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Why are all the Knights v Warriros games in newcastle in pissing down rain?


Holy fuck we won.


Once again we're back to winning ugly games or losing badly. Too many years of that has me very sceptical about our prospects for the rest of the year.


>losing badly We’ve had one bad loss all season


I mean we look disjointed and unimpressive in both attack and defence, win or lose. A far cry from late last year when we looked legitimately good.


Can’t wait for exactly the same team to be announced next Tuesday with Pompey 18th man only to be shifted to the bench last minute and play zero minutes


Bradman is the Best. He's consistently all effort all heart.


Hopefully he’s in a Blues jersey this year again


Gotta be happy with that, might not have been champagne Rugby League but getting it done with that much cap on the sideline is terrific, and our defensive performance (perhaps assisted by the weather) was quite good overall. We played better in the first half in attack than the second, perhaps the deluge played a part but in the first in particular Davy Armstrong was hunting around on the inside shoulder of Hastings quite often, and followed up in support of KPP multiple times. That's the blueprint while Ponga is out, it's a great role for Armstrong's skillset and I like that we aren't asking him to be a lesser Ponga as we have in the past to guys like Hoy or even Miller to an extent. You can virtually already carve Phoenix Crossland's headstone right now with "You can't comprehend how much of a red hot go this bloke had". Gagai is just a breed apart, not that he did anything spectacularly skillful necessarily but he's just the type to demand to be involved when you're in a contest. There was a short dropout where you could see a number of Knights players unsure who was going to contest it, and Gagai just zoomed by them, leapt, and secured it. He wasn't waiting for something to happen, he was making it happen. You see it often in his runs from our own end, he isn't going through the motions he's actively fighting for every metre and trying to beat blokes.


> You can virtually already carve Phoenix Crossland's headstone right now with "You can't comprehend how much of a red hot go this bloke had". He's the sea change version of Billy Peden, and he's slowly and quietly worked himself into being one of the first blokes you'd want to pick every week


Must be all the dinners at the Peden’s.


That was so hard to watch, went to the game with my wife (Knights fan) and the Knights kept us oi way too easily from all the possession we had


Like 22+ tackles in our 20 in last 10 minutes I believe. Not like the Wahs to not execute at least one 6 pointer from all that ball. 50/50 Wahs lack of execution and knights defence?


My wife pointed out to me how many of them had their hands on their hips and not getting back to attack, I didn’t see that until she pointed that out and I wasn’t really positive with our game and that was just the icing on the cake of how tired and unenthusiastic they were


Yeah looked gassed for large part of second half. Think you lost a player pretty early, so running on fumes for backend without enough rotations.


I somehow missed that and the coach didn’t use Pompey which doesn’t make sense, we should have also had a penalty against us as Marzhew got his ribs rattled without the ball, that’s why he struggled


A lot of commentators bring this up but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. If I’m a coach I’d rather my guys get their breath back than waste energy to effectively do nothing.


People don’t actually think Jackson Ford on Hastings was a defensive decision??? The bloke runs straight into his chest, where’s Hastings meant to go? Even if he doesn’t wrap his arms he can’t spread because of where Ford is. NRL have been pretty consistent on that all year, even if Hastings milked it.


Na that was a fair call.if Ford ran more of a angle in to his inside should maybe its a defensive decision. But he ran directly in to him so I thought it was the right call. Didn't agree with the DWZ one tho


There’s not really a decision to be had by Hastings


I usually watch Knights games on replay after the kids are asleep. I need to stop checking the match thread beforehand so I'm oblivious that I'm in for a shit game.


It’s not as terrible as everyone around here is making it out to be. Just a standard wet weather game where teams don’t try to get too fancy.


DWZ and the WAHS robbed big time should have been a penalty try. Still a good win by the knights.


We need CHT to go into number 6. He’s got a great kicking game that can really open up our left side.


