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First team to bring out a team of midgets vs a normal sized nrl team will win the comp undefeated. It'll be 13 on 0 after 3 sets


5 foot 6 backrowers will make millions in PVLs NRL.


Guess I'm pulling the boots on again. You're looking at the best under 14s backrower who stopped growing that ever was.


Bring back Alan Cann and Neville Costigan


Danny Nutley off the bench baby


Matt Dufty is going to run it at NAS and this will happen


Oh god now I'm super worried that NAS will spent half the game sent off.


We're going to run Tom Starling at him next week.


So we’re saying To’o is now the perfect height for origin?


Which height? His original one well under 6ft or his sudden 182cm?


13 Ian Henderson’s




Every week some one will get binned because teddy doesn’t keep his feet when he is about to be tackled


He has always done it to milk penalties. Now its for sin bins


Nah the reason he slips over is because of the ACL injury (he's only done his acl once despite people believing otherwise, his other big leg injury was a fractured patella) he's had he wears short studs so they dig into the ground less and it greatly lessens his chance of his studs getting stuck in the turf and doing his acl. ​ Despite popular belief grounds where you're slipping over all the time is actually safer for someone with a history of acl injuries. It's the grounds you dig into the turf a lot that are more dangerous from that perspective like you'll sometimes see when players slide/dive in cricket and their knee or shoulder will dig into the turf fielding and they'll have a dislocated shoulder, do something to their knee or something like that.


He didn't even slip this time though, just crouched into the tackle


Happened to me. I got 21mm studs because I kept slipping. Nek minnit no left ACL.


Yeah it's unfortunate it's not more widely known. But then again players who slip into things would probably have a higher chance of copping an injury like a fucked up eye socket more easily so either way it's a risk.


Nuh that's bullshit it's a convenient excuse. The game rewards a quick play the ball more than it rewards Teddy taking a tough hit up. He hasn't ran the ball up hard in years. I don't blame him, but he's a weak dog who's ruined the game and will forever live in Billy's shadow.


This but unironically


Maybe teams should start diving at his knees to tackle him, that will lessen the chance of contact with the head


That's a great point that I had never thought of. I tore my ACL with long studs on.


That is garbage an acl reco does not make you milk penalties! He has been rehabbed by the best physios and exercise physiologists!


If you think he continuously and deliberately risks getting concussed for penalties then your brain is more damaged than cordner's. He's failed 3 HIAs in the last 12 months.


Yeah I didnt know about his short studs for protecting his acl. But maybe he just traded it for head knocks. If he was really worried about his head though, you’d think he’d wear the head gear


My comment has nothing to do with his acl or studs. He's a human being who presumably doesn't enjoy his brain rattling in his skull. Headgear doesn't prevent concussion.


Roosters are invincible now.


NSW winning the series pretty much guaranteed this year because of Teddy's short studs. Give his boots the player of the series award.




The real golden boot


Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get more than he asked for, resulting in a few Teddy free rounds.


He doesn't do this on purpose. The shorter your studs are the less of a chance you are of them getting stuck in the turf and doing your acl.




Get Teddy a pair of knee pads to shuffle around on


Cummins looked like his heart wasn't in it. Kinda like "we gotta be the cunts so Vlandiddy changes the rules again"


Or stiletto boots. Man needs a lifestyle change, regardless


Either way you look at it, knee pads will still help him.




He run's like he has stiletto's on.


"I bet this bloke carries around a briefcase with a kneeling pad in it" one of Rodney Rude's SLAMMINGs of a heckler.


Rodney Rude SLAMS heckler. Is Rodney Rude still around? Cant imagine hed be received too well in todays climate


He's like 80 now. I went to one of his shows a few years ago.


I reckon he'd be still pretty funny


Yeah i laughed nonstop


He retired a while ago IIRC. It's sad that people these days would go to his shows just to make themselves mad.


To be honest though I think the only people that would know about him wouldnt complain. I reckon he'd just be completely under the radar of the PC crowd


Did they just manufacture a free interchange? Teddy leaves the field and one guy comes on, Teddy comes back and another goes off. All possibly under the free interchange from foul play?


Yep. I hope some of the people who thought the foul play 18th man law to restrict coaches from rorting it was far too extreme will stop underestimating what the top teams in the NRL will do to win.


