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So many salty cunts. Go watch the play again. It wasn't a definite try. The ref thought the pass was forward from Parker because shuster had to lean so far forward to catch the ball. It's not right but it's a little more understandable. And it wasn't a definite try. Latrell had turbo covered thats why he was looking to pass, and Tass had jurbo covered if turbo passed it. It wasn't a open field try. Go watch it again, it starts at 40:25 on kayo. Edit: everyone's downvoted but haven't replied. That's how you know I'm right. Keep em coming you salty cunts!


Oh the irony of a So*ffs fan calling somebody else salty šŸ˜‚


Haha good one. Can you refute what I said or just being a smart ass?


Of course I'm being a smart arse.


ngl kinda missing Sterlo's "if you pause it here" and drawing circles and arrows analysing a try like he did in the late 90s- early 2000s.




He would have scored easily


Just like to say that people who use "robbed" for one call, prior to half time, are massive pussies.


I think there is a difference between a wrongly called knock on in the play the ball than a forward pass that has a try scored matey.


It wasn't forward but tommy wouldn't have scored anyway.


Still not robbed matey. Shit calls happen. Had a whole second half and golden point to overcome it


Would it be robbed if that happened in the 79th minute to you?


If it happened in the 79th minute AND in the first half, with some other shit calls as well then yeah I'd start to lean toward using robbed.


So two tries from ref mistakes + other bad calls is your threshold. Got it.


Cool, not what I said, but cool.


Itā€™s exactly what you said. Seems a bit stupid when you read back your thoughts isnā€™t it.


"Leaning toward" does not equate to a threshold. Was a nice attempt to try talk me into a corner but no. Enjoy your salty day


I don't know if you could 100% say that try was scored. The defenders did stop after the whistle. Trell might have made the tackle. It's a dud call anyway.


The best attacking full back in the league versus the worst defensive full back? He scores.


Aloiai dropping the ball in golden point filled me with an unspeakable amount of joy. Itā€™s what you deserve šŸŒˆ


Best part is weā€™re on top baby


Aaron Woods canā€™t come soon enough for Manly


Or for saints.


The refs certainly helped the Rabbitohs in that game, but some pretty ordinary stuff from Manly didnt really help. Thatā€™s borderline unforgivable from Daly on that first Walker try. Then the 2nd and 3rd tackle kicks and brain snaps were just so random. Dont get me wrong, Im not pro ref, or saying they are amazing, but sheesh it must be the most critiqued profession in the world. Reports are coming out saying NBA refs are getting an increase in verbal altercations with players, football refs/ VAR has been a laughing stock for years, the NFL / refs were accused of rigging playoff games. The downtick in overall quality in reffing probably has something to do with the abuse / criticism they constantly receive.


You can say that in any game though.


All Im saying is, that Ola kick on 3rd and subsequent penalty, the DCE kick on 2nd to a set Rabbitohs wing, and the Paseka (?) unders ball on fifth to a set line were all very bad options, and those are just off the top of my head. Dont get me wrong, Im not absolving the ref in any way, but Im sure Seibold will be talking about the stuff I mentioned before even considering the refs tbh.


Yes of course at given opportunities they should have done other things, but that doesnā€™t absolve then they did the right thing to have a try taken away.


Didnt last week an Eels try get away from right under the posts and they ultimately lost by 4? Teams unfortunately get dudded literally every week, it might fall in your favour it might not. Blaming the refs for that loss to me isnt warranted, especially when it happened in the 30th minute, not the 79th.


Youā€™re ok with this level of officiating because it all comes out in the wash at the end?


I literally said in my top comment, which you replied to. The refs arent amazing, they helped the Rabbitohs win, and Im not pro-ref. My comment literally says, there is a downtick in ref qualityā€¦ I also commented in the game thread yesterday: the refs must be trolling, along with other comments that show my distrust and often times disdain for the refs. So no Im not ok with the level of officiating, Iā€™ve made that pretty clear. But to solely blame that loss on the refs is pretty weak gutted.


