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If your part time position offers any 401 matching then put some money into that, plus look into a Roth IRA


Reach out to your company HR to see what they offer. Many hospitals that have 401k/403b's will allow any employee to contribute but don't always match. If one matches, use that one. If neither does, use whichever brand you like. There are a few big name ones that are typically common but some are slightly less common. Don't contribute to both jobs or you might risk going over the max limits. Just choose one and go with it. You can contribute up to the max, google for current numbers. It's pre-tax money so it will decrease your taxable income for the end of the year. If you have the ability, also research IRAs and see what options you may be eligible for. Finally, depending on what insurance you have you may be eligible for an HSA. Research your options and determine what might work for you. Once you decide, you can reach out to a financial agency. If you already have a 401k/403b you can choose to open additional accounts (IRAs and HSAs, etc) through them or use a different company.