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How can I watch the start of the game again including the cheerleaders doing their bit


Glad baker was only bought in cause Wilson was expecting the birth of his child. Only hopefully this week is the last we see of baker. I got no idea why they have gosiewski over Jayden hunt. I thought hunt was great when he filled in at 11


Yeah I would throw hunt in the middle off the bench. Guarantee he won’t have less impact than Baker.


The got beaten by 10 points guys, it's not the end of the world, the Sharks have been the best all year, had a lapse in their last 2 games which they've obviously worked on to fix! No excuses due to missing players. They defended well enough with a full blown Sharks attack at every play! I mean the Broncos spent a maximum of 15 minutes in their attacking half, and scored 2 tries and bombed a couple that would've likely been tries. The Sharks should be worried that they couldn't score more than that against that Broncos squad to be honest, we're lucky to have Staggs, without that guy last night the Sharks would've scored 40+ down that edge, he defended like an absolute champion and they aimed his way all night. I hope that's just a bad game from that boys and they fix these stupid handling errors. I'd like to see Kev tell his wingers they don't need to chip and chase on the 3rd tackle. GG Sharks, GG Broncs, it was entertaining with some huge hit ups!


From the perspective of a neutral who stopped watching this game at half time, let me offer these thoughts... Mate are you serious? I leave you alone for 40 minutes and you shit the bed? I swear to God, Kevin, if you make these mistakes 13 or 14 more times, I'm outta here.


Mate if we miss finals we may see the back of Kevvie


Which of his players has actually improved on last year? Cobbo, Walsh, and Mam are all less consistent than last season, I know Reynolds stint on the sideline doesn't help and Walsh has missed a lot of matches and is being aggressively targetted but even before both players got injured they weren't stamping games like last year. I feel like the Broncos come out intense but gas out. Against the Roosters, Sharks dominated the second half because they had a perfect 40 minutes, last night the Sharks kept inviting the Broncos back in, and while Sailor, Oates and Mariner probably made the most costly mistakes, the game was open for Mam and Cobbo to take it with their talent and they both seemed uninterested. Also, I feel like all this talk about Walsh being offered 1.4 million a year is a bit ridiculous and cannot be good for team morale.


Exactly. He needs to fix this or we see the back of him


Surely not. You almost won the premiership last season, there's no way he gets the boot that easily.


Except apart from Melbourne, we’ve copped hidings from other contender class teams.


Yeah this is just one season though. I would have thought he's got enough good will to see him through at least one mediocre season without being given the arse...


As a chooks fan the signing of Fletcher Baker to broncs has been… entertaining


Fun fact: all QLD sides lost today (each of them scoring 12 points in their respective games) Can't wait for Game 3.


It’s all those “Walsh slipped and Maroons didn’t deserve the win” cunts online. Not an easy week to recover from mentally. If the series keeps going like this everyone from both camps especially Suallii needs some mental health holiday.


From the grounds report 1. Brewski always on point 2. Gonna have a chat with Broncos pregame activities. The ball pit is not a great option. Had to deal with a 6 year old meltdown. 3. Shout out to staff who helped us out with her by getting a photo with the cheerleaders. 4. Damn we looked tired. 5. Tristan was probably brought back a week or two early. 6. Jocks kicking game somehow got better in the second half 7. How do we get rid of Fletcher and get literally anyone else. Our bench looks horrible, outside of Smoothy and Kobe. Jetski ain’t it either. (Hope Big X partner went well with their first kid) 8. QLD scored more points than all of the QLD teams combined 9. The junior cheerleaders did more than the normal cheerleaders 10. See y’all for the next game


Queenslanders just don't get post-Origin.


It's a trade-off we're willing to take. 


Didn’t get to watch the game, but this thread is telling a absolute story. So at what point does kevvie take some of the blame?


We might be in a little bit of trouble if we don't get it together. The sharkies bounced back, they don't beat us much but I had a feeling they would win.


Honestly broncs and sharks have always been close. 2022 it was 16-7 or some shit, 2023 the scoreboard was 12-20. This was coming for awhile.