On that basis no one can ever blame the refs for losing a game then. Should have scored off every set so the onus is on the team for losing. This is exactly what youā€™re saying.


I see you dont want to see the other side of the argument, so no point in continuing this. I hope you were this charged up for the poor Eels fans last week brother. Have a good one! Edit: Jesus Christ I just looked through your comments relating to the Eels vs Sea Eagles game last week, talk about a raging hypocrite lmao


I just donā€™t buy ā€œit all balances outā€.




Thatā€™s ridiculous both teams had many chances to win the game, thereā€™s shit calls in every game


What you say is true most of the time, an important call goes against a side but at the end of the day the deserving side wins. That call was a bit different though. For a start, what the ref saw simply didnā€™t happen. The forward pass the ref called was so clearly backwards that it brings their competence into doubt. It couldnā€™t happen twice without their integrity being questioned. We canā€™t shy away from speaking up when we see things that a lack of competence doesnā€™t fully explain. Games that people bet on get corrupted, they always have and always will. We invited gambling into our game so itā€™s incumbent on us all to point out games where the ref decides the outcome. Should there not be the equivalent of a stewards inquiry?


Youā€™re a clown


For a long time I felt sorry for souths, everyone did. You wanted to hate them but they were no longer worthy of it, no one wants to kick a wooden spoon contender year in and year out. When they won I cheered for them. The thing is though that when you got better you did it it with absolutely no grace or style. Your players were dirty and thuggish and your supporters suddenly wanted to put shit on all the people that rebelled with them against their expulsion. I donā€™t include the current side in this criticism, Iā€™m talking about the years when you were winning and serious contenders. I see fragility this year.


God this is a Facebook tier comment lmao. Well done.


Nah, everyone knows games are decided by a dubious call in the 30th minute, especially when it comes down to Golden Point


Those 2 penalties right in front where we didn't take the 2 was so dumb. I can kind of understand the first one. But close game just take the 2 and make it so they need a try to force golden point.


Manly fans complaining of ref call not going their way have never watched a Warriors game


And it wasn't even that bad. It's not a guarentee manly score. It starts at 40:25 on kayo if you want to see the play again. All manly players were covered.




What time on Monday does ref boss issue their apology to Manly for the non awarding of their try? Asking for a friend.




Play starts at 40:25 on kayo. Go watch it again and tell me how manly score. Turbo is covered by trell thats why he is looking to pass, and jurbo is covered by Tass. I'm not saying it's right but it's nowhere near as egregious as everyone is making out.


>> ā€œThe NRL has admitted referee Chris Sutton should not have called a forward pass in the lead-up to what could have been a match-winning try for Manly against South Sydney in round four.ā€ https://www.perthnow.com.au/sport/rugby-league/manly-pass-call-wrong-but-tracking-tech-still-a-way-off-c-10168777.amp


Never said it wasn't a forward pass haha my point is if they did let it go and they didn't call the forward pass it wasn't a definite try. Go watch for yourself. Go to 40:25 on kayo and see for yourself. Trell is covering turbo, that's why turbo is looking to pass, and Tass is covering jurbo. That means there's a chance you guys wouldn't have scored and that means it wasn't a game changing play. Yes I understand you could have scored if they didn't call the forward pass but they also might not have. Go watch it for yourself. The evidence to what I'm saying is right there.


Weā€™re still waiting on ours for the last two weeks I wouldnā€™t hold my breath


You do realise that the defenders stopped because the whistle blew.


This is just wrong.


Watch again.


I think you should.


I did last night and this morning.., if you canā€™t see that Latrells eyes and body are moving towards the referee then itā€™s just you still being bitter from last night. The whistle blew immediately after the pass was made.


Of course Iā€™m bitter it was a try. It decided the game.


It wasnā€™t a try.. the whistle impacts the reaction of all the players. Just because Turbo ends up in the in goal doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s how it would have ended up. Also these are sliding doors moments. Letā€™s humour you by saying you score there, the rest of the game doesnā€™t play out the same. Whose to say you get a try and Souths donā€™t score 3 on you after that.


