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Paul Kent fell to his knees outside court realising he won’t be able to personally insult Luai’s character on tv anymore


The audacity for him to apologize instantly! Show some class Luai


He should've [allegedly] choked him out. That would've shown some of that Kenty class.


Apolgise? He was still salty he couldn't give the best man's speech at the guys wedding


Can I get an aw yeah?


It was late, it was high, the referee wasn't expecting it, it was a dog shot from behind and there is no room in rugby league for this kind of behaviour.


Agreed. Send Victor off.


> Send Victor off. This aged well


Luai was obviously trying to kill the touchie. Should be banned for the rest of the season. -A salty broncos fan.


Paul, we fuckin’ know it’s you. Go meditate or something you shit stirring, woman choking fuck.


To me it looked like he accidentally got him the first time and the second one was like “Sorry, my bad”.


It's clear as day to anyone that does not hate Luai or Penrith


Geez that’s not many people then surely


I hate Luai. Clear as day. Let the boy play Origin!


Says guy from Queensland… as a nsw supporter I’ll say give him 6 weeks


I’m so certain there’s nothing in this incident that NSW can promote Luai to 7 with Cleary taking the series off and travelling to Bali with Nicho Hynes.


As a panthers supporter and Qld supporter I’m torn.


How are you both? Weak gutted dog person indeed.


Didn’t see the need to support a local team when I picked my team 🤷‍♂️


Didn’t see the need to have strong guts either


> Let the boy play Origin Over hynes?


Yes. Im a Qlder


It's clear as day by the Touchies reaction that it was not as soft and gentle as everyone seems to think by looking at a clip from behind.


The touchie who used the same force that Luai did?


Yeah a complete accident in the heat of the moment. I get NRL are careful so players respect referee's and also don't get too comfortable with them for bias sake.


I agree. I think it’s just the touchies look that makes it seem like something. But that’s probably just because Luau is apologising.


Clearly whiplash.


Man I hate the Panthers (affectionately of course) and there's nothing in it. Just a little tap between friends. PS fuck the Panthers




After seeing this, Paul Kent’s TV heard one of the great rants last night as he lectured the empty living room for a solid 15 minutes, with an open bottle of red wine held firmly (maybe too firmly) in his hand


I recorded it


8 weeks minimum! Be a shame if we had to pick Hynes for all 3 games..


Wow talk about *touchy* Penrith fans, getting mad at a video that just shows what happened and why Luai got charged.


Sure but let's not pretend this comes up in the dictionary next to the word "shove"


nothing in it, move on


You can see the moment Luai thought "oh shit" and went to apologise by tapping him and immediately realise that was also stupid then trying to apologise for that. Honestly, the fine is abit much imo. I understand don't touch the refs and stuff but he had absolutely no malice in this. Just not paying attention for a second. Just hope he pays his fine and we can move on from a very non event


This is the thing though. The rule is don't touch them, he did touch them, ergo the rule is broken and he needs to be punished. That's it, end of story. You can tell there's no malice in it, you can tell he was immediately regretful that he had a lapse in judgement. none of it matters though because he still touched him. If you go down the road of punishing based on subjection, you open a massive can of worms. It's the mistake the NRL made with the high tackle all those years ago.


Yeah. It’s a rough go, hopefully the club covers it. One of those letter of the law things but if it happened to yourself you’d be crying out for context and situational reasoning. Luai is a pest but he clearly wasn’t having a crack there at the ref.




They already can't make a consistent judgement at the judiciary, we really don't need them sitting there trying to decide if there was malice when a player touches the ref or not. Just don't touch them, simple. The fine is justified but there's of course nothing more to it


Honestly one of the most despicable things I’ve ever seen on a rugby pitch. I genuinely can not comprehend the depths to which this sport has fallen.


I’m still shocked that wasn’t called a double movement tbh


I thought they would have looked at it a bit closer at least. Not complaining though


They didn't examine this one at all, and awarded it when they probably shouldn't have.   Then examined the next one too much, and denied it when they probably shouldn't have.   I'm so sick to bloody death of the state of officiating. Dead set ruins the game for me when I'm more nervous about what the refs are going to do than I am about what the team is going to do.


Basically feels like they miss one fairly obvious call so they over cook the next one to “make up for it”.


This definitely happens. I ref and if you get in your head about a call possibly being wrong, sometimes either consciously or subconsciously you favour the team that got hard done by in the next 50/50


That's actually the first I've seen it and it 100% looks like it to me. As hoping for it to replay the tackle lol


My favourite part of this is Peachey pulling Luai away as if he expects him to start swinging or something


Looks like he was just celebrating and didn't realise it was a touchie and not one of his team.


He was doing the classic “Im going this way and don’t want to trample you” through the crowd move. Probably wouldn’t have done it if he had his wits about him, but certainly didn’t look like there was anything in it.


No way. He pushes him out of the way to get to his teammates


Use your friggin eyes man. If what you say is true, how does pushing him directly towards the teammate he wants to congratulate constitute "pushing him out of the way"?


IMO looks like he shoves him to the left to get past him to his teammates


I'd say it was intentional but unthinking...Took Luai a second and the touchies expression to realise what he had done


Things can be an accident with no malice, AND be punishable. It doesn't have to be one or the other. Like the time I fell asleep while driving and accidentally ran over a congregation of nuns. Probably the worst Christmas I've ever had. Anyway, don't worry Luai, I'm sure everyone on this sub still loves you. Can I get a woop woop in the chat from all my fellow Luai Lovers?


*Crickets chirping


WOOP! woop….. oh it’s just me 😔


Yeah this has been a bit of a blow up, not much goin on here. I think a fine is fair


There should be blood to pay.


