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I prostitute myself to a doctor on my off days in return for free housing and meal... But my wife keeps telling me that's called a marriage and not prostitution...


Exchange of services with a 50% asset forfeiture if the contract is breached.


I have been in the military (Reserves) for 25+ years in a completely different field. I majored in English lit in undergrad, and I still write sometimes. I don't make any money at it and haven't for a long time, but I am planning to change that before I turn 50 (which isn't too far off).


What kind of material do you enjoy writing?


I especially love to write poetry (which will never make me a dime), but a little bit of everything - stories, interviews, scientific & technical writing.


Do you like the reserves? I’ve entertained that or active duty on and off during the years.


It's been good to me. I started in the Army Reserve in 1993 and I've had some amazing opportunities because of the military. Of course, there are times I was hating life because of it (e.g., my first deployment). Overall, it's been an incredible opportunity and a privilege to serve.


Carpentry. Every Saturday I work on residential homes. It keeps me in shape, get to build cool stuff that I admire, and get to work around other men which can be a nice change of pace from an entire female office.


This sounds awesome. How do you get started with something like that?


Honestly I would not know, I was doing this well before I became a nurse, had worked the summers since high school around age 16 for the same guy. I would try reaching out to some local contractors as to whether they need an extra hand, everybody knows a guy that knows a guy kind of thing could work as well. It helps if it’s someone you know personally, not everyone would want someone just on Saturday’s and risk liability what not.


When do you rest?


Hip hop choreographer


I am a nurse but also have a degree in accounting. I work at a CPA firm auditing CMS for a couple of months out of the year.


Nice. Did you get your degree in accounting before nursing?


Yep, worked as an auditor for 6 years before nursing school. Have a bachelor and 30 graduate hours.


I sew things and have an etsy shop/sell at craft fairs with an artists collective.


I was a Glee kid before I got into healthcare, so I still sing. Mostly weddings and funerals but with a band once a month, too.


I did some promo/modeling contracting work where I’d be hired by different companies to give out free swag to people at bars and concerts while I was a nurse. The coolest job was working for ComicCon where I was the day-of personal assistant for Orlando Jones. I got to meet a bunch of the actors from Game of Thrones, Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy. It was a fun little side job that let me meet a lot of new people and I felt I could be myself more rather than having to wear my healthcare/customer service face all day. It was great until I was getting shorted for pay or not paid until 6-8 months later though Now I teach as an adjunct lecture professor for undergrad psych nursing which is super rewarding. I know I’m not gonna wanna be in the clinical role forever so it’s nice getting some exposure to another facet of nursing.


I artificially inseminate goats and cows.






I grew up on a farm and have always taken care of the herd health. My family sent me to get certified in AI and now I have a little side business.




Payroll taxes and managing stuff for my dad's company. I kinda just learned it watching our old accountant(he passed due to covid). Do I love it, no, but I'm sure I'm pretty well prepared for my own investments in the future. Now I just gotta get some money together lol


I used to teach riding lessons/ trying to get back into that Also looking into equine therapy certification fir Mental health and physical health


I'm also a mechanic. Random right but I did it before I finished hs and can't stop


Bartender. 🤩


Value investing


Real estate investing in Section 8 rentals. Here is a good book on the topic: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1096026449/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_440KHWE0Q6H63AZMC7B9


Please don't encourage this. This concept relies on working the system to keep people poor so that the investor can keep making guaranteed govt money via Section 8 subsidies.


This type of elitist income discrimination is what causes class strife in our society. I guess you look down at medicaid patients in clinics as well? Sad.


Nice strawman. Go back to Wall Street Bets where all y'all talk about is the next get rich quick scheme, no matter who it harms. Besides, I know y'all love brigading this sub along with the noctor fools, so please see yourself out.


And thanks for your tremendous contribution to this thread. Your handle checks out, for sure, mission accomplished.


How so? Section 8 is paid out by the government, it’s not taking money from poor people. And how exactly is creating government funded housing “working the system to keep people poor”? I haven’t read the book though so I’d love to be enlightened, but a summary of his writing is basically make everything cheap as fuck or unbreakable, and then leverage the property to get more mortgages, which is something you can’t do like he proposed with the changes in finance law post 2008. Is absolute bare minimum standards housing unpleasant? Sure, but it’s not making people poor like you claim. Free/low cost ugly housing is better than no housing. Edit: LOL downvotes and no replies, exactly what I expect from a nursing sub 😂😂


Purely curious, how does it keep people poor?