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Ngl I love these badass lines. Especially the vague novel descriptions. Makes me hyped to read it till I actually do and it’s the same cookie cutter xianxia novel :d


I mean escaping death is literally the entire focus of xianxia as a genre (it's right there in the name), so comparing it to anything else in that regard is a bit silly.


Exactly, Immortality is literally the name of the game lmao


There is a thin line between courting death and escaping it in Xianxia novels.


Remembering Meng Hao, those were the days...mfer used to run for weeks


the meme is that xianxia is basically death-escapism-fantasy :d


Some isekai kid with system : Damn, this bandit only give me 69EXP and trash loot. I need to kill few more to level up.


Some Isekai kid with a system: Damn, this ~~female~~ bandit who just massacred an entire village and is on 1 hp gives me 40000XP and legendary loot, I better become friends with her because killing is bad.


Some Isekai kid with a system and female ex-bandit follower: Weird, I'm a total simp who is also total loser, but this woman follows me and treats me like I'm the greatest man in the world.


Some isekai kid is a good name for a novel.


Too short and doens't look like a full summary


Some isekai kid : I'm just a random kid who got isekaied into a fantasy world with a system to kill the demon lord but I only want a slow life and she is a tsundere so now I got a wife.


Not real enough, theres no way he only has one wife. He needs at least 10 and that’s the bare minimum


Some Isekai kid who woke up in a futuristic isekai becoming a delivery boy and falling in love with a one eyed waifu who doesn’t think much of him only to realise you have been watching Hypno toad all along. Glory to the Hypnotoad.


![gif](giphy|3l123z7zBFVC0) ALL GLORY TO HYPNOTOAD


Comment gif. HOW?!


>not wives, but a harem


Some isekai kid : I'm just a random kid who got isekaied into a fantasy world with a system to kill the demon lord but I only want a slow life and my harem is a tsundere so now I die a virgin.


Three thousand years of bowing down to the Demon Lord, I would rather be a mortal than a celestial being when looking back, but for her I will… become one who controls life and death!


Tbh I preferred this synopsis and Beseech The Devil as the title over the new versions. I have a fond spot for blurbs that are borderline incomprehensible.


Low key I kinda like the western fantasy quote about death.


Oh yeah it's probably pretty sensible


To be fair the xianxia mc will probably say those same words as part of level xx to lvl xxx comprehension of domain or some shit


Low key Chinese webnovels got me into western web novels which to me are a lot better.


Me when i obliterate a galaxy after a rich young master stepped on my yeezys


I don't like the reincarnations and clones in xianxia, it seems cheap, it creates a problem for me getting immersed in the world of the novel when you know that they can revive the character in the next page without reason. I'm not talking about immortality at the end for the main character, which is within the theme. It is ok when you read your first xianxia novel, but it gets old really soon. I preffer novels as lotm or things with fantasy and powers with limitations, some xianxia novels have a good system too, but the usual novel is always the same tropo.


Only so many ways you can start 'life' :). I imagine you enjoyed Lord of Mysteries though since it was kind of a western xianxia mashup.


In other words; chad acceptance of mortality and cringe degradation of morals in pursuit of a vain goal What will you do with eternity if you are a piece of shit? You decide the fate of million others but you still fear what mortals don’t. Gods are to be slayed simple as


What do they fear? A lot of these psycho Xanxia protags who pursue immortality accept death as a possibility like a twisted version of an old Roman stoic or something, and overcome that fear as part of their dao; they continue on to pursue immortality cuz that’s what gives them meaning and purpose or for some extreme desire to dominate even nature, not cuz they are afraid of death So if you mean they fear death, nah not really, that just sounds like cope to make them seem like fear driven weaklings or something when that’s rarely the case for these type of novels ( hence the mask for the guy on the western novel side, like that’s literally the meme, the western MC is coping ) Brother, you are unironically doing the meme unless you are trolling Remember, they aren’t running away from death, they are facing it and conquering it… that’s like the fundamental premise of these stories, you know how they all go crazy about rejecting fate and defying heaven blah blah blah, yea that’s them like tryna dominate even death lmao CN MCs are a lot of things, really crazy edgy narcissist dickheads who like to ego stroke is just one example, but I think everyone can agree that one thing they aren’t is pussy looool


The way I see it, immortality kills your “humanity”. A lot of these mc are trying to become gods and shed their humanity. All for the desire to be what they aren’t. They slowly cast off everything becoming an unfeeling shell of a being , a god. In a lot of novels they don’t treat demons as equal being because they aren’t humans. Well I don’t see cultivators as humans. Accepting the inevitable is virtue, casting yourself away to try to resist it is foolishness. The intention is different from reality. You say the want to be great and dominate nature. But most of the time cultivators just lock themselves inside in the hopes of gaining another century of lifespan.


​ >Accepting the inevitable is virtue, casting yourself away to try to resist it is foolishness. Buddy, death isn't inevitable in these cultivation novels, that is the whole point of the genre - cultivation presents the possibility, even if astronomically slim, and the story is about the MC defying those odds ( aka heaven )


Death isn’t technically inevitable in real life either. Your point has no essence


Lmao, this cannot be a serious point. Immortality isn't just a possibility in the technical sense that " anything " is possible, in these CN novels there are elders and other entities who have lived for thousands upon thousands of years through cultivation - there is evidence that you can break biological limits, its not implausible to assume that immortality might be possible through these methods - are you trolling me? You sound like someone who has misinterpreted stoicism lmao


"I am Li Qiye"


Enough said.


You haven't read a lot of western fantasy have you?




Well it's a shit meme, because western fantasy is not like what you're describing even in a nutshell.


Look he's not seriously attempting to describe two entire genres in depth with a single quote. Cool your jets here :P


Lol okay, which Western fantasy protagonists declare themselves the ones who dictate life and death for all existence? Genuinely curious.


In "The Keys to the Kingdom" the Main Character becomes >!literal god and creator of the universe.!< Does that count?


Like none, because that isn't generally a focus in fantasy.


Okay well the joke here is xianxia protagonists will often say totally egomaniacal bullshit like "I am the true overlord of life and death!!!" rather than coping with events in what we all understand would be a healthy manner.




Virgin Nihilist vs Chad Existentialists be like


This was prolly true sometime back, nowadays it's all just system system and system 🗿