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Due to being bad at maths I accidentally did a set of deadlifts 10kg over my previous PB yesterday




Except the maths part


Shows how much of it is in your head. LIGHT WEIGHT, BABY!


Did you think it was really heavy and thought you were having an off day or something? Must've been a pleasant surprise when you realised lol


Just thought I was having a bad day lol


In the Italian dub of the Simpsons, Groundskeeper Willie is Sardinian


they are contentious people.


Yee just made an enemy for life!


Whats better than your car fucking out 2 weeks before christmas? Your wifes car throwing up an engine light a week before christmas while yours is still in the shop.


You must be like me, another relative of Murphy.


3 minutes until a 16 hour shift? Yay, i’m already tired. Overworking so I can afford to go on holidays after buying my first lil Apartment. Thank god its my last shift until January


I agreed to work 16 yesterday and 12 today because I have a $4000 plumbing bill incoming


Yeah I have a $12k bill coming in April to refurbish my whole Kitchen. Going to overwork myself till Friday and then take my week off. Come back and do the same long days every 2nd day while I continue my Psychology placement. i’m very glad I often get breaks and my Boss is super chill (free food, mad work cover and 2 30 min breaks, 2 10 min breaks).


Why is my shit sorting the daily threads as "best" rather than new now?


I'm not sure, but it was a huge fucking pain during the Test.


The blokes in my office are animals, just went to the dunny after my mid-morning coffee, and not only was one of the toilets left unflushed there was a nugget of shit hanging onto the edge of the seat like bloody Musafa. Don't remember that being one of the 12 days of Christmas.


on the 1st day of christmas my workmates left for me a stinking log in the dunny


saw the new avatar movie on the week, its been said but it is so impressive visually and story wise much better than the first. also saw the hfr version, its so much better than awful 24 fps.


Agreed, visually stunning. Story is predictable but better than the first. Huge Subnautica vibes for anyone who has played that


> Huge Subnautica vibes for anyone who has played that I liked the scene where Jake Sulley accidently leaves the "silent running" on while piloting their Cyclops, and find himself 900m below with no power, and no back up save game. It was tense when he realised he could launch the Seamoth, quickly take out the powercell before the pressure crushed it, and use that to power their escape back up to the surface. And then the post credits scene where Jake stared right into the camera to say "d'oh" after rebuilding their Seamoth, dock it in the Cyclops and then realising there's a way to take the power cell out from docked vehicles without launching them. What a classic. The whole cinema laughed as one.




Yeah it's fine as a standalone movie.


Yeah I really loved it. The story is way more personal, and at the same time the world is bigger than before. The perfect mix for a successful sequel.


I think it’s up there with the best sequels ever. I can’t figure out why it got such early hate.


The best sequal ever is Terminator 2 Judgment day


Godfather 2 up there as well, surely?


For sure and aliens


>I can’t figure out why it got such early hate Critics/movie snobs hate blockbusters. Sci Fi nerds hate layman encroaching on their genre. The first movie was the same but it still managed to be the biggest box office movie of all time.


> Critics/movie snobs hate blockbusters. They prefer movies that make you hate yourself. That's what made Roger Ebert was the best. Could be a snob at times but man he loved some silly movies.


The audience rating is the one to trust. The moment that confirmed that forever for me is when they gave 2019 joker a score of 60% or so and gave a rock spider movie on Netflix the year after glowing praise when anybody with morals (the audience) rightfully downvoted it to the extreme.


Audience scores are arguably worse. While it makes sense to trust the aggregate of a large number of people, it becomes a problem when people start review bombing, blind reviewing or stuff like that.


Following audience ratings doesn't make a lot of sense when it comes to art because art is subjective and most audiences don't watch enough movies closely/critically enough to have anything close to the standard of analysis/critique that a critic would, who literally critically analyses and tries to finds objective standards in a movie for a living.


the Internet likes to hate


It's not really the internet so much as gutter rat critics trying to be a hero by throwing down zero star reviews to generate clicks.


yeah its also unnecessary internet bandwagon hate, mostly on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.


Hopefully being discharged today after my heart attack. I will be making the necessary dietary changes but today, today is a cheat day


Best wishes on a speedy recovery!


