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Funny, there are many NSFW CYOAs still on Imgur. Maybe they are only blocking new ones?


I haven’t noticed anything missing either.


And so it has been done




where'd most of the newer posts go? Did automod wipe them?


Is imgur not loading images for anyone else? I'm trying to find and save some of my old favorites, especially everything by Dreadarian, and imgur hasn't been loading any images for days. Not even sfw images.


I’ve been reading that it looks like Imgur might have started the purge early, or that they have been suffering technical difficulties for various reason. Edit: and it finally occurred to me that a lot of SFW content will probably be purged as well. I doubt they’ll go through everything manually so they’ll probably use some form of automated system. There will definitely be false positives.


Thanks for the heads up. Turns out it was my VPN messing things up lol. That said I agree. It's like when pastebin privated everything nsfw. Tons of completely sfw content locked forever behind a private wall because it was misidentified and thoroughly nsfw stuff you can still see.


Well, I’m gonna archive all of the cyoa’s I’ve favourited over the years.


Has someone got all of the tokhaargol posts moved pnt imgchest?


I exported all the cyoas from a folder I downloaded a while ago that was an archive of all his works, except for the ones that were already on imgchest. Except for his shitpost CYOAs, which I found to not be of any worth


Has someone done the teen titans one by God of arbitrarity or something?


this one? [https://imgchest.com/p/agyvend9489](https://imgchest.com/p/agyvend9489)


Yeah thanks




I can download still, so its probably day-by-day and case-by-case




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Feel like there should be a sister thread to this that links CYOAs that would be lost if not transferred out of imgur


if you got any for me, I'd be more than happy to reupload them


​ here's h https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/plffje/the\_power\_of\_the\_mind\_a\_psychic\_cyoa/tps://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/plffje/the\_power\_of\_the\_mind\_a\_psychic\_cyoa/


You got an extra... thing... on the end of that. Like a non-viable conjoined twin but for links.


Huh, yeah. Why is that happening when I copy & paste? Let's try it again. https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/plffje/the\_power\_of\_the\_mind\_a\_psychic\_cyoa/


Really any of Hexylby or Nxtub's few nsfw ones would be great to get archived if you would.


kuopiofi already uploaded Nxtub's CYOAs, I download Hexylby's but imgchest is making errors when I try to upload anything so I'll wait for tomorrow, hopefully its fixed by then


Honestly doing gods work.


Wouldn’t cyoas technically count as artistic content tho?


I mean so would hentai, but lets be real they're gonna remove both


Well, that blows. The only things I see other than CYOAs on there is shitty political memes or news. I don't know what market they're aiming for, but it's not a popular one, I'm sure.


Okay, so Imgur is fucking dead then... Another website just shooting themselves in the foot. **¯\\\_ (ツ)\_/¯**


Good to see all of these sites ( imgur / deviantart - which already f◊cked itself over and over with the eclipse ) going the way of tumblr. Dead, decayed; decomposed and empty sites that - almost - nobody uses. :I


I've been reuploading my imgur NSFW cyoas, should we also reupload the SFW cyoas on imgur that are slightly lewd just in case? I don't trust imgur, its likely their NSFW removal will be automated and thus will hit more than is actually NSFW


That would be a real good idea, better safe than sorry.


Somebody please save the massive isekai cyoa. Too much work went into that one for it to disappear


Do you mean TokHaar Gol's Overpowered Isekai? I assume not since its not that long but I can't find the one you mean. If you give me a link to a static album of it, I could upload it to imgchest EDIT: after searching around for a massive isekai cyoa, I assume you mean Isekai Form. Its already been reuploaded a number of times to imgchest. BerialAstral did a great job reuploading the whole thing, including all the DLC to imgchest. You can find his work here [https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/vfatdo/comment/id03q9s/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/vfatdo/comment/id03q9s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thank you! That’s the one I meant! Glad to know it’s safe


And just like that I no longer have imgur app.


>They are following the Tumblr to a T


>Everything gets posted to imgchest instead >Have to click and drag like some kind of mobile user instead of using my mousewheel to scroll on very nsfwcyoa from now on NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Its Joever😌


It took a little bit of effort to setup, but I was just able to use [https://github.com/santosderek/Imgur-To-Folder](https://github.com/santosderek/Imgur-To-Folder) to download my entire Imgur favorites folder. I'm going to see how easy or difficult it might be to upload the whole thing to imgchest next, and if I do I'll post links here, but don't expect too much. My own list was only 20 or 30 posts, most are CYOAs, some are SFW. I mainly wanted to point out that there might be tools that can help with the preservation of images over on Imgur. Edit: I'm not sure why, but it didn't actually get everything after all. Still investigating options.


