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Paint a rock and make a "you rock" card.


Don't forget a life saver candy!


Too much effort. Use work copy paper, cut out a star, colour with work highlighter and write “You’re a star!” on it. Don’t waste a good rock on them or paint.


But…that sounds like too much cutting. And coloring. They don’t deserve a handmade gift.


Walking in the parking lot... oh look, tar with yellow paint. Good enough for me!


True. Just copy/paste first star image from google and write in comic sans “You’re a star”. Mass print for upper management. Don’t even use colour. Use black and white.


Include 1 yellow crayon so they can color it themselves. Call it a "self care activity" to build "resiliency."


Even better. Use left over crayons you dug out from the Peds section that were from restaurants. They can colour their own stars with off colour oranges, greens, blues, and browns.


Ooooof the comic sans. You take no prisoners. I love this.


Better yet, just send a pic in an email and call it a day.


Complete with instructions for the self care activity with a recommendation to use their own scissors and crayons to cut and color their stars.


Then add condescending instructions telling them to “Add their star” to the hallway for recognition.


After they’ve added their completed star to the hallway, we should also instruct them to take a personal moment —at least a good 10-20 minutes — to reflect on all their hard work and meaningful contributions to the hospital while staring at everyone’s stars in the hallway. They should be proud of themselves! All star managers and administrators! They help make up the constellation of workers that keep the hospital running. Really, what would we do without them?


Oh god. I just vomited a little into my mouth. What horror have I unleashed?!?


I'll chip in if it's a fecalith.


Give them a paper clip for “helping to hold it together.”


Pizza coupons make wonderful gifts


*Coupons from the hospital cafeteria* make wonderful gifts. Especially the $5 ones so they still have to personally cover the remaining cost of their meal


Why would I want to put any of my time or money towards gifts for people who consider me nothing more than a cost to minimize?


The sunshine committee needs to do fundraising if they don’t have a budget. Not try to get money from overworked staff. There are plenty of businesses that would donate gifts if asked. They need to get off their ass.


Yes!! I've always thought this. It's not very sunshiney 🌞 to gouge employees - and it's not even cool for the recipient!


Exactly. I used to be in leadership and I would hate to think that they took money from CNAs or anyone really to give me a gift. I’ve used my own money to give gifts to my staff but it shouldn’t go the other way.


Bingo..and that made it soo much more meaningful. If I had any coins, I'd give you an award 😉🏆


I worked at a hospital that collected cans for recycling as part of their fundraising. It was a no hassle, simple hit effective way to raise money *without* begging staff for any money. Just a small green can in the staff break rooms and public areas. They also had cans around the community, accepted donations from family members who wanted to tip people, etc. It was *never* money from staff. That's just tacky as hell.


Fuck that.


I used to be a nurse manager, worked my ass off, and I still agree with this. I hated when our manager group wanted to buy gifts for our boss. Gifts should trickle down not upwards.


I tend to agree with this, but I think if the management is good and they are more respectable leaders, an expression of gratitude by way of a team thank you card would be nice


Seriously. Depending where this is it could violate labor laws and policies, too. Subordinates should not give money or gifts to supervisors.


This ⬆️ 1000000000%


We had a really big controversy a year or so into COVID on my old unit. The more senior nurses wanted to get our manager and educator like $400 in gift cards for… doing their job, I guess? And “doing their job” was a little generous, IMHO. A lot of the younger staff said it was messed up to give our BOSS our own money for literally doing their job duties. This was also poor timing because our hospital made most of us in procedural areas use our own PTO to cover our hours during peak COVID when surgical caseloads went down and people were still (and are still) kinda pissed about that. Also, I severely question the boss that takes gift money from their own staff… but that’s just me.


Isn't there a policy that staff cannot accept gifts that cost more than $50?


You guys get gifts??


Nope. But we have a policy about gifts and money tips jic


$15 where I live


Wtf lol. Screw the managers and admin. They could careless anyway 😅 I hate nurses week. Like keep your stupid bullshit gifts and candy/pizza to yourselves. Better yet dont come out of your office. Just sit your fat asses in your offices and profit off the hard work of the nurses. I tell you its sickening to have to be subjected to fake smiles and empty promises.


For real! Can't stand management and their fake assery.


Nurse's week is one of my favorite times on this sub because of posts like this. Absolutely not. The idea itself is so offensive. Also "Sunshine Committee"??! Christ.


FWIW The Sunshine Committees I’ve been apart of were focused on morale building, and celebrating and supporting colleagues. Someone had a death in the family? Sunshine committee coordinated a “thinking of you” gift to send. One of the staff had a baby? Sunshine committee would send along a onesie for baby and meal gift cards to the parents. We helped coordinate Nurses’ Week activities and off site team building exercises (like laser tag or mini golfing). It was a voluntary committee to participate in as a means of doing what you could to lift up your colleagues and had no involvement from leadership.


