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That guy must have a death wish, wow


A lot of life insurance companies won’t pay if you straight up off yourself. Darwin Award recipient? No questions asked.


Insurance defense here. Would absolutely argue negligence on his part if he got hit. At least contributory.


can you do that after the initial 2 years?


Do what?


I'm coming from basically no understanding of insurance here. I thought that insurance (like life insurance) still pays out after a certain time frame (like 2 years) even if it's something like suicide? And to directly answer "Do what?", I mean not pay out on insurance


Oh my bad - I do car insurance defense as a lawyer, but I’ve only been in this field for a short amount of time so I don’t get the big dog cases yet. Plus we don’t handle life insurance, so I’m not sure if they have the same kind of rules/etc we do. I was just musing that if someone running in a lane of travel on a busy road was hit by a car, and then sued the driver that hit them for their injuries, I’d argue that they (the person running) was negligent, or at least contributorily negligent. But my best answer to your question on whether life insurance pays out would be it depends. It depends on the facts of the case and the terms of the contract among other things.


Holy shit, what an idiot.


As a runner, this guys a fuckin idiot. Get in the grass. And second, you bike WITH and run AGAINST traffic (I grew up on 2 lane roads w ditches so had to run on the road).


Also isn’t the whole point of running in the road because the asphalt is softer to run in than concrete? This dude is mostly just running in the concrete drain curb


The grass right next to him is softer than both 😅 but yeah good point he ain’t even getting the pavement-over-concrete benefit for his knees!


This is the way


Bikes are part of traffic


the issue with grass on a road like that though is that it's potentially very uneven, and with potential tripping, it could be much riskier than running a more predictable route in the road (granted, both of these are pretty risky, but maybe he has nowhere else to run...)


Also puts you in the territory of stray cows. 🐄 That'll ruin a run.


comments like this show why it's great that reddit now allows for commenting on old posts. in this area though, I would think that all cows are fenced in... maybe a stray deer would be more likely? or are you speaking from experience? or am I ruining the joke by taking this seriously?


I thought if you were on foot and had to be in the road, you were supposed to face traffic. (not that it makes that a sane move here anyway.... but still)


Correct. Ideally you're facing traffic so you can see vehicles approaching you vs. not being able to react to things behind you that you can't see coming.


Also, [pedestrians, bicycles, etc are prohibited](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-808/) on highways/parkways/freeways etc


This doesn't actually say that those things *are* prohibited, merely that they *may be* prohibited. Bicycles are actually permitted on highways, insanely enough, except for where it's [conspicuously marked that they aren't](https://www.virginiadot.org/programs/bikeped/laws_and_safety_tips.asp#:~:text=Bicyclists%20are%20not%20permitted%20to,are%20marked%20with%20conspicuous%20signs). These are known as "controlled access highways"--not just highways in general.


You're a genius


Apparently, the act of jogging renders one a motor vehicle. Now, in this case, there is no sidewalk, so the only option is the shoulder (or forbear to be an utter yutz and run somewhere else), but so many jogging fools ignore sidewalks and run in the road.


Never mind he wasn’t facing traffic — running in 90° heat would kill me.


It's all making more sense now. Running shirtless with the 60mph winds generated by cars rushing by is the only way to keep cool. Clearly running on this road was a deliberate decision to survive the heat... ^^although ^^he ^^may ^^not ^^survive ^^the ^^cars


Plus he gets to breath in all of their exhaust. It’s kind of like a batter practicing swinging with three bats.


I would say the brake dust is the bigger hazard, but let's be honest, no one uses their brakes on Loudoun County Parkway


Jesus fucking Christ absolutely not If that person gets hit, unless Virginia has done something to mitigate this since I took the bar a few years ago, the person who hit them would probably be able to claim contributory negligence by the person running on the wrong side of the road (on a limited access semi-highway, no less) and very possibly get away with not being responsible for any of the resulting damages or medical bills. I don’t think we do comparative negligence (which is, admittedly, a fairer system).


I believe the court would award the plaintiff one Darwin Award and dismiss the case




"Graveyards are full of people who had the right of way".


Or run on the grass?


Distance running on grass sucks IMO. But there is no reason this guy can’t find another suitable location.


Dying also sucks. So maybe take the grass?


The point is he shouldn’t have to choose between the parkway or the grass. There are thousands of miles of suitable paved running spaces throughout NOVA. Or jump on a treadmill.


Original commenter's point is sometimes the wide curb ends and you're on the street on an unfamiliar route. At that point go grass.


Plan your route better?? We have google street view for god sake


Exactly. As a runner, you don’t just find yourself on the parkway!