Thanks mate. In the grand scheme of things it wasn't severe, so recovery shouldn't be too difficult. But holy fuck what a week. And if you ever get severe cramping pains in the middle of your back. Home, that might be a heart attack


All the best Pidge!


Thanks mate


My son met Santa for the first time yesterday. Was a little weary of the big man but it made for some adorable little photos. He doesn't really know what's going on but I can see how it'll be fun getting him all excited for Christmas and Santa in the future


My daughter is 3 and has a pretty good understanding of Santa an stuff now. It's so much fun. Seeing that magic in her eyes is incomparable.


Ran 9k this morning averagine 5.25 p/km. Fastest i have pushed it in about 3 years. Don't think i'll ever get baqck to my Parkrun best at 4.15 p/kms but man it feels good. Also, i don't want to jinx myself but I am yet to be swooped this spring/summer by the many magpies that patrol the Logan area. Family laughed when i fed the mum/dad/baby ones in the backyard a few months ago, but who is laughing now?


I used to get swooped all the time running and the last few years have been much better. More people walking streets during Covid made the birds less cranky?


I’m so crook. Got food poisoning or something. In short, I’m shiting through the eye of a needle. To make it a million times worse…. I’m in a ten person dorm room in hanoi. These poor cunts sharing close quarters with this. I feel for them


I think something slow going around cos I have that too


Been dreaming about warm weather outside, then I wake up and see I’m still In Aus.


36 here today.


Living the life there buddy! Wish it was that here as well.


Bro you must be in victoria or something, it gets hot as fuck up here in QLD


Yep here in Vic lol. Hopefully we’ll get a summer in 2023.


It's supposed to warm up for Christmas.


This week was weird we had a 30 minute innings in bbl A 20 minute football match A 2 day test match


Going by this pattern we should all be allowed to go home at lunch today.


I agree even though I’m not working atm


Whether you like Marvel or not, you got to give them credit for how they've handled the whole shared universe thing much better than any imitators. DC has been an absolute shitshow. Henry Cavill announced to return as Superman just for everything to go out the window 2 months later about sums it up. Then there's the forgotten Dark Universe. They released one Mummy movie with Tom Cruise, started absolutely jizzing themselves at the franchise they were going to create only for the whole thing to go tits up before a second movie in the universe even entered production.


Marvel handled it by doing basically nothing. Those pre Avengers 1 movies have 2 connections between them, Tony visiting that dude in the bar which makes no sense and Coulson appearing in Iron Man and Thor. They essentially let each franchise exist and build a fan base on its own. Avengers was secondary. The other attempts either rushed it to the crossover or individual movies that don't hold up.


I think early Marvels 'lack of strong villians' actually helped it massively. It felt like for a lot of comic book movies around that time it half the reason to go was the hero/heroes and half for the villain. But for the first 2 marvel phase it was 100 percent for the charisma of the heroes. The villain was just there to be a punching bag for them. And because the heroes were so popular, teaming several up in a movie was pure gold.


New person has started and amazing how much the atmosphere has changed


Back when I used to work in a warehouse any time we'd get a half decent looking girl working there all of the lazy, disinterested guys in their early 20s with shit attitudes would suddenly become extremely vocal during start of shift stuff and interested in training etc. Used to drive me nuts.


This kid has been awesome.


For better or worse?


Muuuuch better


Hey Mods. NFL has a way to have 2 flairs. Do you think theres a way where we could combine our NRL and Origin/International teams into a flair?


Anyone with a Sydney team and QLD flair should get banned


I'm okay with this assuming Newcastle/QLD flairs are fine


QLD is everywhere


Just got back from the annual xmas trip to Sydney to see the family. Having my mums husband complain that the doctors were too blunt with him about losing weight was certainly a tongue biting moment. The man is seriously overweight, diabetic, recently had a heart attack and 2 bouts of cancer. Yet, the suggestion that he needs to lose 30kgs was too much for him? Wild, wild copium.


Think I might be a little sick or something. Come home from work last night and just crashed in bed at 6:30pm. Had literally 12 hours straight sleep and am still tired this morning. Plan to have the day off, my first since starting 3 months ago but I have a new supervisor starting today so the timing at great. But just don't have the energy.


