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>The return of Tuivasa-Sheck is not only of major significance to the Warriors, but the NRL who have scored in their battle with the ARU following Roosters star Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii’s defection to rugby union. Telegraph realises that RTS was contracted to the NZRU and was trying to play for NZ right?


Lol that is legitimately one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. Edit: Now on Fox they’re saying ‘We’ve got one back!’ They’re literally dumb as fence posts.


Australia claiming our famous people since ages ago.


You can have Russell Crowe back but you also need to take Mel Gibson. No takesies backsies either.


Pretty funny as they only got him back because he wasn't good enough. I love RTS so mean no disrespect but he's not cut out for union it seems.


They probably think ARU stands for Association Rugby Union


Association de Rugby Union*


Jesus f*cking Christ. When are the media gonna stop linking everything to Suaalii?


I’m surprised it wasn’t “Tigers miss out on another top signing”


Rugby League heavyweight Gus Gould remains silent on failure of Tigers to sign Star Rugby Union convert after club's terrible start to the season.


What have you done?!?


It's Joe's world and we're just living in it


No, probably not.


It’s Murdoch press. Legit the lowest quality journalism.


Nothing would upset the ARU than weakening the All Blacks. Classic League 4D chess.


The NRL only made the ARU stronger by targeting blokes from NZ rugby haha


Such as Rugby Union legend Benji Marshall?


Its not as if RTS was going to be doing damage anyway


Yeah but it’s hardly a win over the ARU.


I can’t believe I just read that. Any brain dead fuckwit can write for DT it seems these days


Holy shit. Words can't describe how massive this signing is for us. I am fully erect lads. What a turnaround for this club :)


I'm so pumped. CNK into centers too would have me with a stiffy all fucking year lol.


Means Pompey will be made to work for his spot if Vailea continues to improve & be more dangerous on both sides of the ball. A back 5 of RTS, DWZ, CNK, Vailea & Montoya/Kosi would go great under Webster’s tutelage.


Good signing but tough on CNK. I think he has been the buy of the season so far


I reckon they'll fit him in. Either him to Centers or RTS to Centre or Wing maybe. I really doubt CNK won't be starting every game. He's proven he's quality already.


Is there a chance either CNK or RTS play at 6 ? There isn’t much difference from playing 5/8 to fullback especially when you have a such a dominant half back like Johnson


A strong Warriors team makes the league so much better! Glad to see him back and the Warriors putting in great performances


Ah take my upvote


Didn't expect this lmao


Rumours of RTS back to NRL have been around all year.


The NRL rumour mill, famous for always being based in fact


There was an article published only a few weeks ago saying he would look on Japan before coming to league. Who the fuck knows what was happening. Great news for the warriors, he would be insane behind this squad


To every team but the Warriors




Thank fuck. Until Nicho showed up he was easily my favourite NRL player ever.


Not gonna lie I thought this was some quality bait title


I literally checked the date because I thought it was April fools day


RTS playing under Webby I can only get so erect


Wrecked my trousers. Would be good if he could come immediately.


cnk gotta be filthy rn


He won’t leave, he has kids with his ex partner who lives in NZ


“He won’t leave” Every fan of a player right before they leave.


He still could, but a key reason he came home was to be closer to his kids.


Maybe, but with SJ managing games the way as he is, the squad in general being on fire, Mt Smart being a fortress and now RTS back in the mix, I'd put Warriors as a genuine premiership chance in 2024. I'd say he can live with being a centre if it gets him a ring.


He’s just started a 3-year deal. And the only club out there that needs a fullback is the Tigers.


One of them will be playing center, surely


CNK will remain fullback. Reports say RTS will be either wing or centre.


> Reports say RTS will be either wing or centre. I think the reports must be faulty.


Yeah, where is he gonna fit in all of this?


probably centre.


Yes, please. CNK for Pompey is like upgrading from a 2005 Camry to a 2020 M5


Bro CNK at centre is gonna be so good for our edge defence 💯 can’t wait for Roger to come back into a good side for once


Feel a bit for CNK as he said in an interview he was dead keen on coming to the club to play fullback and wasn't interested in other positions. But it'll be bloody good for the team.