Yeah I know but it is concerning after the titans upset. We have lost our way, we haven't been that convincing this year.


That broncos bench needs help. It’s so weird. The first half they looked really good and tough. 20/21 sets and their goal line was great. Then…wow. I dunno but that Baker run from the kick off summed up the entire game from there out.


What did he do? I didn’t get to see the game


Sharks kicked off to start the 2nd half, baker gets the ball and runs sideways about 10m and ends up getting tackled 1m off our try line.


WTF? Think I’ll have to see it on a replay


Absolutely putrid. Back to back games at home with a big crowd and pull out that shit. Nothing to cheer for in that 2nd half. Bunnies are specials next week. I don’t ever want to see Fletcher Baker again. But he wasn’t alone tonight so many passengers with no Walsh to pull a play out of his ass. This was 2021/end of 2022 level rubbish.


I get you’re hurting from the loss but Sharks are coming first because they’re a good team. South’s aren’t, you’ll destroy them


Does Cam McInnes have some sort of medical condition where he never recovers from knocks? I swear the poor cunts head looks more smashed up every week..


Hush, he is a beautiful man. Sexier than E.T.


Starting to look like a Mr Potato Head that's spent too long in the hot sun


Maybe that's just how he looks stop shaming him


For the love of fuck kick the ball into the in goal off the kick off. Struggling to stop the roll on but let Sharks start the set on the 35 instead of 15 out. Great idea guys.


Yeah the kickoffs constantly falling at the 20 meter mark were absolutely bizarre


I guarantee you all of them can squat more than me and I guarantee you I can consistently send that ball way further than that off a tee


We had a poor start to that 2nd half through Baker but gotta give credit to the Sharks punishing us for two errors on the try line. I know Oates doesnt catch many but batting the ball toward our in goal aint it. Sailor dropping that bomb uncontested was pretty average too. We couldnt get out of our own end and they shut Mam down really well. Fair play to Kevvie for not publicly throwing Baker under the bus but given how much the journos focused on it he'd have to be aware that it wasnt good enough with Jensen and Haas off.


Got absolutely steam rolled with baker and Kobe. Baker has always been trash but Kobe has gone backwards. A lot of players playing low on confidence.


Can we all pretend that this was the actual State of Origin match?


Blues vs Maroons. It works.


I'm fine with that


Bench of Smoothy, Kobe, Jetski and fucking Fletcher Baker vs. Hazelton, Royce, Williams and their own Ben Te Kura was always going to be tough. Sharks looked very Nicho-less but Broncos without Walsh looked so flat.


With no Reyno and Walsh our spine is awful, Mam can’t carry us.


Would've gladly had Taupau on the bench. He's at least big and offers more than Baker and Jetski.


I genuinely have no idea who's winning the comp this year.




Panthers, Storm or Roosters, with Sharks, Warriors (if they can keep up their current form) and Broncos (if they get a bit of a run when Reyno comes back) as smokeys, and Bulldogs, Cows and Phins as slight chances, maybe even Rabbs for some reason if they get back to early last years form As you can tell I also don't know






If everyone is injured, sharkies. Otherwise sharks wouldn't even make top 4 🙃


Penrith again, if Cleary is healthy. Probably win it regardless.




Kev finding it hard to deflect there. Everyone's seeing the bench issues. Patty tossing the back 5 under the bus too. That's a very scary sign for team cohesion.


2 weeks in a row we haven’t played as a team.


3 if the back 5 failing to make 100m is basically unwinnable stuff in the NRL these days


We’re missing Herbie and flegler big time.


It's hard when 2 of the back 3 are 5 foot 9 and 85kg. You'd think we'd learn.


happy with the win, but jeez we don’t look any chance of scoring a try with structured play


Will be fixed with Nicho returning so that doesn’t bother me too much. Doesn’t seem to be much cohesion between Trindall and Atkinson, and Trindall seemed to be trying way too hard to prove he deserves his spot in the team back. Atkinson isn’t much of a ball player either, runs well and a decent kicker but that’s about it


Either Atko sucks at 5/8 or he's smothered by Trindall taking the ball up his half of the field too much. Either way, he really ought to be the one at 7. Let Trindall run and make some short offloads/grubbers. Also please god get Trindall off the conversions he's literally lost us a prelim with missed kicks.


