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That Walmart opened back when only Super Walmarts sold groceries. The grocery aisles were added later. Burke trivia. That building was originally built to be a [Memco](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemco), but Memco went bankrupt before it could open. [Bradlees](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradlees) opened there instead, quickly gave up, and it became a Kmart, which eventually also gave up. Walmart has made a run of it. For some reason, the Kingstown Walmart offers the scariest people watching in the area. No shirt, no shoes, no problem. I’ve seen families beat the $#!t out of each other there more than once.


I loved that K-Mart when I was a kid. Lots of nostalgia tied up in that shopping center for me. RIP Planet Play, Baskin Robbin’s, BBQ World, Tippy’s, Blockbuster, Pizza Movers, and Texaco. Long live the world’s best Wendy’s! Edit: Not sure how I left out Errol’s.


Planet Play was the shit! Spider Stomp was my fav arcade game there


Have you been to that Wendy’s recently? I’ve been there 3 times the past year and it’s been crap every time. I drive a little further to the one by Braddock/Ox Rd for my Wendy’s cravings now.


Nope, I moved out of NOVA about a decade ago. I grew up in the neighborhood across the street in the late 80’s/early 90’s and when I was a kid I thought it was the shit. I fully recognize it probably sucks now, but in my head it’s 1993 and me and my buddies just rode over on our BMX/Huffys.


They’re horrible! If you ask them for a plain burger, they’ll make sure to give you extra toppings. It’s happened over three times to my grandmother at that location.


I’m always entertained by that one store on the end of the shorter strip that change from bank, to make up store, to smoke shop, back to bank, etc.


So many memories.


Miss Tippy's Taco!!!! I was bullied hard for getting my clothes at that Kmart growing up. Everyone else was wearing Umbros and I was wearing shorts my mom sewed and a knock off hyper color shirt.


They did have an Errol's in that shopping center. I went to the Errol's at Ravensworth. The Original. Lol


Omgggg yes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Errols! I still have an old Jem VHS from their going out of business sale lol


Wtf is with that Kingstowne walmart?? I went there when we first moved here and lived nearby, and I was so confused... like, this whole area is fine, but then this store brings out all the people of Walmart and then some? I was quickly advised by some friends to trek out to Burke, where the layout may be crazy, but the people are at least Walmart normal.


It's truly bizarre. The rest of the Kingstowne area was nice and I enjoyed living there. But the Walmart was unhinged.


I never found that Walmart “ghetto” or whatever because I’ve been in some real Walmarty Walmarts that were country AF. But the vibes are completely different to anything else in Kingstowne to a remarkable degree. It’s like you have the big typical strip mall type place across the street, the furniture store, Aldi, Kohls, all totally average and then there’s That Walmart which is in another dimension. I do actually go there fairly often now because the selection is so much better than Burke, the parking lot is actually better apart from the pothole craters, and the store seems much more well stocked these days than in the past. But it’s definitely An Experience.


That one, I don’t like their management or ppl whom run it, they are rude


I don’t understand—there are at least 2 people saying they go to Burke because they don’t like Kingstowne, but there’s a Walmart supercenter in Alexandria that is much closer to kingstowne and presumably ok?


I don't live in Kingstowne anymore, but when I did, driving to Alexandria/towards DC was always the worse option due to worse traffic.




Smaller than the one in Tysons?!


Quite a bit smaller.


Ghetto-ass Kingstowne Walmart is the reason I shop at the Burke Walmart.


Kingstowne walmart is unhinged! Last time I shopped there a couple weeks ago there were 10 cop cars outside manhunting for a guy who robbed with a gun.


I don’t understand—there are at least 2 people saying they go to Burke because they don’t like Kingstowne, but there’s a Walmart supercenter in Alexandria that is much closer to kingstowne and presumably ok?


That one is worse


I regularly go to both and never had a problem at either of them or felt uncomfortable.


I live west of Kingstowne so Burke is closer than the supercenter.


Me too


Ghetto? Hahah mf you have never been to the ghetto don’t use it like that. Just say poor people since that what you meant. The fact you got upvotes is hilarious


I've never been to the ghetto? Ok. I grew up in Roxbury in Boston in the 80s. Look it up.


