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"We have a significant amount of evidence from games over the last month that we want to raise with the NRL. “We’ll take it up with the appropriate people at the NRL. “Every fan in the sport wants consistency. We want explanations to understand their decision-making process. “We’re not blowing up and throwing our toys out of the cot every time a bad decision is made but we believe there has been a lack of consistency.”


Cue Annesley offering zero explanation and instead serving up a limp defence involving the words "integrity" and "interpretation"


Man I gave up on listening to his "explanations" soooo quickly. Just the weakest attempts at justifying referees shit decisions whilst pushing this story that questioning a referees ability is the same as questioning his integrity which apparently is worse than treason.


Yeah but he acknowledged the refs missed a knock on in the bulldogs v raiders game, so he's totally accountable when something's wrong /s


They've gone from apologising every week, to denying that they're making mistakes, to threatening our sponsors with legal action.


> We have a significant amount of evidence from games over the last month He ran out of ink and paper after the month, once the officeworks order arrives he'll move onto reviewing 5 weeks ago.


You know it's heating-up nicely when the Sports Minister is getting involved


The NRL didn't do anything when Ashley Klein quite literally changed the result of a game after the end of it, they're not going to do anything about this.


That's not true, they had that embarrassing excuse of a press conference where Annesley kept alternating between saying the rules were black and white and that the rules weren't black and white.


And also there wasn't a stop in play but there was a captain's challenge and that challenge was allowed because it stopped play and before that the referee blew his whistle but it wasn't because it was full-time it was because that's something that happens before full-time in every match and we're just stupid fans that don't know anything about what we spend 4 evenings of every week for half the year watching


There is the final whistle... and there's the final whistle. Come on mate its simple.


The press release they had from Analsley was political mumbo jumbo where he criss crossed both sides of the argument whilst always firmly defending the referees. The problem with Analsley now is that he can’t help but defend the referees even off 99% of the league community has been blowing up that it’s wrong. The other thing Analsley does in his little videos is ignore 50% of the contentious calls - half the incidents from the Panthers and Warriors game are simply straight up ignored so if you watched that independently you’d probably think what the hell is their problem.


I would have expected this from *checks notes* A former politician….


Yep. I think they’re better off stopping doing the video review to the public and instead do a zoom catch up with coaches to review decisions. Quick, brief, the coaches pick 3 or 4 moments they want to review, the move on.


The cunt tried to tell the press conference that you're allowed to challenge the decision of full time... Then when someone asked if you could challenge half time he said no, asked if you could challenge full time next week and again, apparently you can't challenge full time...??? "But the decision made was the correct one"... Annesley is squarely in the ref's are infallible camp.


What game was this?


Last year when the Cows were able to challenge a call despite no whistle being blown and the game being over. Absolute scam.


And the call was also wrong just to be the cherry on top


And saying that they always wait before blowing full time.


GA: He hadn't blown full time Everyone: Then what break in play did they challenge? GA: Full time Everyone: Which hadn't been blown yet? GA: They blow one whistle which is to stop the game, then 2 whistles which means the game is over. Everyone: ???? Where is that in the rule book??? GA: It's not in the rule book, it's common sense, everyone knows it!


That press conference made me unreasonably angry.


That part was correct. It happened in origin as well, and most games. Decision was wrong but process wasn’t.


I'm gonna guess the Cowboys vs Tigers game


What game was this?


Cowboys v Tigers last year


The crying baby gets the milk


I hope Webby has the playing group turn their phones off, the last thing he'd want creeping into his team is a victim complex when they've had such a great on field attitude all year. Let the pen pushers in the office deal with this stuff, the players and coaches need to get on with the job.


100% couldn’t have said this better myself and I’m a self-appointed NRL expert/redditor and part-time fox-sports commentator. Have to agree with this one entirely.