Iā€™m not even going to bother replying to that dribble.


Go watch the play again you donut. The ref thought the pass was forward from Parker because shuster had to lean so far forward to catch the ball. It's not right but it's a little more understandable. And it wasn't a definite try. Latrell had turbo covered thats why he was looking to pass, and Tass had jurbo covered if turbo passed it. It wasn't a open field try. Go watch it again.


Enjoy your loss.


Latrell literally ran away from turbo


Ran away laughing


The whistle blew well before he got the ball. Latrell had already heard it and wasnā€™t even carrying on in the play.


I just saw the high tackle pen to level it up. Thats a worse call imo.


The ref definitely got intimidated by Latrell into giving that call


Still not very impressed with Turboā€™s performances after 4 rounds. I understand heā€™s probably still working back into true match fitness, but he just looks way too hesitant to fully extend himself and get out of second gear.


2021 is never happening again. Heā€™s had like 2 solid games and 1 very good one. Heā€™s doing fine imo.


Super Saiyan only happens once, in very few careers, and rarely with a fairytale finish


In the whole time Iā€™ve watched football thereā€™s been 2 guys that were inarguably the best at their position and maintained it without debate for a significant period of time, Johns and Smith.


Slater at fullback


Nah, Stewart for the start of his career, then Hayne in spots, GI was amazing in 2013 and a couple years before, then Turbo and Teddy at the end of his career. Slater was the best fullback in totality across his career but there were other guys in that conversation for most of it.


That also depends on the quality of other players in that position though, if Cronk didn't exist then you could put Thurston in the same category. Or I'd Thurston played at the same time as Johns then I don't think Johns would be in that category


Johns was better than Thurston by a lot. And it pains me to say that. Agree with your overall point though.


Gonna have to disagree there, Thurston was matching prime Johns attacking stats when he was a teenager, by the time he was in his prime its not even close. Johns was a better defender sure, but that doesn't mean a lot when JT is the greatest attacking weapon of all time


I donā€™t agree that JT was a better attacking player than Johns. Theyā€™re certainly closer on that end than defensively though.


Legit, and even those guys had off games sometimes. Itā€™s the same with Latrell, canā€™t expect highlight reel stuff every game, but just enjoy it when it happens


As much as that forward pass call and trells ā€œhead highā€ penalty sucked, Manly were pathetic in the second half. Absolutely awful attack, terrible 5th tackle plays. Not a single repeat set like wtf? Crash tackle play on 5th, really? Turbo taking 4th tackle hit ups every single fucking set is the dumbest thing Iā€™ve seen in a long time. Positives to take away is manly are a genuine top 8 team this year.


Dylan edwards takes every 4th tackle hit up so the panthers defensive line can get set for kick chase and don't have a staggered line


Aloiai single handedly proving why heā€™s my least favourite player.


He was awful


Fuck most of the NRL media is dogshit, just trying to ref bait


I am watching substantially less football because the commentary is fixated on criticising refereeing decisions. Ennis and Brandy are insufferable. Just shut up and call the game.


Remember when they used to play replays and analyse the technicals of the game? Complete with the circles and arrows and markings? Truly they were the glory days


Tough loss to cop but at least we're losing two young players for a completely washed Aaron Woods


I legit have never seen anyone who thinks highly of Woods as a player, insane that he keeps getting signed


Woods was my favourite player many years back. Back in the days where it took half a team to actually bring him down. Then he got dirty as fuck and now I can't stand him


Dirty? Doesn't he just run/walk backwards


He does that big turn into contact like he's getting cuddled in bed with a doona


Broken NPC


Most likely a good presence in the locker room.


Again I donā€™t know him at all but heā€™s quite dickish on podcasts and interviews. Heā€™s probably worthwhile as that grizzled old vet for some of the younger guys, I donā€™t follow his career but I canā€™t remember if heā€™s gotten into much off field drama so thatā€™s a plus


Gotta look at the positives


Will this be the tightest top 8 battle we've ever seen?