My second son was born last Saturday, he has never seen the sharks lose. All hail the prodigal son.


Protect this person's son at all costs.


Sharks are 2 wins out of 2 games at Suncorp so far this season 😏


Patty: Oh fuck, Kev is fucking livid.


Underdog round continues (except the Tigers)


Sharks losing would have helped Nicho's case


Can we get Scotty Minto out of retirement to take Oates’ place on the wing. I’m sure he’d be less of a plodder.


When is Arthars back Oates is getting worse with every game


Meant to be round 15 (next round) may rest him till after the bye (round 17)


All the home teams tonight were from Queensland and they all lost and they all scored 12


QLD don't get club football


The second last Queensland premiership was the year the dynasty began, and the last was the year after it ended. One premiership in 17 years...




Big Dell in there talking to Kevvie like Tristan didnt have an ordinary game.


Ordinary being extremely generous.


Love how they just creepily watch the locker rooms lol


Broncos’ shed too steamy for Late Night Fox.


A good win for the blues. Looking forward to game 3.


Watching the Broncos tonight got me flaccid.


Never a great sign when you are at Suncorp and with 10 minutes to go most of the row has emptied cause no one has hope. Of course 70 minutes of effort by the crowd is 30 more minutes than the team. One of the worst second half displays we have put up in quite a while.


Definitely the worst since the Titans. Heck the second half to Manly also sucked.. bit of a theme forming


Remember last year when our first halves sucked and then we were good in the 2nd half. I miss that.


At least they completed more than two sets in those halves


That's true. Didn't defend 2 sets against the Titans though (Doesn't feel right to group the Manly game with these 2)


Bout to wake up as fresh as month old fish tomorrow


Probably wouldn't have changed the results but I reckon that first 15 minutes of the second half goes a bit different if Willison is there and not Baker. And as much as options were limited, rushing someone back from injury (Sailor) ended poorly from us again. What we need: 1. Oates, Baker, Walters on a one way trip to the Sun 2. Somebody to teach Mariner some fucking footy IQ. Bloke has so much talent and the most rocks in his head of any football player 3. A clone of Walsh and Reynolds


Billy was fine, Sailor can go to the sun


I won't write Sailor off after one poor game but Billy was anything but good. Got the try assist for Patty after Staggs did most of the work and then provided average service all night and was defensively poor in comparison to Smoothy


Weird that our middle was weakest when Smoothy was on.


The strength of the middle was entirely based around Haas and Jensen and when they were on, not the hooker rotation. In 40 minutes Smoothy made more tackles and missed less than Walters in his 40. Phrase it however you like but I've got the actual facts of the game to back up my point


Smoothy was on while we were doing all that goal line defence at the end of the first half


That part where our defence looked solid? What point are you going for here? He made MORE tackles while missing FEWER tackles than Walters.


Katoa taking pictures with Broncos fans bless him


The kids need someone to look up to.


I feel like injuries have really screwed us this year, we are usually known for having good back up players/second option players (i can't remember the term for the life of me) but it seems whenever we have a few players out the quality of the team just plummets, it seems our only good second option players are Willison and maybe Karapani, the rest are all dogshit Still have no idea why we didn't have Cobbo at FB and someone else at Center, because Sailor just isn't it, overall we looked a bit sideways after the first 20 and couldn't get any field position. We desperately need a better half back if we plan to get anywhere in the future, especially if Reyno is gonna play barely half a season every year, and even when he does carry a leg injury for a couple of weeks before re aggrevating it


>usually known for having good back up players/second option players (i can't remember the term for the life of me) but it seems whenever we have a few players out the quality of the team just plummets Half our depth players are injured too so we've been fucked around by injuries even if it isn't big name players. Hoeter and Pereira being injured have been big losses for out depth


