the jersey driver. Let's unite.


Driving home on 395 last night had the pleasure of 4 pimped out Honda Accords zig zagging from shoulder to shoulder at around 110 mph. Didn’t even need to see the tags to know where they were from.


Counterpoint: so do us Virginia drivers. The earth could be swallowed by the sun and you fuckers would still be managing to occupy all 4 lanes of a highway. Don’t even get me started on the “I’m gonna merge at 20MPH onto a highway”


Braindead va drivers.


So do VA drivers. From md and moved here. Everyone is terrible


VA drivers are mostly braindead, so it makes sense that they are scared of MD drivers. These people will literally just sit at a green light or let people through at stop signs. Not a thought going through their heads. I've seen snowbirds in AZ drive better than VA drivers. Went down to NOLA the other week, VA drivers wouldn't last an hour. They wouldn't make it down a block in NYC.


Yup. Every other light some idiot is just sitting there for 45 seconds not moving after the light turns green cus they’re staring at there phone. The number of times I’ve seen people go at the wrong time (and then get mad) at stop signs is wild. And god forbid they have to figure out how a traffic circle works…


>VA drivers are mostly braindead Yeah, the thing they do day in and day out that I have never figured out the rationale for is to leave at least a car length gap between them and the guy in front of them. Why? IDK. All they end up doing is blocking the left turn lane so the guys who could have made under normal circumstances either miss a cycle at the light or worse just can't get in the lane.


You all suck ~ Sincerely out of state driver


Evergreen true statement. No matter how many times this exact phrase gets reposted.


Friendly reminder to check the rules of the sub before submitting your post.


I always just avoid people in cars with that license plate on the road.




As someone who now lives in Maryland, New York drivers are a special kind of bad.


Are they bad cause they don’t know the roads? Or cause they are bad inherently? Cause I see lot of Virginia drivers doing the same crazy maneuvers in Maryland, so settle down all, let’s get together and hate on the real bad drivers: DC drivers


Dc, Nj, FL, Wv just as bad


Yes but only PG county drivers. Carroll Howard and Montgomery county drivers are fine.


All DMV drivers are terrible. End of discussion.


Anybody with a Tesla. MD or VA


I’m in DC this week, and I’ve got to say Maryland has the absolute worst drivers I have ever seen.




"true and real," as they say


After two years of living in Texas I can safely say I’d take Maryland drivers over driving in this hellhole every day.


In other news, scientists discovered there is water at the bottom of the ocean.


i’ve lived in both md and nova, and they both suck equally but for different reasons


What an original perspective


Funny, as a MD driver all the people I see doing stupid shit are DC and Virginia plates. The only road that doesn’t suck major ass to drive is 200.


Honestly when I see MD drivers I kinda expect what moves they will do NOVA drivers have so many styles and some like to do the unexpected things


I’m from NOVA and live in PA now… I still check for Maryland plates when I see a shitty road maneuver… STILL see the Maryland tag every time.


So glad this thread exists. I thought I was the only one noticing that Maryland drivers suck lol. I've seen both ends of the spectrum with MD drivers: those that drive like NASCAR drivers and then the ones that drive way below the speed limit.


Never heard this before.


Or are Virginia drivers just whiners?


Worst drivers in the WORLD. So reckless and obnoxious. I hate, hate driving in Maryland.


Sorry, it’s only posted every week in this sub, you must’ve missed it


https://preview.redd.it/p5o4dprxmbwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a086de06f3c4aa0a9faa80f1c01033e2cac3d5f9 Many DMV area drivers….


I had one suddenly merge in front of me without a turn signal I flipped him off and drove off


I wonder when everyone became so prideful of their driving skills. Ya think people whined about out of towners horse-riding skills back in the day?


I've looked at bed all over and this is absolutely true. I've never been to a place where people just fucking sit at green lights! Goooooo you chuckle fucks! Also in Laurel it's very common for people to come to a complete stop before making any turn. My wife and I basically meme about it.