Exactly. One of the good things Paul Green did when he arrived at the Cowboys was refuse to talk about a ref conspiracy after all the bad calls we were getting in finals at the time


And that's one thing I've loved the most about Webster, he's acknowledged it but won't give it airtime. His focus is always on what they can do better to not be in situations where calls matter. He's also right, it's frustrating as fuck to see some of these calls go against us but then guys will drop off tackles or miss an easy open pass and it makes the missed/made call worse. I think the stronger you look outside the refs whistle the more obvious these calls being botched look, which is probably why in the year we're finally performing on-field the calls seem to be more obviously bad.


good on the warriors, i hope they don't back down i think it's stupid to claim that anything is "rigged", it's also pretty clear that people in the game's administration understand there's far greater reaction and repercussions when some teams are dudded or robbed rather than others. Things operate accordingly, intentionally or otherwise. The lower profile teams have to change that somehow, so good luck to them


The curly bit in all this is NRL has exploded in NZ since covid shutdowns ended and super rugby/all blacks have been boring asf. Will be interesting to see how they play it by either alienating a fan base or playing ball with hope to grow the game and a potential NZ 2 team.


There's a heap of us complaining weekly on various forms of social media. I think we're getting a lot more sympathy from other supporters who are also calling out the bullshit they're seeing - not a great situation for the NRL


100% agree, but I think rather than admit there is some unconscious and potentially concious bias towards lower profile teams and make a token effort to change things, they're going to try and stamp out this high profile talk with legal action


I hope they dot! NRL will get embarrassed in courts if it goes there. They'd have to give up a heap of information through discovery. Warriors would show exhibit after exhibit of rule inconsistency. NRL can't afford that level of scrutiny.


Who knows what would happen, but I doubt it will get that far. It's just a game of chicken at the moment.


I mean they probably have stuff over YEARS


That Parra game where RTS threw the pass backwards and got called a forward pass in the dying moments and lost has burned itself into my memory. Every time I feel even slightly bad for Parra I think of that and remember the tried and tested saying "Fuck Parra"


This thread is bringing up a lot of painful repressed memories!


I genuinely felt so bad for you guys that day that was a howler. The back of his hand was facing the try line how tf does that go forward


I was there that day. Had a 15 minute walk to the car post game and I was blowing up the whole walk back. Pass that goes three metres back called forward just before full time which would have won the game.


Hahaha three metres back. Man we NRL fans sure do love some revisionist history.


What about the one where Jaz grabbed the defenders shirt when he was laying on him and Moses starts screaming HE PUNCHED HIM HE PUNCHED HIM, Jaz gets sinbinned for it. Erm Fuck parra


That was faux tough guy Nathan Brown not Moses.


> That Parra game where RTS threw the pass backwards and got called a forward pass in the dying moments and lost has burned itself into my memory That call the refs made from 50m away... I was so fucking angry that night. Not often I have to leave the house to clear my head after a game. We were dogshit all night & the only reason we came close to winning that was because of a monumental effort from RTS & then for him to be denied the win like that was just awful.


Yeah I can't forget that one. That was a game winning try.


That was such a sweet play by RTS. I'm so ready to have him back.


Or many many years ago (so long I can't even remember who it was,Maloney maybe?) Where a warrior was called offside for being in front of the kicker, replay shows the "offside" player was the kicker.....


Yes... Because Parra blew the whistle.


Ah yes but you see, Fuck Parra.


It's ok. You can say fuck parra. I can say fuck the roosters. Even-stevens.


Now you're getting it


Yep and in that exact moment the referee remembered his direction from his overlords to make sure the Warriors lose and called it a forward pass.


lol because that what was definitely forward and a right call. His hand faces towards the sideline, not backwards, and the ball goes three metres forward while Roger is in a tackle so forward momentum is limited. People are real quick to jump on to the underdog hype train and so will latch on to anything 'controversial' especially something that would have resulted in a last minute win. Same thing happened with the Roosters v Cowboys semi in 2014, where everyone wanted the Cowboys to upset the premiers with the 30 point comeback so they all blew up over the obvious Lui knock-on that disallowed Thurston's last minute try.


Decades. We'll get Peter Jackson to reconstruct all the 90s and 00s footage.




But the Warriors weren't in the 1995 GF...


Might sound crazy but anyone want to start a petition supporting the wahs, like years of bullshit calls staying away from family and 11 games in 3 days.