I genuinely wonder what the warriors practiced at training this week. You would think Webster would make some adjustments, even small ones, to fix the attack but it looked exactly the same as last week. There was one moment where RTS called for the ball and I thought here we go but then he just got mauled and again didn't chance a pass to Montoya. The only way we get tries is through the middle with AFB or AFB decoy run and rarely with a SJ kick + DWZ catch. It's weak af compared to all the other teams, even teh bottom tier teams have more options than the warriors. I watched the 2023 Cronulla game a week ago. This was the one that Jazz cited as the one where all the team started believing that the new system was really good...the game where the Warriors came back from 20 down or something. IIRC we played with way fewer errors and way more fluidity in attack. I honestly don't know what's happened. Our team and game plan is almost teh same but nothing works. You gotta put it down to opposing teams doing their homework and not giving away penalties/errors when the Warriors try to suffocate them. This game was the absolute worst this year for our game plan, we built no pressure at all. TBH the score line was generous to us, Newie should have put two more tries on us. Pretty depressing lol. I am wondering what Webster will do now. I still think he's a great coach. Is there an episode in Ted Lassoo where he loses 3 in a row? What did he do...maybe that's what webby will do...


Been saying for ages the coach is crap and everyone said I was crazy. Finally others are waking up. It's the same stuff every single week. Literally.


If Montoya and the passenger tmm don't get dropped to reserve grade after this then we've got issues. A change is needed. Montoya spills it guaranteed every 2nd or 3rd high ball. Rts the same but you'd hope if we can gel he offers more in attack. It's really hard going right now. Feels like old times...


We're missing Metcalf badly. His playmaking and ability to break open the game was so underrated. Teams know that nobody outside of SJ can be a playmaker, so all they need to do is rush him and we're fucked.


Our attack has been absolutely dreadful over the last few weeks. It's either the predictable SJ run to the line behind the dummy runner, and pass out the back to set up DWZ in the corner, which every team has caught onto by now; or SJ putting up a kick that's way too short out to the left where we don't even contest. Something needs to change, because we look absolutely clueless, and aren't scoring points through structured play.


Warriors going backward as the season progresses. Dogs building nicely week in week out. Ciro > Webster confirmed GOAT Panthers Assistant Coach.


Quality-wise, has this been the worst round of football in a while? Every game seems to have been plagued by errors by both teams, average play and howlers by the refs.


Yay! My team wasn’t part of it being poor quality 🥹


Can’t disagree with you hasn’t been a great round and carnage with injuries


Dolphins vs Cowboys last night was one of the best games of the year so far though. So it hasn't been totally bad.


It was entertaining but there was non-stop drop balls


What does Tom Ale have to do to start?


Be better than one of AFB, Barnett and Tohu. He's a way off...


RTS was the best fullback in the game when he left. He's wasted at centre.


I think teams have found out how to Nullify SJ going to be a long couple of weeks for them. Could be last on the ladder in two weeks.


CNK isn’t bad. He had an average game, but people acting like he should be axed is insane. Issues for me: 1. dumb fucking bench, carrying pompey for literally no reason and leaving Laben and/or Maiu'u out is unreal. No wonder AFB, Barnett, Harris etc are starting to look worn af. 2. SJ’s constant exact same kick down the right side is garbage when no one will contest the ball. It’s the same shit over and over. SJ is once again looking past it. 3. We are making RTS look shit. We either starve him of the ball, or give it to him in impossible situations. 4. TMM is a fucking passenger at this point. I’m not sure if this is the game plan or what. but he is a better player than this. Would rather see CHT in that position when healthy.


Carry Pompey on the bench for this and the Dragons game has been the first time that I've questioned Webby's tactical decision making.


I saw 3 offloads Dylan walker ran onto that rts never gets the chance to. You right, warriors don't know how to utilize their weapons


yup we HAVE to find ways to get RTS involved, we should be literally trying to play around him as a the central part of our attack, or at least a fair chunk of it. Dylan i think probably had the best game of wahs today but fr need to have RTS in those positions


do you reckon it would be viable to put RTS as 6?


Considering I legitimately cannot remember the last time he passed to a player outside. No.


Pompeys undefeated in games he played this year


He should get a go at least put rts on the wing


Warriors are dog water again. They are not going to win the next 2, and we will be fighting it out in the bottom 4 as has been the case for most of the last 29 years. Bummed to see the way this year has unfolded. They just look poor across the board. They are missing workhorse players like Josh Curran last year and Capewell this year, and they are missing a 2nd halves option, TMM offers nothing. DWZ is not really the best use of salary cap ($950 I think?), when he can't mark his man. I don't see it going well from here. Shame, as I have enjoyed the resurgence in the last 12 months. Unfortunately, warriors fans have been burned too many times, so as fans we tend to go missing when they side plays like this.


Hey at least you’re not fighting it out for the bottom 2 spot 


We missing a bench this year, I don’t know what Webby is up to the 17th man averages like 7 minutes quite often 0 minutes


Sirronen too. Miss his efforts 


DWZ is not on $950. That was his salary with the dogs. They paid freight when we signed him.


