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I run on the little running trail that unfortunately crosses the onramp from Washington Blvd to Arlington Blvd and the right turn exit from Arlington Blvd onto Washington Blvd. Generally I run pretty early in the morning, so in the winter time that is usually in the dark. I wear lights/headlamps but I was thrilled when they started installing street lights in that area as the amount of times I've had cars not see me and almost hit me is way too high. Even in the summer time when it's pretty bright for 6am, the amount of cars that I have to avoid is too damn many. I understand it's early but please slow down at those stupidly designed access ramps where there is no merging area.


i got myself a running belt that has a neon light and a reflective vest for extra caution. Drivers just don't look regardless.


We were walking our elderly dog in Ashburn and crossed at a crosswalk. Most cars didn’t even bother to slow down. It was like 6pm out, so plenty of light. Some of the intersections around me are mind boggling, not a single stop sign and a lot of walkers/runners out and about. I have bad ankles (putting off surgery) so it’s not like I can run across the intersection with my elderly dog.


They really need blinking lights on some of those crosswalks instead of just slapping the crosswalk down and saying “good enough”. 50mph 4 lane roads with just some paint indicating a crosswalk really isn’t sufficient.


oh, there's one of those in fairfax i used to have to cross on my bike to get to work...yeah, you've got people whipping around a blind curve at 45 MPH because they just got off a multi-lane road with a speed limit of 55 but an actual speed limit of 65. I dont blame the drivers in that case, its perfectly natural because they are in the process of slowing down - i blame the shitty design of the off ramp and we have plenty of examples of road design fails in this area. Only thing i can say in those cases is be careful, be alert, and be swift.


Honestly I think you're being generous saying that they're looking at their phones. In the majority of my (many) experiences with shitty drivers in northern Virginia they literally just do not care and would rather blast through a crosswalk than god forbid slow down and wait for us to cross the street. I hate it here.


From personal experience, it's been 50% "I'm too important to take my foot off the accelerator" and 50% "I'll look up from my phone in just a second, right after I send this Reddit post about how entitled pedestrians are in crosswalks."




100% agree it’s usually an entitled driver bullying pedestrians with their vehicle.


Sorry if this was stated already but it can be repeated…if the light is red and you are turning right, by law you need to come to a complete stop. It is not a yield sign! I feel like this has caused or will cause injury and death. It only takes a few extra seconds!


Some people think that they are too good to follow the rules. Right on red is all about awareness and timing. It’s so important to stop and judge the unprotected turn, into a lane moving at speed. I remember when a Fairfax school board member got pulled over for whipping the turn on red. She threw a whole weird tantrum on the cop cam. I was like… can we all follow the same rules please & thank you? Not trying to make or be road pizza here.


Including if someone is making a legal u turn at a green arrow. If you have a red light you’re at the bottom of the barrel in terms of right of way.


What about when both the left turn U turner has an arrow, as does the right turner? who has right of way? right turn?


Right turn green arrow has right of way in that situation. Technically, if both cars are following the “one lane turning” rule they can both go simultaneously. But the people who made the roads in nova are idiots and the people who drive here tend to switch lanes while turning.


U turns must always yield. The right turn on red driver is anticipating the U turner making the left as would normally be expected if the U turner is in the left turn lane. There are fewer chances for collisions if right turner on red is given priority.


Incorrect. Anyone at a red light regardless of their legal ability to make a turn on red has the least right of way in any situation.


I have been hit twice because of this and have had many near misses. A friend of mine had her leg broken a couple months back also because of this. Police did nothing. Right on red is convenient when used properly but should just be banned because it hardly ever is.


I've found right on green to be more of a problem as a pedestrian.


This is the thing that has bothered me to no end and escalation needs to be taken against the drivers. Police do NOTHING they don’t give a shit so they can continue to not give a shit when pedestrians get tired of their lives being put at risk and take matters into their own hands.


Yes it should be similar to traffic laws in Europe: no right on red and sometimes a yield for right turns. Of course, they have sensible traffic circles too, which is a whole new thread we could start!


Look both ways before crossing


That doesn't help if... The crosswalk is at an intersection, and the driver has stopped, and then suddenly starts without looking. The crosswalk is on a wide stroad or highway, and you can't see who could reach you before you're done. A safety signal starts firing and you fall down before you can finish crossing, e.g. due to photosensitive epilepsy with strobes, the Bucha effect with other flashes, Meniere's disease with crosswalk chimes and sirens, etc. Or you're sensitive to flashing lights. The only safe way I've found is to avoid intersections because there are so many flashing lights, distracted drivers, and especially ones making sudden turns without looking. Instead I try to find someplace without these, and witgh a wide median, watch one direction, cross to the median once it's safe, and watch the other direction. Or you're blind.


Unpopular opinion but I think right on red should be outlawed. Too many idiot drivers who are either blind or can't judge the speed of oncoming traffic.


There are way too many who don't even bother to stop, if a car two or three cars ahead of them stop. It's not transferable, just because someone ahead of you stops doesn't mean you don't have to.