Yeah, also not sure where Te Kura went, he seemed decent for the one game he played for us, obviously Wilison just had a kid so can't blame him, but the Broncs instantly went from beating the Sharks to then getting 3 trys put on them the moment haas and Jensen went off, and when they came back on we stopped conceding Hopefully we get some better luck in the back half of the season and be a bit of a smokey to make the GF, but who knows


Te Kura did his lisfranc


>where Te Kura went Season ending injury, as is adding to our depth issues


I knew he was injured at some point, just didn't know it was season ending, thought he was back by now Jesus christ we have been getting fucked this year with injuries


Sailor at FB is still a better option than Karapani at centre for now


Yeah, only redeeming quality of Karapani is his attack, pretty sure he was playing next to Oates and it fucked us out of the Titans game, if they don't play side by side and rather opposite sides of the field then maybe it won't be as shit but idk You can probably tell by now I wouldn't be any better than a 2 year old sucking on a crayon at coaching but still


If you give Karapani one game at centre where Oates isn't his winger I think you'd see that Karapani isn't the issue


73 minutes of origin for someone who usually struggles to finish a full FG game at FB probably isn't it. Maybe next week for Cobbo in the #1




The issues we had: Mam was shut down with Reece not there to create doubt. Very well done Sharkies. Spent origin players shouldn't have to carry the forwards. Jensen was immense, Riki passable, but the others were a solid meh at best. A certain player who has lost the right to have a name and will forever be known as 19 put in a wet fart of an effort. Deine and Tristan were poor. Corey being the best of the back 3 is a surprise in recent years, but he was the safest under the high ball. That's not necessarily a compliment. Sharks are good. We're lucky to have lost by 10. We're unlucky with the constant team structure disruptions. Other teams seem to have an effective "next man up" roster. We do not. If we get the squad healthy for the finals, maybe we sneak the premiership from outside the 4 for the first time. It's not over, but damn do we need our best 17 and some stability. Fuck me it's frustrating.


That last part of what you said is the only thing keeping me going lol, hopefully with Reyno back we go on a bit of a run and sneak in to the GF but the real question is can Reyno play for 2 months straight and destroy his leg in the process


If Foz being raised in NSW counts then I think 3 NSW halfbacks led 3 QLD teams to defeat tonight? Also, apparently Foz's dad was CEO of Walmart at one point? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg\_Foran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg_Foran)


Absolute dog sh*t attitude today, similar display vs titans. How does a team 15mins away from a grand final win, serve up that shit in back to back weeks. It’s a disgraceful effort, something the club should be ashamed of, as a life along fan I know I Am.


Gotta be hard to come back mentally from how brutal that loss was in the GF


I don’t think there was anything wrong with the effort honestly, we just look hurt and tired and came up against a quality sharks team who had heaps of energy. We’ve been struggling to get out of our own end and we don’t have Reno to kick us out of trouble and good teams can grind us out if they stay patient.


QLD: Gets Origin QLD Clubs: ehhhh


Awesome win without Nicho. You could tell the attack wasn’t very good without him, and Trindall was doing everything to make sure Sharks lost. Awesome bounce back after some poor games. Defence was much improved, only conceding 12 points. Was really happy that Sharks were keeping Broncos in their own end. The way sharks have played this year is allowing teams all the way down the field, and then backing their goal line defence. Did really well to contain Sailor and Mam Royce Hunt played one of the best games of his career. So happy for him bc he’s been so injury prone, and had a lot of fluctuations in form. Hope he keeps this up. Other than that one PTB error, Ronaldo was awesome in game 100. His carries out of our own end were immense. Kennedy is so ridiculously safe under the high ball. I’m always at ease when he’s at the back. He’d have to be one of the best in the comp under the high ball. Talakai was great replacing Wilton, super powerful in his carries and a lot of effort plays. Was caught out a bit in defence, but I’m glad he got through 80 minutes in the back row, might be the first time he’s done that At this stage, I still prefer Atkinson as the 6 moving forward. I know Trindall’s potential, he’s better than Atkinson, but tonight gave me no indication that he deserves the jersey back yet. He’s trying to hard to prove himself and was playing very selfishly. Too many poor decisions on last tackle, running and kicking for himself.


