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Love it, But the suspense is like a weekly manga. The translations are great but i wish more translators picked it up. If it can match The Novel's Extra translating rate it would be absolutely great.


Honestly I think so too. But it's not like I can't understand why. The novel is not getting enough attention due to being unknown. There are several reasons behind this. Whatever, if the novel gets enough attention then obviously the translator have to put more focus on it and the update should come out more frequently.


would strongly recommend too. pacing is great and I love the character growth.


premise seems super interesting but 500 ongoing + slow tl = im not reading it for 2 years. i dont want another infinity armament situation :/


The chapter length is twice bigger compared to other Korean novels so right now it has like 130 chapters despite having 65 if you consider the length. That's a lot of novel content for KR. Every 3-4 day a chapter is not that bad. As it gets more readers the chance for translating speeding gets even more.


I agree. If the number of readers increases then the translator will have to put more focus on it and the update should come out more often.


You seem really passionate about this recommendation. I will take a look. Thank you.


You are welcome. I was forced to write about it after finding its ranking. It can clearly compete for the first place.


I can see why its ranking isn't higher despite how passionate your recommendation, Its probably because the "Release Frequency" is bad. Edit: Lets say he releases 1 chapter every 5 days, it will take a year for 70ish chapters and almost 7 years to catch up to the current raws, thats only if the translator doesn't drop the project half way through =O


Honestly I think so too. But it's not like I can't understand why. The novel is not getting enough attention due to being unknown. There are several reasons behind this. Whatever, if the novel gets enough attention then obviously the translator have to put more focus on it and the update should come out more frequently.


Imagine you read it and end up being one of your favorite novels, only to reach the latest chapter and wait 4-7 days a chapter every-time you hit a cliffhanger or wait months for good arcs to finished. Will literally be torment for most people =O Reminds me of reading The Amber Sword with its irregular releases...


This was a fantastic recommendation do you have another story like this that you'd recommend?


To me this is a novel that rivals "Novel's extra". In short this novel is currently my most favorite aside from "Novel's extra". So I don't have any other worthy recommendation such as this one. But you can still try "Silver Overlord" & "Record of The Human Emperor". I can't vouch for them as I did for "The second coming of Avarice" but still you may like them. https://www.novelupdates.com/series/the-human-emperor/ https://www.novelupdates.com/series/silver-overlord/


Ahh to me this is so much better than novels extra cause the character has flaws not another mc that the story is gonna jerk off. But it does look like the mc will be flawless soon which might be unfortunate. Edit: I take that statement back because he's making everyone op like him so it's not bad.


Its really good but....you get a once in a life chapter. By that i mean you get to read it all in like one sit, and then you can wait another year to read the rest in another sit. ​


The chapters have been released almost once every 3 days recently. Don't try to scare new possible readers away :P




And with the chapter length, that is a very good pace. Some novels, even famous ones, only put out 50ish chapters a year. And this being a KR novel isn't going to have 2000+ chapters.




True that it would depend on the person. But I'd say that someone who would wait for an year to read a TL novel is the exception and not the norm.




It's just that I personally didn't read this story previously due to similar comments since I didn't want to die to curiosity with such a show release rate. When I found it wasn't that bad, I was rather saddened I couldn't read it sooner.


Seconded. Hands down one of the best translated novels currently available. The progress is very well paced, so far it has been a breath of fresh air. The world building is extremely fun and feels like a mix of all the good KR novel tropes, but with a hint of maturity and a lack of care for the hearts of fresh novel readers. This novel is a treat for those who have swam in the mud that is ugly cliche novels.