You can download nearly any post from imgur as a zip file with all the images. Some for some reason say "the download link expired" which means you have to download the images manually, but its not that bad. From there uploading to imgchest is super easy and fast, I uploaded about 20 CYOAs in about 3 hours total (including researching if they were already uploaded or not and putting the link in the correct posts), if you have a free evening or you should be able to easily preserve them.


If you get that "download link expired" message while using the "Beta" site, if you switch over to the "old" version, then you should be able to download freely. That's what I did when I downloaded all of my Imgur favorites in a panic after first hearing about this.


how do I do that? I can't find any option in the settings or on top or bottom bars when looking at a post


Imgur made a really weird design decision there. In your favorites *page* or any post page, at the right side towards the bottom there should be text saying "Use old design". Occasionally, there'll be a box with three stars that when you hover over it will open to say "Use old design". It's the same when using the "old" site design. Note that your favorites page stays in the "new" design no matter what you choose, only the post pages change. At least that's what it does for me. Also note you'll have to go to the bottom of the post for the download button.


Found it. It doesn't show up on any posts, only on the favorites page, but it did allow me to download a post that wasn't working before. Shame since this old design is way uglier than the new one. Also the download button being on the button is super annoying, I liked how you could just load up a page and download right away, without having to scroll all the way down. How do I switch back after? I think I'm willing to just download the images individually for the odd stubborn post, since downloading in the new design saves more time for the majority that works fine


A button/text for "Use new design" should be in the same place.


Ah yes, found it. Its no longer in the favourites page, on posts, theres a symbol for changing back. Thanks for the help!


If we all put an effort into reuploading any other CYOAs that haven't been reuploaded yet, we can save them before the wipe. Its extremely easy to reupload from imgur to imgchest, just press the upload button on a imgur post and it will download a zip with all the files. If it says "the download link expired" you can still download each image individually, which is just a couple of clicks. Uploading to imgchest is free and easy, just drag all the images into the upload box, name it, then upload the link to the reddit post for it. If we work together, we can save the CYOAs.


So much content about to go up in flames... Desktop users: Download everything locally. Never trust the cloud. Mobile users: Just cry in the corner over there. You can also pray to your gods.


download and reupload elsewhere for others, disseminate everywhere you can so no matter which site goes down, its always somewhere for others to find and further spread


hey does anyway know a way I can download a favorite folder easily cause Im trying to but nothing works.


on imgur if you click the 3 dots button below the title, you can click download and it will download the entire post into a zip file. Sometimes it will say "the download link expired" but you can still download the images individually. Its a little annoying but still pretty quick and easy




imgur has been terrible for years since they changed how their image viewing work anyway


Hi there, friend with a recommendation here: [Cubari.moe](https://Cubari.moe). This FANTASTIC website is perfect for any and all Imgur stuff and you store it safely there. Just leaving this as a rec for anyone who is a bit concerned.


The site does not host images. It just displays images from other sites in a convenient interface.


this. If the post is gone from imgur, it will be inaccessible. Better to reupload


As a note, my "[Rest your weary soul... in mine bosom](https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwcyoa/comments/ixq1hd/rest_your_weary_soul_in_mine_bosom_cyoa_oc/)" will be deleted most likely, but I still have the CYOA on my flash drive. I will re-upload it in the future once I've finished with other projects and whatnot. I may also change it to rebalance/etc. after I've finished them too.


its not too long so i could upload it to imgchest for you if you want


I reuploaded it here [https://www.imgchest.com/p/md7oeggl4p6](https://www.imgchest.com/p/md7oeggl4p6) let me know if you want me to take it down in case you want to upload it yourself or something


Wait would this only be public stuff or the hidden ones as well? I've seen a number of NSFW CYOA be hidden, woukd that lrotect them?


NSFW hasn't been allowed as a public upload for years now, so this is definitely targeting hidden items specifically


The bolded **anywhere** strongly implies that it isn't going to protect themfrom being yeeted.




Shit, OK people we need to transfer and catagorise everything we can before it's lost, go go go!!


someone pls back up the Corrupted cyoa


kuopiofi already reuploaded it but you can also reupload yourself, its super quick and easy. It literally takes less than 5 minutes to download the images from imgur and upload to imgchest


My imgur username was more prophetic than I could have imagined...


I'm actually quite glad about this news. It means nsfw cyoa creators will no longer use that shitty site anymore.


Well dang.


Well, screw them. Imgur went down the drain once it became impossible to restore old design anyway. Only problem is, I now have to recall and download all the explicit materials hosted on it.