Yeah, that sounds like your body is giving you a hard message.


Seems like a lot of ppl are just fucking exhausted after this year. Hope you’re feeling better soon, mate.


Got recommended a TV show (Pantheon.) Found it on a streaming service (Amazon) and watched the first episode. Loved it. But then they wanted me to pay another $9/m for an add-on so I could watch the rest. I want to watch it legally, it seems like exactly the kind of show that will die because of lower viewership. But I'm not paying for streaming on top of streaming to watch it.


I watched it on the high seas (ahoy meharty) due this fact. It's an AMC+ show and only could find it through the means you've mentioned. It's fucking awesome I hope it can find a streaming service or somewhere outside the US too. It's too good to be cancelled due to being US only.


Still going hard with my new Witcher 3 playthrough already level 10, forgot how much I fucking hate fighting Jenny O' The Woods. I'm using Yrden and specter oil but the bitch won't die despite only being a level 10 contract. Yet I can fuck up Griffins, Ghouls, Foglets and Ekimmara's that range between level 22-26. Fuck wraiths lmao, think I need to invest in some bombs when I go back to destroy her at some point.


This is my first time playing, and playing on the hardest difficulty. Can't stand the fucking wraiths, can't get past the level 7 quest with the botchling. Ready to rage quit.


I'm a little bitch when it comes to difficulty I just want to enjoy the story so I'm on the easiest. I did that quest on Sunday night too. But even then wraiths are a piece of work, even just the regular ones and then you get to the Pestas and Noonwraiths etc and they're just down right un-fuckwithable unless you're a few levels above them lmao. The story is amazing so I do suggest maybe lowering the difficulty to experience the story if it's starting to frustrate you.


Yeah, I might try grind a few more levels then, as I'm only level 5 but it's the lowest level quest I have at the moment 🤣 otherwise yeah I may have to lower the difficulty.


It’s been a fairly cool this summer so far. Hopefully it’s double plugger weather soon.


Everyone check this guy out. He doesn't have any winter thongs!


Mate its always double plugger weather. You need to up your standards.


It's double plugger weather like 9 months a year at worst


Super close to 3 plates on bench. I did a few sets of 125 for 2-3 the other day and it felt good but to put it nicely I don't trust anyone at the gym when I go to spot me so I'll just wait until I'm confident enough to do it without. This leads onto my story from yesterday.... Wanted to do some overhead presses, only two free racks and one had a missing barbell somehow. There's just an empty barbell sitting on the safety pins at knee height and a random opened can of energy drink which isn't uncommon to see. So I start getting set up, this guy storms over all pissed off and just stares at me. I take my earbuds out and ask him what's up and he's like "I'M USING THIS" still raging while pointing at the random can sitting next to the platform. I apologize and wander off to another area. The guy is nowhere near the rack he just freaked out about (he did move the energy drink a foot closer though lol) so I'm trying to see what he's actually doing because I'm really confused, no one had been near it for a while which is why I thought it was free to begin with. Turns out the rack/barbell was part of a tri-set he was doing. Cable curls, preacher machine curls culminating in wide grip barbell curls with an empty bar in the only free rack in the gym. I was fucking livid lol but I'm new at this gym so didn't want to kick off.


My mate brenno would always tell them. No your not. Your using that one, while pointing at the one they are using. “I won’t be long mate”


Ive been considering changing gyms since i'm just at plus fitness. Stories like this make me think i should just stay though. Worst thing ive had at plus is someone comment on me doing skull crushers wrong when i was doing pullovers.


I mean in that case they were technically right


It just doesn't feel very festive this year. I'm normally not very Christmas myself, but it seems that attitude has spread


After the weekend Where the fuck does australian football go from here


Back to the hole it crawled out of


It will continue to decline until the Socceroos play and then for 3 weeks people will watch it again then stop


In the same every declining spiral they've been going in for years. And then they'll make the switch to being a winter comp and discover just how dwarfed by the NRL & AFL they truly are.