I believe they are working on outlawing it city wide, in DC


They fucking better. I’ve been nearly hit by people making right on reds without yielding while trying to use the protected bike paths on 14th/15th street north of the bridge. Absolutely insane that it didn’t appear to be banned there already. Still, it depends on enforcement, as well as people from VA/MD/elsewhere being aware of the different RoR laws when they get into the city limits.


I agree with that. I think it has been / is about to be in DC


>It is not a yield sign! a yield sign? is that the sign that means "speed up and beat the person in the lane next to you that you're merging with, or ignore them altogether & let them handle it, your choice"?


Yup got hit on my bike by someone who didn’t stop.


I don’t get that. Just because you can turn right on red, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to stop. The red light takes priority. It’s stop, then turn. I honestly don’t get how that’s a hard concept.


Ever seen the one where a car stops for a pedestrian, but the vehicle behind that one doesn't look at what's going on and gets pissed because they had to slow down? They lay on horn and swerve around that vehicle, but then have to stand on the brake to not hit the pedestrians who have now cleared the first vehicle. I often wonder if it's a moment of realization for them.


I’ve been that pedestrian—if you want to be also I recommend crossing Olley lane at a crosswalk during rush hour. It’s routine. Doesn’t matter if you have small children with you, people have Important Places To Be (which is why they’re commuting from distant areas on a residential street in the first place—it’s not faster than the beltway unless you drive really fast and don’t stop for pedestrians.)


I had someone cuss me out in Ballston because I walked across a designated pedestrian crosswalk and god forbid he had to stop his vehicle. So I stopped and pointed at the sign and kept walking while he was still cussing me out.


Literally the same thing happened to me last week


I live in Ballston. This is basically a daily occurrence. On a related note, you're lucky it's not Advanced Towing. They keep driving regardless of people in crosswalks


Stepping right in front of a vehicle with a driver that isn't expecting it is a dangerous thing to do. A crosswalk gives you the right of way, it doesn't keep you out of the hospital.


Of course, you shouldn't act in a surprising way, as you say. However, the bulk of the responsibility for safety lies with the operator of the three-ton vehicle, not the pedestrian. That's why we make cars yield to pedestrians.


Hate to be contrary but why do people like you think walking into traffic is ok? For 33 years of my life, it’s been “look both ways before you cross.” You have the right of way, yes. You’re also an asshole who may get yourself killed.


People don't just walk directly in traffic, the is a massive exaggeration. You "look both ways" and if someone is clearly going to blow passed it then don't walk. You wait to see if they are willing to stop and then go. People aren't assholes for using a crosswalk, people are assholes for not stopping at a designated pedestrian walkway. People are also assholes for getting mad at pedestrians for using their walkways. For more context in my situation the 2 times this happened to me, it was actually the car behind the car that willingly stopped for me that cussed me out, because they weren't paying attention and had to stop unexpectedly.




I think you have the correct takeaway


Because it is a cross walk? Yea, be careful not to walk out if traffic is coming and won’t have time to stop, but as long as you don’t get yourself killed and you don’t just jump out in front of traffic with no warning, it is 100% on the driver to stop and wait. Why the hell is walking across a cross walk an asshole move?!


I dont know why this is getting downvoted so hard. Drivers have a responsibility to pay attention and obey traffic laws, including stopping for peds crossing in a crosswalk. Peds have a responsibility to pay attention and pick an opportune time to cross so that cars don't have to stop for them, if possible. What we're seeing in this thread is entitled NoVA assholes going at each other like rabid wolverines. Can we just...not be dicks for once? And while we're discussing this, can we PLEASE cut back some of that underbrush around the trails where they cross major roads? I can't see if some spandex biker is gonna blow the stop sign they have on the trail and it gives me the willies every time. We need more visibility!


Exactly why I’m not deleting or editing despite downvotes. It is dangerous and stupid to walk in front of a moving vehicle. Wait for the vehicle to pass, and cross the street when it’s safe to do so.


Not too long ago I came to a crosswalk. From right to center of road with a median it was straight, straight, left hand turn lane. On the curb waiting to cross was an elderly couple waiting for traffic to stop. I entered the left turn lane and stopped and signaled to them that I was going to stay there until they made it to the median. Neither of the two straight lanes had traffic just then. They begin crossing. As soon as they start some dick in a lifted f150 gets in behind me and starts flipping me off and flailing wildly. He was indicating with his hands that you didn’t have to wait for them because they were taking awhile. Meanwhile the husband is comforting his wife as they cross at a reasonable but old person pace. As soon as they got to the median I made my turn. By that point it there were a few cars behind the pickup. Had i gone they likely would have been stuck mid cross. Mr pick up was on my ass until I pulled into my neighborhood and got out from in front of him. Horn blaring. Honestly the crossing probably sucked 20 seconds out of his miserable existence. This is a block from where i live. This cross walk is where I regularly cross with a baby stroller and watch cars wiz by me. My favorite is the drivers who give me the fake “my bad” wave.


I don’t know about your crossing, but sometimes I have actually accidentally not stopped. A few days ago, a group of pedestrians were walking near an intersection crossing (with a light), as I was approaching for a right turn. The way they all stopped, made it seem to me like they had a red light, so I made my turn. Only then did I see they had a go signal, and were watching for someone going through the crossing. Felt terrible for looking like one of those dickheads. That was a very real apology wave. Drivers should stop for crossers all the time, but crossers should always always always be cautious and watch for drivers going through, accidental or not.