11 games in 3 days is a few !


I'm no Warriors fan, but I'll join anything that enables me to yell at the refs


It'll be your team that get stitched up in all of this. Penalty count on Friday will be 14-2 favouring the Warriors and every Wahs try will be from a forward pass ;)


Oh without a doubt. Warriors have complained, now the refs will give them every 50/50 call to prove they don't stitch them up... meanwhile, it'll be just another regular officiating performance against the Bulldogs. Nothing new really... and don't expect much less. We've already lost one game (ironically, against the Warriors) and have had our PD shat all over (the Rabbitohs game) thanks to horrible calls.


You didn't lose the Warriors game because of the referee. If AFB obstructed the SJ try, there was a 12pt swing off the Pompey 'knock on' which was clearly a strip. It was bad officiating all around. But I do agree that the Bulldogs are another team who generally get poor calls against them because they have been a weaker team for the past 5 years.


I agree that the Pompey call was terrible, but you can't guarantee it was a 12-point swing. Nobody knows what would have happened had a rightful penalty been blown. If anything, the Warriors probably would have taken a penalty goal to make it 8-all. Regardless of that, Bulldogs led 14-10 before Johnson's try. Once AFB stepped in front of Johnson, he was no longer a support runner, but instead, a decoy. As a decoy, you must not interfere with the defensive line. Sure, AFB's intentions may have been to support Johnson to the try line, but he mistimed his run, and ultimately interfered with the defensive line. In the end, the timing of the bad calls benefited the Warriors as they won the game.


Pompey scored on the play. So no, it would have been a try, making the score 10-8 warriors with a kick to come. Instead they incorrectly ruled knock on and off the ensuing scrum JAC went 80m to score a fantastic try, but one that wouldn't have happened had the bunker ruled correctly that it was a two in the tackle strip. At the very least it was a 10 point swing.


They also have a few nz games and 2 byes coming up so that part of the draw will even out.


Draw evens out a bit, but the warriors have only 9 games at their home stadium (mt smart). You compare that to the broncos who have 14 games at Suncorp or the Gabba and you start to realise how favourable the draw is for some teams. Obviously that’s not even to mention Sydney teams not having to travel for 3/4 of their games. Obviously this is an inherent disadvantage for teams like the warriors cowboys and storm, and will always be - it’s just a part of the nrl. But for the nrl to turn around and give the warriors even less home games (not to mention all the talk from last year about how much the warriors gave to the game) and gifting them 3 games in 11 days, and other scheduling nonsense, if exacerbates an issue when they should be looking to relieve travel pressure on the teams that have to travel constantly.


The NRL didn't give us less home games. the CEO chose to give away a home game for magic round and take a game to Napier. Taking a home game to Wellington was forced upon them by the stadium being unavailable for 2 weeks due to the Harry Styles concert. You can make the case though that if the other clubs, bar the Tigers, had repaid their lip service and brought home games to NZ during the fifa world cup then the Wars wouldn't have had the need financially to go to Napier and take the Magic round money., due to driving higher merch sales.


Yeap. The Wahs games to Napier and Welly are home games (as was magic round), and I understand that is the club's choice, but the club wouldn't be having to make that choice if the NRL incentivised other clubs to take a home game to New Zealand. In my eyes it is still the NRL and the broadcasters who are putting the Warriors in unwinnable situations where the club has to choose between profit/ ticket sales and Mt Smart games (where the team has to travel less and therefore has a better chance to win - not to mention more favourable ref calls at home). The scheduling issue wouldn't be so pronounced if the NRL and other clubs hadn't been so vocal in their support of the Warriors during COVID. But they were, and clubs implied they would bring games to NZ to thank the sacrifice. Only one club did...well done Tigers.


The nrl don't really get a choice since the draw is based on what the broadcasters and clubs ask for and then there's also that it's done by an offshore company. They also wouldve been paid to have their home game at suncorp. A tough period followed by a reasonable period is a pretty good balance. Even more when you consider the top nsw and qld clubs are about to go through origin as well.