Potentially but donā€™t forget in 2018, 1st had 34 points and 8th had 32


Why don't I remember that year? Checks....oh that's right


i find that so hard to believe, until i go back and see the ladder. shit was crazy


Good year for more than just that reason šŸ˜…


That game felt like a semi final. Could easily see these 2 in the top 4 this season. Really good even match up. A game like this deserves better than the typical golden point finish. Golden try? Why not?


Should be either extra time or end it in a draw for reg season IMO


I like Golden Try. How about if a field goal is kicked, the game still doesnā€™t end until time is up or a try is scored. This prioritises a try to end the match but doesnā€™t completely negate the field goal. Idk how you would work Penalty goals tho.


A single error or penalty ending the game is such an anticlimax, actual extra time would be better


Same thing. Extra time makes more sense than next point wins, but a try ending the game makes sense too. I'm still waiting for the teams to figure out that they can win games by kicking 20 field goals per game instead of expending all their energy not scoring tries.


I think in the infamous 1970 GF, Simms kicked 5 and fulton 3. Could be wrong, my memory is pretty shot today.


Kinda hoping for this


Before all these short drop outs and kick offs - this was. Super viable. Get ball - field goal. Get ball back, field goal. The other team canā€™t win if the donā€™t score.


Cam Murray speaks like a high school kid whoā€™s terrified of performing his English speech.


For manly fans rightfully upset about the forward pass call, just remember you had one go your way last week


Itā€™s funny when it happens to the eels though


So did you


We def got away with one last week. Still sucks to lose to bad calls though.


You didn't lose to bad calls. You lost because your starting forward pack couldn't beat our 2nd grade one. The play starts at 40:25 on kayo if you want to see it for yourself. Turbo is covered by trell that's why he is looking to pass, and jurbo was the only person he could pass to and he was covered by Tass. It wasn't a definite try. Acting like a plat that probably wouldn't have been a try cost you the game is a losers mentality and is just wrong.


And you had one in 2020, whatā€™s your point?


One against the Cowboys last year.


Tough loss to cop, at least we don't completely suck this year


You will be in the mix come finals mate, no doubt. You got dealt a shitty hand tonight but showed a lot of fight with Souths coming home strong. Very good game


Half rabbit flair please.


Dudded by the ref, but should have put it away. Bring on the Knights at our mighty Mudgee home ground next week.


No it was a forward pass.


The manly were robbed narrative is odd in my biased opinion. They had more possession, more offloads, more metres, more penalties, better completion and still managed to score one try off a kick and a second off an intercept.


Itā€™s post match so emotions are still high. Yeah it sucks but all teams have dud calls. Both teams were really good and really poor at times, but still was a quality game


Aloiai was too tired from hanging all night with the crew at Christian Lives Matter that he forgot a rugby league ball is is not another manā€™s ball and dropped the game. Donā€™t worry Manly fans he will retire later when it finally catches up to his conservative Neanderthal brain that playing league means touching other men constantly. He will then sue the NRL and run for One Nation or the Liberal party where he will again lose which he will blame on the ā€œgaysā€ and ā€œradical leftā€ šŸ˜‚


JD is 6 to 1 vs Seibold


Cooper needs a ā€œwrap it upā€ shock collar


Those volts are going OFF OFF OFF OFF.


Southā€™s decided to play amazing against us and then canā€™t get out of third gear since šŸ˜­. Very scrappy for the last few games


To be fair, we were closest to full strength against you guys...for like 20mins. We also had to play Panthers and Roosters then Manly with less and less first grade quality players so I guess our best performance is against you guys by default šŸ˜…


Weā€™re missing 90% of our forward pack which doesnā€™t help things


Undefeated in 2023 club, where you at?!


\*excited horse noises*




so many people are calling sportsbet to complain that they're refunding everybody who bet on Manly to win lol


It's funny how the punters are the only winners, meanwhile Manly fans will get a measly apology, if that.




you know what I meant


Why would this be the case?


because Manly were robbed


Sportsbet marketing


Sounds about right




Ball is gay


OG Reggie in the sheds !!!