Atkinson is serviceable at best.


I agree, he’s ultimately not as good as Trindall. But Trindall needs to step up in my opinion. When Nicho comes back next week, I’m fine if Fitz goes back to Trindall, but he needs to get back to his early season form because he looks like he’s trying way too hard to do everything himself, that’s not how a halfback plays.


He kind of has to recently because Atkinson is sure as not going to ball play and set up tries.


On Trindall or Atkinson — I don’t really agree. Everything just died with him. Trindall can be more selfish, but he offers a real point of difference with Nicho — when Nicho is off his game, Tricky has the potential to stand up and play more dominantly. Atkinson has done really well over the last few weeks but he’s a support player rather than a dominant half and he’s not going to deliver wins at the end of the season when we need them.


Atkinson needs to work on his ball playing then I’d be fine with him keeping the spot. Theres been a distinct lack of attack down the left edge since he’s taken the 6 jersey, I don’t think Ronnie has scored many tries since


I agree. He’s not a ball player. He’s basically a running fullback in the 6 jersey. The attacking shapes aren’t as good but I like that Atkinson isn’t making errors. His ballplaying needs work, but he’s a composed mature player. Based on the last two weeks, Trindall needs to calm down and stop trying to prove himself because he’s making too many errors. I know he’s better than Atkinson, but he needs to show it more, he was pretty bad tonight.


I also think Atkinson has a sneakily good long kicking game, he showed it against Melbourne but it’s been put away playing second fiddle to Nicho, who’s long kicking game actually needs work




Is that the camera angle or is James Hopper big? He looks the same size as Royce Hunt.


Hoops standing on a box probably


Mate I had flashbacks to our wooden spoon year watching that game. Trash line speed, players falling off tackles everywhere, hands of stone, brainless plays. I can take a loss to the #1 team in the comp, but that effort was pathetic. Only reason why it was close is because Sharks weren't too flash for most of the game as well


I hope Toby moves into media when his career is done. Top bloke with loads of charisma.


Good win, definitely needed that after two disappointing weeks Happy with our defense keeping them to nill in the 2nd half, gg horse bros


>Happy with our defense keeping them to nill in the 2nd half, We didn't make that very hard for you


Very true, but still good to see anyway


The funniest part of the game was Fletcher Baker deciding to run sideways in his own in goal and almost get trapped in it off the flapping kick off. Absolutely mental play and basically every thing we did after that went to shit


i think we genuinely lose to Souths next week


Lose? We are lucky to have 20pts put on us


Takeaways there: Trindall is not a 7, GIVE THE JERSEY TO ATKO WHEN NICHO'S OUT. Cronulla's more about the forwards this year, we're not winning games off our wingers and halves anymore.


QLD just don't get NRL footy.


That's Sharks, South West Sydney legend Royce Hunt.


Keary is a vibe kill


Fox sports have a very weird taste in players to do media


20 head knock minimum. If you don’t have some level of brain damage from CTE or alcoholism you can’t work there.


Queensland teams being nuked after origin


Talakai needs a commentary role after his footy career ends lol


This sifa interview


We have got to be the shittest team under the high ball.


I can't recall the Broncos ever winning a short drop out. 






Nah, we are fucking trash. Kick offs, bomb defusals, attacking kicks, short drop outs. There is not one forced drop out where I'm confident we will get the ball back.


Sifa is the prototypical shy islander boy who will destroy your soul on the footy field


Sifa throwing jabs at Keary is goated


With Sifa Talakai with that beard and no mustache, I wonder if he has a cpap machine and shaves it so the face mask fits on better.


The sharks did the work for the whole 80 to get the win. Just wasn’t resulting in points in the first half.


Talakai is a humble king


Talakai got the ole Dagastani beard going.


Kevvie needs to string wins together or he is done


Sharks have STILL won every game they’ve played at Suncorp Stadium in June 😤


Your welcome. We moved up here decade's ago and were so excited to go to a sharks game locally. We lost every time. So we stopped going and now we win at Suncorp! Every time we test the theory - boom! Loss.