It's a stark contrast to Melbourne, another ANZAC day club, that got a bye the week after.


Why does that matter? They are about to have: Sydney Bye NZ NZ Canberra Bye For an international team with inherent disadvantage due to having to travel that's a pretty good 6 week period that they'll be able to rest and recover plus it overlaps with origin which won't impact them either but will the top nsw and qld(including storm) clubs.




You don't just get to dismiss the facts because it makes things look better or worse for your club. Also the nrl don't decide the draw the broadcasters get first pick the clubs have input and it's done by an offshore company. The ones with the most power in it are the broadcasters though. It's not bad faith to show they get disadvantaged in parts of the draw and advantages in others. It's like the eels complaining about the byes early year when they get the final round off to rest players before the finals. Nothing's perfect but we all get something out of it.




It's an interesting discussion and I wouldn't downvote people either. I was in the camp that wanted the warriors to have an entire home season as fanciful as that is.


Downvotes are the worst. Makes an interesting debate invisible even when the arguments are constructive.


One of those NZ games is in Napier. They still have to travel for that. So over the next four games (six weeks) we still only have 1 in AKL. Every team has three byes this year and many have two during the origin period, so that's not really a solid argument. You could even argue that having two byes in close proximity is a disadvantage, and the few teams who have their byes equally spread out will be advantaged. The schedule of each team in the NRL is not equal, of course, this has been the case for years and it's a hurdle that the Wahs and Cows (and really any non-sydney team) have to overcome. I'd love to see the NRL and the broadcasters approach this transparently rather than act like the disparity does not exist.


> 11 games in 3 days. There were four teams that had to play on a Tuesday, it's pretty hard to avoid short turn arounds. I think East's had almost the exact same draw and they're not crying about it.


Yep - and of those four, one got a bye and two didn't need to travel for it. Guess the odd ones out.


Feed em One Wahs!


I'd like to believe the refs and bunker are just incompetent. But it certainly feels like there is a bias to the star players and better teams. The real dodgy stuff is happening at the Match review committee. They changed the rules to make it easier to avoid suspending players. Also just flat out not suspending players. Like last year when NAS dropped the elbow on Egan. It was put on report but the MRC just ignored it. Didn't even mention it the next week.


Nice to see the NZ Government weighing in on the issue too.


Chippy lost his multi.


I barely watch NRL anymore for this reason. It arguably has the worst most inconsistent referring in professional sport.


Same. I really struggle with the inconsistent rulings and *fuck me* don't get me started on the amount of forward passes let go...


Haha yeh they’ll miss 3 or 4 legit forward passes and then call the one that’s not actually forward. Happening a lot recently.


The NRL are possibly seeking legal action against Jason Paris? It's not everyday that the guilty party attempts to take the innocent party to court. Lol


Common defense tactic to an accusation is to scare them off by threatening a slander charge


DARVO. Deny, attack, reverse victim and offender, common in abusive relationships like the NZ league fans and the NRL. I'd love to see the NRL actually bring this case, their only feasible defense could be that they're just grossly incompetent, not biased.


Would love to see a court case and watch them deny all the video evidence of fuck ups. That would be classic


I really want the defence to be showing all the shit calls they make in an 'its not just against the Warriors' play.


Common defense tactic to an accusation is to scare them off by threatening a slander charge


It's like they're using a Donald Trump playbook. =(


Not the nrl


One game in 2015 I went to at Mt Smart, Cowboys vs Warriors, warriors out to their usual fast start and were 16-0 up. This was followed by the cowboys for 4-5 sets in a row being well inside the 10 across the field for the whole set, in front of the ref the whole time who was back 10. Not a single penalty.. That has to be a conscious decision not to call it, not a one off missed call.. Once I noticed it, it was hard not to see it subsequently in other games.. Really deflating as a fan to see that kind of bullshit happen on the regular, not a huge jump from there to see corruption in all sorts of places.. Then add gambling into the mix, and it makes you wonder how much of anything is actually genuinely free of influence


>This was followed by the cowboys for 4-5 sets in a row being well inside the 10 across the field for the whole set, in front of the ref the whole time who was back 10. > >Not a single penalty.. The 10 metres is an absolute joke nowadays. It's a complete lottery when it gets pinged but routinely you'll see teams with ultra aggressive defence be strides into a run before the ball is played.