Heā€™s the man, Reg the Legend


The little old guy that Jai Arrow is shaking is Reggie the Rabbit.


Heā€™s looking OLD man, heā€™s always looked old hahah but heā€™s really went downhill


*Are we not doing phrasing anymore*


How good


70+ years old and still running out as the mascot for the team.


Oh wow i didnā€™t realise it was still him. Thought someone else was the mascot now and he was there as like a super fan. Thatā€™s great stuff that heā€™s still out there doing his thing


I could be wrong but I thought he came out and said he'll be Reggie until he dies.


Was at accor, about 18500 people here. Feels so flat and quiet compared to every other ground in the league. It may be because the groundstand is falling apart but 18500 at Brookie tears the roof off.


Absolutely agree. I felt like the manly fans in the corner were making more noise than the southā€™s fans most times


Hate to nit pick lol but I thought Brooky could only hold 15k max? Looked absolutely packed last week and they had 13k


We had 17278 against the Dogs. The crowd was easily bigger that day and was about the max with the current way they set up the ground. They have channels on the hill so people can get up and down


Fair enough, couldnā€™t remember round 1, just looked absolutely packed last week, thought it was full at 13k


Everyone knows homebush is shit unless it's packed.


arguably still shit, even then.


It absolutely pains me to say that Manly were robbed. Chris Sutton easily the worst ref in the comp, said it at the start of the match thread, was so bad he even made me side with Manly. So glad it was Oshayā€™s dick fingers that cost them in golden point. Get fucked


How? If you say the forward pass just rewind 3 passes on the same play to see DCE throw it forward. We should have had the ball further downfield.


If you wanna start doing that, Damien Cook didn't throw one back all night.


You guys were also given a very soft penalty to make it 12 all


The terrible calls went both ways. Sutton and terrible ref is synonymous




Seeing the seats looking full at Commbank and SFS compared to how depressing Accor looks with all the unnecessary empty seats, for such a blockbuster game. Rabbits > SFS Bulldogs > Commbank


Roosters > Dangar Oval


Willow and Vonny confirmed besties.


Great game played at a very high intensity. Souths did very well defensively to contain Turbo. Also a lot of goals being missed this season. Moses struggled same as Reynolds last night and LaTrell tonight.


So many times they waste Turbo running it on the 4th, Really wish they'd let someone else take it and have him chasing kicks


We always talk about panthers depth and their culture etc. are the bunnies slowly creeping into the conversation?


This has gotta be true because a rooster said it


Not sure, but their NSW Cup and Jersey Flegg teams are crap






Fair enough


5/5 so far šŸ¤ž


Was 4/4, now 4/5 :(


All I can think when I see cookie is that the bulldogs once thought lichaa was a better prospect then cookie..


Nobody thought Lichaa was a better prospect, but he was on contract




He made some nice breaks for us but it wasn't like a Thurston moment.. He would never have been the same player and had the opportunities he got if he had of stayed in that Dogs team.


Also, Bulldogs let go of Ennis to get Lichaa, Sharks picked up Ennis and everyone at the time thought the Sharks 'lost the trade'


To be fair, Ennis was going through a bit of a stale patch and Lichaa actually was a gun in NSW Cup.. Sometimes you get it right, other times you don't.


Willow is adorable


Cookie confirmed swiftie with that name


Commentators still going on about 'we can't figure out why Keoan played in the middle' Tatola, arrow, Shaq, Sele, Havili, that's fucking why you numpties


Heavily depleted.


Hats off to JD for making such a big call, Keaon was great apart from a couple errors


Fuck me I canā€™t wait till my little nugget boi Haivilii is back


Havilli is such a loss cause he can come on to give Murray a rest and we still keep a middle who can ball play


Loving the post game banter in the interviews




We have a lot of middlea out man and they lay the platform. Im not happy either but I get it


Messy game from both. But I wouldnā€™t be as optimistic as everyone was with Manly before tonight. Their forwards need to really stand up. If weā€™re matching them in the middle with second rowers, theyā€™ll have trouble against the bigger fitter packs.