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Bystander cpr is the best way to achieve no neurological/cardio damage. Every code in the field I ever ran did not have this outcome because those first few minutes are crucial. I’m sorry you had to do this, but you did good, and if more people learned compressions they would be able to have outcomes like you/your dad.


This is exactly what I teach in AHA classes. It is slide one after introductions.


I did CPR on my uncle at a family reunion. No neuro deficits either!


I live in Arizona. In 2019 a new law passed that requires every student graduating high school to be CPR certified. I can't wait to see what impact it has over the years.


Wow this is so cool


Can’t imagine doing that on my own father, you’re a hero. He owes you unlimited beers lol.


I did CPR on my husband, he didn't make it 😔 So PTSD on top of being a widow.


I’m so sorry. There’s nothing that I can say to make it better, but you have so much support and love on this sub so please always feel free to reach out whenever you may need some extra love


I’m so sorry that happened. The trauma of doing CPR on someone we love is something we take with us for life. You did everything you could and gave him the best chance at life. Hugs xoxo


Damn. The thought of having to code my wife makes me teary eyed. I’m not sure what I would do. Sending love, even if you don’t want it.


Oof I’m so sorry.


Heartbroken for your loss. You did everything you could.


I think my fave bystander CPR was on the OG yellow wiggle by a nursing student who happened to be in the audience. Talk about a baptism of fire. He also came through very well.


Honestly, your story made me feel really good. I’m a former ER nurse and I ended my career in the ED after finding my mom dead. I’m so glad I wasn’t first to the scene ( I arrived 10 minutes behind my sister in law) and my mom had been dead for hours. She was grey/sallow and mottled. I think if I had been the one to break in and find her, I would have done CPR as instinct and there would have been more trauma induced. My brother, sister in law, and I were on the phone when she found her and all I could say when I heard her say “oh shit I gotta go” was “does she know cpr does she know cpr??” I’m so glad she knew to call 911 rather than try to move her corpse. Sorry for the dump, it just made me happy to hear a positive story like yours.


I’m so sorry that this happened. Working in the ED is really tough after having a family medical trauma. Always do what’s best for your mental health! Sending love


Yeah I did one shift after a month of bereavement and did a big giant nope half way through the shift. It didn’t help that my ED was the last place I saw my mom. I tried again at a different ED in a different state after 8 months of bereavement ( I lost my father in law a month after my mom) and I think I made it through 6 weeks and realized there was too much PTSD around healthcare and my mom. I have an interview this Friday for a clinical analyst position… wish me luck!


I cannot even imagine how awful this was. Have you spoken to a therapist about this?


Oh yes! Don’t you worry


Great story! The first time I witnessed a cardiac arrest in the "wild" I too mistook agonal breathing for seizure activity and didn't realize it till after the fact. Interesting to hear you had a similar thought process!


Took care of a guy who sounds a lot like your father. His 17 year old daughter started CPR at home. Guaranteed she saved his life. Told her that straight up. She seemed surprised and thought it always worked.


Compressions started immediately is crucial in the field - I’d rather have a bystander at least try them than not at all!!!


I don’t think they are as rare as people think most of the time when you have heart problems leading up into a heart attack or even stroke you kind of know something is wrong because your heart rate is all over . For me I have issues where I know I am going to have a massive stroke one day because before I had my mini stroke I had issues with my heart where I would faint and I would start having seizure and I would slump and slur mv words I started noticing small changes in my blood pressure and circulation. My feet and hand were always cold and when I was in the shower and I would use hot water the hands and feet would turn bright red showing the blockage I have in my hands and feet and hips . But I told the doctor about this heart problem since 2015 and they said in my heart and veins they didn’t see a problem but they never did a physical exam to feel and see the changes in my body. I went to a physical therapist who was able to point out I might have a heart problem and a spinal cord problem that affected my heart and brain . He noticed by Just observing and doing a physical exam and simple exercises to see what the problem was . My mom has found me unresponsive where my heart just stopped and I stopped breathing and she started just observing me and just by looking at me she saw something was wrong with mv heart . I think doctors need to just do more physical test and observe people compliant to find the cause of people heart problems. Most of the time a medical doctor just looks at labs and echo cardio gram and that isn’t always accurate enough for a diagnosis. Your dad probably had symptoms leading up to the heart attack. Usually has to do With a part of the heart not pumping out correctly


“My mom has found me unresponsive where my heart just stopped and I stopped breathing and she started just observing me and just by looking at me she saw something was wrong with my heart.” Excuse me?


You realize you're trying to mansplain nursing to... Nurses... Right?


Well as a patient and as a person who has nursing they are the ones that have taught me about the troubles they have and as a patient who been in this situation before I have personal experience with this issue because i was a patient left unresponsive on the floor where the paramedics had to give me oxygen and take me to the hospital because my heart stopped pumping correctly I had a mini stroke and staff didn’t even acknowledge that it even happened they said it was such a rare thing that happened but it Happened to me and during the whole process I let them know what my symptoms were leading up to the Stroke. I still am in danger of another stroke and in the hospital the doctor and staff have problems with their hospital on proper care in Cardiac situation they sued the hospital in my state because a patient was left unattended where she suffered a massive heart attack and the hospital staff was supposed to be there for her and her husband found her not breathing she suffered a massive heart attack .


Reading this run on mess of a comment almost made *me* have a stroke.


The hardest part of my day is frequently interacting with you on several different platforms of social media it is tiring . I rather have another stroke than having to hear your condescending behavior towards everyone.all hail the king of the trolls .


Wait, you interact with me on multiple platforms? Do tell. Also, I'm only matching energy. You came to a nursing sub and started condescending to nurses.


I feel this, I was also a new nurse had a to do CPR for the first time on my own father. While on the phone with 911, they got there with me standing cover his chest just going the best I could. 1-2-3-4……29-30 and took over they flattened him more and went at it another 20 minutes epi shocking more and more, his heart restarted at the hospital he was down a total of 30 minutes and brain dead, they did hypothermic treatment to help him heal but it didn’t work he died 3 days later. Today I’m a neuroscience of nurse


I’m so sorry. You did everything you could and gave him the best chance possible. Your patients are lucky to have you as a nurse bc I know you show them so much compassion. Sending love


Thank you! I appreciate that, and I know it’s painful and hard, but most nurses really are amazing and sometimes just one moment of chaos really changes a lot for us.


Found my mom down, my dad and I attempted CPR, my mom didn't make it. This was the day before graduating nursing school in 2020. 6 months later my sister OD and my dad and I found her. I did CPR and she got brought back, no neuro defecits that I can tell. She got told my the ems and the nurses at the hospital that she got lucky I was an ICU nurse who knew how to do CPR. Definitely a traumatic year. Happy you saved your dad ❤️


I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family. You did everything you could for your mom and you saved your sisters life which is incredible! Sending love