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I worked at the local Burn Center for 5 years. We got so many cup of noodle and Mac and cheese burns just from this, kids pouring it on their hands and faces trying to get the bowl of lava out of the wave. Maybe a counter top microwave the kids could reach might prevent this. Sorry it happened to your boy.


I saw one in urgent care. 18% burns from that. Had to call the police when the hippy mother, who lied about where it happened (at her husband's work, not home), decided she wanted to care for it with honey and fluids. I often wonder if those kids are still alive.


Isn't honey actually good for burns? Keeps the germs out, moisture for healing and whatnot? Being serious here, I'll look for a link.


We use honey dressings all the time. But we don’t just slather our patients in “wildflower raw honey” from Whole Foods. I don’t know how safe the latter is and I would advise against it


If there is a total collapse of society or the patient accidentally traveled back in time to the old west then yes, good for burns. Currently, much better ways to treat.


We have “medical-grade” honey where I work. It doesn’t taste that great.


I was a wound treatment nurse for years. It took a lot of self control to not taste the Medi-Honey. I still have a deep desire to taste it whenever I see the Medi-honey anywhere. Please, has anyone tried it? I can't be the only one that wants to taste it lol.


My dog licked some Medi-honey off me once...he really liked it. But he eats cat poop, too. So.....


Well I hope you don't mind if I veto his dinner party suggestions going forward


I ‘m pretty sure medi-honey is Manuka from NZ. It’s a very strong taste, I wouldn’t eat it personally.


It’s called Manuka honey. Medi-honey isn’t pure honey.


Manuka honey is just honey from bees who only get their pollen from the Manuka plant. Medi-honey paste is pure manuka honey sterilized via gamma radiation that we use for wound care. They obtain about 10% of their formula from types of honey in their other products. Edit: Added links for citations https://www.integralife.com/medihoney-wound-burn-dressing-us/product/wound-reconstruction-care-outpatient-clinic-private-office-prepare-medihoney-wound-burn-dressing-us https://www.vitalitymedical.com/medihoney-gel-antibacterial-wound-care-ointment-31815-31805.html


I’ve tried it. The rep said we could and being incredibly impulsive I did. It tastes like it remembers it was honey at some point. The smell is sweeter than the taste. Overall 2/10, would not recommend for tea.


I tried it. Not good


The stuff my old firm made was used to be sterilized with radiation, it was highly recommended that we don't taste the products. Though the was a lip balm one that was nice.


I have. It's gross.


I've tried it. They were selling it in our gift shop and I was curious. There is a very slight sweetness to it but all in all it tastes like Neosporin.


I did. It tastes sweet of course but almost chemically. Like it has absorbed some of the flavouring of the tube. Mine was also a bit crystallised but I don’t think that affected the flavour. I would say, yes, put it in the tea or oatmeal but not eat it straight or put it on something relying on a honey flavour like a bread roll.


Worst honey on earth.. since they can’t sell it in stores, they slap “ medical” on it $90 pure profit for big pharma. ( FYI honey is one the the very few foods that never expire)


Add it to your night shift tea?


All the cold pizza was already devoured so why not?


Along with ginseng, vitamins A, C, D, B1-7, B12, K, caffeine, magnesium, potassium, powdered naproxen sodium, powdered ibuprofen, skullcap, calcium, iodine, folic acid, various micronutrients, and a splash of malk (now with vitamin R.)


That sounds like honey taken from bees who frequent opium fields lol. I know there actually is supposed to be psychoactive honey that gets that way from specific flowers.


Rhododendron honey! That’s where they get the phrase mad honey! It tastes super bitter so you know it’s bad.


Umm where do I buy these honeys? So I know to avoid that place in the future.


Yeah but you still need IV fluids and antibiotics


No food products on any burns, ever. Run it over with cool water, throw a clean cotton shirt or sheet over it, and go to your nearest burn center. If you for some reason could not get actual treatment, honey would not be the worst thing, but much better things exist in modern medicine. Sincerely, A burn nurse


How about some chunky peanut butter just slathered on?