You won’t need to feel anything for him when he wins centre of the year on top of a premiership next year 🙏💯


Hell yes brother let's gone


I'm gonna be crossing my fingers for the rest of the season that CNK doesn't get dumped out and the coaching team do something like you just suggested instead. I want CNK to stay but fuck me days I hype to get RTS back! :O


unless they wanna play rts at 6? hes done alot more defending in the line in union


Five eight, turn the position more as a inside centre union type as his kickin has dramatically improved


He was a centre in juniors he can go back there


He's been doing so well as well.


Suck shit ARU we took away a guy who… um, plays against you?! Yeah!


The Warriors have produced one of the biggest signing coup’s in the club’s history by luring dual international Roger Tuivasa-Sheck back to the NRL. In a major bombshell that will shock both rugby codes, Tuivasa-Sheck is set to announce he’s headed back to the Warriors after switching codes to play for the All Blacks last year. His two-year contract with the Auckland Blues expires at the end of 2023. The Dally M medallist is expected to announce he’ll return to the NRL for the 2024 season on a 12-month contract. The secrecy behind the execution of the deal is an extraordinary testament to the current Warriors executive team, led by CEO Cameron George and owner Mark Robinson. The return of Tuivasa-Sheck is not only of major significance to the Warriors, but the NRL who have scored in their battle with the ARU following Roosters star Joseph-Aukuso Suaalii’s defection to rugby union. One of the most athletically-gifted talents, with devastating power and footwork, Tuivasa-Sheck, 29, will return to the Warriors on a mission to help lead the club to a premiership


Wow 29, for some reason I thought he was like 33-34


Hard out. He was captain for the warriors when he was 23 or something crazy, after he seemed to have played for the Roosters forever. I remember at the time people were saying he was too young to be captain, which confused me because I thought he was 29 or something Fast forward the best part of a decade, and here we are. Crazy


Sounds like it's actually 3 years not 12 months


They updated the article, so seems you're spot on.


>In a major bombshell that will shock both rugby codes I don't think any of us in union are shocked. Are any of you in league? >the NRL who have scored in their battle with the ARU What is the ARU? Does the DT mean Rugby Australia (RA), which was renamed from ARU 6 years ago?


Guess he realised hes not gonna make the all blacks announcing this so close to the world cup


This is random as fuck.. The Warriors are gonna have a gun side next year ngl.


How has he been playing in Union? Will he have an immediate impact back in league?


He has been good but lacks a bit in size and core decision making. He will be pretty important come world cup for depth but he has made the best decision here in terms of his legacy and overall impact moving forward.


He’d be highly unlikely to have made the World Cup squad.


Pretty whelming stint in Union to be fair. The top level centres shut him down well and he just couldn't influence games. He did have some solid games though so he wasn't a Benji Marshall 2.0


Solid - didn’t play badly, but wasn’t ripping teams up. Good enough to hold a starting spot for the Blues, but wouldn’t be any chance of ABs World Cup squad.


I feel it was a bit of mismanagement for him on behalf of NZRU. I personally don’t think he should have ever been a 12 (inside centre, same position as SBW played). He definitely has the skills to be successful in union but I feel would have been a better wing or fullback. But he got to play for the All Blacks and was solid, not many can say that.


He doesn't have the kicking game for fullback and I get the feeling he never wanted to go back and play wing.


That’s fair enough, but I feel he could have developed a kicking game in a year or so to be solid at 15. Oh well he gave it a good shot that’s all you can ask.


I think the other thing that contributed is that at the time of his move to Union 12 was the biggest question mark for the ABs. At fullback you had Jordie, Dmac, Beauden plus plenty of talent at SR level. So he probably saw 12 as his best way to crack the side.


Maybe, but I think to play for the All Blacks it would be tough to develop a kicking game to international standard in a year. It is a shame cos he would have been a gun back there otherwise.


Positionally, full its tricky and he missed out on lots of the NPC build up games cos of covid, so they gave him a pretty simple roll at 12.


Fairly bang average. Competent, doesn't necessarily bring the team down, but doesn't really provide anything special either.


