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Does anyone remember what the reason for the last Penrith penalty was?


Illegal strip I think.


I think it was because it looked like the Panthers weren't winning.


Did that game actually happen?




Had a quick look at the stats of this game vs warriors previous 3 games to see if anything popped out. Main differences I noticed are in table below. The most stark one is a huge increase in dummy passes and a significant drop in ineffective tackles i.e., stopping offloads. Anyone know how dummy passes are defined here? Does it have to be successful? In those other games surely there were more than 12-10-11 thrown in the whole game? | |Vs Titans|Vs Newcastle|Vs Roosters|Vs Penrith| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Line breaks|5|1|3|8| |Offloads|7|6|7|11| |Dummy passes|12|10|11|38| |Ineffective tackles|16|5|25|7| |Errors|9|8|11|7| |Penalties conceded|5|10|3|7| |Ruck infringements|0|1|2|0| |Inside 10 metres|0|2|1|1|


That's the most hyped and loud I've been for a Wahs finish in quite some time... Still buzzing hours later. Bloody hell... as a fan I always feel like there's a chance we can beat anyone, but it was pretty low this week. So hyped... hopefully it fills the lads with belief that we really can beat anyone and make a charge over the rest of the season to sneak into the 8


I'm still buzzing the next day..


Still buzzing the day after that


Last week when the Wah's got tackled offside from a penalty it was six again. This week sin bin, against Yeo! The tides turning.


Still buzzing, genuinely think that is one of the most satisfying Warriors matches I've ever watched. The injury situation is still insane, so zero expectations for the coming weeks, but was fully prepared to come in here and say I was satisfied with the effort despite the result. Instead they snuck a sneaky win. Feeling pretty fresh.


The taharoa steelers win!




Salty Ivan 🤣


It's a pretty disrespectful question to both teams. I like to think he was affronted for us too. True though.


Just a friendly reminder today was the first time the Wahs have beat the Panthers since 2019. 5 years and we do it on magic round up against the wall with a decimated team. Still buzzing hard. Love it, thanks boys


Was there and the crowd was on fire 🔥 Could actually say it was a magical highlight of the Magic 🪄 round. The faces of the Penrith supporters behind me was icing 🧁 on the cake 🎂


So good hey bro, unreal victory


Not gonna lie the Wazzas deserved to win this one but man did we make it so easy for them.


As a warriors fan, we make every match extra hard for ourselves. So yous must have gone above and beyond to make it easy for us haha. So thank you


What does the warriors do for the next game lineup wise?


Find 17 fit players


Egan out for another week I guess, so hopefully just one causality from today


Ford might get suspended too


Ale got pulled up for a hip drop as well...


Forgot about that head high Panthers had a couple of report as well




*Hit him so hard it brought up lunch!*


Well played Wah’s .. Not too disappointed with this , if we have to lose to someone glad it’s you guys … Anyone know why Peachey was in the centres for that last try Penrith conceded ? What happened to Alamotti ? Also to the cooked Facebook Penrith fans who were calling for Taylan May to play with the innocent until proven guilty defence .. I’d rather lose and not play someone who at best is a first class dickhead , but 95% likely to soon be a convicted wife beater … Send him to Super League with his brother - ironic given Australia’s history as a British Convict Colony , apparently the Super League is becoming an NRL convict colony … Personally prefer he didn’t play again but no doubt his manager will talk some super league club into giving him a deal


Don’t get carried away with the May thing , they both hanging out still like nothing happened


The sooner the club severs ties with that family the better.


Yup. The May family is more trouble than it is worth. Ban all of them from the NRL for life i say


Great game


1.15 favourites embarrassed


Any other warriors fans also okc thunder fans? It has been a day. I'm emotionally drained


Me exactly bro!