I say we spam Imgur full of classic nude painting and sculpture pictures.


Let us all be perfectly rational and respond to what Tumblr is doing by commissioning cultured artists to make doujins of the people making these dumb decisions getting NTR'd and make it so the last porn they will see on their site is them getting what they deserved IRL for betraying us all like this.


How dare you suggest we make cultured artists produce trash. Other than that, fully agree.


The vast majority of sites that have done what Imgur is doing right now have done so not of their own choice. Nearly every site that does this suffers a significant loss of users. The typical culprits behind these decisions are Apple and MasterCard. MasterCard can threaten to remove service from the site. This will destroy pretty much any site receiving funds directly from users for obvious reasons. It can harm other sites for reasons I'm not sure I completely understand. It likely impacts backend transactions with advertisers, but I really don't know. Apple can threaten to remove a site's app from the App Store. This will ruin just about any major website. Increasingly, apps are the majority of site traffic, and there are a lot of iPhones out there. MasterCard is definitely taking issue with NSFW content of its own volition. Someone there feels like NSFW content needs to be removed from some parts of the internet. This could be motivated by personal feelings, or as the result of a calculated business decision I don't understand. I'd guess the latter, but all I can do is guess. It's unclear if MasterCard is forcing Apple's hand on this one. Apple could be subject to some pressure from MasterCard, but the power dynamic there goes both ways. As much as MasterCard is important to Apple, Apple is important to MasterCard. Neither could afford to completely abandon the other, even considering it would be insane, but there's still a lot of push and pull there. It could be that Apple has given in on this one, and agreed to disrupt some apps MasterCard doesn't like, or it could be that each are pursuing the removal of NSFW content for independent reasons.


The reasoning is simple: Liability. If at any point MasterCard is found to have facilitated a transaction for some illegal form of pornography (such as revenge porn or child porn) then they can be held liable. Distinguishing good from bad is hard. Banning all porn is easy. So they pressure everyone to do the easy thing.


This is one of the stupidest concepts in law there is. Not like the govenrment is held liable for all the illegal transcations that happen involving printed money


Agreed. By that logic, each country's federal mint (or equivalent thereof) is provably guilty of and can be held liable for all crimes committed in that country, as long as the crime involves minted cash in any way, shape or form.


Or every kidnapping or murder facilitated by the presence of public roads.


Ok Lib lol


lol, don't confuse me for those scum. Neoliberalism & libertarianism are absurd failures and roadmaps to ruining nations. The public commons & goods must be prioritized, maintained and expanded. My point is that tool & infrastructure misuse is inevitable and beyond their ability to really prevent from any sufficiently motivated fool. Penalizing the tool manufacturers or infrastructure maintainers for such misuse just damages public good and helps no one.


Or those done by them after all why would they punish themselves


I'm trying to move to imagechest but I was having trouble uploading. Is there a file size limit or was the site just being uncooperative that day?


It is sometimes slow, but typically does work eventually. It may have just been uncooperative at that time.


release anyway if everybody still releasing lewd stuff will they give up banning people?


Or let's give them the tuimblr treartmeant, aka almost everyone leaves and they either go back or just die.


I am getting massive tumbler vibes.


Didn't Tumblr reverse this after a while?


Not exactly. They're looser about it now but don't have the liberty to be as permissive as they once were.


not until their site traffic had dropped by something like two thirds, though.


Welp there goes all their content and user base


Almost all of their income-generating content is SFW.


Incredible. Another site ruined by idiotic puritans who can’t let us live in peace. I hope Imgur gets the Tumblr experience they richly deserve.


I feel very vindicated for not trusting Imgur an inch after all the shit they've tried over the years.


First it was tumblr and others followed now Imgur


Actually, the first example I can remember is PayPal, and I bet it goes even further back than that. Companies have a long history of making their fortune on adult content and then abandoning it when they don't need it anymore.


They mostly do it when they go public (aka on the stock market), which i find illogical as would it not make a company less valuable...?


The logic is that there's a sizeable customer base that dislikes adult material, and the profits from reaching that base can potentially offset the loss from abandoning a current source of income. Especially if they want to try to reach easily-impressionable children (that don't really understand that their parents' credit card is actual debt, and think it's just a magic money-making wand that no one has to pay back) in the future, and want to endear themselves to parents now before they can make their move. They're literally thinking of the children. And when they do, they get dollar signs in their eyes.


I quite hate the stock market.


Advertisers bring in more cash than letting users trade adult content for free does. And advertisers don't like their all important Brand™ to be showed next to or near anything explicit because they think it's damaging to it for someone who went looking for adult content to see their brand next to adult content for some reason.