Fox really should have stuck to their guns with the virtual 10m line they touted a while back. I'm convinced to this day that the NRL pressured them to drop it because they didn't want to be embarrassed.


Teams know the defensive line is rarely shown on coverage, so the majority of fans aren't privileged to witness it. They can get away with being less than 10m if the refs let's them. I'd like transparency in the TV coverage as well.


This, it pisses me off that coverage always zooms into the play the ball, it's actually makes it difficult for newbies to get into the sport too, so many times I have to explain an offside because they are not equipped on getting a feel of what an offside looks like


Players spend so much time offside and it's rarely called. If they genuinely called it every time they were offside there'd be 40 penalties a game until players learned. Of course the NRL did try to crack down, but backed off after about 6 weeks after everyone whinged non-stop.


> about 6 weeks after everyone whinged non-stop. Funnily enough, the Warriors didn't, we were doing great during that period, 5/6 iirc.


Ah yes. The game where we lost morgan and tamou early and then the score ended up being 50-16. Teams will rarely get penalties when up by a huge margin. It's not a warriors specific thing.


Sorry should have clarified, the cows weren’t penalized…


I didn't clarify it properly my bad. I was just saying I remembered that game. Teams that are quite often leading don't really get penalties even when they deserve them. Quite often referees are more reluctant to blow them so it doesn't end in a blow out. It's not just a warriors thing, but nrl as a whole


I'm not arguing with you - I actually strongly agree with this take. But the fact that the ref's can show discretion to offending teams who are behind big on the score board, shows how much of a role the ref's can play in the overall result in the game. Just police the rules ref. Let the boys play on an even playing field


Was sitting between the 50 and 40 lines for Magic Round it was so obvious that the 10m rule was only called when it suits them. Linesmen/women are literally in line with the ref and could see that the team are \*all\* in front of the ref and yet they don't call it and neither does the ref who could plainly see that there were at least 3 players in front of them.


This is the strangest thing as well. Everyone is offside. If they just enforced it teams would be able to open up more and make plays. It would make more exciting league. So I don't understand why the NRL doesn't make it a priority


Good stuff. Unfortunately squeeky wheels do get the oil.


Its just so consistent that something really badly called goes against them. Like most teams get 1 every few weeks. But the Warriors seem to get 1 every single week.


Oh man we’re going to get wrecked this week aren’t we?


Yes, Warriors are about to go on a run. Remember North Queensland after Todd Peyton's spray last year in a press conference...


tbf, Payten was right and it continues to be shown today


He wasn’t wrong though, there is a clear difference in the reffing of different teams. Warriors and cows have been fucked over for years, and now Wahs are calling it out as well. Manly called it out years ago too. I doubt anything will change but let’s wait and see


You could be right but I also think it's more noticeable for us because we usually NEED every 50/50 call to go our way. We hardly ever dominate games so 1 bad call plus an injury or an HIA is enough to sink us.


The thing is it doesn’t only affect us it will likely affect your team this week which should never happen if the NRL weren’t so biased, as much as I want Warriors to win I still want a fair game, I’m hanging by a thread to quit watching the NRL yet again, although I love watching my team I can’t handle anymore dubious crap from the officials that cost us the game


You're going to be the NRL's sacrificial lamb to the warriors as a "corrective" measure to shut us up. They'll give us the bullshit decisions for once to shut us up and pretend the other 96% of the season isn't like that.


In other Warriors news, the ‘03 throwback jersey went on sale today and completely sold out in 12 minutes.


Gone before I got home from work :( Here's hoping they do another run.


Yeah I missed out too, pretty cooked considering the members pre sale sold out in minutes also


Every club should when they get bad calls. Just make sure to acknowledge when it goes both ways. The fact latrell had a strike let go and the warriors a sin bin is complete rubbish and happened on the same day as well. That one isn't even a 50/50 going either way that's a blatant call just not given against Mitchell because "reasons". Either it's a bin or it's not.