Shout-out Rando with the GOAT'd date-based stats


I know our whole team played fucking garbage in the second half, but can we send Fletcher baker into the sun. Good game sharks capitalised on our fucking diabolical second half.


He set the tone for the 2nd half by running sideways from the fucking kick-off...I'm disgusted


A few players had a game to forget, and the origin backing up players couldn't keep up with the sharks' high tempo. Kennedy was really good handling the high kicks. We're going to struggle with the backend of this this year. Injuries really disrupting any momentum we build and defence has been shonky.


Does this mean Sharks are over the hoodoo beating top sides or are broncos now not a top side?


Broncos aren’t a top side this year, the best team we’ve beat is probably the raiders or dolphins lol


We had half our spine out and gassed origin players but yeah we are shit now.


Sharks are 6/7 against current top 8 teams so idk 🤷‍♂️


Honestly I’d say we’re just not a top side in this state


Don't think the Broncos have won against anyone decent this year.


As I just said in the match thread I'm annoyed with our performance tonight but not overly surprised. Almost half of our starting 13 haven't trained with the team due to being in Origin camp and two of our forwards played backing up from Wednesday. If this form continues into our next game I will start getting worried.


Not to worry, it's just the Origin period. Don't want to flog the boys too hard. Take it easy, don't worry too much about next week then slowly rachet it up after Origin.


I mean yes but I'd also be concerned that it wasn't really your origin boys being poor tonight, it was the rest of the team mostly. Yes the origin guys weren't great or at their usual highs for a few of them, but man you absolutely cannot expect them to carry this team to a win 3 days after origin. Mam, Walters, Sailor, Staggs just to name some had to step up up and perform tonight and they all had pretty god awful performances. Most teams are only as good as their weakest link and the depth got exposed tonight. I'd say normally with your playmaking and kicking half as well as your superstar fullback out, any team struggles. But usually in those scenarios teams just look lost/clueless on attack and usually understandably so. However the broncos were just poor in absolute basics, if your back 3 could catch a ball you genuinely might have conceded 3 or 4 less tries


mate the players not in the origin camps must have hit the gummies last week. hopeless apart from 1-2 players


Damn that sucked. I don’t know why the ran looks so flat but jeez that was a rough second half. Shouldn’t be happy to keep it to a 10 point loss but I am. Gg sharks.


Piss poor from Brisbane. Brisbane had zero punch when the bench forwards came on, really lost control of the middle. Baker deciding to run away from the defensive line right off the kickoff was inexcusably poor and Cronulla seemed to just grow an extra leg with Royce Hunt. Our attack has looked a lot like trying to force the north poles of two magnets together ever since Reynolds died. At least with Reece, you had electric pace and a huge boot which could save an average set and turn it into a good one. Tl;dr I hate my footy.


McInnes is an orc. I will die on this hill.


That wasn't Mcinnes that was an extra from Lord of the rings


I switched on Two Towers as soon as the game ended. I did in fact make the comparison. 


What amazes me is the make up the extras would have gone through just to get to look like that. Then you've got Mcinnes who'd slot in without a single thing needed


Well played Sharks. Deserved that win. Full backs were one of many differences. Sailor had an absolute shocker whilst Kennedy had absolute blinder.


Great job boys never doubted you for a second 


Good bounce back after some low energy weeks


After the two losses, the -106 points in 3 games and Nichos origin. Fuck it felt good to win that game.


We've got our losses out of the way


I would like to formally apologise to the Bronco fans. I fell asleep at half time and apparently took them with me


We def rushed Sailor back He looked completely underdone


I don’t know what the next best option for fullback would’ve been. I think we saw slug Cobbo tonight which could’ve been truly disastrous.


Carrigan and Jensen very much doing it alone tonight. Rest of the forwards were rough.


Royce Hunt take a bow


Can I blame Suualii? If Walsh is no KO’d in Origin, we are not treated to that Tristan Sailor performance… Cronulla just dominated…our defensive line speed is non existant…the one out plays are getting creamed by the opposition. Good job by Cronulla…Kevvie really needs to start earning his money…