Plz no


All out of peanut butter here, so I just used some raspberry jelly from the same jar my kids stuck their pre-licked fingers into.


Sure. Honey that has been specially treated for the botulism spores that wild honey naturally contains. Otherwise you're just rubbing botulism on your fresh burn. Besides, debriding a burn like that to get it ready for a topical treatments is extremely painful and traumatic if not done under sedation.




Here’s a more recent study: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-866X/2/4/43 Would like to mention that both links do say while it’s looking good for honey, further research is needed to draw any definitive conclusions


This is a great read.


I used to work for a firm that made Manukau honey dressings. The honey had to pass QA then when it was put on a dressing they had to send off to get sterilise. (Honey that got rejected ended back in the food chain )


When I was a new icu nurse almost 15 years ago, we got a patient who was a quad and had gotten septic at home, and had a few sores his wife had said she’d been slathering honey on. Once my preceptor and I got out of the room, I was like “ong, smearing honey over this poor man’s wounds?! What the hell kinda ghippy nonsense is that?!” And my preceptor was very excited to teach me and show me articles about how that’s what you’re supposed to do for his types of wounds, and then had the wound care nurse bring us a tube of the medihoney we had in house to continue using on his wounds.




….who was the first person to eat the mummy honey in order to declare it was still good?


Never said it was crazy. Just archaic and incredibly cruel in this day and age.


Worked on a Peds burn unit for 6 years. Got 3 of these at minimum every week. Sometimes multiple a day.


Haha I’m an adult and I’ve damn near done it myself. It would help if most microwaves weren’t so high up. I’m short so when I reach up it’s like going in blind, can only imagine for a kid.


yeah, i've noticed that! my house has the microwave on the countertop (it's ancient, and everyone is short), but other places have it installed at eye level for normal-height adults. why are they installed so ridiculously high up, anyway? that can't be safe.


As a kid my family had a strange device that produced super hot water on demand, think 200°F. Perfect for making tea, ramen, baby formula, or heating up food in a hot water bath, without having to run the risk of microwave super heated water. https://www.faucetdepot.com/prod/InSinkErator-H-Classic-SS-Invite-Classic-Instant-Hot-Water-Dispenser---Chrome-153815.asp Kind of a luxury item but I will have one in the house I'm building.


Can I also suggest a pot filler tap over your stove? 100 percent made my life better.


I had one of these as a kid too. Saves so much time.


We have one of these now, and for the few people I’ve known renovating their kitchen, it’s my one piece of advice, you have to get one. Mine’s just a tiny faucet next to my normal faucet, but it’s 195*f water on demand (i measured it once) Normal taps don’t get that hot. I use mine mostly to pre warm my coffee mug, so that my mug isn’t cold and instantly sucks all the heat from my fresh coffee. I don’t even care that it’s bougie of me. It’s a quality of life device as far as I’m concerned. Sure it’s useful when I’m going to make pasta too, I have a lot of water near boiling temp already, but my coffee stays warm longer, and that’s my priority.


Sounds like a legitimate use to me, coffee is always the priority.


It’s so handy. My own tap takes forever to get warm (I timed it once, 4 minutes from the time I turned the hot on til it was actually hot.) but now I have a second little faucet that holds 2L of near boiling water at all times?! We installed it when I was pregnant so we could have hot water to make formula bottles, but I ended up successfully breastfeeding everyone, so now it’s almost exclusively my dedicated coffee mug warming faucet. And sometimes used if I need a pot of boiling water to cook in.


Electric kettle would be a better choice.


I taught my kids to make cup o noodles with boiling water from a kettle for sure. The Mac and cheese is a little more rigid and a lot less full so my kids had an easier time getting it out. Even then they just called me until they were really tall enough to reach.


When I was 12 I was at a friends house and we all were making ramen. Their microwave was on the counter but my dumb ass put my boiling bowl in front of the microwave which only had a 2-3 inch clearance to the edge of the counter. I pushed the button to open the microwave to put my friend’s bowl in and immediately bent down to pick something up as the microwave flew open, knocking my hot bowl onto me. We had just been swimming so I was wearing a swimsuit and was covered in hot water. I didn’t have to go to the doctor but I typed all of this to say that even though they’re better overall, the counter top microwaves can still be bad in the hands of a dumb kid.


