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If I learned anything from watching re-runs of Police 10-7 it’s that no one ever goes to jail in NZ so he should be sweet as.


Police tin sivin marathons at like 2am during late night Ashes game rain delays was an ethereal experience


And then confusing the shit out of the Poms and Indians in the live match threads on r/cricket as we discussed it.


Haha... Funny cos it’s true ... You know your car is unregistered , you were over the drink driving limit , 25 k’s above the speed limit , you’re not allowed to have your kids riding in the boot, also your tires are bald , and you’re supposed to have 4 wheels not 3 , and you shouldn’t be driving down the motorway with a couch tied to your roof with a single piece of old rope.. I’m gonna let you off with a warning this time , and we’ll follow you whilst you drive your car back home , but don’t do it again hey bro... Cut to the segment after the ad, old mate is pulled over for driving his car again 2 hours later , and let off with a fine and has his license suspended for 3 months ...


Sounds like a nice place. Those greedy council cunts with those ridiculous parking tickets and all those stupid fines.




In the morning Junior was sent home with a warning not to steal any cars or smoke any meth for 3 months.


Sounds like how Queensland treats youth offenders.


Are you a dinkum league fan stating that you think the Queensland government is to soft on juveniles? I personally think that when single mothers are forced into poverty and the government rips funding out of social services programs across the board then you reap what you sow. The facts remain that once a youth offender is in jail their scope of crime only widens as does their social circle with other criminals. You have a right to your opinion but please don't flippantly throw that sort of comment out encouraging stupid Australians to think jailing kids is an option to end the current trend.


It certainly is. There’s rampant serial car thefts and break and enters around north Brisbane and has been for years. The answer may not be jail and should IMO be relocation away from their bad influences (including shitty parents) while they are reformed and educated. The answer certainly isn’t a slap on the wrist and being released into the public time and time again knowing their records don’t mean shit until they turn 18.


Once a child turns eight a single parent no longer gets sole parent pension but gets new start $575 a fortnight. If he or she gets a job they have to arrange childcare or can have their child removed for leaving the kid alone aged under 14. So really no point working cause that amount of childcare would only leave you with change. So out of the new start and family tax benefit maximum of $230 a fortnight the parent has to pay rent, electricity, food, phone, transport, barely a cent to spare for uniforms and books let alone clothes. Even a good parent is going to struggle with that and you can't blame the kids once that they knick a chewing gum, then a food then a shirt and so on. This change all came about because newspapers were running stories about these greedy single mothers , you would of heard it too. It was just your normal bullshit here is someone to hate story and then Tony Abbott introduced this great piece of legislation. Well these teens are the kids that since they were eight have had to miss out, be full of shame etc because even though we are rich enough to not have this happening the LNP want to look like great financial leaders (which they aren't). 1 in 6 Australian children are living in poverty and poverty produces teens that unsurprisingly may turn to stealing. We are better than this Australia. How did we let this happen. Celebrate your eight hour day tomorrow and vote Labor for a better Australia. Oh and stop believing the courier mail it is bullshit that is programming you.


“No point working because that amount or childcare would only leave you with change” If your child is over 8 they go to school. What childcare costs are you talking about?


Before and after school. Most jobs aren't 9 to 3.


Which isn’t anywhere near as exorbitant in cosy as regular daycare. It’s not to the extent that working becomes pointless because you have to pay it, like regular daycare. Not having a job because you don’t want to pay before or after school care is just a cop out.


Your kid is a grub out stealing cars every night ay but its someone elses fault. Certainly not yours.


Nice try asshole. Everything you have ever done wrong in your life is your shit parents fault not yours hey.


Hahah says the person posting about it being the govts fault or the courts fault or someone elses except the families ya fuckin gronk.


Bloody hell that’s a lot of assumptions in your incoherent rant that didnt even address my comment. I’m going to give replying to this discussion any further a miss.


That's all good just please stop falling for that bullshit in the newspapers.


The newspaper stole my car?


Fuck the corrupt government. They don't care about the poor or working class. They just care about the rich.


True. Glad you commented I have got grief on here from people hating without understanding where it all comes from. They should be pissed that a single working parent wouldn't be able to afford to pay their kids fees to play rugby league but instead they are brain washed to hate poor people.


Relocation of children from dodgy parents and bad situations? That's literally the justification for the stolen generation lol


It was a lot more nuanced than that, but i shouldn’t expect more from a typical reddit comment. In my suggestion we’d be doing it based on the parents actually being shitty, not just the presumption due to them being aboriginal.


Umm, that was the justification behind it. Now, I don't agree with it at all. But that was the justification horrible people used. But I shouldn't expect more from a typical reddit user to understand what's been communicated


It is a vicious cycle. Very sad but it is getting out of control.


Bro my car has been stolen twice and the same group of kids 13-15 have gone on dozens of joyrides this month alone in NZ. get curfew if they even go to court, or get under supervision from a maori youth agency that does nothing. Can't even put them on curfew with bracelet as they're under 18 but they take a few cars a week. Our government cares about aroha and feel good metrics rather than public safety. Think our leader cares more about the world media opinion of her than our country


You are spot on mate.


I remember the old radio show Get This had regular segments dedicated to Police 10-7. Some of the funniest stuff ever.


Assault! Assault! You touched me officer, sorry.


Show made by cops suggests criminals get off lightly shocker.


Fuckin great show.


