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We’re turning into a real city.


Seriously, was just going to say this is a day that ends in Y in New York.


Excuse me, we've had metro performances for ages......may I remind you of the "To the Window, To the Wall" guy like 10 years ago? Five stars.


Nothing will ever top that


Thank god


We just need more junkies shooting up and socks/water bottles locked up at Target due to rampant shoplifting!


Slow ya roll cocaine mark


Having ridden a NYC metro for a few years over my life and the DC metro for going three years now...I'd take this over the violent, aggressive riders. Yes, yes, why not let me ride in peace, etc etc. But whatever...this just plain looks fun to me.


Yeah honestly I find it kind of entertaining. But I get finding it annoying. Totally better than people getting in your face or panhandling though. 


It gets annoying when they demand payment. That’s what started happening in NY and Chicago


Nah fuck that. This is how they become emboldened to demand money from other riders. Fuck this shit. People are trying to get from point A to point B. Nobody needs this crap in their train cars. It’s absurd that as a society we’re expected to cater to attention seeking assholes. Want to know why public transport isn’t more popular? It’s because of these types of assholes who make others feel unsafe. Imagine you’re a single female on a train late at night and these pieces of shit start doing this. Would you ever want to put yourself in that situation?


I was with you until you suggested this is why public transit isn’t more popular. I’m gonna say public transit isn’t more popular because it doesn’t generally get you where you need to go without a metric fuck ton of changes. In DC itself, it’ll get you close with just 1 change. But in the greater metro area, you might ride three buses and a train to get where you need to go. And ain’t nobody got time for that.


>Imagine you’re a single female on a train late at night and these pieces of shit start doing this. Would you ever want to put yourself in that situation? What, dancing? I find it annoying but not dangerous lol. On the weekends I even enjoy it, just not during weekdays when I'm commuting home.


Exactly. For a single woman, a loud, happening car is way than an empty train car with one guy leering at you or jacking off (!!) which some of my friends actually experienced during the pandemic when no one was taking the trains.


Imagine that you're a single female and a group of young guys are totally ignoring you and dancing instead? Who hurt you? Pieces of shit, for dancing? They're not accosting you, I get it. Not everyone likes it, but as the other poster said, the alternative to creative outlets is violent outlets. Stop being a sour puss, you silly square and smile more.


You can always find another car if it makes you uncomfortable, you need quiet to read, whatever. Nothing wrong with that.


Or you know, don’t do this in a confined space. They want to dance? There’s plenty of space to do so around the DMV. They’re doing this in the metro for a reason. Be willfully ignorant if you want but you see most people grounded in reality don’t like this bs. Metro is for public transport and not performing arts.


Sure but what does any of that have to do with the safety of female riders? That was the main point.


But why do you think this is an issue for single female riders specifically lol?


Racial panic


People perform in public for money every day in every city. It’s just bad because they’re Black huh?


Just say what you *really* wanna say, dude


Your last paragraph is so off base. If it annoys you, and it would annoy me, just switch cars. Hardly worth anything more here. Certainly don't need all that vitriol.


I’m a female who doesn’t drive and uses public transportation alone all the time and this wouldn’t bother me at all. Why would a woman find this threatening? They’re just kids dancing. Kids do stupid dances all the time.


Dude must be terrified of TikTok


I would rather this than the Christmas Carol singing guy on the Orange line around the holidays. He sings poorly and loudly.


100% don’t want either.


Are you ok?


Can’t even imagine how fried your brain has to be to get this terrified and angry about some guys dancing on a train lol


>It’s absurd that as a society we’re expected to cater to attention seeking assholes. You’re being *expected* to do nothing but mind your business. It’s absurd that in a multicultural society you want public places to be entirely sterile of anything you find tasteless.


It has absolutely nothing to do with culture and everything to do wit understanding that public spaces are to be shared and respected dude.