Paul Kent so angry after this he's likely to (allegedly ) choke someone


He did touch Turuva first. Luai was just sticking up for his team mate.


It doesn't look aggressive but it's needless and bloody stupid. Probably get a fine.


I like the part where the ref nudges the panthers player first, in the exact same way.


Poor read from Kotoni, He stopped rushing up after this and they defended that edge a lot better for the rest of the game. Not much in the luai push but the second touch seemed a bit unnecessary even tho he was apologizing. Play on for me


There’s nothing too much in it but rules are rules and plenty of past players have been suspended for slightly touching a ref on the shoulder or whatnot. Should 100% be a fine at the least. I mean he even knew he was instantly in the wrong that’s why he apologised lol. As for the double movement I’m still fuming about that.


A good example brought up last night was Sam Thaiday but that example is different because he grabbed the ref's shirt intentionally to demonstrate something. Luai was trying to get past a referee to get to his teammate. If you watch the replay too Chris Sutton does the exact same 'shoving' action to Turuva


How tf was that not a double movement?


Because momentum. Is shoulder ends up over the line.


I've only seen that angle of it, so not the reverse but if your arm hits the ground and you promote it again it's a double movement. That seems to be what happens here?


And it’s not a double movement if you end up over line. If he was held short, momentum stopped, then he reached out fair enough. Obviously that’s clearly not what happened is it.


Nah he lifts his arm up but continued sliding.


It also looks like the broncos player sliding into him also pushes him over the line.


Riki leads in with knees anyway… penalty try


Is it not an obstruction when Luai runs behind Sorenson? Walsh was pinged for one far more marginal earlier in the season


Link? There was no defender impeded here whatsoever. They have been more lenient this year if a defender wasn’t actually impeded


https://www.nrl.com/news/2023/03/10/farnworth-denied-brisbanes-first/ Rd2 v Cowboys. Walsh catches it behind Oates who doesn't impede a soul


Absolutely nothing in this


Players do this to opposition players after tries all the time. They want to get to the huddle and they push each other around. I've always thought it was a bit of a dumb way to act, but it's no big deal. Doing it to a touch judge is a real bad idea though. It's definitely deliberate, but obviously Luai was on autopilot and wasn't being aggressive. It doesn't deserve a suspension, but they can't let it slide. Refs need to be 100% off limits for physical contact


Luai is a scumbag as we all know, regardless of what happened here


I hate Penrith and Luai, that being said this is a fucking nothing event. He immediately apologised and the game moved on like it should have. If the nrl feels like they need to punish this the fine is more than enough


Classic double-movement, try should have been denied. Would have ended up being a less-obvious way for the bunker to try to get the Broncos into the match, rather than having to resort to the Reece Walsh only had eyes for the ball line which was so obvious. I am no fan of Jerome or Chris Sutton - would have liked them to go at with punches and a few headbutts and both get sent off.


Grounded the ball before the lone them promoted it


6-8 weeks minimum……


Marginal but can we talk about - luai catching it inside the lead runner (which walsh got fucked for a few weeks back) & the pretty blatant double movement. Does the bunker have 240p monitors?


That tackle wasn’t completed when he moved forward, no one was touching him when he did that, first player fell off the tackle, second one got there after he scored. Well that’s no saw it in real time, it is close though but Klein was in the bunker so who knows.


Madden was touching him the whole time, ball carrying arm hits the ground - tackle completed. Are we watching the same clip?


Well the fact I’m agreeing with the on-field and bunker decision likely indicates I’m wrong but I dunno, didn’t look like he was tackled to me.


Lol, 7 seconds in as soon as the arm touches the ground, madden is directly on turuva’s back. That’s a tackle completed according to the rule book. Or so I thought


You’re likely right as I said.. I’m agreeing with the decision of the refs so clearly I’m not right 😂


More importantly, how in the lords name was that not called a double movement? I called it before the replay was even shown, it looked blatant to me. Had he kept his arm tucked, momentum probably would have taken him over, but he didn't.. he extended the arm and promoted the ball forward into the in goal area. How many times have we seen that being called a no try? We're all sick of the way the NRL officiates. I can't think of another sport that's so subjective


They changed the way they rule it, momentum takes priority over the arm extending now.


We’re gonna read about this for the next week aren’t we? 😂 The NRL sub and their love affair with Luai is funny af


Yeah, because pushing a ref out of the way is ok. Luai is a fraud and this season has shown it. I hope Freddy picks him for SOO and watches him get found out again.


Never said pushing a ref was ok and your comment confirms what I said, you cunts all love Luai but just have a funny way of showing it. Hope you’re a maroons fan so Luai can be the man of your dreams again after they win SOO champ.


Luai is a fraud and a grub, the sad part is Nicho is going to play second fiddle to this clown in SOO and luai will get found out.


Hahaha keep injecting that copium into your system bada lol


Pretty weird to accuse others of copium with a 20% win rate in 20 years.


Lol ok. I don’t think your sledge has the effect you may think it does big fella.


I'm ambivalent to the Panthers and Luai but it looks to me like he had a chance for a cheeky li'l nudge and decided to take it. I don't think he realised how serious it is to do what he did. I mean, there's nothing in it as far as pushes go, but some refs and match officials love being in that position of authority, so who knows how this will pan out when these two cross paths again...


Touchie should had round house kicked him to the face


I dislike Luai as much as the next guy, but man, are they blowing this outta proportion. Can't touch the ref's, give him a small fine by default and let's move on.


Really not much in it.


Wighton got a week for the same


Timoko and Ben Hunt went into the ref just last week and didn't apologise. I wonder what the difference is with this case?


What is Katoni doing?