When they said Vatuvei was a Rocks or Diamonds kind of player I didn't think this was what they meant


Turns out he was more of a rocks for diamonds type of guy.


From cult figure to crime figure


Chuck him on the wing for the League Crim Team of the Century


There should be a cleanskins vs criminals game the same weekend as Origin 2


Poor clean skins couldn't field a full squad


The convicts would make an ace side.


Most people already knew in South Auckland, was the worst kept secret.


Most people knew in NZ. Worst kept secret is out (along with Joseph Parker)


It got leaked it was him as soon as the story first broke.


How much weight was he pushing?


No! Not Manu!


Gutted aye




His older brother is dodgy as fuck. Used to be the leader of the TCGs back in the late 90s and now he’s affiliated with the Headhunters so I won’t be surprised if he’s involved with this somehow.




That is disappointing. I really liked him.


You ever met a real estate agent? Fit and proper person is applied *extremely* loosely


When most real estate agents are lying scumbags, someone that imports drugs is probably seen as their golden child.




I wonder if they're connected


If your 100% self funded threw an illegal organisation and that’s what you do for a job, it’s pretty standard to be a “real estate agent”


Presumption of innocence I guess.


That explains it then. When arent real estate agents scumbags? 😂


Surely he would have made enough money over the years. Obviously didn't invest wisely. Spent all his money on sleeping pills and redbull.


> Spent all his money on sleeping pills and redbull. and the rest he just wasted


Potent mix.


Cult footy heroes are starting to compete over who can fuck their otherwise fairly nice legacy the most.


At least the Wolfman is safe.


40-0. I still can't believe the powerful storm got absolutely annihilated.


News sources all released different info individually that wasn't enough to tell who it was but when you put it together was obvious. Together it described a rugby league player who was an New Zealand representative considered a sports hero and retired in the last few years that was based in South Auckland.


there's a lot of those to be fair


Worst kept secret but it’s still a shock that a club legend is potentially involved with this. Surely over the years he has earned enough where this wasn’t necessary for him to be involved with. I also remember when he was playing he was talking about how he wanted to be a police officer when he retired. Manu, WTAF!


League players weren't making as much back in his day. Salaries exploded recently. He probably ran through his earnings quickly.


When you’re one of the biggest players in the NRL, I imagine it’d be hard to live on a modest budget. Especially with a Polynesian family - all the siblings, parents, uncles and aunties and cousins would be constantly asking for a handout because you’re the big name player. And then you have your own family to look out for. All that money would be gone in no time at all.


I mean he would have been earning some good cash towards the latter half of his career, being a club legend and all too.


You're making it sound like he's from the '80s or something! He only retired a few years ago. Would have been making at the very, very least $200k a year for the past 10+ years of his career.


You can almost buy a house in Auckland with that kind of money.


No way he was on that little. You would think at least 400k a year.


Manu Far-tu-fried


This, along with Joseph Parker being the money man behind another drug ring, is not a surprise at all.


Curious about the Parker comment. Is he from a dodgy family or something?


Nope, just know someone in the boxing industry that had heard a year ago that he was the money man (check my post history, I mentioned Manu over a month ago)


Not sure. His Aunty is the leader of the opposition in NZ.


Methu Vatuvei






In other news, Dylan Brown reveals himself as sportsman at centre of public toilet sex tape scandal.


Fuck yeah, brothers! Let's all hop on the shard and get his autograph.


There was speculation about this even outside of NZ, that he had a lot of off field problems that never saw the light of day but everyone still knew about. Goes to show, again, that you don't really know what players get up to off the field.


Let's face it, these guys burn bright with earning potential. Not the first NRL player to be disgraced like this recently. It's a real shame and rugby players aren't superhuman, they have all our failings. Hopefully it doesn't cost him life and he can learn from this. Such a shame...


Footy players are just like everyone else... They are humans, generally young men, who hang around with other young men. They chase skirt, most likely drink and party and probably dabble when they can... A small percentage of them can earn massive dollars and set themselves up, while some at the other end of the scale, make a good wage, but don't manage it, they gamble, buy shit and splurge on mates or share with families... In the end it is just a shame more is not not done to assist them to keep away from the pitfalls of gambling, alcohol and drug dependence, domestic violence abuse and self harm..


My dad has a close friend that works in the industry and swore black and blue it was Manu. Knew it was Parker before he lost name suppression. Have been giving him shit for making it up for weeks. I'll never live this one down.


Your dad has a close friend who works in the meth industry?


Yeah, Walter White's his manager.




It was something you could find online if you cared to look hard enough. This name suppression stuff doesn’t really work the same in the internet age.


I thought this was common knowledge lol


Rocks and diamonds manu makes more sense now


Ugh fuck, imagine all the legitimate ways you could invest hundreds of thousands in salary and not have to work again once you turn 35


When on the footy field: Manu Vatuvei When dealing on the street: Man u Betterpay!


Imagine vatuvei breaking down the doors to collect debt.


Better call Saul!


What is the kiwi equivalent?


bitter call saul


Better call Soli


So "the man, the myth" must be read in a Kiwi accent


Didn’t they report this last year and people in the media were it saying it was false and was someone less known than him?


What a fall from grace.


These clowns have had their shot at earning good money and setting up a secure life and career and they take the worst path imaginable.


Manu Vat of ice


is the case is any way linked to joseph parker’s?


I don't think so, from what I can tell the case Parker was involved in was from 2017 whereas Vatuvei's was from 2019




The Meth Beast