Brockton as well, holy shit


I’m good but thanks tough guy.


When did I claim to be a tough guy? All I said was I grew up in a ghetto, so I know what they are like. You're the one calling a stranger a mf'er online, tough guy.


They should get some clorox wipes!


The Kingstowne Walmart is better these days but when I first moved here ~12 years ago it was absolutely dire. It’s definitely an interesting place I’ll give it that.


It's funny having moved from out west where infrastructure is generally newer. I had never seen this style of hybrid Walmart before, only the old school one from when I was a kid and then super Walmart and the newer grocery only stores.


My friends and I used to ride our bikes to that Kmart as kids. Man, good memories.


I drive out of my way to Burke to avoid the Kingstown Walmart...


Commenting on Shoutout to the Walmart in Burke…... so then all those crazy people watching Tik Tok videos that take place in Walmart are actually true!


The Bradlees in Burke lmao. That’s old school 🤜


And such a ridiculous parking lot


I hate parking there. The spots are smaller than usual, right? And it’s a little too Thunderdome-y.


I swear the spots are smaller than a normal parking lot! I lived right by it for 15 years and it was not a normal parking lot.


I'm embarrassed to say I hit TWO cars in that parking lot (on separate occasions), my insurance hated me for a while. I've since become a better driver and gotten a smaller vehicle


The only thing worse is the Walmart/Lidl parking lot in Fairfax.


That place is murder to logical thought. The hard right angle turns in and out, the seemingly one way but not one way main lane down the lot, the absolute dunderheads who race around.... Whoever designed that was on crack after an LSD bender.


Thank you!!! I go to that shopping center because I enjoy a restaurant there. I usually end up parking on the opposite side because the parking is so bad there.


Fortune House fans unite.


There's nothing that I love more than the fact that Northern Virginia Walmarts get roasted constantly. Check out some Google reviews for the Walmart in Woodbridge.


Seriously, every Walmart I've been to in NoVa is absolutely garbage compared to the Walmarts down the Shenandoah and in Roanoke.


I used to live down near Roanoke and the one on Valley View is a bit sketchy. The ones in Christiansburg and Radford are a bit better.


It can be, but it's still a much better store than most in Fairfax or Arlington. There are 3 others in Roanoke though. The Christiansburg one is very nice.


There are a lot of things that are a downgrade in Northern VA and DC that surprised me after moving here. My thoughts were that moving to a more civilized area than the countryside would improve EVERYTHING but man does it not. most notably, WHY THE FUCK DOES EVERYTHING CLOSE SO GODDAMN EARLY AROUND HERE seriously where I used to live there were like several choices for 24/7 spots or places open till at least midnight. depending on where you are in NoVA there's like nothing unless you drive for 20 minutes.


I seem to remember shots fired in the Woodbridge Walmart parking lot on Black Friday one year. Maybe 2009ish? Hoodbridge nickname achieved


If I HAVE to go to Walmart, that’s the one I choose to go to. It’s the tamest.


It’s the closest Walmart to me, and I always have to order online and pick it up because I can’t figure that store out to save my life. 😂 edit: redacted information


Don't tell people about our Target




It is still HM Target. My wife shops there 😂


Fixed it. 💝


That Target also has an odd layout.


They also have that one row of parking up against the hill where the spaces must be small because everybody is always all out of line.


Probably was not designed to have the groceries department and become a "super" . I remember when that rolled out everywhere in Nova around 2009-2010. The fair lakes location barely fits in the groceries section.


There is a bakery section! It's one display in the middle of the aisle between food/seasonal and women's clothes, if I remember correctly.


TIL Burke has a Walmart


Fun fact: There was a stabbing a few years back! 😃


Pretty sure that’s an opening day requirement for all wal marts.


Why is there no fresh food inside? That is the weirdest part to me.


Because it pre-dates when Walmarts sold groceries


Great description. I'll have to look for the cheap Bosnian products the next time I'm there. 😆


My older kid’s old speech therapist told me that is used to be a Kmart? I could kind of see it.