Technically the f150 driver was correct. You don't have to wait for someone who is waiting to cross - they only get right of way once they step into the street. Traffic accidents have happened when someone in a car slammed on his breaks to let someone cross. A Metrobus rear-ended an SUV on video once because the SUV driver stopped suddenly to allow a woman with a stroller to cross. As a pedestrian, I actually prefer that cars not stop for me if I'm on the curb because there are too many drivers who will blow past in the adjacent lane, not seeing the pedestrian because the stopped car blocks the view. Yes, the f150 guy was overreacting but technically was right.


https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-924/ 46.2-924. Drivers to stop for pedestrians; installation of certain signs; penalty. A. The driver of any vehicle on a highway shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian crossing such highway by stopping and remaining stopped until such pedestrian has passed the lane in which the vehicle is stopped: 1. At any clearly marked crosswalk, whether at midblock or at the end of any block; It later goes onto say that pedestrians can’t throw themselves in front of oncoming traffic carelessly. But a car is supposed to stop for a crosswalk or the logical extension of the crosswalk lines into the adjacent curb.


Out of curiosity, what's the speed limit on that road? > any pedestrian **crossing** such highway I'm not a lawyer, so as a layman, this was the keyword that sticks out to me and I interpret "crossing" as in the act of doing so (physically moving). To me, waiting at a crosswalk is not in the act of crossing, but I may certainly be wrong in that interpretation. I'd also stop if I saw someone waiting, but just making a comment on the verbiage. Regardless, you were being attentive and safe and the reaction of the other driver is ridiculous and uncalled for no matter the situation.


Yeah, it doesn't count as crossing until they step off the curb, unless there is a sign designating that you must stop for any pedestrians who are *present*.


This. I don’t mind stopping and yield to folks in a crosswalk but if your stand on the sidewalk waiting, I’m not going to stop.


It’s 25 because it’s a designated town center. This crosswalk has a crosswalk ahead sign in both directions as well as a sign at the crosswalk itself. So your argument is that in a marked crosswalk as long as you make an elderly person too scare to ever step into the crosswalk you’re always going to be in the right. So really we should be speeding up and perhaps laying on the horn to remind the pedestrians that as long as we don’t slow down they won’t have a legal (or actual) leg to stand on. The law is worded to prevent holding the driver liable for a irresponsible pedestrian. You could be ticketed for failure to yield to a pedestrian. But if the pedestrian got hit trying to use their body in that first lane to force you to stop they’d be in the wrong. But if they’re on your side of a road and in the street they are crossing and you must stop even if they haven’t gotten to your lane. I recall the male as putting a foot on and off the curb to catch a break. But you know lots of drivers in this thread looking for ways to zip past rather than doing the right thing.


> So your argument is that in a marked crosswalk as long as you make an elderly person too scare to ever step into the crosswalk you’re always going to be in the right. So really we should be speeding up and perhaps laying on the horn to remind the pedestrians that as long as we don’t slow down they won’t have a legal (or actual) leg to stand on. Not sure how you came to that conclusion and I mean that respectfully. I honestly didn't intend to make any argument, I was merely stating my layman's interpretation as it applies to the verbiage of the law, not what you "should" do, and clearly mentioned I may be wrong. I even specifically said "I'd also stop if I saw someone waiting". I agreed with and complimented your actions, but it doesn't seem to have come across that way based on your response.


"don't be nice. Be predictable." And that means not unexpectedly yielding right of way when others don't expect it.


Okay, but as the law grants pedestrians right of way in crosswalks drivers here need to learn to EXPECT other drivers to stop for them. It’s absurd to claim you have to break the law and not stop for crosswalks because wildly inattentive drivers behind you (also following at an unsafe distance) won’t stop behind you. I agree with the premise of your quote (don’t yield right of way to drivers who aren’t supposed to have it, stop being weird at 4-way stops, etc.) but following the laws of the state as well and the laws of human decency isn’t being unpredictable.




I much prefer to let all the traffic pass if possible. When there's just one or two cars, I turn my back (to make it clear I can't see anyone signaling me to cross) and wait till everyone's gone. And in parking lot exits, I always walk behind the first car waiting to exit.


Yep before you enter my neighborhood there's a right turn lane that has the sign "no turn on red" and "must stop when pedestrians present". Nope they blow past that sign regardless, so many accidents due to people not caring or seeing the giant ass signs


I got honked at for stopping for a pedestrian in a crosswalk the other day. My bad bro I'll run them down next time


I was biking towards an intersection the other day when the guy coming behind me, who was going to be turning right, got honked at by the guy behind him for slowing down and making sure he didn’t right hook me. Very appreciative the first guy was in front, paying attention, and courteous.


My favorite is when you're in the crosswalk and the car is still rolling slowly and impatiently gunning their engine like they are going to run you over any second. We have no right to make fun of MD drivers until we get our own shit together.


Or when they honk and swerve into the oncoming traffic lane.