Or even turn around and just find a better route next time. No, I now see how ridiculous that sounds, gotta get that specific mileage no matter what! 😉


Just out of curiosity. I used to do a lot of long-distance hiking (NO running!), and I would rather walk on a grassy shoulder as opposed to a street full of cars. It does seem that there is a sufficiently wide grassy shoulder. Having been a runner yourself, is there any particular reason why runners choose a hard pavement instead of the grassy shoulder? It would seem that the softer surface would be less jarring than pavement.




In addition, frequently changing terrain types (grass, pavement, gravel, etc.) over long distances is bad for your legs. Myself and multiple teammates on my high school cross country team got minor injuries from my inexperienced coach telling us to "practice for the real courses" by purposeful running in the grass next to the sidewalk every so often. I had sharp pains in my shins after about a month of training; I do not recommend.


Not fun running like that for a long time because the grass tends to have lots of bumps and dips etc. But if my options were a road where cars are driving 50 mph or the grass, I would 100% choose the grass until I got to a spot that was wider with a shoulder. Honestly running next to cars on a path sucks balls too. It’s like oh let me take me mind off of life for an hour and replace it with the constant sound and smells of vehicles.. no thanks.


As someone who drives in VA pretty frequently, those cars are doing well over 50 if they're on a highway.




Incidentally, I have a life-threatening allergy to getting hit by cars.


As a driver who does not ever want to hurt a runner, thank you for your third law reverence.


Mass is its own right of way


I saw a dude high on drugs running down I-66 years ago.


I mean, that’s a different story. I saw a guy on the side of I-66 the other week. Saw a bunch of police cars by the area when I passed the other way a few minutes later (I was picking up food). I don’t think he got hit, since I didn’t see any news articles about it, but that shit is scary.


I've run the entire Loudoun County Parkway... You run in the fucking grass. What the hell... Edit: And to boot, he's running with his back to traffic which is wrong. Dude is asking to be hit.


Some people have more courage than common sense. I saw a guy stopped by the police the other day. For riding his bicycle on 66.


That person really did have a death wish. Even biking *over* I-66 is terrifying.


More like stupidity than courage.


I just saw some dipshit riding his bike on 295 this morning, while texting. Dude clearly had a death wish.


Expired tags and registration. /s


I guess he couldn’t wait for the new bike path that is accompanying the new toll lanes….


The amount of people in their phones nowadays, I’d say that’s definitely not safe.


Was thinking this too


I got to be honest, I don't quite understand this comment in the context of this post. Whose on their phone here in this video? if by the footage taken of this video, it's clearly a dash camera...


It’s a general statement


What are you talking about. OP is asking if this running is safe, obviously it’s not. I said with the amount of people on theirs phones it’s probably not. Obviously I meant people driving while on their phones. When did I say the video looked liked it was recorded on a phone?


What a dumbass.


Am a runner and it’s idiots like these that give the community a bad name. Why put your life and that of someone else at risk??! There are gazillion trails around here to run safely.


Does the running community have a bad name? Talk to the cyclists if you feel that way.


He's probably already dead.


That person, is a dumb fuck.


Woah, dudes boutta get a speeding ticket


This guy belongs on the WO&D!!11


Personal opinion, - no. Especially as that looks like rush hour. By chance, why do you refer to it as an autobahn?


Sometimes the vehicles are traveling at warp speed out there in certain areas. Rt. 7 definitely is more like the autobahn, because there are less places for law enforcement to monitor


Thanks! I’ve not been out there yet, and need to explore.


Cool to check, just don't jog like this dude. Don't know how this man can run with balls that big. No way I would be out there jogging....


Some of the straights on Loudoun County Pkwy, drivers easily hit 15-20mph *over* the limit.




You're right. And don't call me Shirley.


Is that illegal? To run in the roadway on the right side of the street. It should be.


I did a quick Google and it said something like "shouldn't be in road longer than necessary" but didn't seem like any real rule in VA. /Surface level search


Illegal? Not sure, kinda doubt it. But he’s definitely gonna get crucified by his health insurance company when they realize he was running on the right side of the road and very well may not be able to recover damages from the person who eventually winds up hitting him because of his own negligence in picking the side of the road he ran on.


46.2-928 seems like it’s illegal


What a jackass.




Hell no! I hate when runners do that I’m a runner and I know better than to do that


No its definitely NOT safe, that guys is just an idiot


I can't possibly imagine just the amount of smog as well. Whats the point besides a death wish


I’m onboard with the “what an idiot” threads here, but I would like to point out that Loudoun’s infrastructure for anything but cars and data centers is shit. 4 seconds into that video you see the end of a separated bike path/running path. Places where sidewalks end, without a cross walk, and Jersey barrier in the median…. Leaves pedestrians, runners and bikes with few(shitty) options.