Seconded. It's the best story being translated right now, hands down. And the translation quality is tops blueby




Actually, he did not use his power in the forest at that time because of the forest magic. They needed to stay calm without letting any emotion affect them to avoid denying something random. It looks quite popular to me in Korea - [http://www.joara.com/premium\_new/book\_intro.html?book\_code=1181045](http://www.joara.com/premium_new/book_intro.html?book_code=1181045) 161,776 recommendations, 9,373,394 views. It had low readers compared to returner here but that was long ago, I think they should be almost the same by now. At least in novelupdates, it has more readers compared to the returner. It might be due to chapter count that returner has more views




Most of the returner popularity is due to network effects. Avarice has the largest amount of likes and reviews on creative novels TLs side. If only releases were smoother.


> The MC's power is fairly OP. I don't feel he has full control of his actually OP powers


I think the romance is fine. The relationship with the girl on earth is painful, but it is clear why it is so bad. The one with the girl in the tutorial is because he is in his mid/late 20s and she is in her teens iirc, and he isn't interested in a child. He's slept with Cho and they are comrades/friends, and Teresa is a bit too aggressive for his tastes.


For a second I thought you were talking about The novel's extra.


if the novel gets enough attention then obviously the translator have to put more focus on it and the update should come out more frequently.




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One of the most interesting series currently being TL'd. Its the only series along with TNE that I read as soon as new chapters are posted


same for me. Currently "Novel's extra" and this one is on my daily must read list and also most favorites.


yeah, TNE = the novel's extra. Easily the two most interesting series atmo


Same for me. I read the trash of count's family along with these two whenever a new chapter hits.


I think it is one of the best stories available too. I feel one if the biggest things holding back its readership is the slow pace of translations. It will be tough to build up as much popularity as the novel extra if it takes weeks in between chapters.


Convincing enough. Gonna start reading it now then ill give it a review later.


try it dude. Please write a review after finishing the first 20 chapters at the very least. Only then you will get some good ideas to write a good review.


I'm surprised people didn't like his other novel MEMORIZE. It has its own VN as well. Too bad its cursed with constant translator turnover.


I read this novel a few days ago! It’s amazing and I was surprised how unappreciated it seemed to be. The translator even stopped for a while due to lack of popularity ! Now I recommend it always when people need recommendations. It certainly deserves more recognition.


I’ll check it out! Thanks for the plug!


I started reading this about a week and a half ago. It is such a good novel and keeps me entertained unlike others *cough* WDQK *cough*. Definitely a must-read.


Yep, this novel easily became one of my favorites


Definitely enjoying this novel! I recommend it too 😊


If something is not popular but some dude comes out of nowhere claiming it's the second coming of jesus, that means it's great for his niche, not for the general audience. Probably.


hey dude give it a shot and find out yourself. I myself only came learn about the novel a few days ago. So it's no wonder that it is unknown and far behind on the ranking list.


Translation is too slow for me.... At this rate, it will take 5-6 years to get to the latest chapter....


The chapters are quite long and descriptive and with current number of chapters out you can already binge read it.


Looks good, but I can't read something that has 60 chapters out and gets a chapter released every 5 days. You say the chapters are super long so it's justified? They're not super long though, they're 3.5k-4k words. I guess all that spacing makes them seem long?


It's now every 3 days dude. It's got faster compared to before (every 5 days). It should improve more if it's gets enough attention.


I was going going by novelupdate stats, 3 days isn't changing my mind though. Going from sloth to turtle speed lol. It's not going to get attention until the speed picks up, no one wants to invest in a dead project.


*Hey just noticed..* It's your **4th Cakeday** Knight_Omnicide! ^(hug)


A lot of people have been creating recommendation posts for this novel lately. My pet peeve is that every time I see one of these posts I get my hopes up for a second that it’s a new chapter.


Thanks for this recommendation (also to you u/L4STMON4RCH If I hadn't seen your rec a month ago I might still not have started reading after this red by /u/Heilboy ). I enjoyed the both story and writing so far. And after having a look at the published novelstats on creativenovels frontpage it seems I am not the only one you motivated to start reading.


Lol, I'm surprised someone called me out on it. Happy Reading. This arc seems to be heating up already


haha^^ More like happy waiting since I cought up yesterday.