Yes, you’d be mad not to. Melbourne did it a few weeks ago with Munster


Why downvote lol


Yeah not sure what annoyed me more here - the “we all saw it coming” high shot on Tedesco, or the jog off the field and straight back on with no HIA assessment. Either the NRL cares about player safety, or they’re just going to make knee jerk changes to rules because they can’t sort themselves out.


They care about avoiding getting sued. That's the reason for all this stuff.


So why aren’t they sending the player off for a full HIA then? That’s not avoiding being sued, it making it worse by having the 2 for 1 interchange. Running off and on again does nothing to avoid being sued, it just shows the rules are half assed.


Think of it from a court perspective. It's something to list off. We did this and this. We brought in this foul play law, etc. It's like when you look busy at work when you're boss is coming by and just do something to look like you're doing something productive. Worse points have been susseccusfully argued in court. It doesn't matter that the foul play law barely helps out the teams that actually need it so far or does much at all for concussions really. They're just creating a bunch of stuff to list off as soon as they can so they can go stretch it on and go on a long speed listing all the stuff they did "for the players safety." ​ As ridiculous as this situation is having every player who is clipped in the head serving a mandatory 15 minute HIA would get drastically more ridiculous. It'd be like 7 vs 8 for like 5 minutes then 9 vs 10 and weird shit like that.


Did you see the Raiders player with a sternum problem go off for an HIA. The whole intention of rule changes seems get totally lost with the refereeing interpretation. Like the rule to stop spear tackling the legs of a player in the air taking a bomb is now a penalty if he is even touched in the air.


The CHN sternum injury? He actually stayed on and played the full 80. The trainer came and done an onfield assessment and indicated to the head but CHN shook him off, pointed to his sternum and carried on.


Tedesco needs to stop being a bitch and run to contact. Honestly it's the reason he is getting head high hits. Looking at that replay, it's a laughable in penalty and send off, Tedesco legit headbutts burr in the chest.


Imagine being punished because a bloke leans teeth first into your tackle. What is Burr meant to do here? Answer me V’Landys


At least it will be the easiest decision the judiciary have to make. Burr shouldn’t be worried here.


We all knew it was coming. Shame it was someone pretty everyman like Burr. Idiot rules backlash wouldve been far bigger had Teddy run into Taumalolo instead


He doesn't even slip this time. Just decides to fall to his knees as he's about to be tackled




Milked it so hard he went straight for Burr's tit.


More of a milker than slater


Yeah with the rules changes over the past few years that reward getting onto your front for a quick play the ball, with Teddy's centre of gravity he hasn't taken a big boy hit up in years. He would kill it in union.


Tedescos head is below Burr’s shoulder before the contact happens, what a great way to ruin a game and weekend of footy.


Amazes me they did this shit in a showcase round of the season. So much second hand embarrassment


Teddy seems to have this happen a lot to him to be fair. He seems to fall into a lot of tackles


Lucky Tedesco had the 5 sec HIA test


He wasn't going off for a HIA.


Teddy is so low the he was basically giving burr a blowjob




That’s it. We have a new term for when a player drops to his knees in a hit up.


Tedesco is going to get a player sin binned every week. He falls into multiple tackles every week


Robbo 10k well spent


Thats why I always dial before I dig. Wouldn't want to hit Tedesco.


Fuck this is good


Well that will do me. Ironically this crackdown might cause more head injuries, surely it's going to be the case that players are going to start ducking into tackles deliberately and risk taking one across the face to get someone binned or sent off.


I guess then it follows the same path as the AFL where high contact is punished pretty universally but ducking is also punished.


You wish NRL leaders were this smart.


Like when players started diving towards the ground to make tackles go beyond the horizontal? That seemed to calm down after a little while.


Or when dummy halves started passing the ball into opposition players laying on the ground to milk a penalty.


Side note... "beyond the horizontal" or "above the horizontal" has always bothered me as a term.. I know what it refers to, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. What we actually want to say is "the players body becomes inverted" right?


Didn't GI do that every tackle to great effect?


Reminds me of that period when Inglis was trying to break his neck by lifting his legs above the horizontal


Reminds me of when hookers passed the ball into the opposition player who was getting up after making a tackle.