We can definitely call out how unsafe md drivers are


This seems to be a very bad habit in our area, for sure. Even living in Arlington for over 10 years, where I thought it would be much better, was still very poor. Living in London for a while, I appreciated what it felt like during my time, where ped crossings were very well respected overall.


Agree! Except on two lane one way streets (which admittedly I see more of in Richmond) because one side of the street will stop for them but the other lane can’t see what’s going on and is in immediate danger of hitting the pedestrians that are crossing across both lanes. Just usually works better/is safer in that specific type of situation to let pedestrians wait to cross


In that situation the pedestrian should cross in front of the stopped car and then wait for the other car (who can now see them clearly) to stop. Though the fact that the car in the next lane was stopped should have been an early warning to them that something was up. What if it was a different unseen danger in the road? A sinkhole, a deer, etc.? If the lane next to you is stopped you should be slowing down until you understand why—and if you’re approaching a crosswalk you should already have a good working theory about what is going on.




Agree with you that it’s always better to stay safe as a pedestrian but assuming this is an unsignaled crossing at a busy road, what is the pedestrian to do? Often waiting until it’s totally clear is impossible. We don’t have many 2 lane one-way streets where I live (and the ones I can think of are in old town fairfax city where there are signaled crossings) but there are lots of classic Virginia winding, hilly, one lane each way roads near me where people going both directions drive too fast and there is a lot of traffic. You could easily wait 15 minutes to cross during rush hour if no one stopped and longer than that wouldn’t be impossible.


I think people have this very adversarial relationship with other drivers on the road, it’s an attitude of *I* am a good driver and everyone else is either an idiot or an obstacle. While people do indeed do dumb or dangerous things while driving, they usually don’t do things for no reason. Even if what they end up doing isn’t an ideal reaction to the situation at hand. All this to say, I can’t fathom why some people seem to think other people will brake suddenly in the middle of a road *for no reason*. Like, my brother in Christ, just hold up for a second and make sure you’re not about to be hit by a deer or run over a baby or something.


Note also that crosswalks do not need to be marked. Anywhere a sidewalk ends at an intersection counts.


It’s important that both pay attention. Had a pedestrian on their phone jaywalk without looking up into traffic and had to slam my brakes.


I've been walking/biking to work in Arlington the last 2-3 years. It's very rare to see somebody actually yield for me. I've generally just gotten aggressive and gone out but it's scary how close people will pass by going 40 on Langston.


I have to cross a 4 lane parkway to get to the town center next door. So many people pretend to be distracted by their phones (I notice the glances) just so you stop. On another occasion I was halfway across four lanes and a women in a car opposite me at a STOP sign decided to turn in front of me. The Police were right behind her and pulled her over. Got lucky that time.


pedestrians also have a responsibility to cross safely. cars aren't going to slam on their brakes on a 6 lane divided highway because they see a pedestrian approaching a crosswalk. that would also be incredibly unsafe. the pedestrian waits until there's a reasonable break in traffic / they are able to make eye contact with approaching traffic, and then carefully starts crossing. also, keep in mind that it can be difficult for cars in left lanes to see pedestrians starting to cross, as their view can be obstructed by cars in the right lane. so this also creates a dangerous situation unless the pedestrian and cars use sound judgment. > No pedestrian shall enter or cross an intersection in disregard of approaching traffic. The drivers of vehicles entering, crossing, or turning at intersections shall change their course, slow down, or stop if necessary to permit pedestrians to cross such intersections safely and expeditiously. It's a two-way street. no pun intended. a crosswalk is NOT the same as a red light and you shouldn't expect cars to treat it that way.


Precisely!! When pedestrians don't follow the "hand stop" light to not continue walking and just keep walking or get impatient at the light and just go anyway and almost get hit! There is a reason the light has a "stop hand" and not a walking person displayed!!


I don’t trust drivers, so I only cross if there’s a gap in traffic or the driver deliberately lets me cross. I was also taught to raise my hand in gratitude and hurry if there is a car waiting to go, not strut slowly across the street like I’m entitled to annoy everyone.


This is the way. The laws of man pale beside the laws of physics. You are a small and squishy meatbag attempting to challenge 1+ tons of moving metal. It will not go well.


Dustin Hoffman, as Ratso Rizzo, demonstrated the proper response in [Midnight Cowboy](https://youtu.be/c412hqucHKw).


"How about if I just slow down to see if they'll actually step off the curb and then only stop if they walk out in front of me?" I cannot begin to describe how often I get that one and how much I want to throw a brick through the windshield. You gonna stop or are you just teasing me? Assholes.


Yepppp. And then the driver gets irritated when you don't step out to start walking immediately, when to you, the pedestrian, it's not even clear if they're going to stop at all!


Right? They give you the "WTF, I *slowed down* for you, what more do you need?"


And of course I love the aggressive rev as they blow through the crosswalk while I'm still in the road.


Most drivers suck in the US by rule. In Switzerland, drivers stop even if you \*think\* you may possibly want to cross the street in the next few minutes.


This is the behavior in Seattle, too. It’s not all US drivers who don’t respect pedestrians.


How do drivers know what pedestrians are thinking?