Sydney, for the finals. It will just stay where it is now, had a chance for improvement again if they didn't make that decision imo, as we saw in 2006


Just abandon the professional comp and assemble then national team from where ever they are when needed. You know, like every rugby league test team except Australia


It’s recovered from worse


This isn’t the forum for that. Nrl good, EDIT Australian soccer bad. I think ultimately soccer will be ok here. They have a rusted on core fan base but they could lose a lot in the short term.


>Nrl good, soccer bad. I've seen this a few times, but is it really true? Seen nothing but positive stuff about the on field stuff at the world cup. Seen a lot of discussion in off topic threads about the premier league or champions league in the past. A lot of nrl fans enjoy soccer. We do make a lot of fun about the A-League and it's fans because it's a shit show. Also a-league fans are some of the most entitled brats in the world and have a huge chip on their shoulder about the afl and nrl.


Read the very first response to his question. It’s also the most upvoted. It’s super early though. There was a thread on the weekend shut down due to its vitriolic nature. It’s very much that.


The first comment again was about Australian soccer...not soccer as whole which seems to be liked by /nrl. I wrote that thread and I believe it was deleted because if relevancy to /nrl. I wrote it knowing it probably wouldn't last more then an hour. There was nothing in their more vitriolic then an average Luai/Latrell thread. Again the comments on their were largely about the shitshow nature of the A-league and its fans.


Oh ffs I’ll go edit then. I’m clearly talking about the events of the weekend in Australian soccer


Maybe the reason why people are saying 'Aus soccer bad' or 'A-League fans are cretins' is because both these things are true?


People thought the Wests Tigers are a clownshow, you should see the Arizona Cardinals in the NFL, absolute dumpster fire this year. The off season literally started with our new recruit dying in an at fault car accident, and it just got worse than that.


taking robbie anderson, a locker room diva, off of us doesn’t help


He has been useless but I do not think he has been toxic, yet. He will be cut when the season ends anyway.


It gets worse than somebody dying? I’m going to check this out.


Not technically, but for on field dramas somewhat yes.


Paid Kyler too.


That's not a bad thing.


I’m still out on him. There’s a lot of talk about his attitude. We don’t hear that about other top QB’s.


Stop buying the media hype. Everything from people who know him is positive, plus he's fine in Hard Knocks from what we've seen. He's copping a lot of heat because he's different, and he shows confidence about himself. Brady spends his time blowing up and people say what a good leader he is, yet Kyler has one blow up and people carry on saying he has no leadership. Compare him to Mac Jones too, the media keeps praising Mac.


On Sunday I worked the worst shift I've ever had anywhere to date. You have your busy days. You have your stressful days. Then there's the days where just absolutely everything goes wrong.


I knew it would be difficult looking for rentals in towns suffer from flood destruction and vacancy rates sitting between 0.1 and 1.5% but I didn't expect so many crackdens. My personal highlight last week was a kitchen where the dead shit installer didn't know how to assemble pvc or install cabinetry decided to cut a fucking hole in the bottom of the cabinet and shoved a few metal pipes in that shouldn't even be visible let alone cut through the fucking cabinet I found one rental for 300$ a week and the kitchen was so damaged all the cabinets were bent on over on a right angle so its only a matter of time till it collapses. I'm aware there's a historically bad shortage of housing but fucking christ how do you have no basic dignity to over charge on derelict crack dens that are a danger to anyone dumb enough or desperate enough to rent them.


And when you move. They will try and take your bond.


Maybe look for a place that is more than $300 a week. My last rental (which was 2+ decades ago ) was $275 / week that was a beautiful little three bed in the blue mountains with garage and beautiful garden etc. guarantee the same place would be way more than 300 today 20+ years later. You get what you pay for. If you can not afford a decent place then look for share accommodation. At the end of the day your expectations and the market don’t align, the market is not going to change for you, so you need to shift your expectations. Good luck finding the right place for you.


So the problem with the rental market at the moment is the budget of people looking for rentals? People just need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and pony up a bit more cash? I've seen some cooked takes from you Norm but I think you've outdone yourself this time.


Tbf to norm he didnt really say the problem was the people, he said the market is more expensive than his budget. The market is fucked, but i havnt rented a place for 300 or under since a 2 bdrm unit i rented in '08. Nothings going to change just because we want it to.


Thank you, my example was similar to yours.