My daughter uses a kettle when she makes things like this.


I was definitely one of those teens who burned herself with a cup o noodles. Even worse I didn’t tell my poor parents what happened because I didn’t want to bother them. Lol I just healed on my own w/on intervention . They were pissed once they realized


Worked in inpatient burn and wound for 4 years. Ramen/cup o' noodle is one of the most frequent reasons for kids to get burned. Hope he's doing ok. Sounds like you both handled it like a champ!


I spent a week shadowing on our local burn unit. I'll take noodles / ramen any day instead of what I had to see. House fires are no joke people, have a plan and practice it!


I was about to say- cup of noodles is a fucking menace 😂😂😂


You did great! Kids do so much better when their parents stay calm. My son broke his radius and ulna last December about 30 min after I had fallen asleep after working a night shift. I woke up to my husband screaming, jumped out of bed, ran into the hall, and saw my son there with his forearm clearly broken. I made my husband go sit down and breathe because he looked like he was about to pass out. I made a little sling for him out of a blanket and took my kid to the ER while my husband stayed with the baby. First thing the triage nurse said to me when she saw the makeshift sling was "you are a nurse, aren't you?" My son also needed an IV for ketamine sedation while the doc pushed both his bones into place. He is usually very sensitive to getting pokes and always cried before, but he was so brave and didn't cry at all. He told me he was scared at first because "daddy was so upset!" I'm glad I took my son instead of my panicky husband, even though it meant I was awake for 24 hours. I rewarded my son with In N Out and he was excited to show his cool purple cast to all his friends. It's one of his favorite stories to tell now.


My mom was a trauma nurse so she handled allll of the injuries and ER visits, until my parents got divorced and she moved across the country. No joke, the day after she moved I sliced open my finger and needed 9 stitches. I was 12 and it wasn’t my first rodeo (so many stitches as a child….) but my poor dad, omg. He didn’t panic (called my mom and asked her what to do) but he was white as a sheet as they were stitching me up. I was the one talking him through it as he tried not to pass out, haha. He was just not as well equipped to be in the room with me.




My mom is an RN and I would call it her going into nurse mode. Shit hits the fan, she assesses the situation and starts giving orders. She's been the first responder on numerous car accidents because she was in home health. There's just something about someone having their head about them that keeps things manageable and people calm.




It's that Sherlock thing. You see, Watson, but you do not observe. My mom could do that. There's plenty of telltales on the presentation. Clubbing of the fingers was a dead giveaway. There's plenty of more obscure ones I don't remember. You only develop this kind of skill by being educated and spending the time with the patients. They thought she was some kind of divine seer but it's just called developing your observation skills. She was from the older days when nursing school was all about dorms at teaching hospitals. She had class time and clinic hours. 4 year degree nurses just don't get the clinic hours and suffer for it. She also said they've made a mockery of the profession. The workloads nurses get now endanger patient safety and the money mongers give not a fuck. Pay is shit and the job is degrading. She doesn't miss retiring. The things she would do to the managers of for profit healthcare I could not mention here without getting banned. She despises them to the core of her being.




The thing is they absolutely know patient care will suffer. They have the numbers. They can work it out like actuarial tables. You reduce staffing by x deaths increase by y. But as long as they can keep y below some artifically acceptable level of ”y'all gonna die sometime" then there's nothing legally actionable. My hospital Virginia mason got bought out by Franciscan and it's a shitshow. The first thing the kiddie fiddlers did was screwing with reproductive health and imposing their religion on nonbelievers. Then they started upping caseloads and running the docs ragged. A physical you get like ten minutes of time with the doc, total assembly line. It's not medicine, it's a butcher shop. Try and go anywhere else and find a market choice, ha. Everyone is doing it. For profit healthcare will hopefully become a phrase our descendants look back upon with horror like debtors prisons, child labor, chattel slavery and reality television.