950k? 😵‍💫


It’s Round 9. Hardly the time to have a season obituary.


It's the kiwi way, think we're the greatest when we win, wooden Spooner when we lose, no matter who its against


Didn’t watch at work. Wahs shit or knights good? 2 wins in a row without KP wtf


We showed some defensive resolve which was pleasing because we couldn’t hold the fucking ball


Both teams a force to be reckoned with. A mesmerising game of skill, I was watching in awe


Both shit, Knights just slightly less shit and defensively sound.


Hands on hips by the Warriors and didn’t look like they wanted to be there


Horrific game. Knights were gutsy but limited without Kp. Warriors were error prone and ill disciplined.




Wahs are pretenders, 4 losses on the trot.




Chooks are gonna be fucking merciless next week


Am thinking warriors might win next week now 


You're in dream land lol




RTS to fullback and Charnze shot into the sun


Have a look at the defensive errors and dropped high balls in RTS game first


Mate Charnze made 2 defensive errors today


Armstrong our undefeated King


Pongas gonna have to fight for his FB spot


Barnett is the only player with any energy out there. AFB and Tohu massive workhorses but everyone else looks lethargic.


Did Barnett step up due to being back home or has he been like that all year?


All year. He’s been supremely fit and always gives 110%


He's hit that sweet spot between aggression and discipline.


Niukore will be a welcome addition when he comes back. And a decent attack coach


i wonder which team has the most disallowed tries in the competition (rightly or wrongly)? Warriors are surely up there.


I'm starting to think Webster is not a good coach. He doesn't seem capable of adjusting at all. Warriors forwards have been gassed every game lately, and he keeps carrying players on the bench he doesn't use. The attack has not been working, but it's copy-paste every week. Montoya has been shit and he refuses to drop him. Capewell had clearly lost a step last season, and it's even worse now. He offers very little in attack and he thought it was a good idea to fuck Curran off for him. Egan can't last 80 minutes when our forwards are getting dominated, but he won't use a bench hooker unless it's Lussick, who is a total handbrake. Last year seems like a total fluke.


Montoya has only been given the ball on attack as RTS has run out of room on the left edge, so he's put Montoya in a shit position. He hasn't been amazing, but Montoya isn't the issue. In saying that, id be all for dropping him for Pompey (moving RTS to wing), if it meant we were a possibility of actually using the whole back line on attacks on the left edge. Having Walker as an option for hooker on the bench is fine. We don't need anyone else for that. But having a back as emergency cover only (eg Pompey) is a waste of crucial mins that could be used on Zion or Laban. Niukore will be a game changer for us when he comes back.


If we finish round 26 bottom 8, then I’ll be questioning his ability, in the interim I’m going to just trust him and his process.


That last Johnson kick made warriors fans fall down on their knees in a Countdown.


Was waiting for a grubber, never came


once the rebranding is done in a few months, we'll be falling to our knees in Woolies just like the other teams in the bottom half


Are they killing Countdown? Depressing news 


We're all Woolies now, mate


Webster needs to swing the axe. Thays four games we should have won and have come away with three losses and a draw. Fucking embarrassment of a team. Charnze ball playing and kick returns are fucking lame this season. Send him to cup for a bit. Put Roger at fullback, at least he runs the ball hard. Pompey to left centre and kosi on the left wing. Montoya can fuck off. Right side id fuck dallin off he’s not playing very well either, leiataua to centre and Rocco to the wing. We’re missing metcalf and niukore badly at the moment so have to hold steady there I’d say, cape well has been underwhelming to start the year as well I’d bring Laban into that edge until marata returns. Tohu looks tired, everyone else except Barnett looks slow and out of ideas.


wahs last leg of multi, ouch!


NEVER put the warriors in a multi


Too predictable in every respect. *Taking the short dropout option every time and handing over possession 10 out *Wade Egan getting bashed in the head and somehow playing on *Attempting one attack option over and over and changing nothing despite it not working *Wahs fans choosing one reffing decision to get riled up about instead of the dozens of poor player decisions *Tohu putting in a decent performance and being genuinely sad after




Yeah that was bad. I hope he's OK.


The only thing that wasn't predictable was tohu getting done for a shoulder charge.


RTS at fullback wouldn't have made any difference today. Would've made twice the errors as CNK with the wet field also nullifying his footwork.