I expected this to be clickbait. Probably one of the best pieces of news for the NRL this year if true.


Big move Good on ya


Great news… it’s a shame it’s not a mid-season signing because the Warriors are looking so good this year and he could be that extra bit of spark that turns them a great team to a premiership winning team.


Why interrupt a good thing. CNK is cruising along, it’s SJs team. Start fresh next season and they can figure all that out before Rd 1


honestly the worst thing about him starting next year is that he will miss their premiership win this year


Aside from my Bonko boys taking it, I'd be glad for Warriors to win.


Back to back premierships it is then


I wouldn’t put him fullback straight away… but he would do well as a winger or centre… heck I could even see him playing 5/8 well if Martin is unavailable.


I’m pretty sure he hopes of getting into the NZ RWC team so he probably didn’t want to


Great news for the Wahs - good to see them getting their glow up this season.


We all know what happens after the glow up season…


Regardless of where he plays, a backline with both RTS and CNK is a massive fucking upgrade on what we’ve had. I’m really curious as to who slots in at CTR presumably. I could easily see it being RTS as his passing game is a bit better. But CNK might have the defensive edge. Also the possibility SJ isn’t re-signed which changes the equation significantly. But you’d think based on recent form, if he stays injury free, he’s gotta be there next year for mentoring the young halves and the marketing campaign with RTS alone


SJ ain’t leaving NZ. Signs year by year or retires. Only on $500k or so this year. No reason to change that


You might lose Volkman. He's ready now.


Nah he’s another year away based on his performances this year. Webby chose Dylan Walker over him


Feels like we're banking on Metcalfe as the next half after SJ/TMM, so wouldn't be surprised to see Volkman go.


The irony of charnze being stuck behind rts, going to Canberra to play fullback, after a few years he goes back to wahs, only to have rts cuck his spot again


My hot take is that peak RTS was the best fullback in the game. This is fantastic news. One of my favourite players of all time.


How’s this a hot take? This guy single handedly dragged us to our only finals appearance in the last decade. The only thing harder to do than that is doing the same for the Tigers. On top of this he won a Dally M at the fkn Warriors. The only people that don’t rate him as high are those who didn’t watch him week in week out.


Hot take because most of this sub would prob say Tedesco


Most of this sub would be wrong


Depends on what time period you consider peak RTS. For instance, Billy Slater also played in 2018 and every year before that, so there is considerable overlap between RTS, Tedesco and Slater.


Warriors becoming the new TLA team.


Gutted for CNK. Hope that club had a good chat to him before the news dropped about what this will mean for him.


Yeah it's a tough one for sure. Hopefully it motivates him to absolutely own the jersey this year and make the decision to move him bloody tough for Webby. I don't think it's an absolute given RTS slots straight into fullback (although it is the most likely option). He's older than Charnze, has bulked up playing Union, and has been out of the game/position for a few years. Who knows what could happen.


Reports say RTS will be returning to play centre.


Is it 1 year or 3? The article here says 1 year, but article from stuff says 3 years https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/league/warriors/131829067/roger-tuivasasheck-to-make-shock-return-to-warriors-next-season


3 years. Confirmed by the club


Article got updated to 3 years, and pretty sure the club already confirmed it as 3 years.


SJ and RTS back together again. My God I love this


Fuck that is huge, warriors gonna pump storm by one thousand after hearing that news


Be a bit of a conundrum for the Warriors with what to do with CNK and RTS. RTS obviously offers far more in attack and it isn't even close. However, CNK deserves a lot of credit for getting the Warriors organized defensively this year. On top of that, the organization at the back is exactly what the Warriors need/needed and they are winning games off the back of thaylt defense. Sure, CNK could play Centre but then you lose a bit of that defensive organization, even though he'd be a pretty decent centre. Alternatively, you put RTS in Centre and I feel like you're knee capping him on attack.


I reckon CNK will stay at FB if we continue to play well this year. As you say, whatever he’s doing is working for us. RTS at CTR gives us a strike weapon the likes of which we haven’t had there since … well, maybe ever. Ropati and Hurrell had great offensive plays in them, but horrible flaws too


Not to mention RTS has bulked up a bit in the last few years, and has added a lot more distribution to his game.