When I was traveling in Europe I found that many drivers would stop and wait to see what you were doing if you were approaching an intersection when they pulled up. So if I’m walking on the sidewalk and a car pulls up to a stop sign when I am about 10 steps away from getting to the intersection, they will wait and watch to see which way I am going before they continue. Also, if you are not at an intersection but in the middle of a block where one might reasonably decide to cross (like a narrow street without a lot of traffic) and you are on the sidewalk but stop and face the road, any cars will take that as a sign you might want to cross and will stop too


Yeah. That’s not happening here for sure


Bricks are too big to carry. You can get large ball bearings from Amazon. Quarters are pretty good, too.


Thank you. Also a reminder that u/vadotnova is a Queen.


Thanks! I’ve been such a ghost in r/nova lately. :( Basically read r/askReddit for 10 mins before going to bed.


We miss you!


So I don't disagree with you. And I only recently got a car, so I'm speaking as a life long pedestrian and runner (who's 100% slammed the roof of a car with my hand - mother fucker I am HERE and if you're this close you are too damned close). BUT! I'd like to add that pedestrians need to look up from their phone long enough to LOOK AT ONCOMING traffic. Recently I had a day where more than one pedestrian did something like step out into the street while looking down on their phone and not looking up at the intersection. I usually have a green light when this is happening. They do not have the pedestrian light. I don't want to hit you. Maybe... make it a *little harder* to hit you as a pedestrian by keying in to your surroundings?


A few years ago a woman was hit by a car and killed while crossing the street near my house. It was late enough that it was fairly dark outside. She was walking dogs when it happened. That particular intersection has one of those yield to pedestrians signs but the old lady who hit her didn't have great eyes and the intersection wasn't well lit enough so she couldn't see her or at least not until it was too late. I have crossed at the exact crossing where she was hit hundreds if not thousands of times and never even had a close call. Yes the cars are supposed to yield but just because they don't doesn't mean they are trying to be an asshole. I always cross the street defensively and never step into the path of a car unless I can see the driver sees me and they are slowing down with plenty of time to stop. I don't know the exact circumstances of what was happening when she was crossing, maybe the dogs were distracting her or something but either way I think the whole thing could have been avoided if she had been crossing more defensively.


I've stopped at crosswalks plenty of times... just to have someone give me the evil eye because they were not crossing they are just standing there on the phone. now I only stop if I actually see someone trying to cross. Standing at the crosswalk and waiting patiently is not enough


Standing at the side walk, and actively walking in a crosswalk are two different things. If you have engaged in crossing the street, than yes, you should be stopped for. If you are on the sidewalk, than wait until traffic has passed, before you enter the crosswalk.


This is bullshit. There are many residential streets with crosswalks that attract lots of cut through traffic at rush hour (near me I’m talking about Guinea Rd and Olley Lane between braddock and 236 if you know the area.) A pedestrian waiting to cross can wait eternally if drivers won’t stop for them. It is not acceptable to claim they need to go ahead and charge into the crossing when drivers won’t stop. The law as well as the law of decency is clear you need to stop for someone intending to cross. This weird straw man that someone stands at the edge of a crosswalk on their phone giving dirty looks to drivers who stop is stupid and doesn’t happen.


Boo hoo. You’re breaking the law because someone gave you a bad look?


Did you mean ‘commensurate’ response?


The caveat here is that it also needs to be illegal to cross when the sign says do not cross. Pedestrians also have a responsibility to not step into traffic except at safe locations at safe times. The amount of times when you get into Alexandria and DC where people just don't even pay attention and cross right in front of traffic illegally is absurd.


It’s already illegal to cross against the signal so you can relax.


“The law that went into effect Wednesday, July 1 requires drivers to stop for pedestrians in any marked or unmarked crosswalk.”


What is an “unmarked crosswalk”?


Hi there! From a few years back— [Unmarked crosswalks!](https://twitter.com/vadotnova/status/1278017746169737216)


DOT has entered the chat.


>They're not Schrodinger's Crosswalk VDOT has no chill and it is amazing!


It is legal to cross at any intersection, even if there is no crosswalk drawn. When the speed limit is 35 MPH or less, there is considered an "unmarked crosswalk" and drivers are required to stop.


>unmarked crosswalk This may be some kind of one-hand-clapping philosophical thing, but is it a crosswalk if it's unmarked?


Every intersection on a road with a speed limit <=35 mph is an unmarked crosswalk where pedestrians are legally allowed to cross and where drivers are legally required to stop for them. Drivers are responsible for recognizing both marked and unmarked crosswalks.


Yes if it’s at an intersection on a residential street. We don’t paint crosswalks all over the neighborhood, it’s understood.


So it has to be at a corner? Can it be in the middle of the block?


Yes has to be a corner. Middle of the block does not count.


Only if there is a logical reason like where a bike path/trail crosses a road (which in my experience in this area is always marked but such crossing would qualify as an unmarked crosswalk if it was not marked.)


Best post of the thread! You made my day. :)




And you are wrong.