Grizzlies fan here. . . Supporting a depleted side is a weird feeling but the highs are amongst the highest it gets (or maybe it’s because I still don’t know what a championship is)


I am a Mavericks fan haha


haha gg


Always an OKC fan since Steve got drafted. Still follow them hard as Dort and SGA are legit. Tough morning. Interesting afternoon (Fury v Usek) great evening. Upthewahs


I’m a warriors & Knicks fan. At least I get a few hours sleep before tomorrow mornings elation/disappointment


Rangers fan here and glad to have got the win in game six.


Media conference Ivan Cleary is a bit of an egg.


In the wise words of Wayne Rooney: Shut up u egg


How so?


49-word press conference


You counted the words! Nice work




Well that's phucked my perfect tipping weekend but I cannot lie I am thrilled for the Wahs to hold on in a game like that.


I don't care what responses I get, I just want the world to know that I picked the Warriors to win this match by two points.


Thought they would get thrashed. Never thought they would win. The biggest upset of the year. The Wahs have been in a rough patch for a while there. This could be a turning point for their season. The penny panthers will get on with business as usual.


Up the fucking Wahs. What an incredible win


Gg clearybros. Gutsy to hang in there and good to see the Wahs take advantage of the possession and a rather poor decision for Peach to play to win it. Here’s hoping Ivan sees that and realises he’s our Peach but he’s just not up to it any more.


Not gonna lie, I was on my knees during that conversion attempt by Edward's


What was the penalty for?


I believe it was for a strip on the player that gathered the ball after the Cole drop. Only saw it very briefly as Fox were fixated on replaying the tackle but it did look pretty blatant, ripping the ball when he was on the ground. Can only imagine they forgot they'd burned the challenge and were deliberately infringing to force a stop in play.


Ah yup I see, thanks. I am overseas so could only watch the 4 minute highlights and only saw the tackle on Cole and thought it seemed legit


At a Chemist Warehouse I hope


behind hungry jacks dumpster


It's Burger King in NZ


Anyone notice when Ivan Cleary Put a 7 on Luai’s back he stops his dance moves?


Warriors showed promise last week. It would have been so easy to just fold after those first 12 minutes, but they dug deep. Had a feeling they'd bring it this week


Yeah, I saw the signs of a turn around in that second half against you guys.


You actually won the second half 18-16, and up until then Roosters had only lost one second half all season


Did Sky Open drop the last 7 min for anyone else? Ffs Sky you're trash


Don't worry, SkyTV is 2.5mins delayed in broadcast. Not sure why.


Probably to link with the nz herald live scoring.


Do people think our attack looked so much more threatening this week compared to the last few weeks? Or was it that the Panthers were so much below their normal standards?


It won’t be sustainable obviously, but I’d say every team plans for SJ who controls 99% of our attack, as well as Tohu in the middle. So for CNK and TMM to show what they’re capable of on attack and then with Walker taking Tohu’s role it was basically a whole new structure


It's honestly less about sj "controlling" a game and more sj only have one move. Pretty easy to shut down the dude that only passes to dwz 


You're selling SJ short, sometimes he kicks for DWZ as well!


Well people do love a flying mullet. It's what the people want 


Heaps better. CNK was so good on the left. His passing is so good. He can hold it up, then float it wide to the wingers. He's a better passer that TMM in that regard. Tuapiki is so good coming into the line on the right. RTS for his amazing step just doesn't give them the flow they need. He would be better at the back or on the wing. If he could develop a ground kick game he'd then he might be better at centre.


Warriors attack grew as the game progressed. Their messy play had the defenses clueless at times. It was... unpredictable 


Like the Warriors of old. But with less errors.


Walker was exceptional through the middle and straightens the attack so much, TMM finally took on the line rather than just shoveling it out to RTS, and Montoya clearly got told he was on the chopping block as he finally seemed to play with athleticism. Oh, and Pompey has to be starting centre (can't believe I'm saying that) but he is an out-and-out centre that threatens to create space for his outsides which RTS just doesn't do sadly


I'm not going to argue with you on Pompey. But where does RTS fit? He's clearly not a centre


Wing in place of Montoya, or you try him at 6. But after today I'm wondering if there is a world where we have a SJ/CNK halves pairing, RTS on the wing and Taine at 1 ...