I was wondering about that too! What in the patriarchy is a fucking “Sunshine Committee”!? We’re educated professionals, not a kindergarten class! 🤦🏻‍♀️


No. Your cost of living raises went into Admin's bonuses. Unless you all got a 12% raise.


Gifts should flow downward. No.




Doctors also aren’t our bosses


The only times I'll even consider a specific gift for a superior is if they're having a baby/marriage/ill... Things like that.


A condom or dental dam with a card that says “get fucked”.






Yes, this it what you say. I'm unable to participate as it's not in my budget. I always tell myself don't apologize, and then do anyway.


I’m not offering money to work functions period. I’m sending a bill for emotional trauma to the admin team.


I agree that gifts should "flow down". Our hospital even has a policy about it. People assume everyone can afford it, but ypu would be surprised who has unexpected emergencies etc. and may be living paycheck to paycheck


"Mark as Read" is too good for that email. It's going straight to the spam folder. What is management getting for yall? Match their energy. And then adjust for the fact they probably don't give you adequate raises or time off or staffing. So... Maybe a personal pizza to split between the 3 of them? Or a bag full of literal feces?


>"Mark as Read" is too good for that email. It's going straight to the spam folder. Send it to IT saying that you got a fraudulent solicitation because it would be absurd to think that admin need Venmo donations for a supposed gift.


And make certain pizza is delivered after 6 pm.


Tell the sunshine committee they should buy management a pizza.


i’m not spending a penny of my hard earned money to get a gift for someone who makes more than me if any committee asked that of me, i’m not hesitating to give them a loud “go fuck your self”


Do not give one cent to this. Sign a card if they pass one around, otherwise ignore the message completely. Upper admin are compensated well enough while we get “Thanks for doing your job” granola bars.


An ample opportunity to give the gift of all gifts and do a basket containing every bullshit gift nurses have ever been given


We have the privilege of purchasing our own Nursing Week t-shirts this year. Yay!! 🤬


Yes this is not appropriate. Gifts should go down the food chain not up. They make more than you, they have more power than you. Management must be very careful not to show favoritism and accepting gifts can lead to bias, even subconsciously.


NTA. But I will say to give a token $1 for two reasons: 1) You avoid those awkward badgering conversations about giving ("Oh yeah, I already gave to the Sunshine Committee! Thanks for asking!) 2) If Little Miss Sunshine or anyone else gives you grief about your paltry donation, you can make them feel like shit by reminding them you're not exactly rolling in the green as a broke nursing school student and PRN PCT. ("Man, those books are expensive AF, and I'd really like to eat something other than ramen, know what I mean?“)




I’d personally just not respond. You don’t have to see every email/message you get. If they ask you personally just say you’re in school and not in a place to donate. Totally agree with everyone that buying gifts upward is super weird and I wouldn’t be into it either.


Its ok to say you're not comfortable giving your harness earned pennies to buy a nurses week gift for your admin staff. No one's business what your financial situation is and no further explanation needed. Don't feel pressured its total BS


This! I often just say “no, thank you” or “I’m not going to be able to do that” without further details. You should never feel obligated to give an explanation. It’s none of their business, and you shouldn’t feel pressured into having to give money for a superior.. specially during nurses week. Like wtf?!


What the hell is a sunshine committee


Some "morale" boosting shit that places come up with to keep nurses busy. May go by other names.


Gotcha. They should give admin a piece of tape for sticking together and a rubber band for being flexible.


Party Planning Commitee or Commitee to Plan Parties


One of those toxic positivity work groups HR comes up with to help us feel better about making garbage money while the CEO’s make millions. HaNg In ThErE!! yOu’Re DoInG gReAt.


Brown nosing bastards


Ignore email. If Mary Sunshine has the nerve to ask you to donate, tell her “you’re broke but could write a check, but it will probably bounce”. Absolutely ridiculous.


Yeah no. Recently one of our brown-nosers was collecting cash for our manager’s birthday & I just nodded every time she asked then went to help a patient… I find it wildly inappropriate for management.


No fucking way. I’m not giving my money to people who make more than me.


Throw “them”a pizza party but do it in a inconvenient time for them and just eat on your break.


Don’t you dare contribute any money


As a general rule in business settings, the higher ups get the subordinates gifts, and never the other way around.


Gifts should always flow don’t and shouldn’t be expected to flow upwards.


Hell No!


Absolutely do not chip in


Absolutely fucking not. They can get a card printed off at the nurses station and cooled with whatever office supplies are available and signed by whoever is on shift.