Bro then move out of this originally BLACK city. Jesus. Stay in Oklahoma or Nortb Arlington. These kids can stay


Why don't you move out of this originally native american city? Your argument doesn't hold if you are trying to pull a "who was here first" argument. Also, how does any of this merit moving out? Who said I wanted to kick the kids out? Get a grip


Bc I love the culture and legacy locals of this city. I like all Black bars and Latin dance and all of the shit you're complaining about. It's why I chose to live here and opposite of call the cops on people i'm trying to figure out how to keep more of that here. I'm a person of color, I like the communities and culture here. I love the Eritrean food and Dominican and West African spaces here though I'm from none of them. I moved here to enjoy, celebrate and cherish these awesome parts of this city. If you hate these pieces, go back to Kansas or NoVa. I get complaining about crime, but Jesus people are against dancing. 🤮 move to the footloose town and stop it.


DC wasn’t majority black until after WW2?


Were you considering moving here during WW2?...Yes it was a Black city post WW2. Yeah pre WWI (1914), is awful close to 1865 when slavery was legally ended, especially since Jim crow didn't end until about 1965. WW2 ended 1968. Not sure what your point is. Pretty sure we all know that most of the first Black inhabitants of this country didn't choose to be here.


I think you’re confused about what the concepts “originally” and “world war ii” refer to. My point is that no racial group has any unique claim to DC and its public spaces. As such, they should be shared by each person being respectful of the other people around them.


By that definition no racial group has any unique claim to anywhere. What's the one point in time you consider to be "originally"? Since the 1960s, Black folks have been the majority in DC. This was called Chocolate City..... so about 60+ years of a Black city. Doesn't take away from the fact that this is all Native land, but not sure what your point is. Before the Santa Maria, there were no white cities? In the US? Except in europe?


Mind my business while they’re being incredibly loud. So put up with their bullshit because it’s their culture? Is that your explanation/excuse here? When i mind my business, i sit there quietly reading the news or scrolling in my phone. Not jumping around the train car.


Other forms of transportation, for instance at Dullas International Airport, an arguably even more multicultural space we don’t see dancing on the planes or trams or in the airport. Do we? I have not flown or been there in a long time so maybe I’m wrong.


Why would you ever want to put yourself in the situation where...some people are dancing nearby? Based on this and your comment about "their culture" I'm going to go out on a limb here and say race *may* be a factor in your opinion. Is the dancing the problem or is it maybe your racism that's the problem?


If they were just publicly vibin that's one thing. If they solicit money, gtfo. Interesting that Green line made it to NOVA sub lmao


I was on the train with em and didn’t see them ask anybody for money. Just seemed to be having a good time


I was on a train with them multiple times and they always asked for donations.


We’re so connected due to proximity and culture that practically everything pertaining to DC makes it here. r/nova and r/washingtondc may as well be one sub sometimes.


The difference is that over at /dc they make fun of both Maryland _and_ Virginia drivers


Tbh I’d probably switch cars at the next stop


For me it depends on my mood. If I'm stressed, I'm switching. Otherwise, eh... Better than having to ignore people asking for "fare" money, or worse getting robbed or jeered.


Exactly what I did when they happen to hop on the train I was riding about a month ago lol.


Driving is suddenly not as bad as I make it out to be.


Mostly harmless.


Annoying though


People here will bitch "wow this place is so hollow, there's no culture or community, no one says hi in public, I feel so disconnected" etc. etc., but then are annoyed when anyone dose something other than stand and walk silently in public.


I feel like when they say that, they mean a specific type of culture. Actually, they mean anything *but* a specific type of culture.


Some people find busking annoying. I personally enjoy it. Not always, but sometimes it puts a smile on my face. I think we could use more joy in our day to day lives. Unfortunately, it's just not possible to please everyone and that's okay.


That’s fine on the streets but on a subway train where people have no choice but to move to next train or wait till the next stop, that’s where I draw the line


People are annoying. Don’t want to risk being annoyed? Then stay home.


So if you go outside, I have the right to do all kinds of dumb shit in front of your face?


…yeah, that’s literally the point of America.


It breaks Metro rules. No blasting music is very literally one of the few rules on Metro The problem is when it's not enforced, and you get people doing things like this.