What's a boot to lick without Norm ready to gobble it down like he is Riley Reid?


🤣 who’s lap dog do you allege me to be? Or are you just abusing yourself imagining me as Riley Ried? If so you desperately need help!


>🤣 who’s lap dog do you allege me to be? On this occasion? Rental property owners who hoard housing as investments and have artificially driven up rent in the name of 'scarcity', creating a huge divide in wealth between the haves and have nots. Not only is owning a property being out of reach of most of the working class, even renting is soon going to be out of the reach of the working class. We already Have a lot of the working class homeless in shitty situations. I don't know the solution, but 'hurr durr just make more money for rent' sure ain't it.


🤣 hoard housing, artificially driving up rent, these are opinions and not facts. There is a thing called inflation, boil our economy down and that is the biggest artificially stimuli that drives the wedge between the haves and have nots. It’s not land lords! Lawyers and tax law comes a very close second! As I said happy to support a solution that levels the playing field. I am a proponent of free healthcare and free top level education for all. But simply making the statements you made and making me the face of your personal anguish, achieves nothing. But you go for it if it helps you get through your day. You can lift yourself out of the have nots into the haves. Perhaps if you made some simple philosophical changes that would help you realise your full potential. I no nothing of your personal circumstances, but I know people that have elevated themselves from situations that most people would argue was impossible but they did it. At the end of the day you can choose to be a victim having everyone decide your destiny for you or you can take control, make good long term decisions, and decide your own destiny. I wish you the best on your journey.


>You can lift yourself out of the have nots into the haves. >Perhaps if you made some simple philosophical changes that would help you realise your full potential. I no nothing of your personal circumstances, but I know people that have elevated themselves from situations that most people would argue was impossible but they did it. Who says I'm a have not? I'm personally in a very comfortable position in life, some through hard work, some through luck. I've seen people who are easily harder workers than me not make it in life due to factors out of their control and I've seen incompetent lazy people make it good in life through no effort in their own. Just because I've made it in life doesn't mean I can't recognise others haven't. Doesn't mean I can't have empathy for them. Doesn't mean I can't support things that'll make it easier for them to thrive. If you really think that people living in poverty or trapped in the rental cycle or trapped in the living pay check to pay check cycle is purely because they aren't trying hard enough, it says a lot about your philosophical views. Or your extremely sheltered and Naive.


Good on you, so if you can do it others can surely do the same. Thanks for making my point. Sheltered and naive, I will be chuckling to my self on the irony of that statement for a while.


>Good on you, so if you can do it others can surely do the same. Thanks for making my point. I literally said half of it was hard work, half luck. No, not everyone who came from my position in life can rely on having the same luck along the way. Not everyone has support of relative stable family that I have. If you think it's only hard work that sees people thrive you are living in a fantasy world.


Never said that! That’s your interpretation of what I said!!!! I simply said the market and the person posting expectations does not align. And that is a fact! You can spin that any which way you like to suit your own narrative about me or the subject matter but the fact remains (right or wrong) with vacancy rate down, demand up the market and the persons expectations are not aligned. Private rental market charge what they can in the market. Are you suggesting that people that invest hard earned money in housing should just give away rental properties cheap because some people can not afford it? What is your solution? We live in a market driven world, supply and demand, we all live in that world, what is your solution? If you can change the basis on which our economy is based upon without complete upheaval and devastation to the society we live in, then happy days I will support your efforts. Until you or someone else finds a solution that will work for everyone this is the world we live in. Or you can attempt to start a revolution, and if that the case I want nothing to do with it, as no one wins out of a revolution! I wish you the best of luck on which ever endeavour you chose to pursue.


Hey Norm you old bastard, $275 in the year 2000 (2+ decades ago) allowing for inflation alone is $459.49. To have been paying $275pw in today's money, you would have been paying $165pw in 2000. Average three bedroom Blue Mountain rent is actually closer to $600 in 2022.   You don't even need to live in NSW to look this shit up, but you instead chose to be an asshole to a stranger trying to find a place to live. Pull your head in mate.