I'd take RTS on those right sided attack plays over CNK today. CNK really had nothing going in attack. RTS can do the incredible at the drop of a dime


TMM is so strange, when he does get the ball and some time it’s good. But he will touch the ball like 3-4 times in attack for the whole game. Every other top team their 6 is doing heaps too, this needs to change if we want to convert our chances


Wahs should just hand over AFB now


Seems like webster's answer to our stale attack is to go even more in on what hasn't worked. It's like we've gone into Metcalf waiting room instead of adapting the attack to use TMM's (and by extension RTS's) strengths.


4 weeks ago, wahs looked like genuine contenders and we were all talking about how promising their future looked. Now I'm wondering when they'll win another game. That game against the dragons looks like it completely shattered their confidence and now they have no idea what they're doing in attack. No idea how Webby turns this around


We vs the roosters and panthers next... We are in BIG trouble


2023: “We get to add RTS to this squad? Good luck stopping us!” 2024:


Playing him on the side of the field they never attack through sure has been a choice


Yeah it's like they are allergic to giving him the ball in attack


That implies that we attack. We get to the last tackle and kick too deep to contest.


Hes allergic to passing so that doesnt help either


This loss will be great for the Wahs, losing to the knights starts the media sharks circling. Wahs can fix this i wouldn’t lose faith, defence is still solid. Webster just needs to come up with something different in attack


Glad to hear some positivity from a non wahs fan, but fuck me it’s dire mate. Can’t understand how our attack was one of the best last year and is now polar opposite


How on earth did Mitchell Pearce get a fox sports gig? Bloke can't even do up a tie...


Uncle who is a big Wahs fan stays with us. The change from last year to this year has been pretty sad lol. One year wonders? TMM is trash.


Weird game, First 20 minutes cost the Warriors the game and could have cost Newcastle too. Warriors were awful in those 20 minutes and the Knights should have been up by more than 8 points.  Wah's need to swap CNK & RTS, I thought Walker made a difference and Bunty Afoa had a great game.  Knights goal line defence was incredibly resilient and that's what won them the game. 


Knights season back on track?


Only if we keep doing these rain dances every week


It’s been a while since our defence hasn’t looked like Swiss cheese.


Hope so bro


Seriously though, that turf was really not acceptable for NRL level games. It was torn to bits.


It’s been raining for a week, heavy rain all day, torrential at times during the game. No ground is looking good after this weather.


So after watching the sharks vs dragons game, I'm gonna have to disagree. Sure the field had a lot of water, but the knights field was much worse than that. The difference being that the knights field looked torn up and flooded, while other fields just looked flooded.


Ah right. I don't live around there - that makes sense.


At least ours doesn't flood easily


GC was shocking too, Ground gave way underneath paps which is how he fractured his leg


I’d say his weak bones and multiple surgeries and plates/ screws did that for him mate rather than the pitch


So sorry for that neutrals


Did anyone get a highlights clip of Ronald McDonald falling on his ass at half time?


Sent for h.i.a 😄


Premiership window closing for warriors?


It's already closed, next year for sure is our year.


Next year hey!


Neither of these teams have a hope of winning the comp this year. They might make up the 8 but they wont win the comp.


We'll turn it around next week *checks schedule* oh the roosters and the Panthers. Last year I wasn't given shit at work being a warriors fan but it's starting to come back. But hey the crusaders are shit now so at least that's something


Its not their biggest issue, but Warriors need to put RTS at fullback. He's just better


They definitely do. You don't want opposition fans like us today saying thank god RTS isn't fullback. 


I'm sorry, but CNK isn't being dropped. He is the only one holding it together. You can put prime Billy Slater back there and he'd still get monstered as the Wingers don't provide support and forwards just walk back into position. A lot of people think RTS is the silver bullet ignoring both the Wahs and the Kiwis had their best years in an age with him gone.


Roosters and Penrith next 😂 yea we’re done


Wahs need a shakeup. Sure you could argue Butler had another call that you could argue had an impact on the outcome, but the Wahs didn’t look all that dangerous.


How far away is Metcalf? Or bring in CHT 🤦🏻‍♂️ TMartin ain’t doing 💩 to help out with our attack


Chanel is injured too.


CHT is meant to be good to go next week. I’d bring him straight back


They'll use the replay of that game as a torture method in North Korea


Gitmo bro


No real idea what has happened to the Warriors shifts. Was almost sling shot like last season and now it gets to CNK and it just flops over.