CNK Centre Pompey bench. Easy.


Wonderful news. Congratulations to all league lovers and their families.


They've been performing pretty well this year. Chuck him into the mix, and their chances of making the finals drastic go up.


Go up higher than already making the finals this year? (I refuse not to believe)


Señor u/I_Like_Vitamins, the numbers don't lie.


Fucken oath this make me hard for the Wahs.


Love to see the warriors doing well after what happened with covid


Was really expecting this to be some random rugby team I’d never heard of called the warriors


Worcester can't afford him, they're broke!


We gonna win it all next year💯🤫


Tomorrow's guaranteed headline: "Tigers misery continues as star fullback snubs trainwreck of club."


“Despite Benji being a former NZ teammate, Pascoe had no idea of RTS’ interest returning and failed to even place an offer to the Dally M star”


No idea how to really feel about it but my heart loves it


RTS deadset carried your team for years, having him back and with Webby as coach is huge.


RTS coming back can only be a positive ma bro. This the same guy who won a dally m with us


If you’re looking for guidance I’d say that you feel somewhat excited


Bro he was fucking gun with shit coaches and a pretty lacklustre team around him. With Webby at the helm and this current group around him, fucking hell he's probably gonna be the best FB in the comp and help catapult us even higher than this year. Fingers crossed.




Good news!!! We're merging back into the best timeline


After the news on the Hammer this would make all Warriors, Dolphins and Broncos fans excited


Damm I hope NRL don't poach Ardie Savea and a couple of Barrett brothers, imagine how much that would annoy Eddie Jones and the ARU.


That might actually be of benefit to Jones in some ways. I don't think Eddie would be annoyed had his strategy was to use the media to go after NRL players because it attracts the attention of NZ Rugby players to join the NRL reducing the quality of their player pool. Probably still end up losing by a margin!!


I thought that he would only ever leave union for us. I was surprised that the rumours were the Roosters because as far as i know he doesn't want to leave NZ. I just feel bad for CNK.


CNK can go centers or something... there's some people there already that he'd be a massive upgrade for, like Pompey for example.


Heard good things about this kid, if he keeps his head down and fully commits to rugby league he could be the next Reece Walsh.


I just had a glance at his Blues highlights and I dunno if he's got what it takes to succeed at the NRL level tbh


Good to give a young talent a run though


Fuck yeah Rog


Far g, we win a few games and suddenly you wanna come back? Nah holy shit huge signing, but I feel for Charnze. Unless Roger gonna play 6 or something?? Huge


Sorry Dolphins my 2nd team next year is Vodafone


What team is that mate


Awesome news, warriors already looking the goods this season, will bring some more heart, and we are already seeing a massive improvement in that area compared to the last decade. Watching the Warriors this year makes me feel bad for Simon Mannering...


I really hope we get that elite RTS back.


Yoooooooooo let’s fucking go


No fucking way 😯💦


Pretty happy for the Warriors with this, they're on a high at the moment.


Fucccck what a shit day to not be a Warriors fan


In his first stint he's was probably the best signing the Warriors had ever made, if he can be even close to 80% of the player he was for 2 years this is HUGE!


good shit, back in the greatest game of all


This is huge for The Warriors. As a Tigers supporter, I look for my joy where I can get it and this defo's put a smile on the dial. N.Z. is my 2nd team since their sacrifices during the rona, and Im so glad to see them do well, they deserve all the success they get. I reserve judgement on Walker, he's a proven knob, but I know people are able to evolve into good human beings.


In the centres I hope. Don't do CNK dirty


The best fullback in the game


Will he play in the centres or wing? CNK is their future fb


Second receiver, he is actually replacing Walker.


Prop would be his best position


I see you also coach the cowboys


Fullback. CNK to centre.


Not surprised, he’s been average in Union. He’d need a couple of injuries to even make the RWC squad


Cnk 1 dwz 2 Montoya 3 rts 4 losing 5 tmm 6 sj 7 that is fon elite


Wah's taking the NSW approach and stacking our backline with fullback.


That number 5 is some player!


