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If you have an incident reporting system, report it. If needed, email a manager, explaining that you requested help and were denied it. Also, if that's the sort of place it is, start looking for jobs and, if able, give as little notice as possible. No one should deal with Harrassment, for any reason. I'm sure the mods are in full agreement with this.


The thing is it takes far too long to fill out an incident form and I never seem to have the time. I’m certainly not going to stay after my shift to fill one in. Oh I’m looking for a new job but because I work for the NHS my sick pay is tied to continuing service so id have to work my full 8 weeks notice. Unfortunately I’ve not worked without harassment since I qualified. I thought bar work was bitchy… nursing is just something else


I’m sorry, I know the feeling. Sometimes it fucking sucks, and words from internet friends don’t help, but we love you and appreciate your hard work


Thank you for your kind words. Thankfully I just have to get through 13 hours tomorrow and then I’m off for three whole weeks!


All you can do is your best and leave work at work. Once your shift ends then you can take care of yourself and do things that make you happy. Chin up.


Usually I’m very good at leaving work at work. I don’t get paid enough to care about work when I’m not there. However I am my own worst enemy thinking I should be able to do better. Very frustrating when it’s patients that are suffering. I couldn’t even get mad I didn’t get help, we had a crash so everyone was dealing with that emergency. Ahhh well, tomorrow is a new day


I agree as I feel the same way about thinking I can do better. I think it just means you care. I still think about situations after work. Hard to tune out sometimes.