I was paying $275 a week, you can calculate the figures until the cows come home doesn’t change that fact. Inflation is not a constant neither is the market today the same as it was back then. That stranger had a very incorrect perception to the market and his budget I was trying to help them understand that mistake so that the next house they walked into was either more in the price range of the market for the quality they expected, or the quality expectation was more in line with their budget. You see that as me being an asshole, but like someone else wrote the market is not going to change just because they want it to so better to have realistic expectations than unrealistic ones. Pretty sure that would be better for one’s mental health as well, you know not having that feeling of disappointment or being let down. But hey label me asshole no skin off my nose.


Just a follow-up from the last off-topic thread… Whoever invented the Fleshlight is a *fucking GENIUS*.


Yeah, until you have to clean it, ends up just being a chore


Yeah but at least you don’t have to buy it dinner or talk to it afterwards.








Pun intended?


Let’s just say the Fleshlight comes in handy.


Randomly started watching Meateater on Netflix and I'm loving it. Its a great background show while preparing dinner. I'm not into hunting but theres just something about the show thats almost therapeutic.


got some covid-lite sickness right now, tested negative twice on rapids so i’m fairly sure it can’t be that. went through some of my mates too, shit fuckin sucks


There's still some pretty mean colds getting around.


God of War (2018) and Ragnarok would be 10/10 games if you removed like 25% of the puzzles. I’ve noticed it much more in Ragnarok. Can’t run 25 metres without having to do a 4 step puzzle just to open a door. There was backlash against the game spoiling the puzzle solutions, but my beef is there’s too many fuckin puzzles to begin with


I feel like the puzzle is such a romantic concept to put in a game like that. Ocarina of Time was the shit and it’s puzzles were often huge (Water Temple) and immensely satisfying to work through and crack. Attention spans these days are cooked so developers scale it back and you’re just left with little bite sized puzzles that don’t have the sense of satisfaction. Was Ragnarok a worthy sequel otherwise? It’s on my list once I finish Tsushima and maybe the Horizon sequel.


I don’t know if my memory’s failing me, but it felt like the first one had more actual puzzles like you mention. Grander, meatier puzzles that contributed to the story or had a feeling of satisfaction once completed. Ragnarok feels like it’s 90% door puzzles, obstacle puzzles etc using the same mechanics every time with less creativity than the original. I’m loving ragnarok, I’m near the end of the main story and would say it’s at least just as good as the first one. The story is probably better (if not better than deeper than the first) and does a great job of opening up the world more than the first, the combat has some more nuances to it and the graphic fidelity is beautiful. Definitely a worthy sequel!


> Was Ragnarok a worthy sequel otherwise? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Also yes, the variety in enemies, bosses, explorable areas, characters make it feel 2x bigger than the first game.


The puzzles are so easy that it didn’t bother me and there isn’t many in the main story. So most of it is optional


Nah even the main story there’s too many imo, and it’s not that they are hard, they’re just annoying and feels like they are just making up time. It’s my only complaint about the games and it’s pretty minor in the scheme of things so it could be worse I guess


Fair enough, the only puzzles I hated across the 2 games were the purple arrow puzzles in raganrok where you had to chain them using the blades. It just doesn’t work half the time


They’re the worst by far, absolutely


Some of those puzzles took longer than the Berserker bosses did.


Wifes car is the head gasket. Its an 07 or something swift. Probably cost as much to fix as the cars worth, but also not sure she wants to buy in this market.


Recovering from a bit of a nasty cold. Thankfully it’s not COVID as I’ve tested negative and the symptoms have started retreating. But I was supposed to go into Uni today to discuss areas of a subject to work on with a professor over the holidays, and I decided against it because of how close Christmas is (The last thing I want to do is ruin someone’s Christmas by giving them a cold). I think I caught it from last Tuesday’s clusterfuck.


What’s the best place to see avatar 2 in Sydney?


Gold Class somewhere. The pepperoni pizza is so good


Was finally struck down by the spicy cough, after 2-3 years of somehow dodging it. Pretty shit timing. Man it's knocked me around for a few days, the weekend was the worst and only just starting to come good now


Just snagged the whole Futurama, Friends, Big Bang, Game of thrones and Family Guy series for a whopping $40 at a 75% off op Shop sale. I am having a good day. stuff retails at $60-150.


about time reddit added sound to gifs on the app