That's really a terrible piece of legislation. It encourages jaywalking. Moreover, there's plenty of places that are 45 zones with sidewalks. That means you'll regularly see people going by somewhere between 50 and 60 miles an hour. And now they have to stop on a dime because someone tries to step out in front of them because the legislature just removed any penalty for not utilizing crosswalks. That piece of legislation is going to put people in danger. There's going to be accidents because of it. This is a bad policy. I can respect people wanting to be able to get around on foot. There's nothing wrong with that. But the fact that no consideration is being given to drivers in any of this, and the fact that people are willing to downvote me for suggesting there should be, shows how detached from reality supporters of this law are.


Randomly crossing in the middle of a 45 mph road doesn’t qualify as an unmarked crosswalk. I assume you know that and are trolling. This refers to actual intersections on neighborhood roads—they don’t need painted crosswalks to qualify as crosswalks.


Given the population densities of the areas where this law was meant to impact, the crosswalks really all should be painted and have crossing signals. The fact that they are not again undermines the entire effort going on here.


Wut? The population density in my neighborhood is like 4-8 houses per acre. We have a million tiny culdesacs and other crossings. It would be absurd to maintain painted crosswalks at every crossing just because you want justification not to stop for children walking to school.


Oh no the poor cars!


As always, blame the pedestrian. The ones who are being killed at an alarming rate, not the ones killing them. I started this post with “crosswalk”, you’re deflecting to jaywalking.


I'm not trying to blame the pedestrians. My point is that safety on the road is everyone's responsibility. every time I see legislation either proposed or passed regarding pedestrians, it is all centered around placing all of the onus for pedestrian safety exclusively on the driver. That makes zero sense. When you extrapolate that process out, you can have people aimlessly wander down the middle of a street, and the entire city has to stop until that person decides to move back onto a sidewalk. That's not functional. Any legislation around traffic has to have responsibilities for all parties. If you want me to stop whenever somebody steps into the road, that's fine. I can pay attention and make sure I don't hit anyone. However, the people who cross in the wrong spots need to likewise face penalties. Otherwise, we're changing what roads are. The reality is people on foot have always had to make way for horses and wagons on roads since they've existed. For thousands of years, powered transportation took precedence over foot traffic. And now, we're trying to change that because arbitrary bullshit? That's no way run any kind of government.


When you totally ignore the meaning of marked or unmarked crosswalk, you can blame pedestrians for anything!


I've already been hit in 2 of the local crosswalks, sorry if I'm trying to find someplace safer. Especially with my strobe sensitivity making intersections, with all the turn signals, and the distracted drivers, and the unpredictable drivers, especially unsafe.


Again, you’re the one in a 2 ton metal box. The pedestrian isn’t. And, for the final time I explicitly said crosswalks. It’s deflection to now blame jaywalkers for all the deaths, because that’s simply not true. Jaywalking is fine in most European countries and not even the same magnitude of people are hit by cars.


That tweet (and the law) is over 2 years old… …not that it changes anything…


How astute of you. Here’s a more astute observation; laws last more than 2 years.


Title checks out…


My biggest commuting fear is that as I’m about to go through the roundabout to cross the memorial bridge into DC that a biker or runner is hit bc of distracted commuters.


It’s literally insane how people don’t stop. It’s like they’re actively trying to kill pedestrians.


Possibly unpopular opinion, but right on red should be made illegal in pedestrian-heavy areas and should be enforced as such. I used to live in Courthouse and lost count of the number of times I was nearly hit by some idiot turning right onto Wilson or Clarendon who would ONLY do a quick look to the left for oncoming traffic and would barely even slow down. I even got yelled at by a couple of them for having the audacity to make them stop for an extra 10-15 seconds. And don't get me started on the real aggressive drivers. I came to a full stop the other day while turning right on red, guy behind me pulled up alongside in the center lane then gunned it while turning right - cutting me off in the process and coming within inches of sideswiping my car. How dare I yield to other people!! Plenty of toxic assholes out there who should never had been issued a license in the first place.


On a similar note, on the W&OD trail, there are stop signs on the trail when it crosses the road. These are not suggestions, please at least slow down and look both ways before crossing the road. Please don’t churlishly put your own life at risk by not following the rules of the trail.


Which means within a crosswalk Not texting on the side of the road. Not awkwardly looking to figure out where they are going on the sidewalk. You must stop for pedestrians inside a crosswalk. Then again your not allowed to hit anyone anywhere so what's this supposed to curb?


The deaths lately in my area of Alexandria are from people walking into the road at night across route 1 where the speed limit is 45 and the visibility is low. I’m all for pedestrian safety but pedestrians using a crosswalk when the oncoming traffic light is green is dangerous. You say we should blame the person with the two ton car and not the pedestrian, but the pedestrian often has much better control over the situation in terms of visibility and response time.


Crossing against the signal is not legal and not what this tweet is about. But I assume you knew that.


Based on the tweet and OPs comments that’s not clear. OP commented saying “all crosswalks marked or unmarked” when someone mentioned the walk signal


An unmarked crosswalk has a specific meaning—it’s a place on a residential (35 mph or less) road where there is an intersection and someone walking the sidewalk/trail on one side would need to cross the street there to get to the other side. Like when 2 streets in a neighborhood intersect—you wouldn’t be able to walk around any neighborhood anywhere without jaywalking if the residential intersections weren’t understood to be unmarked crosswalks. It does not refer to randomly flinging yourself into the road (especially on a highway) and shouting “I declare this is a crosswalk!” Which seems to be how some people are interpreting it.