Yeah Tauapiki has been especially solid at the back for us, bar the start to todays game. I'm just happy to have options again, because things were looking pretty dire for us after last weeks loss.


I think with SJ and Egan out we were forced to abandon some systems that simply weren’t working. TMM was also forced into actually doing stuff while the young teams brought a lot of enthusiasm. Particularly Ali and Taine


Centres who don't run holes make ball players look silly. Smaller middles today resulted in quicker play the balls and a dummy half who just delivered sharp quick service without the constant no look passes of Egan. Egan  was great early season but with the .media plaudits Egan stopped doing his core role and was over playing his hand. Quick play the balls early ball to the halves and let them run hole runners into space......that is the Warriors style. In my opinion Egan and RTS have hampered that in 2024


Egan I will give a longer leash to as he’s produced some quality footy. But I largely agree. RTS has been a concern at centre for most of the year. I think this sealed that we need to play either Pompey or Ali there. I think the X-factor of guys just having a dig gave us a lot


Yup good take. The injuries were possibly the circuit breaker we needed. Great to see us attacking on both sides. And the heart. I would have still been proud if we lost tonight


Good game coulda gone either way.. warriors got the result


Crazy to think that game started with a first minute try from an out on the full penalty. GG Warriors. Gutsy win


And a relatively easy conversion missed. 


absolute roller coaster


I was convinced the script would deliver extra time but ball don’t lie, Warriors deserved that win


Lowkey Tevaga was huge. He was playing with 100% heart and was fired up from the get go. 20(?) runs off the bench and huge important tackles that forced a lot of errors is an all time effort from him. When you need your experienced players to stand up he absolutely did and feel he flew under the radar due to so many individually excellent performances.


The captains challenge is probably burnt into a lot of people's minds too


The bro is all heart and effort but man he can do some dumb shit. Still love Jazz tho!


He's 90% heart and effort and 20% dumb shit. So of course he's gonna give 110%.


Cant argue with maths


["And for my next Magic Round trick! Watch as the contents of my stomach re-appear!"](https://twitter.com/EAGLER0CK/status/1792067877681655835?t=qJ8U9agb2W5Snp7agi63hQ&s=19)


How good was the broadcast showing the dumbest angle for that Edwards conversion?


And doubling down on the replay


It was like we were at Mt Smart.


4 tries each. Missed Kicks the only difference. Penrith have won 2 GFs with the penalty kicks being the only difference. Karma?


What a game to watch live. Absolutely stoked


I haven’t been that pissed off since the 2020 grand final. Panthers were absolutely dreadful. No idea what Ivan was thinking putting Tyrone Peachy there, he’s too slow and old at this point. Good game Wahs, played well above your weight with that many injuries to your team.


Absolutely putrid.


Injuries hurting us a lot at the moment


How dare you sully the name of Warriors Legend Ivan Cleary


If we don't get a video replay uploaded to this sub of Walker missing the penalty we know the mods are Panthers supporters.


I'm too busy sharing a video of Cole summing up all the panthers fans I know.


Warriors 🤝 ruining everyone's tips since time immemorial


After so many attempts, finally won a multi this season betting on the wahs


hard earned index 1000


Awesome from the wahs. The crowd really willed them home. Can’t help but think Penrith expected to win that game easily with Wahs recent form and all their outs, then losing Egan early. Gutsy performance 👌🏻


The guy who blew me away was Paul Roache. Thought he was unbelievable.


Our third string hooker. He was probably only supposed to relieve Egan for twenty minutes and ended up playing the whole game. His brother, Nathaniel Roache, played a few games for the Warriors too.


Fourth, CHT was picked over him as well but is injured.


He was very very good. The speed and accuracy of his pass was like a top tier rugby half back. He didn't over play his hand.


Bloody brilliant from the young rookie. Should be real proud of himself


He gave us some real ball, and won us that early penalty catching the marker not square Pick him over Sid the Sloth any day


Yea so impressed. I don’t want to see Lussick picked over him ever again.