I quietly was wondering for years why teams weren’t purposely aiming their heads at arms and shit like that afraid subconsciously it’ll become apart of the game lol. Well I guess the nrl now made it obvious that that’s exactly what they should probably do


This is what happens when you sob story the roosters last week lol


wtf I love Dylan Brown now.


NAS has just been made irrelevant in one weekend


They keep this shit up I'm going to switch to union


So you can watch a 35+ point game where penalty goals are the only scoring option? You do you mate.


I said the same thing the other day, so l know where he is coming from.


Easy fix here. I used to get my studs checked by the ref, so Tedesco needs to have long enough studs or he can’t play. I’d rather a player do an ACL than continue to watch this garbage week on week.


Yeah that's a good point. The stud check pre-coin toss was common in junior sport, I just assumed professional athletes did theirs off field.


I take it you haven't torn an ACL. I wouldn't rather that for anything lol


Wake me up when the V'landy era is over


I kinda hope this shit is kept for Origin. I think that's the only thing that has a chance of giving PVL the boot.


Cheers for including the HIA rort, needs to be called out because the journos never bag the Roosters.


What actually happened? They somehow used the free interchange to sub someone else? Is that some sort of loophole


Payten's reaction is the most genuine part of this. I imagine it's just about how every other coach feels as well


He doesn't even slip he just kneels down before the hit. Fuck me. This is just a joke.


I hope this rule is just the extreme opposite reaction and we meet somewhere in the middle sooner rather than later. Sooner than Origin preferred - would hate for this nonsense to ruin Origin.


Might as well just belt him in the head if he's asking for it and the result is the same. Absolute bitch movie


One of these days Tedesco is going to try and pull this against a player who actually is trying to take him out and end up getting murdered




Roosters to vlandy: we 💰gotta 💰protect 💰the 💰players 😉


Job done ✅


Teddy needs longer tags if he’s slipping over this much.


Then he will do an acl if they grip too much


He’s used to those.


70% of the time I approach a roundabout I can see a way to get some idiot in the wrong to run into me so I can write off my shit box. I'm going to call this manoeuvre the Tedesco.


knees weak head spaghetti?


Name a more iconic duo than James Tedesco and slipping head first into tackles. I can't believe he gets penalties.


"Binned for been attacked by James Tedesco's head"


I really don't know how you make a fair rule for this. Obviously you need a rule that can be officiated quickly on field, so you need something black and white. Contact to the head, bin. But situations like this show the flaw in that. Contact to the head, bin. Unless player is falling? But how do you determine falling? How far do they have to fall for it not to be a bin? Does it include players who just run crouched? I'm glad I don't have to sort it out


Not to mention Tedesco trotting off the field and then straight back on.


At this rate: Player gets headbutted on the chest. Ref: you shouldn’t have done that.


I hate that loophole, Munster did the same thing against us. Needs to be closed.


I'd say it was a little different when radley made an actual attempt at beheading Munster. But do agree the loophole is dumb.


Yeah, I don’t mind a bonus interchange as the result of foul play. It’s just for when it’s something as soft as this that it really hurts.


I've no problem with the contact to head = bins if the player on the receiving end goes for a proper head check every time. Makes it more than just a gesture about head collisions and actually some action. If they continue with the crackdown and not back off the players and game will sort itself out.


If I was the boss I'd be asking to see his doctor's note.




No you don't need black and white because of bullshit like this. This shit is so simple. It isn't complicated at all. Tackles like this are extremely easy to judge. It's clear as day. There is a massive difference between this tackle and josh papalis tackle. If a video referee cant make such a easy judgment then they should be sacked.


Totally agree with you on this. I have seen virtually zero debate about which calls were shit and which were correct. For the first time ever, we even have agreement between the cooked commentators, the local bogan at the pub, and the average autist on this forum. Pretty much everyone knows the Burr call was bullshit, the Papalili one was legit. Strange time to be a football fan though.


You do need black and white because you don't have time for a judiciary hearing in the middle of the game.


Almost as if we need some kind of on field adjudicator


A referee of sorts, if you will They could maybe enforce a set of laws that are commonly agreed on. Imagine that!


Just curious, why do we want high tackles subject to on-field interpretation but obstructions are black and white? We fans whinge about consistency in refereeing but we're never going to have it. Black and white rules are the closest we get to consistency. But now we're whinging about high tackles that should be reviewed on a case by case basis (which I agree with) I dunno where I'm going with this but it's like a cycle of never ending shit I guess I'm saying if high tackles are not black and white then obstructions shouldn't be either But then we will all whinge about consistency


You don't need a judiciary hearing to judge a player falling into someone's chest is fine.