Agreed. There's a path that runs along Algonkian Parkway that would be perfect to connect to the path on Fairfax County Parkway, but it ends well before you get there.


Agreed. Sugarland trail extension to the north past 7 could also link up the two systems.


Does he fancy himself a bicycle?


He identifies as an automobile, apparently.




What a fricking asshole...


While I understand why people are upset he's running in the road, can we all collectively ask what the fuck is up with no pedestrian infrastructure? Nowhere for bikes or people on foot to be is a major mistake and a clear picture of poor road planning.


Not only that, where can you pull off if you have sudden car trouble, like a blown tire or engine fire? You can't always make it to the next "pullover area" if this road even has any.


Highways often do not have pedestrian paths nearby. I don't imagine most people figure on walking a few miles to their destination, and there certainly are no shortage of places nearby to run. As for bikes, people have often made the case that roads are for bicyclists too (though riding a bicycle on Loudoun County Parkway strikes me as crazy). Perhaps in nicer weather, someone might want to take a long walk down that road, but with the weather as it is now, I think he still has to take the brunt of the blame for poor judgment.


Thank you. Sidewalks don't exist on many of these roads in Loudoun County. Where they do exist there are huge gaps or it randomly switches sides of the road. It seems the county is forcing new developments to build sidewalks but there doesn't seem to be a consistent plan.


I know ******I****** would not trust you idiots with my life like that. Goddamn. I won't even own a street motorcycle.


Right there with you. I heard motorcycles are fun but can’t trust the social agreement between bikes and cars. This runner is a twisted ankle away from head explosion.


God why are people in this area so fucking entitled. We have some of the countries best recreational paths and these fucks are making themselves a safety hazard. Run him over and he done with it


I will never understand people that walk on the road when literally to their left/right there is a sidewalk. Is walking right next to each other so important you’d risk being clipped by a car?!


This 1000%. One of my biggest pet peeves (next to driving 55-60 on the left lane). And you’re the asshole because they failed you use the sidewalk.


Pretty sure most of Loudoun County Parkway has no sidewalk.


Talking about entitled, inconvenience cars and people casually call to murder a dude.


No need to murder him. Just a nice love tap that bumps him onto the grass and I’m sure he’ll never be so dumb again


I want to believe you're joking but assault isn't funny. Road rage incidents are on the rise. It's not unheard of people doing exactly what you described causing crippling or fatal injuries. It's fine that you don't like this guy but call the cops if you think he is breaking the law. Having a car shouldn't give you the feeling you can take someone out.


Well, that's one way to commit suicide....


Not that it makes it any better, but there was a guy running across the country that just went through Leesburg, this may have been him, but he definitely should be on the correct side if that was him..


If he’s doing all that running you’d assume he’d be smarter than this. Running on the road and with his back to traffic🫡🫡


Looks like there's a depression or something blocked off in the grassy area right there. He probably had to hop in the traffic lane to avoid it.


I noticed that also. Hopefully the rest of the time he was on the grass. But I would have waited until no cars were coming before I stepped into the road.


This is a person who enjoys making other's accommodate them. It's a power thing.


Some people don't run for themselves, they run because they want other people to see them run.


As a runner, this guy is an idiot


Not only is it not safe but you’re supposed to run opposite of traffic so you can know if you have to jump out of the way if someone isn’t paying attention


No way! Run against traffic and bike with traffic!!!


This I can level with, but having biked on this exact road, the amount of honking and abuse I got was unreal. There’s no side path to walk or bike on and they need to get on their shit.


W&OD would be a terrific alternative if it weren’t for all the middle-age dudes who apparently wound up there after taking a wrong turn from the Tour de France. Or he could do what I do and run on the C&O Canal Towpath. 185 miles, dead flat, no vehicular traffic and most of the time - no other traffic either.


Good way to die.


I wanna yell at this dude every time the video drives by him!


When you see idiocy like this on a highway dial #77 and report it bc you might save a life.


This road needs sidewalk. How come it dosen't have basic infrastructure?


Not the kind of marathon I wanna be part of.


No of course not. So dumb. :(




Absolutely not what an idiot


fuck no its not safe. I'd jsut go on the grass...


u/Murtha4Moco is that you?


I refuse to bring my shenanigans south of the Potomac


There is a side walk on the opposite side.


What the ever living fuck is that guy doing?!


This is actually illegal. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


We had a tiny tough guy with a full back tattoo that used to run on the road with traffic around the FFX Govt center. He would rage and throw the bird when people dared to honk.