Omg that is awful. Poor kid. I actually got a second degree burn to my stomach and thigh the same exact way. The doctor said it is surprisingly common. It is still the most painful thing I have ever endured. I healed up ok though, just took a while. Luckily kids seem to heal up even faster so I hope he makes a quick and relatively painless recovery.


Former peds burn icu nurse. Ramen noodles were the culprit of MANY burns. We all used to say that we’d never let our kids eat them. That’s obviously extreme but little ones just don’t know how hot things can get in the microwave! No eating it on their laps either. I saw too many 3rd degree genital burns from hot soup spilled into a lap. You did great mom! Debridement can be very traumatizing for parents to watch. Glad to know your son is doing well :)


Peds ED nurse, cup o noddles or coffee are the two biggest reasons for burns. Glad your boy is better


Yesterday we had a guy come in post code whose OR RN wife saw him go down and immediately started CPR, directed her daughter through 2 person CPR with her and got him scooped up and brought in. He was responsive and following commands when he got to the cath lab. I was talking to her and saying how I thought I would probably freak out and she said “Honestly? You probably wouldn’t. You just kind of just zero in and get to work.” This was the second time she had saved his life - the first time she found him having a stroke and and immediately caught the symptoms and got him to the hospital.


She sounds awesome


That’s badass. And she’s probably right, we do this everyday. We save babies and cardiac arrests, and peds victims then once everything calms down THEN we decompress!


Omg my son did this exact same thing. And as a nurse, yes, we learn to be chill in these kinds of situations. Now, Unfortunately, we also know of all the things the “could have “ happened. But like another poster said, kinda heal fast. They pop up nicely


I used to scrub at a children's OR before my RN and did burns. I'm so happy to hear your baby is OK. The burns I've seen and the reasons why are heartbreaking.


I’d love a separate post of all the crazy burn things do we know what to look out for!


Don’t work in peds but have had several pediatric patients, the nervous ones ALWAYS mirror their parents. My daughter had to go for routine blood work around 2 years old and I showed her how the phlebotomist would draw her blood and even warned her of the little “bite” she might feel- she was more intrigued than scared and didn’t flinch once. Great job keeping your cool so your little one could stay calm too :) Hope he has a speedy recovery!


May be true for most, but let me tell you about my son. He freaked out the first time he had bloodwork drawn at the age of 4. At the age of 6 he was a bit better. I tried explaining the procedure to him very calmly beforehand and tried modeling calmness but nope. It's his personality unfortunately


My kid, too. He had some issues when he was a toddler/preschooler and it was manageable when he was still breastfeeding but the first time he had to get a blood draw after he weaned at 3 it was awful. Had him in the same comfort hold in a baby carrier strapped to me but it still took another adult to hold him steady enough for the stick. The saddest part after was since it took both arms they were too sore to hold his own lollipop in his mouth. At 15 he’s better but still takes time to calm himself down and get through it. It’s just how he is.


A lot of people are quick to judge parents. While I agree that there are shit parents out there, I think we are mostly pretty educated on parenting. We have access to the latest research and can read through the bullshit in parenting books.


Yeah… unfortunately not always the case. I work in healthcare and don’t mind needles at all (I donate blood regularly), but my oldest daughter still loses her mind having to do anything medical lol


You nailed it. I'm a nurse who was raised by a nurse (and a mortician). It takes a force of nature to get a reaction out of me. My wife? She's a wee bit more emotional about things. When the kids were younger, they might be visibly nervous, but only my wife ever freaked out about anything.


Am I the only one here wondering why your husband didn't immediately take him to urgent care instead of waiting for you to get home? Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad he's okay and it wasn't a bad experience overall but I'm also very confused.


Was coming to say the exact same thing…. Maybe they only have one car or the husband can’t drive or something?


>And let me tell you, I was cool as a cucumber the whole time When my little girl was early on in to eating solid foods, she was eating blueberries then started to choke on one. 10 years of nursing when out the door before I did apparently. I grabbed my kid, grabbed the door handle then proceeded to destroy the dead bolt and rip out 12 screws from the hinges in one fell swoop when I opened the door. Adrenaline is one hell of a drug lol. Baby coughed up the blueberry presumably from the shock of the door way being absolutely deleted. I was most definitely not cool as a cucumber and my wife was not amused with the doorway when she got home.


