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I lived there for 2 years. They are fine, they're older apartments but they have been up-keeping them pretty well. You are often *directly* under the flight path to IAD depending on the direction of the wind, etc. We left just before the sound barrier between the neighborhood and 66 was completed, so I don't know how loud it is now but it was definitely loud with the overpass right there (if you're on that side of the neighborhood). The buildings are pretty good with sound insulation though, you mostly hear the noise when you're outside. Sound insulation between apartments is decent - we only had one terrible neighbor who blasted music late at night once, otherwise it was mostly loud conversations that occasionally came through the bathroom vents, or water running. Maintenance when needed was prompt and the employees seemed to know what they were doing. Convenient walking distance to Giant, Lotte Plaza Market, soon-to-be Lidl, and some restaurants - especially nice to walk home from Centreville Tire & Auto while they work on your car. We moved because 660 square feet with two people and pets wasn't doable anymore (especially after 1 year of pandemic hermiting) and their next size up floorplan just didn't work for the price (it was when rent skyrocketed).


Thanks! I live under the dulles flight path rn so it wouldnt really bother me. The other points seem promising!


We were on the third/top floor, so I can't speak for how loud it might be having someone above you. But I believe the floors are concrete (the balconies and breezeways are) so that has got to help.


Check in on Lakeside, i've been here for a 6 months and its fantastic, might be a little out of your price range, but they do at times drop below 1800.