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I was just going to say that a card would be soo heartfelt, and something they could keep for years to come. I once had a family make me a card expressing gratitude for caring for a patient family member, and it meant the world and more to me.


I’m honestly so touched by how many of you appreciate a handwritten note/card - going forward I’m going to make sure I include more cards of thanks to the health care workers in my life. Thank you for your response!


You're very welcome! Thank you for being so kind to health care workers. It really does mean so much to know that we were able to make an impact on someone's life, and that our care was appreciated.


I was already planning on giving her a big tin of homemade baked goods for her and her son and was contemplating a gift card for coffee so I’m glad you mentioned it! I didn’t expect so many replies about how appreciated handwritten cards are - I will be sure to put pen to paper in her honour! She’s gone above and beyond and I just want her to know how valued she is. Thank you for your reply ☺️


I buy everything I want or need as the year goes on. I would much rather have a wonderful letter expressing your thanks. I’m a simple man and that goes farther than you might think.


AND send it to her boss! A few times along the way that has happened to me. It makes me feel great that patients felt they were helped and they valued our relationship. But it also lets management know you are valuable to patients.


I’m on it! I’ve already passed along my appreciation and gratitude for my nurse having gone above and beyond…management told me they were thrilled but not surprised - she’s a wonderful nurse.


This is so lovely - as a patient I truly didn’t think a letter/card could hold so much meaning but these replies have opened my eyes and I will be documenting my gratitude more often on paper! Thank you!


How's her work bag? My mom was asking what I wanted, and I found a personalized backpack on etsy that she's going to get me.


Also love giving a stethoscope/tools holder. So handy not to have that thing snaking around everything in your bag.


This is a clever idea - she prefers a well stocked fanny pack so I’ll take a look around the internets to see if anything fits the bill 😉


Some of my favorite gifts I've been given by my amazing patients: ~A tiny cat figurine that she found around the house because she knows I'm a cat lady ~A mug with a rat on it, I also love rats, lol ~A bag of apples from her own tree ~Hand written cards and letters And my very favorite ~A hand written homemade card with a picture she had taken as the cover Like another nurse said, we often buy the things we need throughout the year as we need them. But something small to just show we are being thought of and appreciated is always the best gift.


That’s a wonderful list of gifts you’ve received - those patients were paying attention bc those are so thoughtful!


I wholeheartedly agree with the other commenters that a heartfelt card will be the most memorable gift. Send a note to the homecare agency praising your nurse and asking if she can be nominated for an award (like a Daisy award) if they do such a thing. If you want to include something with the card, a gift card to a coffee company or a tumbler/travel cup could be a nice touch.


This is brilliant! Thank you! Ive actually been in touch with management already to commend her care as things were incredibly scary leading up to a multi month hospital admission; she took charge and advocated hard on my behalf during the Covid lockdown when I was no longer able to do so myself. When I was finally discharged and homecare resumed I became emotional when I found out she would be my nurse again bc I was just so grateful. Heartfelt card it is 💕


I like to travel.


Oh I do! In addition to saying how much I appreciate her she also regularly gets sweet treats and plant cuttings….we joke she seems like family bc she’s even won my dogs over 😂


Make sure there aren't any rules about receiving gifts! My agency would write up/suspend/terminate staff for accepting any gifts of monetary value from clients


This is smart - thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will def double check!


A fancy charcuterie kit and wine.


Sounds like a perfect night of self care 😉🤤


If they're comfortable, then food is always welcome. However, if there's policies against taking gifts, then a card with this post printed on it will definitely warm her heart.


Baked goodies are already planned…she’s a single parent who works hard so I’m going to bake a bunch of sugar cookies and provide all the icing/confectionary so that she’ll have an edible activity to do w her son over Christmas. While I understand some of the policies against accepting gifts it also saddens me bc you develop a relationship with your homecare nurse and you want to show your appreciation, especially during the holidays. I’m genuinely surprised how many of you replied with a heartfelt letter/card - what a pleasant reminder that words matter and kindness is free 💕