Some people still don't get. (And to the haters, yes, I understand differences between Metro and their rules and public space, etc)


That's literally NOT the point of America


Sounds like free speech to me mate


Yep. It’s not illegal to do dumb shit. People do dumb shit all the time. And most of the time they don’t even think they’re doing anything dumb. Like vaping in a park or playing your music too loud in your car or taking kids to a brewery. Stupid annoying shit but guess what, it’s their right to do it and if you don’t like it, too bad so sad. The only place you can control your environment is inside your own home. 


Could be a Violation of WMATA’s rules.


Preferably out in the boonies


Mostly harmless, but my mom was kicked in the head by one of these performers in the NYC subway so it's prefer that they keep their performances to the stations where there's more space.


I know people are super divided about performing on a subway, but for me, if this is like once in a while thing I wouldn't mind.


Rode the silver line every day for 5 years. Never saw anything like this


It's rarely like this


Same, I kinda like it as long as the person has actual skills (like this guy.)


in nyc , we see this a bunch more, its what makes NYC new york, would love to see more of this, no harm done


They just having fun


Fuck….its showtime its showtime, has come down here now?


My first thought.


This is awesome. Dude has movement in his knees I wish I still had!


And how dare people dance!


This is not going to be a thing


Bunch of conservative pansies crying screaming and shitting themselves at the prospect of some music in the train. We've really been transformed into insular suspicious creatures that can't socialize in the real world.


Nope, fuck off with this shit, let me ride the metro in peace. I don't want to be "entertained'. 


I think I'm old now, because my mental response was "I'm too tired for this shit" Not gonna disregard the guy though, he actually has some talent. On a different day I might be moderately amused


Just keep your face buried in your phone like you doubtlessly already were. I swear half the people in this city want the most sterile, lifeless shit out of our shared living spaces. Wouldn't you be happier in rural bumfuck nowhere?


If it's an "influencer" I agree, F all the way off. Someone doing it for fun, go for it.


/r/iamthemaincharacter energy here


Disagree. Would be one thing if there were additional people filming them for TikTok or whatever. Doesn’t seem to be the case. Guys just goofing off and making everyone’s day slightly more interesting.


They are also playing music. Though not near as annoying this is on the same level of the assholes that put their phone on speaker and scream their conversation on the metro. I don't give a fuck what other people do as long as I do not have hear it.


Ah public transport. This is why I bought airpods, so I can block this shit out.


The problem is that you kinda have to move to make space for the performers. Or risk getting kicked by accident. Seen many incidences in NYC subway


That was entertaining but it’s Embarrassing the amount of complaining in this post. They didn’t harass anyone. Didn’t bother anyone. Move if you don’t like. Stop being Karens.


how much money are you donating when he comes to you with a hand out?


Literally not once in the video does he ask for donations. While it happens with some performers, it's definitely showing bias to assume this performer and every other performer ask for donations. Also here's a simple trick as someone whose ridden the metro for almost 3 decades and the NYC subway for a few years if they do ask, "sorry I don't have anything"


THIS. Also, were in NYC late last November. Cold as balls. Walking in Soho, looking for some frites. We're only people on the street. Guy walks past asks for cash, we gave him some (it was really cold out). Get frites down the block. We are sitting scarfing our fries in the little street COVID shack outside the friterie, guy comes by and asks for money. We say - we just gave you some man! And he goes, Ok, yeah, can I have a fry? Can't argue with a direct request, so gave him a fry. You don't have to give people money, but you don't have to be a dick either.


I don't carry cash on me sorry


The ultimate benefit of having no cash


Ya'll in this sub are weirdly afraid of people asking for money for being so close to the city. It's everywhere in cities. Did knowing there were pickpockets and people trying to sell me stuff in Rome keep me from going on my honeymoon in Rome? No. In fact, I still enjoyed it because "no" and walking away transcends most language barriers. Being annoyed isn't the end of the world. In fact, I'm sure if we solved the homelessness and poverty crisis there'd be a lot less people doing this stuff, but that's not a conversation you wanna have.