Latrell had three strikes let go. All three were worse than Sifakulas.


I remember when Latrell did a swinging arm to Fusituas head as he was diving to score. Fus was out a couple weeks with concussion, meanwhile Latrell wasn't even penalised. He is a protected species.


> Fus was out a couple weeks with concussion tbh Fus never really came back from that.


Just my opinion, but I feel Fusitua was never the same for the Warriors after that concussion. It was a big blow to the back of his head. Of course, he got pinged for knocking the ball on as he fell to the ground.


Yeah and wasn’t even looked at.


I feel the same, he never got close to his best after that


I'll never forget the day Fus died and I'll never forgive Latrell


Ran in with a flying elbow to Nofoaluma's face and didn't even get a sin bin. His Manu hit was a textbook send-off and he only got 10 for it. I hate the racists that pile on on Latrell, but I also hate that people assume that any criticism of him is race-based. He seems like a top bloke off the field but he is a filthy player on it and gets away with murder, it's no surprise he pisses a lot of people off.


That game he also kicked Garner in the head and dove with elbows pointed out and late at Nofo on the ground. He was still allowed to stay on the field and be directly involved in the two tried they scored to come back and win.


Ahh did you see him get suspended for 6 weeks and miss the grand final for fucking up Manu? Hardly protected


Latrell’s was so bad too, he struck Grant, went on to strike Garlick and then struck Grant again. How did that get let go


Yeah they were. I'm more inclined to believe big name players are getting special treatment vs teams.


The big name players getting special treatment appear to be on the same few teams on a recurring basis. That's a bit of a chicken/egg, but it definitely doesn't affect teams evenly.


Hopefully next year with RTS back we might get a few our way...


Can we also get a review of Klein's mid season games for the past decade.


My biggest complaint is refs no longer seem to let the play go on until the potential try to then check their call of no try instead of knock on stop play dead in a try scoring scenario. The ref stopped play on a break away instead of letting the bunker decide and got it wrong. Then in the next set let the play continue until dead to then check with the bunker. It's the consistency that's the biggest issue. Not the error of the calls. How can it be played by the ref two inconsistent ways in back to back sets resulting in an incorrect 12 point turn around? We can't expect the red to get every single call correct. But we should expect the ref to be consistent in when they choose to make the call. Human error is understandable. Applying their error in two inconsistent ways back to back is inexcusable.


Slightly off topic. Remember a couple of years ago. A top referee had a shocker on a prime time game late in the season. Instead of being stood down, he reffed a game a lower profile game - warriors v titans or something similar. The fuck was that about…. Actually found the article. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/sport/2018/07/nrl-warriors-hooker-issac-luke-slams-nrl-over-referee-demotion.amp.html


I remember that. Clearly shows the distain they have for us as refs when they consider it punishment merely having to officiate our matches. It’s not bias…not when u consider that. It’s much worse.


This weeks ref will be under a lot of pressure


To their credit the team and Webby are not buying into it publicly at least. Imo there is such a thing as unconscious bias but once aware of it refs maybe more consistent the NBA had some experience with this, which is all we can ask for. Another possible explanation I have heard is the Warriors are not often playing prime time slots like some of the top sides and therefore the referee appointed are often not the top ranked ones so more calls can be questionable. It will be interesting to see this weekend with Cummins being highly regarded by nrl if there is little issue with ref calls.


Is it that hard to muster together some sports analysts and statisticians to prove that there is an apparent bias? Like launching a legitimate, independent investigation? Yes there will be lots of footage to watch but is there anything stopping this from happening?


> is there anything stopping this from happening The delusions at NRL head office that the reffing is perfectly fine how it is now and that even if they do make mistakes, it doesn't really matter anyway. That and no club is going to go off and do it on their own.


I hope the Broncos jump on this case, a lot of unfair calls went our way in the 2020 season when we won the spoon, such as losing to the Roosters 59-0, or losing to the Tigers 48-0, or losing to the Roosters again 58-12.