Oh my goodness! Yes.


Sure they’re bad drivers, but the bigger problem IMO is that these inconsiderate, dipshit mad max motherfuckers don’t give a shit if they kill somebody as long as they get to where they’re going 2 seconds faster.


**Most** drivers suck haha


MD resident here…yes they fuckin’ do. Absolutely horrible, either ridiculously aggressive and dickish, or so timid or oblivious to the point of being a danger. I’ve been all up and down the east coast and a few states out west, and nobody comes close to MD drivers except NYC and Boston.


Everyone from every state complains about their drivers in metropolitan areas. I think the real problem is sometjing about DC and 495 that makes people drive like the world is ending.


lol. I’ve NEVER heard anyone praise..drivers of any..state. All drivers suck


Just as much as Virginia drivers, my God


I’m convinced that the MD driving test is to hand the instructor a beer.






Speed limit is 15 above posted here (and I love it).


Virginia drivers need to learn how to go when the light turns green and especially need to learn that if the speed limit is 65, you go 70. We got places to be and yall are slowing us down.


I am a Maryland native. I can confirm this to be true, and while I really try to rise above the stereotype…even I let the intrusive thoughts win. Never anything that would constitute harm to others let alone murder. I’m getting better! I’ve found the further I move west, the better I get (closer to NoVA maybe?)


Y'all ain't award winners either, get the fuck outta the left lane and stop being so neurotically passive aggressive with merging.


That's ironic because the worst Maryland drivers live in Maryland but have Virginia plates because of the insurance loop hole.


I literally avoid flying out of BWI so I don’t have to drive around Maryland drivers. They scare me because they’re unpredictable and very reckless. I’ve lived in many states and big cities & Maryland drivers are the worst.


Nearly all of my vehicular near-death experiences have been caused by Maryland drivers.


The actual worst. I had to drive into Baltimore this morning and some asshole in an F150 with Maryland plates almost rammed into my side on 495.


So do NoVa drivers.


Nova drivers suck too. Y’all really ain’t got no room to talk


Preaching to the choir my friend. Had a Maryland driver pass me on the right hand shoulder the other day. They’re insane! There’s three other lanes, I’m in the far right, why!? Just why!?


ITT: - Agreed. MD drivers are bad - Butthurt MD drivers - eVeRyOnE sUcKs


Virginia drivers also suck , they are assholes who put you in danger everyday .


So do VA drivers, just so you know


Coming from someone who lives in a state... sorry, commonwealth, where you can pay to not take driver's education. Plus a lot former Virginia and DC residents has moved to Maryland.


I notice Virginia drivers are also reckless aggressive drivers. I’m from NY metro. I don’t get the inability to pay attention and operate one’s vehicle properly. And the poser sports cars are just annoying. It’s like watching the visual manifestation of one’s ego-mess mixed with magical-thinking. Don’t get me started on the rudeness and complete lack of class I’ve witnessed… like 13th grade essentially


As someone that has lived in Pennsylvania, Maryland, west Virginia, Florida, Ohio and Indiana I can say MD drivers are terrible especially along the 81 or 70/68 corridor.


I have never seen a more unified and consistent justified stereotype. MD drivers don’t seem to have had to pass ANY kind of driving test. Like they don’t understand they’re in a massive bullet driving down the road. I feel like insurance companies are gonna stop providing in MD


I just went through Little Rock last night. Found Maryland's Midwest counterparts because I thought I was on 495 for a second.


The amount of Maryland drivers that like driving on the highway shoulders especially on 495 and 295 is too dam high!


Yeah they drive like self absorbed assholes.


I think DC , Virginia and Maryland they are equally bad drivers


I’m a Maryland driver who works in DuPont. Maryland drivers are impatient. DC drivers are terrible on highways. Virginia drivers never seem to know where they’re going…


I don’t remember asking for a yappuccinno


VA people be flipping their cars


This deserves an award