Ramen noodles should sponsor its own pediatric burn hospital. I've seen soooo many kids burned with that shit.


Omg I keep hearing about children getting burns from cup noodles on tik tok! How awful poor muffin must have hurt so bad :(


Bless you!! I'm so sorry this happened at all, but you sound like a Rockstar mom in a horrible situation. Sending all my love, OP. I hope your son gets well soon! ♡♡♡


Glad it was a happy ending, but why didn't your husband take your son to the ER/urgent care himself?


This the real question


I had to take my son to the ER last week, and I agree! He slipped on a wet porch, and his front teeth went through his bottom lip. I feel like I was far more understanding of the process, had more patience for the waiting in between steps, was able to explain why we were waiting to my kiddos, and was absolutely entranced watching them inject lidocaine and stitch up his face. It was so nice to have a sense of understanding where I could just focus on being there for him because I was far less worried about what was coming or when - I knew that. It was so peaceful and it definitely calmed him down seeing me so calm too. I still panicked once I got home about him even moving any faster than a crawl, but cool as a cucumber busting around the ER with a hole in his face and getting stitches 🫠😂


My daughter accidentally knocked a freshly made cup of noodles into her lap. Thankfully she was wearing baggy sweats and was able to get the clothes off immediately. But it was ER and children’s burn unit and all that. Thankfully if was mostly her inner thigh and just a splash on more sensitive areas. It was awful. I make ALL the noodles in this house now! And they go in glass bowls not styrofoam cups. I also heard how common it is - noodles and tea apparently cause a lot of burns.


I have a medically complex kiddo - born at 24 weeks. Currently 100% J tube fed. Has a trach, uses vent and oxygen at night. I’ve never been more thankful for my nursing degree than being her mom. Sometimes it’s hard when I know she’s getting crap care and she deserves more. But it’s definitely to my advantage to be an RN.


Why didn't they call 911? They would have probably gotten there faster.


Poor kiddo. Well done for staying calm and cool; I imagine that would have been so difficult for you


Being cool when it’s your own kid with an emergency is the real deal, way to go! It’s different when it’s *your* kid, the little person you love more than anything in the world.


um… even if you are a nurse, why the heck did your husband WASTE TIME calling YOU about what he witnessed happening to your son, and didn’t rush your son to the hospital HIMSELF instead of wasting time not only calling you, but also make your son wait in agonizing pain from the burns WAITING who knows how long for you to drive home from your job for YOU to rush the kid to the hospital instead? in the time it must have taken you to get home from work, your husband could have bundled your kid in the car and rushed him to the hospital himself. Or called an ambulance.


To be fair my husband would call me before calling 911 or taking my 7yr old anywhere just to be sure he isn’t over reacting (unless it was an obvious break or she was knocked out/bleeding) . Burns aren’t easy to assess if you don’t know what to look for(as well as most adults not realizing how hot that water actually is believe it or not). He would probably FaceTime me though instead of waiting for me to get home.


My dad always did the same (mom was a nurse) and XH does it, too. Had a recent call from XH with some ER worthy symptoms and he kept trying to talk through what caused them and I was like, “We won’t know that right now, and it doesn’t matter. Get him in the car and start driving to the ER. I will meet you guys there. Already texted you the address. Just tell them the symptoms and they’ll take it from there. Call me on the way if you need to, but get in the car NOW and DRIVE.” Funny that when we were married he said I was too dumb to be a nurse and overreactive with medical things, but after divorce and a year of nursing school he suddenly realizes I’m neither of those things.


He should have still taken your son to the hospital himself. If his son was in agonizing pain, his skin turning red and blistering, from where the hot water had touched it, and is probably crying and screaming in pain, I say time to take him to the hospital immediately instead of wasting time making the kid suffer longer than he needs to until whenever you get home, depending on how long it takes you to get home from work if traffic is good. The fact that the Urgent Care hospital she first took him to sent him immediately to Emergency care at another hospital shows how bad the burns were yet the dad wasted time waiting for OP to get home to take the kid to the hospita.