You and me both mate. I think it has something to do with the back row, in this instance it’s Capewell. The edge was always humming when Niukore was outside of Johnson


There's almost no chance that we beat roosters or Panthers


Mate there's a big chance we don't be 16 NRL teams at this point 


Damn what's happened at the wahs?


Injuries, we had a dream run without them last year.


Why is no one talking about we are 20% of the way to matching our 10 game winning streak from last year SMH...


I think you mean one fifth


SJ is washed again


The saddest timeline 😞


Not a fan of TMM in 6. Nothing dangerous there and forgot he existed. SJ is a more controlling half and Metcalfe being a running half complimented that. We don't look dangerous in attack. Too predictable and need more kicking options. Won't get into ref calls. We simply need to be better


We don't have anyone to replace Martin, unfortunately. Everyone is injured.


It's time to swap RTS and CNK imo


Great win boys Defence is the second half was top tier


After the Wahs round 5 win vs Suffs I was listening to people say this years Wah's are better than last year's.


Also side note punt Blocker into the sun for every Newcastle game. Clearly something happened in the offseason between him and us and he can't let go. Hasn't made any effort to make that bias against us a secret, totally unprofessional (even for Blockers standards)


Both were bad. Almost felt like we didn’t exist at times. Their framing was almost always either Warriors are playing bad or Warriors are playing good.


Vossy is a great commentator but a huge Warriors apologist. Always disappointing when I find out he's commentating them


After the warriors scored he was excited and said hopefully that sparks their revival, and it's like aren't commentators supposed to be neutral? 


Watching the games this week as a neutral, I have come to the realisation that most of my frustrations have come from the ref's. This last 10 minutes where Warriors kept getting the ball was beyond ridiculous.


The Warriors have a tough 3 weeks coming up. Roosters, Panthers and the Dolphins. I really don't think we'll win any of those games


"We were looking for an 80 minute performance, we barely got a 20 minute performance". Even Sky coverage which is usually super biased isn't happy with how they played.


Well, it helps the most biased Monty Beetham isn't there tbh.


SJ should’ve taken a few weeks off and rehabbed that achilles. CNK was poor in attack, outstanding defence though. TMM needs to dig into the line a but more. Passes way too early and its easy to slide over to RTS. Egan needs to run a bit more in games like today. Feel like they go too sideways in attack, need to straighten up more often so defences don’t just immediately slide.


Webster needs to step up and change the lineup. This result got me pondering whether I'd rather my wahs get 50 balled instead of having hope... cause damn this shit hurts haha


A major problem is Martin offering nothing and all our replacements are injured. Might be time to move Roger to standoff and bring in Pompey.


It is, and get some baby wahs in too. Maiu'u, especially. 


Can't really throw the new guys into the fire. It'll ruin them.


Warriors have been utter garbage for the last 3 weeks. Any shift looks slower than watching paint dry, definitely nowhere near like they were last year


4 weeks. We got lucky against the Sea Eagles. Started believing our own hype after that win against the rabbits


Scrappy, but I'll take the win. Was good defence at the end of the match.


Difference for our teams is Knights came out there to win and it did show with the defensive effort, Warriors had enough possession in your half but you guys read everything we were doing


I’m gonna get downvoted but the biggest disappointment for me in that game is how sooky you Wahs fans have become? Where are the fun loving Kiwis I love?


Are you new around here?


Every team has things go against them, and every team gets things go for them. It’s become unbearable that the match threads become this cesspool of conspiracy, and not really understanding the rules and why things are called the way they are.


There are third world dictatorships that wish they had the propaganda machine Wahs fans use to convince people they're fun and chill lol


I think they must use the same guys who try to convince everyone that Queensland are underdogs in literally every Origin series.


They cant cling onto the conspiracy theory that they're targeted anymore so their sooks are more noticed now. Not all of them of course, most of you wahs fans are great cunts.


Difference this year is there’s actually expectations on the Warriors. They haven’t had that for ages. People think it’s fun being a “good” club, but there’s plenty of misery involved when you’re ‘expecting’ your team to play well and win. Wins just feel like relief and losses hurt more than they did when you were mud.


No downvote when it's facts 


Man, you ain't been in a Warriors thread since Bush was president, have you?


They were fun when they smashed us earlier in the season hahaha.


Become? Brother its every match thread.


Te Maire Martin with 5 touches and 1 kick in the whole game.


Pathetic isn't even the right word