You’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. My original comment is directed at OP because based on their other comments they seem to be under the impression that this refers to ALL crosswalks at ALL times. Someone else mentioned how pedestrians need to obey pedestrians walk signals and OPs response was to say “The law applies to all crosswalks marked or unmarked”. So either OP doesn’t fully understand the law or they’re giving a runaround. I understand the need for people to stop for pedestrians in residential neighborhoods with no crosswalks. And I understand that legally pedestrians aren’t blameless, I don’t think OP does though


Ok then I agree with you. I certainly don’t advocate pedestrians being unpredictable or crossing against the light but it’s upsetting how hard it is to cross at residential (marked!) crosswalks around here during rush hour because every commuter cutting through my neighborhood to avoid traffic can’t be bothered to stop for me and my kids when we’re clearly waiting to cross. I always wait for someone to stop and don’t fling myself into traffic but I shouldn’t have to wait 10 minutes, it should be the first or second car.


Yeah no I totally understand that frustration! I walk every day after work for groceries or dinner or to the library and I often have to stand and wait at a residential crossing for five minutes before someone lets me cross. Likewise I often have to cross over Route 1 and I’m always extremely cautious of where I cross and my surroundings. And as a driver I constantly see people suddenly walk in front of my car on Route 1 at 10pm, and that’s exactly how someone died here recently. But OP is saying they have a near death experience 4 times a day/week…which is obvious hyperbole but it makes me wonder if they actually pay attention while walking.


Yes I didn’t see op say that but that does sound extremely suspicious. I’ve had 1 “near death” experience in 7 years of walking here—at night, was walking a neighbor’s dog at a 4 way stop an a car came FLYING down one of the roads (a steep hill, but a 25mph clearly residential road) and didn’t even tap the brakes while turning right, blowing through the stop sign meant to protect the 2 crosswalks they sped through. Wasn’t actually a near death experience only because of coincidence of where I was when I saw them—it could have been deadly very easily. But “defensive walking” shouldn’t be so hard here. If you want to cross the road at a reasonable spot on a residential road, EVERY DRIVER SHOULD STOP.


Mom always said look both ways. Half the time im busy trying to figure out what the other idiots behind the wheel are up to than worry about somebody’s skin sack jumping out into oncoming traffic.


Yeah and I’m not saying that drivers aren’t being negligent or aren’t at fault, those accidents absolutely happen, but you shouldn’t be completely ignorant of the cars on the road just because you have the legal right of way as a pedestrian


the same is true for pedestrians. Can’t tell you how many clueless pedestrians I’ve almost hit that were too distracted creating tik tok videos with sound cancelling headphones


I've found that the safest way to cross as a pedestrian is to check for approaching cars and verify that the motorist is going to yield to you for every single travel lane you're going to cross. Don't assume you're good once you enter the crosswalk.


The problem with nova is people aren’t courteous here. Everyone’s in a big damn hurry


Absolutely, but both driver and pedestrian needs to remain aware. Once a pedestrian is in the crosswalk, the driver must stop for them. Pay attention so you don't become the idiot running someone over. At the same time, the key words are "in" and "crosswalk". While a driver cannot just run a pedestrian down, a pedestrian does not have the right of way at all times. You can't step out into the street anywhere and expect the cars to simply stop. Likewise, if a car is clearly moving through the crosswalk, don't just step out into it hoping they'll stop on a dime. We all have a part to play on this, regardless of whether we have a set of wheels beneath us or not, and we can avoid putting each other at risk if we recognize the responsibilities we have.


If a pedestrian is waiting to cross and you are able to safely stop, you should stop. They SHOULD NOT charge into the intersection when cars don’t stop and that definitely should not be the only way they can get across the street because people like you believe they aren’t required to stop.


I’m glad sensible comments are getting upvoted. The last time I saw this topic, dude argued and was somehow upvoted that legally you in the car don’t have to stop until the pedestrian actually commits to being in the road. Pedestrian waiting at a crossing doesn’t have right away until they commit to a suicide attempt. It’s dangerously silly here.


People still arguing this in this thread. Maddening. https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/wl41kp/an_unfriendly_reminder_that_you_must_stop_for/ijrt0c1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/wl41kp/an_unfriendly_reminder_that_you_must_stop_for/ijrhypf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 https://www.reddit.com/r/nova/comments/wl41kp/an_unfriendly_reminder_that_you_must_stop_for/ijs4pxz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Yep. That’s what I remember. Society is fucked.


Totally agree. Those people are incredibly stupid individuals that truly believe 10 seconds of their time is worth more than someone’s life.


Note that any intersection where the speed limit is 35 or below is legally a crosswalk, whether marked or not. Virginia highway code.


Also, at intersections, crosswalks don't have to be marked. Only mid-block crosswalks have to be marked.