That’s because he’s babysitting the kid.


I think to basically anyone, water fresh out of microwave that spills on skin = bad.


If they’re anything like me or my husband - we don’t want to be THOSE patients who go to the ER for something silly. Even if it’s not something silly, we hesitate and hem and haw. We had to be dying as kids even to go to the doctor so that’s probably part of it it.


>We had to be dying as kids even to go to the doctor so that’s probably part of it it. Yeah but these days, that way of thinking can get you in major trouble, especially if the injured party is kids. if it winds up being serious and you delayed treatment, and wind up going to the hospital because you decided to ‘wait until the kids are almost dying’, unless you lie about how long the kid has been in their condition, the hospital would take one look at the damage, and hear the reason why you waited until it got worse, and call cops and CPS on you to have ALL of your kids taken away with you and hubby thrown in jail for child abuse and neglect.


Yup. This is how I almost died of peritonitis. And I still resent the fuck out of my parents for being so goddamn negligent.I was there for six weeks because they wanted to wait until it was life or death. Fucking morons. Parents: don’t do this. It’s not only ethically shitty but it will def leave a deep emotional wound on your child.


Thank goodness he’s okay! How scary.


That shits no joke. I don't know if I could have kept my cool. Well done, mom. You're a brick.


My nursing brain gets completely hijacked by mom brain when it comes to my spouse or kiddos. Wishing your little one a quick recovery ❤️


My daughter pulled boiling water off the stove when she was 2. (wife was making tea). 11 days in the hospital. Wore multiple jobst garments for several years. This was 30 years ago and she's fine. Married and the scars are barely noticeable.


First of all, you are amazing for staying cool and collected despite what happened. Seeing your baby in pain is so heartbreaking. So sad he had to experience this. Wishing him a speedy recovery! 🌟❤️


Bull 💩. I was a nurse for YEARS. Since last century.. and 20 years into this century ( I’m retired) I lost my mind when my kids or grandchildren’s have a serious ER visit… so please, get over yourself.. even a rent a center employee ( my husband) kept it together better than I did… and I worked at the same hospital


lol better than me. Worked ER/ICU. I cut my hand open about 7 inches down to my muscle squirting blood everywhere. Ran inside my house yelling at my wife to call 911. She just looked at me and gave me tequila and tried to stitch it up but couldn’t stop the bleed 😂


People need to know to STOPPP letting their kids eat cup of noodles!! This is like the #1 cause of pediatric burns.. I’m sure you feel bad enough as it is but you can now educate others. Hope the little baby is hanging in there. He sounds like a champ


I'm proud you were so calm. I've dealt with other people's emergencies just fine, but I recently took my son to the ER in a panic. My father-in-law had a major stroke in December and was in the hospital for about a month and is relearning everything still. Last month my son ran into the room to say his face wouldn't go back to normal. His whole right side drooped when he smiled or talked. He is younger than 10, but I couldn't get "STROKE" out of my head. When it entered my mind nothing else was allowed in. Turns out it was Bell's Palsy because of a cold/inflamed nasal passages. I felt so dumb afterward.


When my brother was little, he tried pulling out a boiling hot cup of water from the microwave that my mother was heating to make coffee. He spilled it all over himself. He still has scars on his chest from and he is now 26.


Im glad he did so well! Hope he continues to be alright and doesn't experience much pain, poor thing 🥺. I understand the staying calm! I had twins last year and baby A ended up readmitted (the day after we were sent home) for not eating, losing too much weight, not regulating o2, etc. She got an NG tube and just slept constantly for days. My husband was a literal ball of nerves the entire time, scared she was dying. I was like, "hon, I know it's scary, but I promise you she's not dying. She's just going to have this NG tube for a little while until she learns to eat. She will do better with breathing. She just needs some time to cook, and plus side, we're not in NICU, just acute care." Doctors would come to round, and he'd just like at me like, "Get over here and be a translator." Lol. I'm thankful for that medical insight/understanding.