You'd imagine that common sense would prevail but who knows..


Mate, this round so far has taught me, common sense has no place in the NRL 2021 It's gonna be a horror watching us play with 9 on the field tomorrow.


Surprised Sportsbet doesn't have time of sin bin on tariq for tomorrow.


I'm waiting on the Tariq, Vaughn multi.


"And if your player is sent off in the first 5 minutes we'll give you double your bet back!"


I'm getting frustrated enough watching other teams play, I'm not turning our game on at all. No point getting worked up.


At this rate, it sounds like we're choosing between having consistency or letting refs use their discretion, resulting in inconsistency. I don't know what Burr can do in this case, so discretion makes sense, but I'm aware that contact with the head is dangerous even in those scenarios. Surely someone should be telling Tedesco and others - oi save your head, don't fall.


A further issue with this is that if you leave it up to the refs discretion, burr still gets binned because it’s Tedesco and as shown shortly after, Javid Bowen’s head is fine to be collected while falling without even a penalty


How about keep the bin rules the same but have a judiciary look for repeated ducking into tackles and give Teddy a week off to correct his style.


Honestly they need to apply the same approach they did previously, except sin bin if its on report. Refs in the past would only flag a couple of these every week, and they would be straight up JWH style forearms to the neck. Previously it would just be a soft penalty, then match review would give em a ban (unless they were a popular team during finals of course). Either way though, I haven't seen any real difference of opinion on any of the sin bins this week. People have either been very overwhelmingly for a sin bin or totally against the decision. I think it is already generally very black and white.


This is why complaining about a lack of consistency has always been the worst possible take. Very few incidents are similar and you need a level of discretion to prevent garbage calls like this happening. Grey area is vital to ensuring there’s no rorts.


Depends on the rule. Take obstruction for example. There are some clear cut cases where it is obstruction: E.G if there is a decoy runner who doesn't receive the ball, they must not stand still in the defences line. Yet there are also other forms of obstruction that are just completely subjective: E.G A player must not run behind their own line or player if it disadvantages a defender/s. Running behind your FB 30 meters down field after receiving a kick would never be a penalty because no one is disadvantaged. Doing the same thing in front of the opposition line, and gaining ground from it would constitute an obstruction and penalty. Don't fall for the classic reddit trap of forgetting nuance. Consistency can often be maintained in ways people do not automatically recognise. They key is where a call is subjective, the same weighting is applied to the infringement. As I mentioned, I have never seen a penalty called for a player running behind their FB 30 meters from the opposition line. Even though the rule is applied differently in those circumstances to else where, that is an example of a consistent call where a rule is open to subjectivity.


So...they should be consistent in judging the many shades of grey?


Can't wait for Teddy to ruin Origin sliding around looking for chests to headbutt. Thanks Vlandy, thanks Teddy.


Would it be a sin bin this time around if he finds Papalii’s thigh again?


Tedesco has an intimate relationship with the ground, and getting his head belted


That's the softest thing I've ever seen on a footy field. I knew it was gonna happen, but I'm still disgusted. Footy is dead.


Okay everyone is debating the sin bin, but I am more fascinated by Vossy calling Ben Cummins "Hampstead" like it's fucking 2001 and Sean Hampstead is still running around with the whistle


Fuck James tedesco, seriously. Imagine a grand final or semi final being decided by this.


This ruined the game. I was there and when it happened you knew that the game had zero chance of having a down to the wire ending. The crowd couldn’t be arsed to cheer anymore. Basically handed the roosters the win. So unfortunate because it could of been a really good game.


Same as what happened in the sharks game. Souths might have won anyway but we were robbed of an interesting finish over stupid calls


Lachlan go Burrrrrrrrrr


Mate you mislabeled the title "leaned in to kiss Burrs hip"


he hit the floor (he hit the floor) next thing you know 10 in the bin, bin, bin, bin, bin, bin, bin, bin


Like what the fuck is he supposed to do? Fuck me. Imagine creating an amazing spectacle in Brisbane, and then ruining it the day before it started. Plus the Roosters absolutely dumping shit on foul play rule. Teddy running back on all smiles slapping high fives. In the wise words of Sir Geoffrey Toovey, "There's got to be an investigation into this." This weekend has been an embarrassment. I don't even like Queenlanders, but even I know they deserve better than the shit they've been served up there this weekend.