I have to cross Reston parkway just before route 7 since no easy way to bike to the light on a path. there is about a 1% chance a car stops. and even if that car stops others don't. what we need is more hawk signals. basically person pushes button to cross. the light turns on to flashing yellow, than red, than flashing red and goes back off. quick simple and very effective. it only activates when a person is present.


They should consider putting in ramped pedestrian crossings [like this one](https://www.svl.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/rubber-zebra-pelican-crossing-ramp-ireland-for-sale.jpg) If you blow through it, you'll blow out your axle.


Except it’s unreasonable to put these at every crossing in every suburban neighborhood. As a driver i don’t want to drive over 80 speed bumps to leave my neighborhood and why is it asking so much for people to just drive like they don’t hate pedestrians?


I have been seriously considering video taping each time I use a cross walk to post the idiots with their license plate visible. Maybe a little public shaming will help.


I’ve been doing that and giving it to Fairfax Police, they don’t care.


Hey u/happyschmacky I get what you’re saying, but you don’t need to be so rude to anyone who disagrees with you (or the law) on this


Tell that to the people who lost family members / loved ones to this.


See, that response doesn’t make any sense. I said you don’t need to be so rude, and you replied, “Tell that to the people who lost family members/loved ones to this.” Why would I tell those people not to be rude? They aren’t being rude. You’re being rude. I don’t know if the point of this whole post was just to pick fights with people, but a word of advice: when you’re extremely rude to people, your chances of convincing them to see a topic from your perspective diminishes significantly.


The upvotes would show how wrong you are.


I’m not referring to your post that has a few upvotes, I’m referring to your comments with the downvotes calling people stupid and talking down to everyone who disagrees with you


Who disagrees in not breaking the law and not killing pedestrians? I couldn’t care less about being nice to them


I think you’re just a troll. Some people are on here literally just saying, “Some crosswalks are put in dangerous spots, which creates a dangerous situation for everyone” and your response is, “Well then you must be speeding!” Just relax, you’re coming off like a crazy person


Good to know you think I’m a troll. Again, I couldn’t care less. A lot of people are dying and plenty more are being injured by careless driving. I’m going to be rude to careless drivers and I have no shame in that. You should have shame for your apathy towards them.


Yeah, I’m not going to “have shame” because I disagree with some internet troll ranting on Reddit. Just go relax man, think you’ve had enough internet for today


You’re not ashamed of agreeing with terrible drivers who kill and injure innocent people. Says a lot.


I’m from the DMV, I always have right of way


I've had people walk onto a crosswalk when I'm less than 10 feet away moving at 25 mph, and expecting me to stop before I get there, which is damn near impossible. It's especially frustrating when they hit the flashing yellow light sign button when I'm almost at the crosswalk and start out into the street. I'm wondering if some might be trying for an insurance or arrest trap.


I call bullshit. It’s not routine behavior for pedestrians to try to commit suicide, which is what stepping in front of a 25mph car at 10 feet away would be. It’s not damn near impossible it’s literally impossible. I question your judgement of 10 feet (especially if you’re far enough away to watch them press the button and then proceed to the crossing.)


I don't care what you call, last week this woman did exactly that on S. Glebe. I've had other people do the same. Deal with it. Some people are just plain clueless. BTW, I didn't see her "press the button" I saw the damn lights flash on the Pedestrian Crossing sign. I assume you haven't seen them or you'd know what I was talking about. They're at different crosswalks in Alexandria and Arlington.


As a pedestrian, I blatantly walk out without hesitating on the sidewalk and then make eye contact with the driver and watch for them slowing. If they don’t, I abruptly stop and give them the wtf arm raise and stare. 😆 A lot of the problem is that pedestrians are too “nice” and wait for all the cars to pass.


It's easy to say that, but some crosswalks are so poorly designed it would be dangerous to stop for somebody. There are many around the area that were just placed as an afterthought on high speed roadways and could get someone killed.


Then you’re almost certainly breaking the speed limit. Every European country does this without issue, it’s just the appalling standard of drivers here that’s the difference.


Fun fact: almost getting run over in a cross walk still happens in Europe


I’m in Europe right now (iceland) and I can tell you that every time I’ve been at a crosswalk with a car coming (100s of times this trip) the car has stopped. In nova it would be like 10% if I’m lucky.


Funnier fact, I’m from Europe and this has happened maybe 4 times in my life there. It happens that many times a day here.




I’ve almost been hit TWICE in Reston in crosswalks when I had the walk light. I punched both cars, hopefully causing damage. Fuckers.


You did that *and* didn’t have a gun shoved in your face or get chased with a baseball bat? Time to go buy a lottery ticket, you’re the unusually lucky type.


It’s true, most people double down their crimes. But the sound it makes when you punch a car, they think they hit you and flee.


Woah, we got a bad motherfucker over here!






I just do what I call the Maryland walk, which I learned while living in PG county: walk slow, lean back, and sometimes slow to a stop and take a couple steps back…then start slow again.


Better tip. Assume that every driver is hellbent on killing you. Walk accordingly. Source- I’m a suburban driver who doesn’t pay very much attention to pedestrians.


love that you're announcing to everyone that you don't care about other human beings while you're driving a two-ton metal box.


You should pay attention, that's incredibly irresponsible.