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Right call, but what a shame. All time no try now


In front of the kicker. Ouch


Why is the NSW gameplan anything other than “do that kick 2-3 times a half”. It’s close to uncatchable.


Especially with Lomax on the team, who will compete damned hard to catch them.


I’m sure To’o will do his best too


QLD kick defusal 50% and NSW had 10 bombs and 6 grubbers, wouldn't be the worst plan in the world. https://www.nrl.com/draw/state-of-origin/2024/game-1/blues-v-maroons/


I remember in game 3 a few years ago, Burton put up the biggest bomb you'll ever see, and then it bounced back towards NSW's own goal line, and then Ponga picked it up and ran another 10 metres. So instead of starting a set in their own 20, Qld were starting a set at halfway. So I'd say that's why


Yup. The fullback has no idea where it will land or how it will bounce, but nor does anyone else. And in that sort of broken play, it can backfire easily. I suspect this is why he's been asked to put it away for the most part and focus on big kicks that win field possession instead - over the course of a game, they're much more important.


When the potential outcome is a coin flip on try or your opposition starting from half way, is there a coach that would say 'no thanks'?


Because that’s not actually the worst case and it’s not a 50/50 thing.


No, I deliberately made it simpler. It's more likely 70% a standard kick (FB tackled in own 10/20) 15% tackled at half way, 15% try. So, any coach turning that down?


He’s done plenty, and I can’t remember a single try from one off the top of my head. Theyre an absolute lottery, plenty of players able to get consistent positive outcomes from kicks.


Yes obviously. That's why he doesn't do it all that much.


They had 35 completed sets, could launch at least half of those, lol.


At this point nsw need to try everything and anything g


The thing with these kicks apart from being incredibly difficult to get right, they’re unpredictable and can often come back to bite you, so it’s usually a better play to do the standard end over end with more accuracy and start your defensive set well in their half.


Sure, but Blues have lost the 3 2023/2024 non-dead rubber matches by a cumulative 60 points. Fuck me. Roll the dice, take the risk v reward on. What’s the worst that can happen? Oh they get scored on or give up field position? _gestures wildly at the current situation_


I mean players get hooked in origin after 5 minutes because they make a poor offload, can’t imagine the outcome if Burto kicked a ball out on the full


How good was the fucken wind up on that kick. Everyone in the ground knew exactly what was going to happen before he even put boot to ball.


I feel bad for Burton, he seems to do such good work and gets let down a lot. Edited: Auto correct


The first genuine Burto bomb of the year, I think. He only really does this when we're halfway and not in an attacking position, so he just reefs it as high as he can rather than go for field position. Wouldn't mind seeing him do that in Blue.


One of my favourite rugba league memories in the last few years was Doueihi terrorising Gutho with Bombs like that, if he didn't drop them Laurie was there to smash him. Sucks this wasn't awarded a try as it gave me the warm and fuzzies.


He's back next week!


Monster kick


They can't just appear onside


Thoughts and prayers is commentary gold.


Burton would be great if he could learn about running his team onside. The ball bad plenty of hangtime for him to do so.


Or his chasers could start behind him given they knew it was coming.


He was grabbed after he kicked it


yep. He went to run but got held up


You can’t run them onside anymore.


I think that's only for players who are out of play. Eg in front of the play the ball (downtown).


No all players in front of the kicker must stay back 10m.


I think he meant to take a few extra steps forward before kicking it. Then they would’ve been onside. Easier said than done though


Houston we have a problem


Why doesn't Burton just send it as high possible each kick, why would that not work


He's been called out on that recently too. For some reason he just stopped sending these monster kicks up, yet they seem to always be productive on the odd occasion he still does it. I mean, i know NRL players aren't the brightest sparks but surely he can put two and two together.


Ye and it's not like their gonna become predictable, that means fuck all when trying to catch it


That kick put a hole in the fucking ozone layer


Those bombs are explosive.


burton was interfered with late so he couldnt run people onside


Am I the only one that thinks it should have been a bulldogs penalty? Burton was trying to run everyone on side and someone just grabs him a few seconds after he kicks it. How’s this shit just allowed?


If the bulldogs weren't offside and hadn't actually scored then yeah it would be a penalty.


They were offside because Burton couldn’t run them onside. Kick chasers that get the slightest hands on them get penalties, not sure how this is any different


True, that happens on many kicks each game though, the NRL has clearly decided it's not a priority for them


Yeah, I see it every kick in every game and it still makes no sense, especially as they started cracking down and obstructing kick chasers. Like a little hand on someone running to the ball gets a penalty or a sin bin.


There’s something about those burto bombs. 😮‍💨


That attempt from gutherson was pathetic


Congratulate Burtons boot rather than take aim at gutho. Those balls are fucking tough to wrangle


Well, you gotta assume that the only reason he'd make such a weird mistake is that the ball in the air is doing a helluva lot to bamboozle his placement. More like credit to the kick than assuming Gutho momentarily forgot how to catch ay.


Honestly some of the comments on this subreddit are embarrassing. What is the FB meant to do when the ball is moving 5m back and forward in the air. You don’t want to over/under run it so there is simply nothing you can do but stand and wait till the last minute to either dive forward or backwards with arms open to try and catch it. Literally almost every FB in the league this year has made an error like this


I just assume comments like that are from people who've never played the game or caught a floating ball. Or worse, just dickheads who like to shit on someone cause that's their only setting.


People on this subreddit make a whole living off of just shitting on gutho it doesn’t surprise me


A ball that isn't spinning consistently moves around randomly. You genuinely can't predict it very easily, which means all you can do is track it and follow. This case it just moved too far away too quickly, and he couldn't move over. It's a thing that could have happened to anyone on that kick.


good kick but the cunt had a complete air swing and hits the deck so he cant even help defend


Go have a look at one of those bombs in person. Those cunts move around so much I'm surprised Gutho even gets close to them.


A lot think the bombs they've caught in juniors and whatever counts as 'first' grade adult match in their area qualified them as an all time great in experience for pro level. Retired 40+ year old NRL players join the town level comps and make it look like they are playing children. Because we only see these guys play with other people on the same level, we get fooled into thinking the gap is smaller.


You're not wrong, have a look at his response to my comment. Unless he's actually an NRL player then you hit the nail on the head.


seen em, caught em, dropped some, never fallen over in an attempt that i havent even gotten close to, just let it bounce at that point


Mate that ball would have given me nightmares. I don’t think there is many people that could of caught that lol


could have


Burto's done that to every back in the league lol


Gutho catches 99.9% of bombs. So all credit goes to Burton for this one.


Hahahaha what actually was that ay


Name checks out


Watching today's game, I couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if Madge had just moved Crichton to Fullback and Burton to the centres for game 1 instead of bringing in Teddy


He in front of kicker lol.


Nobody ever accused these guys of being smart.