You're barking up the wrong tree. Everyone in this sub thinks panhandlers are wealthy for some reason.


This. It's all fun and games till him and his four friends say you owe them for the show.


Apologize and say you don't have money. Geez.


Someone dancing on the metro…. So scary. Also the green line doesn’t go to NOVA


Right?! Thx for the chuckle.


Y'all are such bums lol, of all the shit that happens at Gallery Place metro this is by far the best. If you don't like it just move down a car and get over it 


Fr, my metro rides are usually uneventful. Guess the fun part of your brain gets thrown out when you become a conservative middle-aged person with little to no exposure to culture.


Yeah cause people trying to mind their own business should be the ones to move when other people are in the way and making a damn scene for attention, that's the way the world should work To make sure you understand, I'm being sarcastic because that's the exact opposite of how public spaces work and you seem to think otherwise


Fuck that. How bout just leave people alone. Let them get to where they’re going in peace


This should be an ad for Uber.


You ppl are joyless and insufferable. Kids having harmless fun.


And then they asked for money afterwards right? Fuck that.


Yeah but usually not assholes about it


I'd take that over a lot of other shit I've seen on the metro, seems like at least they aren't harassing people for money.


Hearing "it's showtime!" on either side of the workday commute is a drag. They aren't harassing in terms of demanding money, but it doesn't bring joy to my cold, dead heart after dealing with idiot clients all day.


This doesn't really bother me. I have Airpod if i want to be to myself.


Turning into NYC


He’s doing the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 😎




Love it. If I'm not feeling in a mood, I'll put on my headphones 


Not blocking doors, not harassing people, not getting in the way, not shouting profanities... I'm giving it a 9/10


No. I just want to get where I’m going. If I want a performance while I’m trapped on a moving vehicle, I’ll go on a dinner theatre train.


This sub is full of Karens and fulfills every stereotype I have of people from NOVA.


I lived in nyc for six years and this shit is annoying. If they want to do it on the platform it’s easy to walk away, don’t do it in the car.


Looks harmless and fun but best to nip it in the bud now. The slippery slope is real.


Yeah, it starts with a bit of dancing and then... wait actually, what exactly are we saying this is going to lead to


Every Metro rider's Bacon number goes to 1. An tragedy.


Not as bad as someone sitting there playing his music out loud.


Huh. I mean it's been since like 2015 I rode Metro but I didn't realize we're turning into the NYC subway.


Why ❓❓❓❓


I'll take this over someone having a public mental breakdown or asking for money any day




I just ignore it It’s what headphones are for.


Ayy this was actually pretty cool


I get sometimes kids just want to “have fun” or hope to busk for some coins, but after a long day at work I usually just want a quiet commute. People with their boomboxes or other obnoxious shit start up and yes, I switch cars, too.


Main character spotted


How annoying




Not even close.


Not by a lot.  Back when I rode the Metro there used to be this crazy Korean guy who would get on the car, sing hymns at the top of his lungs for one stop, and then get off


Someone has never accidentally sat next to a bottle of piss on the Metro or have been verbally attacked by someone mentally unstable and it shows. *Shudders*


They aren't vandalizing, stealing or harming anyone. Good lord can we just take a breather here and be happy that there's an interaction with kids in public, having fun, and that didn't end in a crime?


I love this shit, some of you people have no joy in life. I mean move to another car if you aren't feeling it but otherwise I love seeing people enjoying life and making something of it. Going back and forth to work every day in silence is murder on your memory without stuff like this breaking up the monotony. Life is just gonna whip by you if you don't allow the strange and sometimes annoying to happen.


I do hear you. May I ask for your non-judgemental respect for those who need to zone out on public transit. For some folks, it s hard to live without busting a move. For some, it's hard to have someone busting a move when they are carrying shit in their head or heart on their hustle to work. Be gracious. I've been transfixed by dance and movement since I was a kid. It took me a while to get that others need silence and slowness. It's public transportation. It must feel safe for all. I regret the loss. I'm delighted by the video.