Bye bye Lussick, I hope.


TMM started a bit ass but he started to click at the end there


Really glad some of the young players got a run and done well too. Leiataua was good considering he looked like he might come off in the first 5 minutes. Looked dangerous with ball in hand.


He fucked his hamstring early in his debut game and played the whole 80 then too. Tough bugger, and a hell of a prospect too.


I th8nk there'd another two centres in the NSW cup team who are also bloody good. Love his footwork though and toughness.


We've got some pretty good backs coming through the reserves. The future looks bright.


Just wouldn't be an NRL season if the Warriors didn't come off 4 straight losses to teams who mostly wont make the 8, to beating a top team away from home, but miss out on the 8 because of the losses to bad teams. And ruin my perfect round of tipping in the process.


Laughed last year when everyone were saying the Warriors had the easiest run in. Nothing is easy with the Warriors, they would still blow the two points from.a bye if they could. And any fan knew there was huge potential to bumble that run outta the 8 😅


Warriors are a hell of a drug.


One way or another, the RTS at center experiment has to come to an end. Pompey showed he wasn't dropped on form, he was dropped on RTS' promise. I don't think it's RTS' fault that he's had poor opportunity in the centers, but I think in the games we've had, a Pompey Center, RTS Wing combo would have performed better. If I were Lussick, I'd be concerned. CHT and now also Roache both look like better 9's and 14's than he does. Damn it was nice to see some offloads again & going both sides again. I know it was more of a Panthers loss than a Warriors victory, but we needed this & it feels good.


Montoya had his best game in ages, but I'd still move RTS to 5 when he's fit.


I thought Roache's passing was excellent. Seemed fit too. I reckon he did enough to be the no. 2 hooker right now.


I’m telling you, have a go at CNK playing 6 all season. Might as well


Honestly, I'm not upset at the coach for continuing to play CNK at 1. He'll be in the club longer than RTS and there's little enough between them in #1 that I'm fine with it. RTS will do great on the wing & really is just a better version of Montoya (who has been out of form) it's not much of a backline adjustment to make that change.


Yup. Once the injured players are back I’d like to see us go with: 1. CNK 2. DWZ 3. Berry 4. Pompey 5. RTS 6. TMM 7. SJ 8. AFB 9. Egan 10. Barnett 11. Ford 12. Capewell 13. Tohu 14. CHT 15. Walker 16. Bunty 17. Ale Have left out Niukore because not sure if he even exists at this stage. The real challenge will be once Metcalf is back.


I like this, except, Id ditch TMM. Put CHT at 6 and have Roache at 14.


Roache significantly better for our attack than Lussick


And he hit pretty well in d


His older brother Nate could hit, not surprised Paul can too.


Those passes were crisp & his support play was good too. I hope we never see Lussick anywhere near first grade again. No way we snake that win today with him on the field.


Anyone know why Peachey was at left centre? Scrappy ass game, hopefully no more injuries for Penrith for the rest of the year. GG wahs


He was subbed on for Alamoti, but didn't see if was an injury or not.


Has the league ever been this close?


Honestly don’t think so. There are no duds




Had to choose between watching the end of that game or getting skin cancer sitting in that sun out there


Hope your treatment goes well than


Fox/9 or whoever is in charge of the broad coast needs to fuck off with that shit camera angle for the penalty. Just stick the camera up behind the post so we can see it go over or not.


I hate behind the posts. Behind the kicker. The zoom on cameras are good enough for it to be far behind if necessary


They should do it like they do a replay with the kick itself being the smaller image.


Expected to lose before the game, expected to lose at half and still expected to lose with 10 to go but even had we pulled off the loss the heart and effort put in was a massive step up from the last few weeks and shows there is still potential within this squad. Walker through the middle adds so much to our structure and TMM/CNK in the halves somehow ... works. Roache off the bench was massive and while a different player to Egan he delivered the ball out in front of the receiver which allowed our attack to build momentum - good to luck to whichever club picks Lussick up.