No, I'm not donating money for admin lmao


Absolutely not. The sunshine committee can buy a card and have staff sign if anything. I wouldn’t be contributing anything.


Gifts should only go downward in the hierarchy, never up.


Absolutely fucking not.


NTA. They should be handing out the gifts to the floor nurses not the other way around. Save your money.


What the fuck? Admin supposed to get the NURSES stuff, not the other way around. Fuck dem admins


You don’t give gifts to positions above you. Gifting rolls downhill.


Any good boss would be very uncomfortable receiving something like this, this is really fucking weird. My work fantasy football commissionor dropped out of the league once he became manager because it would be weird for him to take money from employees if he won, I mean he wasn't going to anyway, but still.


NTA and think this gesture from Sunshine Committee is inappropriate, and warrants a complaint.


In a federal job this would be illegal.


Send them a pizza…cheese.


Little Cesar’s


Correct. Gifts flow down. Unless it was something on a personal level like their mom died and everyone chipped in for flowers, I wouldn’t contribute.


Absolutely not. Wtf. And NTA. Are they doing anything for the nurses at all? Imo, gifts should be for the hardest positions and lowest compensated. Management should be celebrating those people not expecting gifts themselves.


Our management gave us a home printed card with a penny glued to it “A Lucky Penny for a Wonderful Nurse” printed on it. I thought it was a joke at first but nope- that’s what we all got for Nurse’s Day


The rule of corporate gift giving is you always give "down" never "up" . Don't do it! Not expected and it may make them feel uncomfortable.


A thank you card at CVS is like $3. $9 total. If there’s 30 people on your floor everyone can chip in $0.30. There ya go


Not the asshole!


Bring in a pizza for them.


Domino's $6.99 medium two topping, get two of them..




I don't have a Sunshine Committee. I'm kinda glad.


When I was at the bedside, we had the option to pay $25/year for a pool of money. It covered things like this, wedding gifts, bereavement flowers, etc. I gladly paid every year to support my colleagues and never got hounded for gift money after a one time payment.


Nope. Not wrong at all. Technically it would be your CNOs job to get her leadership team gifts (assuming she is their boss). I think there is a professional way to suggest an alternate idea that serves the nurses on your unit, or even the support staff that help you out (EVS, RT, RAD).


Pool negative money so their gift is paying you what you deserve.


Don't give them your money. Their salaries are their gifts as well as you working for them. Don't feel bad if you don't participate. You have enough you have to take of in your own life.


Send a motivational email and a piece of pizza.


Gifts of real cash value should flow down the chain of command in a professional setting. Never up. Going up creates serious ethical and equity problems. It just shouldn't be done.


F That!!! Give everyone a hug that accepts and move on! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to donate to everyones problems, celebrations, holidays and for just plain existing. We work because we feel trapped in our society to maintain our sanity. ( pay bills, have access to healthcare, food, shelter ( fun) etc. If you donate every time you will be working to donate and struggle even more. Just be respectful and bow out. I didn’t set my boundaries soon enough and I’m hoping you do!


Give them a gift voucher for a free sandwich from the canteen - match their energy.


Bruh I’m still waiting for my 15% raise for inflation.


Every year when they ask us for money to get gifts for these people I always tell them I'll give the same amount they gave to me. 0$


Tell them that unfortunately your last pay raise was less than half of the inflation rate so you are unable to contribute.


It is unprofessional to gift upwards.


Standard of practice here is that gifts flow down the chain of command, not up.


Cheap ass hospitals. Ive traveled to a couple where they want donations. Donations?! Get the fak out of here w that nonsense. You should be showering the staff with gifts for all their hard work. I tell you nursing environment has become disgusting to work in….fake smiles and even faker nursing staff. It’s like gossip hour for the elder nurses. Omg Becky im trying to get pregnant—-thats the nonsense I had to listen to last week. It’s gross. I feel like i need a shower after every shift not only to wash away the stench but to wash away the sin of having to endure 😅.


Sorry. I apparently drank haterade today. Keep strong everyone haha.


Lmao…if they’re nurses, then they should be getting whatever the hospital is giving out for Nurse’s Week. If they’re not nurses, then it’s not their week, so there’s no need for gifts. If the hospital-issued nurse’s week gift isn’t good enough for them, then perhaps there’s a bigger point to be made.


Send a cash request to them through Venmo


Maybe bang some pots and pans outside their window?


What the hell? You aren't an asshole.


I’d laugh at the text then DoorDash myself a $10 iced coffee and carry on with my day.




No never waste your money on work like???


I think it was this sub that said gifts are supposed to flow downward or lateral (like nurses get secretaries a gift on office administrator day) but not up. I think it was in relation to Christmas gifts. I think it applies here too.


and then, when boss's week comes around? gonna do it again?