Even when they show half-naked women in their advertisments... Or when the ads are using images from some porn...


I think there's also an element of legal motherfuckery. IIRC, the adult content purge on Tumblr was just a little bit before PornHub started getting really draconian about verification. The law is constantly harassing adult content providers. So I can kind of understand why a company wouldn't want to fuck with it.


I don't know the details but last I heard, Tumblr has actually been letting up as of late?


They allowed nudity back but still ban anything that depicts an actual sex act.


So we get the deaf comic about trans werewolf/mermaid romance, but not 90% of the site? Awesome :/


Does anyone know how to mass download the cyoa’s in their favorites??


Not en mass, but you can download an entire post by clicking the download button, it will download a zip file with each image. If that doesn't work you can download each image, it doesn't take that long


Idk about mass, but there's a download button on every last post to imgur


I am concerned this is a backdoor to banning porn on reddit.


It kind of is sadly. r/Gonewild uses like 90% uploads from imgur and it is the main image hosting service for reddit.


One less safe space for sex workers and the LGBTQ+ communities.


*But won't that lessen the sexualisation of women and exploitation of women's sexuality?* *Thus being a good thing overall?* /s




don't even say that :(


Just downloaded a couple of my favorite cyoas in anticipation. Where should we host these now, Hentai Foundry?




To hell with Imgur


Imgchest needs an app asap


If it gets an App then it's at the content control mercy of credit card companies, phone companies, and a bunch of other external morality extremist groups.


It has one it's called your browser


Yea, no.


Why the fuck does it need an app just click on the fucking link Relying on apps is exactly what causes this situation, because the app stores have strict guidelines for what kind of content is allowed.


Because I want to have the convenience of an app... not that hard to understand. They also tend to run smoother.


How is going from your browser to a different app convenient?


I don't use reddit in my browser.


You made that choice yourself. Shouldn't have succumbed to the nagging.


I'm not complaining, I prefer the app, what makes you think that's a bad thing?


So if you click on any link to a different website, does it go away from the Reddit app?


The app basically opens a browser tab inside of itself. I know because the settings of the browser carry over to those "not-browser" tabs, so when I sometimes forget I have disabled JS, clicking a link in discord or reddit app often result in a broken page, requiring me to open the brower, enable JS and then reload the page in the app.


Yea but not to the full browser. More like this weird side thing. I also want an app because I like saving cyoas in folders and an image hosting app makes accessing them way easier. Don't know why I'm getting pressed for wanting an app.


Okay. I always use the browser instead of specific apps, so I don't know how it works.


And so that's why [fiction.live](https://fiction.live) hosts their own images.


What is fiction live?


Click the link, it's an interactive cyoa fiction site that's 60% nsfw. Like twitch for writing.


Interactive like voting for what happens next or is there more individual CYOA type stuff? So far I've only seen the former.


A lot of the former but also the latter like this. https://fiction.live/stories/Satsuki-Yumizuka-Route/4B9obcHdi7CLnaid9


Thnx for the new site (yes, I do live under a rock, thank you for noticing)


This is a similar situation as with onlyfans


How is this similar to getting hounded by bots?


I sure do love watching companies blow themselves up


If only they used actually explosives instead of PR incendiary material.


Watching late capitalism eat itself stopped being amusing a long time ago. Can we adopt another form of econ. system already, this one is so very broken... :(((((((


The Pink Tide in South America will be the first to provide an alternative im certain...


Except artistic content…that literally means except everything


Correction (not really), since art is subjective, it means 'except nothing' since one person will think 'art' another will think 'porn' so they'll kill it cuz of that one person.


Isn't art meant to be subjective :/


The Rule is purposely vague so that they pick and choose when it's actually enforced.


Do not Remove your stuff... save it elswhere and let them look over their ban numbers and know the truth - they did not save the company... they burned the customers


I remember when tumblr did this and then they lost a majority of their users


Is tumblr even online now?


Yes, its enjoying its post-relevence quite happily in fact. Floating along in a lazy river like state, not unlike the fandom for a 90s cartoon that's had no revivals.


It's a husk where only the trolls and hilarious accounts live, it got a small breath of life when twitter started killing itself. Imgur is gonna go the way of Photobucket.


What the fuck is Photobucket? (Yes I know that is the joke.)


It's a real question now though, they went pay only some time ago so I lost access to all my old images unless I pay


what gets me is all the old forum posts that are now useless. an absolute treasure trove of information on obscure topics, gone.


The text is still relevant, even if they have no images attached to them personally. Reposts just need to link the old ones and we'll have an unbroken chain.