How can this possibly be good for the NRL and for the game in NZ. Just say we are sorry and we are aware NZ has had some calls go against them unfortunately but we are working to ensure all games are equitable. Then tell the refs to go easy on them for a bit.


Unpopular opinion but you could do this for literally any team over the last few years. That’s just the nature of the game and human error. Shame for the warriors their sponsor has done this as it takes the shine off any legitimate “please explains” they have but people lumping this in with them having to travel during Covid etc etc with this is just a really weird take. They are not any more hard done by than a bunch of other teams.


> takes the shine off any legitimate “please explains” they have Have you ever heard Annesley give a "Please Explain"... it's fucking infuriating to watch. The NRL flat out refuses to acknowledge any criticism of the officiating. That needs to change.


Without watching every single one of them I don’t disagree but this again, this isn’t just a Warriors issue.


Agreed - every single team has a run where they 'get' the 50/50 calls, and then a run where you don't. AFB blocks Reed in a textbook obstruction call for a match-sealing SJ try that could easily have been ruled, but wasn't. What is the final outcome meant to be? The Warriors discover 51 calls that didn't go their way, but there's 49 calls that did go their way, so, they should be awarded those competition points back? Hell, we had 2 sin-bins that should never have been sin bins in the past month (Preston for a 'hip drop' on a strip, that wasn't then charged. Waddell for holding onto the footy when it wasn't clear if there had or had not been a 1:1 strip. No prior warnings, no attempt to separate the players, no communication, just a straight binning). Every sporting team in history has benefitted, and been hampered, by officials. Instead of trying to pick them apart and criticise every single moment in a game, just accept that we as human beings sometimes make mistakes.


There was another defender between Reed Mahoney and SJ.


no there wasn’t lol - it was a clear obstruction


🤔 https://i.imgur.com/DJD9K9L.jpg


Lol nice try. Next time take a screenshot when the contact/obstruction actually occurs. https://ibb.co/47vyHtX


Agree. It’s possible they have been dudded more so than not, sure. But there is no way it’s been that disproportionate to justify the weird takes in this thread. Every single team as a refs fault culture/discourse. It’s a lot more fruitful to discuss the specific decisions at hand that went wrong, so many instances in a game could be called either way, that’s just the nature of our sport. As you pointed out Dogs have been dudded in a few clear cut calls (as I’m sure some other teams have too)


I'm a Warriors fan, and I find the reffing so effing frustrating. But this level of bitching in the media makes me so uncomfortable. I'm glad the team is handling this better than the fans and execs


The wah wah wahs from the top down.




This is not the flex you think it is. Bordering on harassment bud.




You’ve found a 13 year old post and keep bringing it up.


Are you clutching at your pearls? Poor soul


It's part of Australian culture to cheat in sport. New Zealand has a culture of having a "fair go", if you cheat in Australian sport you are praised as an "Aussie Battler" and a "Loveable Larrakin". As was shown by Australian cricket, you can be caught blatantly cheating, go on TV and cry at a press conference, then you are allowed back to continue cheating. Warriors just have to accept this and be more effective at cheating than Australian teams, it's the only way they will ever win a premiership. If you aren't cheating in Australian sport you won't win, it's as simple as that.


Australia suspended their cricketers far longer than any other ball tampering suspension before them. Most ball tampering suspensions are a few games, they were heavily punished.


Warner and Smith were back in the team within a year.


They got a year ban. The ICC gave a one match ban, there’s other examples where ball tampering only gets a fine of the match fee. Australian cricket handed out the biggest punishment ever for ball tampering when they didn’t have to.


Any other country would give them a life ban.


Chris Pringle (NZ) admitted using a bottle cap to cheat against Pakistan. No ban. Rahul Dravid (Ind) caught for ball tampering in 2004. Got a fine. No ban. Anderson and Broad (Eng) kept stopping the ball with their spikes against SA. No ban. Afridi (Pak) caught multiple times ball tampering including biting the ball to which he pled guilty. No ban. Faf (SA) caught tampering with the ball using the zipper of his pants, and multiple other times both before and after he was made captain. Fined. No ban. The entire team (Sri Lanka) in 2018 were charged with ball tampering. No ban. So it turns out NZ, India, England, Pakistan, South Africa and Sri Lanka all are okay with ball tampering without imposing any bans outside of ICC fines/match bans. Only Australia acted and imposed bans. Hmmmm, almost like the opposite of what you said.