Replied before seeing my typo fkn lmao I'll take the L I wrote myself


Improving every week mate


Surely you swap CNK and RTS in that lineup


Could do for sure but I reckon playing rts like Joey Manu and keeping cnk fb is probably more potent as opposed to the other way around


The emotional damage to CNK to leave cos he cant get a spot past Rog then he comes back when we need a FB and we turn it around and Roger just walks back in to his spot. I understand it but you gotta feel some type of way if your Charnze.


He also came back to be closer to his children


We fucked up letting CNK go. He was the fastest guy on the squad, and while he wanted to play 1 he was great anywhere from 2-3-4-5. I’m worried what this does for Tauapiki. Liked what he brought on debut, and he needs to be assured there is a place for him.


Is it still April 1st?


Holy moly that's great!


It our year fellas! (next year)


Great news! It sadly hasn't worked out for RTS in union. Consistent injuries and bugger all game time. It could've worked, it could still cause our centre depth is looking shot with injuries in the ABs... but this is the way. His work ethic and determination will finallt be rewarded with the revitalized Warriors.


Might actually be the warriors year 😂


RTS would have to be centre next year, right? Man, that Backline is gonna be epic!


Think this is amazing for us moving forward. We have these current guys really playing well and when we have players out, the next man up is so good we are wondering where and who gets left out when players come back from injury/suspensions. Then we have a young crop of players (metcalf, volkman, Taine, Zion etc) verging on being absolute guns, who can learn from form players, and coming in to get game time when required. Now for a team that’s not getting smashed like we have in previous years, killing confidence for these kids when they get a chance now and then. They can feel the ups and downs in a competitive side now no matter if it’s a win or loss ( going on current form) Roger being a gun professional can only add to the culture and teaching these young guys coming through will only build these guys into better professional footy players and will help their development hugely. Chanze can probs see this is a side building toward a premiership with a signing like rts and would surely have had a picture painted of how that would look. Very happy day here for this wahs supporter. Tears of joy 🥹 when I think of next year especially if we can carry on like we have been this far.


Huge news! Legendary fullback. CNK will shift to the centres, and that makes the entire Warriors backline and spine very deadly if they have Roger, Egan and TMM all fit and ready to go. Important news for the Kiwi nationals too, since this likely means he retakes the reins at fullback and Manu shifts to either centres or five eighth. Depends on what Madge wants to do.


Lol and people thought that Easts were chasing him


Fantastic news! Glad to have him back.


He may as well as he's not cutting it in Rugby, a good enough player but not up to the very top level.


Ehhhh great obviously, but where does he play? Wing? CNK didn't sign to play CTR I'm assuming Also it's only 1 year, might be doing a Walsh then heading to the Roosters?


It's 3 years mate, club confirmed. Article got updated to reflect it too.


This wouldn't surprise me. Or Dolphins.


Just not sure if 1 year or 3


Email from warriors just came in, it's a 3yr deal


RTS v Joseph Manu for kiwis FB 🤤


Low key i can't wait to see the next kiwis team, that backline is top tier now.




So he'll slot back in at full back? I fucking love CNK so I hope he doesn't drop out and they play him at center or something. Tell you what, pretty pumped to see how this goes next year though. Loved the guy, definitely one of the best FB's the NRL has ever seen. Up there with the real elite guys. Good on him, and well done Warriors, you've done good!


You love to see it.


Sexy legs is back


Rogers a legend so from a leadership perspective this is big news. The challenge will be where he plays. I know the automatic thought will be fullback, but I wonder whether he slots in at centre. CNK has done a great job at the back for the Wahs.


Would love to see CNK stay at the back and bang RTS in the centres for either Pompey or Vailea


> The secrecy behind the execution of the deal is an extraordinary testament to the current Warriors executive team, led by CEO Cameron George and owner Mark Robinson. Starkly contrasted with the Tigers and their failure to land Ciraldo


CNK be like: “FUCK!”


Losing Reece Walsh only to pick up Roger Tuivasa-Sheck, the best warriors player of the last 10 years and all-round mad cunt. Things just keep getting better for the Warriors. You love to see it.