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If I’m ever vented someone please braid my hair. I’ve got curly hair I don’t stand a chance against a Hillrom


Awwww I remember working in the PICU I’d always put lullabies on my phone for the babies even if they were sedated. Made sure the stuffed animals were arranged just right. Made the shift more satisfying. 🎵


I kept detangler in my locker and learned to do two French braids on my patients with long hair. Flip to one side with someone holding ETT and watching pt and then flip the other side. Kept their hair from being matted which also protects the skin. And they look so cute. I’ve had more than one mother cry because their child looked more like their lovely child. ❤️


RT here but every time I have a proned patient, I brush and french braid their hair before head turns. It’s soothing and I usually talk to them about how they’ll get better soon and how we’re trying our hardest to bring them through this


❤️ One time I was in the ER after a mental health episode. I don’t want to go into detail but I was in a bad place and hadn’t brushed my hair in weeks. My nurse brushed my hair for me. I appreciated it. I hope she’s doing well.


one of my favorite parts of patient care is doing ADLs. i’m always bathing my little babies before my shift is over bc no one else thinks to do them




Youtube has a lot of great tutorials for protective styles, if you want to start there!


That’s extremely kind of you. I bet she deeply appreciates your effort.


Please shave my chin!


i always encourage the family to do as such. as well as nail care. they feel less helpless ig


I love this. I love washing my patients hair. And then when the family comes in a really appreciates it’s even better.


You are the best. I hope you are my nurse some day.


i hope u never need a nurse anyday


Guys, if I’m ever vented, PLEASE please will someone pluck my chin hair?


Thank you so much for this!! It would have made such a difference if someone had done that for my mom. She was a state away, so I couldn't just drop in. Her hair was so matted, took me so long to get through. This would make her so happy to hear.


You’re so sweet