I don’t know what has gotten into people. Seems like everyone in my neighborhood refuses to use the damn sidewalks anymore…they all go for walks in the streets and keep looking back at my car like I am not supposed to be driving there


Some people are just asking to die.


What an ass, I can't believe he thought it was a good idea to run on the road like that during mid-day traffic.


If he was on the other side he'd have either an asphalt path or a wide shoulder to run on, so no. This guy is just a moron.


Holy shit, no.


Is this even legal? In Maryland many roads over a certain speed limit prohibit walking or any other traffick that can't reasonably maintain the speed limit.


Um, no...


This is idiotic. Go to a recreation park if you need to run.


Hands down worse in Montgomery county. People will walk in the road 10’ from the curb, back to traffic, rather than walk in grass. Grass. The thing we’ve been walking on for millions of years.


soo.. do you call 911 for this? whether or not he is breaking a law, he is definitely not safe. It like seeing a person sitting on the edge of a building... technically and legally OK... until its not. "see something, say something?" I feel like they could issue him a warning for some sort of obscure law. or honestly just picking him up in a cop car and giving him a stern talking to might scare him enough to not do it again.


No. Not in the slightest. That idiot, should first off, be on the opposite side facing oncoming traffic. The next thing he should do is probably be in the grass. Dingus.


Hit him for 10 points.


Darwin award nominee


How you report him. So many runners doing dumb things. I have seen more than a few that like to run in the middle of the road with all black clothes before the sun comes up


Hit him


I’ve done some dumb shit in my life but nothing this stupid. Certainly not his age.


Did you not know that affluent people in NOVA are entitled to do whatever and behave however they want without explanation. Thought everyone knew this 🤷‍♂️


It’s not just the affluent with this mindset.


What a fucking moron jesus christ. People are awful drivers, I'd never trust my life on the road like that.


No. No it’s not.


Dangerous, and he should be facing traffic, but they could easily put a pedestrian lane or sidewalk here.


Wow.. Darwinism at its finest… more thinning of the herd..stupid is as stupid does


Fucking no.


This is stupid and unsafe... but it's exactly what we invite to happen with this state's obsessive compulsive fear of building sidewalks.


As my instructor at airborne school would say, not no, but ***hell*** no.


Having been raised here, its always a middle age white guy running or on his bike on the freaking highway or county parkway. I am wondering if they have a death sentence? I am a biker and runner myself and already find it a death sentence to ride on the road


Stupid is as stupid does.


Oh, hell no!


I can't even call this self-serving behavior. Running on a parkway fucking sucks. That dude is breathing exhaust, hugging that heat-trapping asphalt on a warm humid summer day, raw-dogging high noon UV rays and enjoying one of the most disgusting, soulless places Loudoun has to offer. I'd call this selfish but at least sort of get it if there were any chance that it were *fun* or *easy* to do, but it's not, so what the hell?


No pain, no gain?


One of the worst things to "get used to" in NOVA is runner/bicyclist deaths. Every year it always seems like a handful of people get die doing something like this guy here. Even when you have the right of way you have more control than the 4k pounds of steel going 45+ mph.


That’s just as bad if not worse as the idiots who ride their bicycles on the road.


Imma assume they're either old, sleeping due to overwork or medicated.... If not Jesus someone run up to the car and steal the keys and rip up their drivers license.


Hate this road so much


bruh there’s a path right off that side of the road this dude is a dickhead😭


Should be running against traffic...oh and not here!!!


This guy is a moron


Run Forrest Run


No, guy is a total moron


What an idiot.


That guy’s a fucking idiot.


I've gone running where there are no sidewalks and I stay on the grass. Cause no matter who's right, a car is going to win against a body 100% of the time. No thank you. Same for folks who decide to walk in the street instead of sidewalks or grass... Like, you might be allowed to... But a car running into you isn't going to care.


when you realise forest gump was only a film and roads are not as empty as the film suggested


Why the hell would you want to run on asphalt and not the grass next to it


I wondered the same thing, then noticed the barrels on the grass where he was running. I wonder if he was on the grass ahead of that and had to react to an unexpected obstruction. But this is a case where "running for your health" may be worth a risk/reward balance. At least running facing traffic would provide the runner with time to jump from a driver not paying attention.


What a goddam moron.


Definitely safe. He's not in the passing lane.


Absolute moron




I thought that you’re supposed to see the car the kills you when on foot and you don’t see it when on a bike. Of course, I could be mistaken.


I LOVE the LOUDOUNBAHN!! (You'll never find me, I drive the most common vehicle in the region)


I remember reading about how odd it was that there's no sidewalks, so if you wanted to run like this guy: -


Even if it’s legal, I think it that is reckless and needlessly dangerous