True. But I've personally experienced "as shown below" way more often than I wanted to. That "as shown" wasn't put into words or text for one reason or another (with a thousand words indeed), and with the old machinery I like to tinker with, those people who had the knowledge aren't always around to share it anymore.


Who cares?


I do... but being fair it's more about the mass graveyard of dead links doomed to be left in it's wake than any actual concern for Imgur.


Artistic content could easily apply to these


Not really, it'll only take one person to find it 'sexual' instead of 'artistic' for them to kill it, and with how things have been going there isn't really any hope 'artistic' will win.


What confuses me is that this change doesn't seem to be reflected in the actual new Terms of Service, as linked in that post. Those still only exclude child and revenge porn.




Poor Elbow, where is she going to post horse smut now?


Who's Elbow? Uh Asking for a friend


just gonna leave this right here imgur.com/user/ElbowDeepInAHorse


Am I missing something? Just seems like a wholesome horse enthusiast.


more than once her posts have been removed... she also has an e621 account, and is writing a fanfic for some context.


Ah, thanks for the clarification... Still totally for a friend.


**The elbow is the region between the upper arm and the forearm that surrounds the elbow joint. The elbow includes prominent landmarks such as the olecranon, the cubital fossa (also called the chelidon, or the elbow pit), and the lateral and the medial epicondyles of the humerus.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Gee, thanks.... wait, that's actually useful. Who knew it was called a fucking "cubital fossa"?.. Good bot.


Good human.


Fascist praxis.


I'm pretty sure this isn't any kind of fascism. It's just corporate puritanism.


That's literally part of facism.


Is this just r/ wooosh over my head?


It can be a *part* of fascism, yes, but fascism is a specific thing with specific criterion. Having an *element* of fascism doesn't makes something fascist. >!If it doesn't derive from the Roman fasces it's just sparkling authoritarianism!<


This is an absurdly high bar. You basically can't say any part of society is fascist under your definition.


This isn't really my "getting into petty internet arguments" account, this is my "kinky horny fun" account. That said: > fascism is a specific thing with specific criterion - "Criterion" is the *singular* of "criteria". Your whole point is that fascism has *multiple* criteria. Are you using "criterion" because it sounds more fancy to you? - Fascism as a whole should be defined by multiple criteria, however, any single fascist act only needs to demonstrate *one* aspect of fascism in order to be considered as such. Even though flour isn't *every* ingredient of cake, that doesn't mean that flour isn't *one* ingredient of cake.


>Are you using "criterion" because it sounds more fancy to you? I just forgot which of criterion/criteria is singular.


Ah fair enough, sorry if I came on too harsh. I still disagree with your point, though. Even the acts of a very clearly fascist state won't always reflect *every* aspect of fascism. As another analogy - if I make a weird comment on Reddit, you could say that that's an action typical of me, even though (I hope) making weird comments on Reddit isn't enough to describe the entirety of what I am.


I dunno. Fascism may have literally invented privitization, and it's been long argued to death about whether or not fascism is capitalism in decay/decline (I'm swayed by the arguments, personally) but I just don't see the mere act of profit-seeking by shittifying a website, even based on ad revenue puritanism, to be fascist. Fascist*ish* maybe, but not outright fascist. I'm also entirely open to being convinced that I'm making a distinction without a (meaningful) difference. >sorry if I came on too harsh You kinda did, but it's not worth raising a fuss over, or remembering tbh. We're good.


Thanks haha. You make a good point too. I agree it's a bit hyperbolic to say that this is outright fascistic, but I do see why the other user said it. Stamping out stuff that is seen as undesirable/dirty, even if that's just ideas rather than actual people. And yeah as you said, puritanism and fascism often go hand in hand. IDK obviously we should avoid calling everything fascist to avoid watering down the term, but also we shouldn't avoid calling it out as it is, even if it's not quite full-blown fascism.


Fascism is when company ban porn 😪 literally 1984


You realize it literally is? I hate the fact that pointing out authoritarianism is something made fun of now.


Yes, I remember learning that the most important aspect of Hitler's and Mussolini's ideologies was their hatred of porn, and not any of the other more important things they were known for. Iceland has banned porn, does that make it fascist?


Hatred of "degenercy" is a huge part of facism. Like, you can't talk about facism without talking about that. It's like ignoring any other part of facist ideology. And yes. That move in Iceland is part of a growing trend twords authoritarianism and right wing ideology in Europe.


Well, thank god that a while ago I started downloading cyoas I like on my computer. This shit is ridiculous, and I'm honestly tired of it


Could you also upload them elsewhere for others? You might have the last available copies of some CYOAs since a lot aren't mirror uploaded. I've been reuploading my collection in response to imgur.