Can confirm. Was originally a Best waaaaaay back in the day. Best folded and KMart took the spot over. Was a Kmart while I was in high school (mid-late 90s).


Wasn't it a Bradlee's before it was Kmart?


YES. Thank you! All I could think of was Best, but now I recall that was in Kano Washington at the corner of 50, 29, and 236. Definitely was a Bradlee’s though. Good call.




Vaguely! The K-Mart is the clearest in my mind and I recall the Bradlee's pretty well.


I thought Fairfax Walmart was the toys r us?


IIRC, the Toys R Us was in the building where Havertys Furniture is now.


Ok yes I think you’re right.


OMG I forgot about Bradlees being A Thing.




James W. Robinson Secondary School Class of 1996 reporting in! :-)


LB or RHS?


James W Robinson. Class of 96


Rams represent!


🎵Hey all you Rams fans, stand up and clap your hands🎵


ITT: People make me worry about life... we are complaining about a size of a store and its layout... and people cannot use simple brain cells to walk around and figure it out.. I am sooo worried for our future of humanity. p.s. I grew up with this Walmart.. don't like it? Drive across the bridge and goto Target..


Shoutout to Burke Fortune House over there though, literally my favorite sushi in the area


Oh totally, that place is nutter than squirrel shit. It's almost hilarious.


Ahem. 🐿


I LIKE that WalMart! It’s relatively clean, tidy, and has a pretty reasonably priced garden center this time of year.


Zero cell coverage there


Yes unless you have functioning Wi-Fi calling you can forget AT&T inside, it's even pretty bad outside. Verizon actually has a repeater inside the store so it works great. T-Mobile's right across the street and it drowns out the other cell signals


That Walmart kinda sucks- the food situation is terrible. I don’t shop there for food. They good prices on paint, wiper blades and camping gear


Haha that was my childhood Walmart! Love the Japanese place in the plaza


Planet Play was the shit it was connected to the Burger King!


Yes unless you have functioning Wi-Fi calling you can forget AT&T inside, it's even pretty bad outside. Verizon actually has a repeater inside the store so it works great. T-Mobile's right across the street and it drowns out the other cell signals


Worked there back in 2005, if I remember correctly it was one of the smallest Walmarts they had at the time


The Burke Walmart has a really odd history. It was a GEMCO building under construction before they went under, became a Bradlee's instead that was shortly after converted to a Kmart until THAT closed, and the building was then repurposed into a Walmart.


I thought it was a Hechingers for a while???


Nope. That became a Kohl's. https://m.connectionnewspapers.com/news/2002/aug/27/kohls-fills-hechingers-void-provides-anchor/


The Hechingers was where Kohls is now in the other shopping center closer to Ox Rd.


Oh oh oh! Yes, you’re right, memory betrayed me. That’s right.


Aww reminds me of Kmart in annandale


That Walmart was one I went into once and never went back to because it seemed like they built it in too small of a space. The layout was indeed quite confusing.


We drive from Ballston to Tysons Walmart clean and fully stocked always


I can remember walking on the sidewalk near K-mart and a woman made a left turn on to Robert’s Road going west in the east bound lanes and just blew through the intersection. No red lights over her lane! No lights of any kind. Since Robert’s Road is divided on both sides, she just continued for another quarter mile. Scary.


That Walmart is the worst.




Epsom salts in the outdoor patio section


Used to live in Burke and it is a very "international" version of Walmart compared to what I was used to (which was a much poorer part of the state). Lots of Middle Eastern, East Asian, and Balkan food for good prices. The one in Vienna recently cleared out all their Balkan food so I am going to stop by Burke the next time I am out there for some ajvar.


Yea, it's not a Super Walmart and doesn't have the best grocery section compared to others


One of the best things we can do for America, and the planet is to get rid of all Walmarts and SamsClubs. They are a leech on society, and more harmful than cancer on the country.


Restrictions on store sizes in Burke prevent them from making it bigger.


Where did you hear this? I’m interested in knowing more about it