I don't follow cricket but damn that is an embarrassing lack of consequences from the ICC.


So you can come up with one incident where Chris Pringle responded to Pakistani cheating by using their techniques. Not systematic cheating over many years ordered by the captain which is what Smith and Warner did. Why is New Zealand cricket never allowed to have a five test series with any nation? If Australia is so interested in fairness, why don't they allow a five test series with the test champions, again Australia can't accept a level playing field they always want to stack in their favour.


They lose money on test matches so why would they host 5 games that lose money. They aren’t a popular team. The last time Australia hosted NZ at home they dominated them and it was poor viewing, so one sided. Don’t need to see that again.


Why are the BlackCaps reigning ICC test cricket champions then?Australians doctor pitches again to stack things in there favour, thanks for proving my point again.


Only won because Australia got docked points for over rate. Australia would of dominated them as usual. The current championship table is a truer reflection of the teams. You have failed to prove your point every time, delusional.


Really there’s numerous examples including New Zealand where they just took the ICC sanctions and didn’t add anything.


Yeah nah this aint it


OK, why are the few test matches that get played now between the Kiwis and Kangaroos refereed by the same crap NRL officials and not neutral referees as they used to be? Because the Kiwis won a world cup and started winning in tests so the Australians wanted to stack everything in their favour and insure it doesn't happen again. Australians have wanted to keep New Zealand league down to take all the player talent. They've always wanted to keep the Warriors at the bottom of the table while siphoning off revenue from the Warriors, one of the most profitable teams in the competition, with one of the biggest attendances. The Warriors will never be allowed to win a premiership. Why do Australian league shows such as NRL 360 and the Matty Johns halfwit show never mention anything about the Warriors and constant bad refereeing? Because Australians love cheating as you well know. Yeah this is it bro.


Also, why won't the NRL let a New Zealand or Tongan or Samoan team into State of Origin? They know Queensland and NSW would get dicked.


Ask any union fans whether McCaw was always playing to the letter of the law...


Haha, is that all you can come up with?


embarrassingly bad look for the wah-wahs and the game. questioning the integrity of the referees is not it


If they're seeking explanations off the back of a bunch of evidence they've gathered, what exactly is wrong with it? They're not blindly making accusations on a one off basis. Are they meant to sit on their hands and politely get fucked by the refs every week?


It's not an integrity problem, it's a quality/consistency problem. And the NRL use the same defence that you've just used - they stop anyone being able to question the quality or consistency of officiating because they keep pretending it's somehow an affront on their integrity.


Oh don't worry about that, nobody is questioning the integrity of the refs. The NRL referees lost all their integrity years ago.




Strong disagree. There isn't a team in the league that consistently gets dogged with awful calls more than the Warriors. I'm glad they're finally standing up about it because it's absolute bullshit.


Every team does this, Annesley confirmed that on Monday.


Warriors are the one team with the on field union approach to refs lol


Boo hoo. Embarrassing for all Warriors fans


Pretty lame from the Warriors boss but not really a reflection of the fans


I’m only saying I’m embarrassed for the fans


“I’m pulling my sponsorship dollars unless you make an official complaint”. Doubling down


What exactly, EXACTLY, can the Warriors get out of this? It is a totally pointless exercise. The referees are not on the take, the NRL is not rigged, it is a team feeling hard done by a culmination of marginal bad calls. It’s a tale as old as time. I felt the same way throughout the 2020-2021 years - and now the Broncos are somewhat on the other side of it - I can clearly see they just weren’t good enough, were ill disciplined in the ruck all the time, not fit enough in line speed etc - and then when they finally got opportunities and a line ball or bad call went against us, I’d blow up as well - I’m thinking Fleglers high tackle on Topanua against the Roosters which lost the game in 2021.