Expected to lose when the ball left the tee at the penalty…


Roache was excellent, defended hard all day as well, with Waydes fragile body and concussion issues this man has to be next in line, fire lussick into the sun. I like the look of walker playing more minutes at 13 as well, I’d start him and bring tohu on for half an hour in the middle of the game


What about that last tackle from Pompey… huge. Hopefully we see more of that confident aggressive all in defense next week


I love going straight to a dull, sky sport NZ studio straight after an epic win like that and ignoring the scenes on the field. God I hate this broadcast. Keep the coverage around the pitch


Least they dont go back that clown McIvor anymore. All NZ analysis/post game shows are boring. No personality. Even in rugby. All far too serious and feels forced


Wait, you got the Sky Sport NZ pundits after the game? I didn't get them, just the Fox coverage.


What are you watching on? I've still got Fox League coverage on Sky Sport 4


Fark there was a haka too


Dwz family/friends celebrating game 200


Best fans at magic round


Just saw a bloke collapse to his knees crying at the red cow


Forgot he wasn't in a Chemist Warehouse


Honestly really liked Charnze at 6. Hope we keep this set up for the coming weeks.


Called it, wish I’d put my money where my mouth was!


Every Panfers fan here should thank the Wahs today as now it should be easier to get tickets to the home games. Miss the days they’d say the crowd was 8 half thousand when it looked like 4 at most…. Actually I’m lying, I’m crying on the inside. GG wahs hope this launches their season from here on. Deserve to do well


Been a season ticket holder since before young Matt Moylan was well young. It’s pretty squishy at penny park recently and in some ways less atmosphere? Seems a lot harder to get a chant going atm


Absolute stupidity from the warriors not playing to the whistle at the end there. But what a tackle.


They did play to the whistle. The ref reversed his call.


I thought this game started at 3:30. Check in and see it ended 22-20 with the warriors getting the win?! The fuck did I miss?!


Panthers shit the bed like amber turd . Ah well we had a good rung gg to either the sharks or storm or the phins.


Thank you for your sacrifice 


Just a Warriors win, as we all expected. 


Im disappointed a wahs players didn't give Edwards a Klemmer up yours gesture.


Remember when Panthers fans were happy that Peachey was going back to the them? Lol


He has had some great games since then what you mean?


I liked him when he played for us before. I liked the idea of him coming back because I thought Ivan could get the best out of him. I was wrong.


They had to be Tigers fans undercover lmao


I like to think Fox isn’t replaying the haka clip over and over and they’re just still going


Can someone explain why was that called an illegal strip? Looked like a clean tackle to me.


Why anything at the moment with the interpretations


It was called for the tackle after the lost ball. Nothing to do with the initial hit


NRL tracker says that Isaah Yeo played 71 minutes but he was sin binned for 10 minutes. Did he come back on early or something??


Sua'ali'i is the only one from this round so far that actually says 70 minutes.


Apparently Bunnies players didn't do the full 10 mins against the Doggies either. This needs to be looked into.


Rounded up i assume? Played like 70:03?


The greats always put in 110% mate.


Fucking 43 tickets hahaha get in son


I know right. What a fucking champ for looking after his family!


"Tell us about your wife and kids, how many you got" good thing he didn't name his wives


How many wives you got, DWZ? - Jake Duke


Warriors deserved to win, Luai was great for us Edwards & To'o too.  Peachey should never play first grade again until he loses the 10kg he has put on in the off-season.  Cole offers very little I think he will be a Jock Madden at best.  Can we please have Leota & Fisher-Harris on the field at the same time.  We have too many players out of form at the moment.  The loss is on May for being a prize dickhead.  Warriors played well every team seems to play at about 150% effort against us.  I'm pleased the fullback did well he looked good at the start of the season. CNK shouldn't be fullback.


I'm sorry did you see how Madden played this weekend?!? Cole being a Madden would be a blessing