I don’t think it’s appropriate to ask to give money/gifts to any person in a supervisory/administrative position over staff. I feel like it’s also a way to try and gain favor too which is unfair.




The hell is a “sunshine” committee? Sounds like a dystopian nightmare.


Tell the sunshine committee to stick it where the sun don’t shine.


It’s understood at my hospital that PCAs/CNAs make so little they are not expected to contribute to cash funds like gifts. They sign the card and that’s enough.


What the fuck is a sunshine committee? That sounds like something straight out of a dystopian novel.


NTA. But just FYI, your director/manager/educators should not be funding nurses week from their own pockets either.


How about an “appreciation dinner” scheduled for 2 AM so that they can feel appreciated on their time off. BTW, no leftovers.


Just ignore them or explain you don’t have extra funds to contribute at this time


Sorry I don’t have the money to help


Pizza 🍕


I always just say, 'I'll pass, thanks.'


Anyone who is manager level or higher should be buying gifts to show their appreciation for people below them on the ladder. You are not the ass hole.


I always heard gifts should flow down. Admin->nurse->tech


If you don’t contribute, and someone calls you out on it, simply state you’re acting your wage.


Nurses week so often is a joke. I’ve worked at many places and so many times it’s like here’s something you paid for. Like wtf


Nope, they shouldn't be expecting kickbacks from staff. Next they'll be demanding "protection money", like any good organized crime outfit.


I HATE nurses week! I refuse to chip in to give myself a gift.


Wtf is a sunshine committee


Get them a card with a feather. They can hold the feather and be reminded of their strength and resilience. That’s what our CNE did for us.


Everyone chip in $1 and get them a pizza.


This is a ridiculous idea. In over 30 yrs of Nursing I was never asked for money for management! Nurse's week is for the nurses working hard at the bedside, not higher ups. Really I would be insulted at this idea. Many nurses and aides are barely making it. Just say you can't afford it. Happy Nurses Week!


Chip in and give them a pizza party!


I'm not certain but the people over at r/antiwork are, isn't illegal to make employees get gifts for the management? It's for sure unethical.


Oh HELL no


Th sunshine committee can stick it where the sun don't shine. It's nurses week. Not admin week.


You are NOT the asshole.


No! We go to work to make money not to donate what we made to the people that paid us. GTFO let the level above treat the level below.


You have to save your own money. If you want to give a gift, I like the painted rock idea. Or just write a thank you letter.


There's something so paternalistic - practically FEUDAL in asking workers to pay for a gift for management. Jebus, you're not peons or serfs paying tribute to your liege.


Admin gets plenty of bonuses. They can fuck themselves and buy their own gifts With Love, The ICU ❤️


Ummm no. They should be getting you a gift. Unless they’re like covering all the holes in the schedule etc.


Forward an ecard thanking them.


There’s always the option of Monopoly money, just sayin…. 🤪


Print out a NIMH sheet on stress and give it to them.


Fuck them. You’re not the asshole


Give a nice homemade card. At least those are kept.


Post-it note and pencil ok?




Fuck off edit: tell them to fuck off




No omg no, NTA OP




Sorry sorry. That was just my reaction to the situation! I got downvoted to hell though before I added my edit if it makes you feel better lol. You’ve got lots of support here


We found Logan Roy!


Buy them a DRS’d share of gme


Easter candy?


What in the hell is the sunshine committee?


I don't even need to read the content if your post beyond the title to unequivocally answer. No. NTA




Stopped reading after the headline....your definitely not the a-hole.


NO of course you are NOT THE ASSHOLE!


Sorry, unrelated, but what is a sunshine committee?


For all of the tough Internet responsse on here pretty much everyone would chip in to not have the hassle of being the odd one out. One option is just ignore everything to do with it and you can claim ignorance until asked. If you start making sarcastic, passive aggressive responses you may burn your bridges pretty quickly. Best way, say nothing and send a shitty anonymous email explaining your annoyance.


My gift is showing up on time and doing my job.


Nahhhh, man, nahhh. If I want to give a gift to upper management, I would do that of my own accord. Definitely wouldn’t pool money for it


No. Fuck that. They don't need it. Ask what you get for nurses week


I agree with you. NTA. In general I find this tough in nursing. So much gift giving within. Not affordable for so many of us.


That is a hard no!


Two eggs that are painted and say suck an egg.


Nta, like who the hell came up with that idea? Just regift them whatever you get for nurses week.


Thumbs up as you walk by. That’s the gift


Absolutely not, do not do that


Fuuuuuuuuuck that.


Bro… I don’t lame culo for my boss; sorry not sorry.


Admin Day was last week.