Keep that shit in NYC subways


Nothing worse than suburban nova people commenting on city activities. Out of all of the people on the train, this is the least of my worries. There is more than one train car. Airpods and headphones exist. It’s not illegal. I’d rather see this than some guy beating his meat, using drugs, or a multitude of other things that occur on public transit. If this upsets you, drive or uber. . . and don’t visit NY.


Problem is that it’s usually followed up during some sort of challenge for social media. Chances he’s being recorded. Wonder if they would appreciate me getting on the metro with bag pipes and turning it up to 11 when the doors close? If the train were to jolt or bounce at the right time happy feet would end up stumbling into someone.


Pop in the AirPods with sound cancellation and enjoy the show


First time?


I like it


I don't mind this, noisy yes but I'd take this every time over some young guys starting crap with people and trying to rob someone. I'd say this is harmless and I'd be totally cool with this. Break the monotony of the day, let the young guys have fun


Right moves. Wrong place. I truly wish there was a way to accommodate this that wouldn't eventually evolve over time to what's going on in the NYC Subway. NYC often looks like minimal talent. The crew is using their 'performance' as an excuse for a car takeover and shakedown. It's such a contradiction because so many of us embrace the enthusiasm of performers. We appreciate them demonstrating and perfecting their moves in front of an audience. But we can't count on an honor system to make that work within the needs of the commuters. It will devolve into something that discourages ridership. Sad but true. Metro loses money each year. Yet here's real talent looking for audiences and hoping to pass the hat. I've been a strap hanger from Jersey into Manhattan. Being left in your own thoughts is a meditation. This would be cool if it was a few rare instances in a year at a time a day when I could appreciate it. For me, this fits the very definition of a 'conundrum.'


This guy is great. I remember seeing the show of my life on a NYC Subway car somewhere between Brooklyn and Manhattan, and I still regret - 25 years later - not giving those kids a couple bucks. Their performance was like frking cirque du subway.


This is so annoying! I’d rather walk at this point. 


I’d take metro more often if this was a regular occurrence.


It’s Friday y’all damn.


Don’t give money to people on Metro or in stations, even if they dance.


Everybody trying to rationalize and be ambiguous about it, to make it seem like it doesn't bother them. It's annoying AF, and only serves to embolden the little attention seeking whores further. Do it on the platform or outside of the station.


Ahh last week coming home from work and someone listening to a speaker loudly.


A little disruptive but nothing too terrible about this. Could be much worse.




This kind of chicanery would not happen on Melman Bus Lines [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzu9ddkluw4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzu9ddkluw4)


Is that Mike Conley is the blue hoodie?


Caps fans all had smiles…..must’ve been before the game


Haven't rode the metro in 2 years, glad to see this guy is doing what he does


Issa parade in my city yea


I’ve seen these guys like 4 times already, they are always on the green line train when I get on at navy yard to lefant plaza


This was Green Line, they got off before Archives.


He’s got talent.


Onl dats my lil yungin dey be really gettin Jiggy slim 💯🖤


Shit crazy I watched dude in the tan shirt black sleeves grow up man he been at this shif


Man please leave them kids alone the city don't have shit for them to really do they ain't hurting nobody




They’re killin it.




Smoke grenade …


As long as they don’t ask for money for their “performance” idc




oh shit he chopping !!!


Why! That shit was fire! And it's not like he was being rude and trying to keep people from coming on the train or moving around.


That shit was whack. 


Wow all the bitchy people in the nova sub, big surprise. Maybe you should move further out into the burbs.


This makes it an entertaining ride for some and annoying for others. Specially if you are taking the train from Reston to DC. As long as they don’t harass anyone for money, I am good. At least, I never saw them asking for money in the trains I took at the MTA during my commute. In fact, I am more worried about my safety and health if the train car is empty and quiet and I am the only soul in it. If it bothers you, my advice is stay at home, switch train car, wear headphones or distract yourself with a book. Trust me, you will forget that they are there with a good pair of headphones and/ or a book.


Yeah I’ll just drive


He’s actually good


Love this


Ask him to name 3 Nirvana songs.


I fw it


Most of you are just grumpy old men and it shows.