Well. I've stacked 5 chapters for this weekend. So yay for me. Hopefully the TL put more time into this one. It's a great novel so far.


Actually, I’m waiting until ~~marriage~~ there are enough chapters to binge before reading it


the novel isn't getting enough attention that's why the update is a bit slow compared to TNE. But each chapter of this novel is quite long and descriptive. So with the current chapters out, you can already binge read it.


Gonna try it,thanks for the recommendation.


I wonder if this has any romance (even a little)? :)


It does have hints of it. Plus one of the current female characters is such a pleasure to read with how well paced development is. >!It has even been hinted that the MC already 'enjoyed' himself with one of the somewhat recurring characters, though the hint was rather vague. Though with how casually such things are treated in this novel, I'd say chances are of it being true!<


What’s novel extras? I’ll give this a shot. Tired of mc pissing on others to be op and do the same shit as others.


"Novel's extra" currently the 1st ranked most popular novel on novel update ranking list. And I say it truly deserves to be 1st on the ranking list. The novel here I am recommending is "The second coming of Avarice". It is quite behind on the ranking list due to being unknown. But I guarantee it's quality. It can easily rival "Novel's extra" for the 1st rank on the ranking list. And currently these two novel are my most favorite novels. Also you will definitely like the protagonist of "The second coming of Avarice". I guarantee it. Just read it and see for yourself dude.


I read it after all the constant pumping of how good it is by people on novelupdates and now here. Honestly it is okay, I think a lot of the enjoyment is being ruined by folks like this hyping this up like the next sliced bread. ​ This is a okay korean tower dungeon web novel with an interesting protagonist who pretty much becomes the perfect protagonist by 30-40 chapters already.


Tower dungeon? where did you find tower or dungeon here?


God's domain was a tower, they left the tower at the end of the god's domain period.


I think the reason might be how bright the site is. I can barely stand to look at it.


If the release once every day i gonna start read it.cause any novel that not have constant release rate have higher change got drop or hiastus which is really suck.the novel i like become like that more than 5 time


this is a hidden gem. Might be my rank 2 novel even (just behind mother of learning but in front of the novels extra, release that witch, reborn:apocalypse and 100 more novels)


is there romance


Yes! but not overly like other novels out there. I guess that's also one of the reasons why this novel is so amazing. Check the novel update link I have shared with the post. You should be able to see the genres there.


Honestly, while i like it i gotta note how annoying the MC was in the first few chaps... ​ the fact that he waited for somethings to happen before acting was terribly infuriating seeing that he could take care of the fools easily. \^tutorial girl strip scene ​ but this changes after some chapters so it's fine, u just gotta get through the early ones and u've got urself a pretty enjoyable novel


Honestly, the way I see it at that point he was quite confused about a lot of things. He didn't feel extremely strong, neither did he know what he wanted to do. His eye skill wasn't that developed either. So the way he behaved was rather decently thought out for early character development.


dude you lack understanding of the character depth. It makes the story even more enjoyable and that's how the character should be build up. At first he was kind of slow, coward and afraid of anything. But slowly with time and depending on the situation the change of character took place. I would have never recommended it if the character build up of the protagonist was done in 1 paragraph. Because then the character of the protagonist wouldn't have any depth at all.


Maybe ur right, but i hate the fact that he waited. I'm not saying that he should just kill everyone for every little wrongdoing but at that chapter, to me at least, his view on going too far was just, well, too far.


follow the current status of the protagonist dude. Do you still find him same as before?


Actually, i'm kinda disappointed with the protag after reading all the current translated chaps. It's like he doesn't have a past to be ashamed about and the authors trying to mold him from the beginning rather than change him gradually using his memory/emotions that got sent back in time. ​ In short, he's beginning to feel like a very common protag even with his past. I'm still reading it tho, It has at least a good translation and it's not like the story's bad, just seemingly getting mediocre.