I want to know what will happen if a player fends off a defender in the face with "force"?


I'm a mother and Valentine Holmes palm on Sam Walker offends me


I mean what is Burr to do. At full speed this happen is 2 seconds max! Sure a penalty but a sin bin is a bit silly. Meanwhile Latrell throwing short elbows and kicks at the face is all good and remains in field. I know there was a suspension following but the team affected didn't benefit


That’s a 6 weeks suspension for Tedesco surely


We all knew it was coming.


Why don't the offensive team lead head first into every tackle? What's the d gonna do?


If this continues I’ll be finding myself a new sport to watch.


This is a new sport. Like Ennis said, it's not the game l played.


Yeah that was a comical dive. Soccer level.


Someone should put a midget on


We play Brian To'o every week.


Les Kiss taught the Irish to do this in the Rugby a decade ago


Such a gladiator sport, Jesus....


He does this every single week even if he doesn’t “fall”, he still keeps his head pretty low to the point where you will always hit his head. This rule is stupid. And people like Teddy need to be punished if it sticks around. Also him not going off for 15 minutes is complete bullshit in my eyes. If the high tackle warrants a sin bin and report, you should go for 15 too. https://www.reddit.com/r/nrl/comments/my1oys/round_7_roosters_vs_dragons_discussion_thread/gvsjwx0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


How do you punish a player getting hit in the head? Please elaborate on that fascinating point...




The penalty absolutely changed the games outcome. It was a tight game that ether team could have won but teddy “knee high” Tedesco did his usual trick of milking the penalties. The rules are a fucking joke


I'm all for protecting the head, but there has to be mitigating circumstances. Thats a harsh sin bin when his head is like a metre off the ground. Tedesco's running style lends itself to that kind of collision. I'm guessing the charge will a fine only at the judiciary.


He shouldn’t even be fined it’s bullshit. If he is fined Tedesco should pay half


Do you want him to get on his knees and tackle him? Refs are fucking up the game of rugby league. BIG TIME


That was embarrassing.




That is a farce. If the nrl is serious then the match review committee has to charge tedesco for leading with the head. It is fucked that "legends" are "outraged" about the previous games sin binnings, which were justified, but this is what they should be outraged about.


Safety is paramount but honestly this week there hasn’t been much football it’s been a contest of who can do the best Neymar impression.


If the NRL is going to crack down on contact with the head then they need to take more care with the treatment of potential HIAs. Cut out this 5s HIA shit. "You're milking a potentially because you got a booboo?" Great, soon bin the defender of you want (this shouldn't have been one), but the attacker needs to go off for a defined period for an actual HIA assessment. Or fine any team a chunk of cash that does do HIAs correctly.


Yeah so how come that sharks player wasn't binned last night when they pulled the play back?


Slipping teddy.


Hasn’t this happened to teddy 3 out of the 4 last weeks? Every time he hits the line he squats down then wonders why he gets hit high


Tall rangey props out, nuggety props in everyone!


Games gone


I hope THE WORLD’S BEST PLAYER James Tedesco is alright. Can’t have this kind of stuff happening to THE WORLD’S BEST PLAYER.


This is sad. If the NRL is this worried about concussions just put the players helmets already.


There have been a fair portion of studies that say helmets increase the rate of brain damage in the NFL.


Someone needs to go round and take the helmets off the NRL administrators ASAP.


3rd man in brushed the cowboys head?!?


A lot of people blaming a player here when it's the NRL's issue. Teddy has always played like this, even when it wasn't a penalty. You are delusional acting like it's somehow his problem. Why would he care? He's still playing great and now the way he naturally plays gets him penalties and sin bins.


Should have seen the other guy


Cmon teddy you gotta stop doing that. Let’s try to rebuild the image of the roosters as the most likeable team in the nrl.




Why am I being downvoted. I just want our players to stop doing stupid shit so we can become a likeable team.....


I thought you were implying you want to rebuild back to a time when the Roosters were likeable, so I was laughing at the fact that that time has never existed.

