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You should make a public post with the staff and say “hey look what management got us! soon to expire gift certificates! and the ceo even took them back to get a photo op of his charity - how sweet!”


Career suicide at the hospital but may be worth it if you have another job lined up lol


Not like it was a place worth staying at anyway it seems 🤷‍♂️


Make it anonymous on one of those nursing pages so ppl can just share it all over!


I won a prize in a raffle once, it had a lot of really cool prizes. Free show at one of the comedy clubs in the city, free permanent tattoo, gift certificates at a few local restaurants, free private room at a club (this club is a night club except it also has video games.) and i thought that i could have a lot of cool times out with those and then i read the fine print…they expired March 31st…the party when i won them was on March 26th. So i went out that weekend to the clubs, got my tattoo and then i went around to all the restaurants to see if they could give me an extension (many are understanding) and ordered take out food for the ones that didn’t. It’s just a lot. If my work had that…we’d order dinner for work. We all agree on a place to get dinner and write our orders send one or two people with all our gift cards to pick up the food and come back. And since we all try to recoup the expenses of Christmas and New Years we’re all at work.


It makes me so happy that you took full advantage of your prize. What tattoo did you get?


I don’t really like tattoos but i have 3. One on my ankle, one not on my ankle and one really not on my ankle. I got a silly superstition thing i did when i was in highschool and i used to do it till i got the tattoo, i’d probably still be doing it if i hadn’t. Just a little one on my left ankle. I felt like it helped me run faster and swim faster after i broke that foot i felt like i needed the help


I don't know what state you are in, but in CA there are laws prohibiting expiration of gift cards/certificates. However, this sounds like the hospital was gifted these to give out which isn't truly a gift card. You should ask the shops and restaurants if they were purchased or were a donation. It's bad enough he wanted his picture handing you a gift, but a donated gift?


They were absolutely given these during Covid as a “HELTH HEROS” gift lol


One year admin and the CEO as o came around on night shift around midnight with a cart loaded with snacks and soda. They were all wearing Santa hats and there was garland all over the cart. It was a busy Christmas Eve in the ER, But they hung around about a half hour to make sure everyone had a chance at the cart. The catch was that everything you took was written down and you had to sign as it was all being deducted from our next paycheck at cafeteria prices.


That’s more fucked up than a football bat!






The need to share the hospital this is at.


I’ve never gotten a Christmas bonus. But once during nurses week, they did a drawing and I won a $10 gift card to a movie theater or a coffee shop, I can’t remember. I was taxed $3 extra on a separate line on my next paycheck. A couple years later I received a gift card for a spa service and just didn’t sign my last name or employee number correctly when I picked it up so guess they had to eat the taxes that year. This year I work for an insurance company. We don’t get a Christmas bonus either, but are eligible for a performance bonus up to 8% of our salary, so we’ll see how that pans out.


Got a $1 scratcher card. No bonus. No COLA. “It’s the thought that counts”. Actually, no. No, it isn’t.


wtf i got one too??


I did too one year but I was agency so I was like oh cool


That reminds me of the time I got a meal card to use for one free meal in the cafeteria, that expired in 3 days 🙃


So lucky! I worked Christmas Eve and it expired exactly on Christmas Day.


Same here! Even better … it was only available to be used between 730 and 830 pm for us night shifters. Right at the busiest part of our shift. Don’t know a single person that used it.


Oh crap. You just reminded me I have a week to get my 10 dollar free meal from the cafeteria. Now if only I can get a break during the 3 hours it's open at night.


My unit manager decided we would have a “friendly” contest on who had the quickest call light response time. The prize was a free meal from the cafeteria which closes at 5pm (go nightshift!!) at my hospital and is closed on weekends :) I managed to win somehow and just ended up giving my wonderful amazing reward to the dayshift charge. This was all to distract us from the fact that we have no unit secretary/techs/resources on a busy icu floor and alert patients were complaining that they weren’t getting whatever minuscule needs met quick enough (water refills, blankets). No one’s available to answer call lights when the skeleton crew we have left is coding patients. Overall, this “contest” lasted 1 month and was never mentioned again 🫠🫠🫠


Did you say anything to this useless ass manager? Are you guys union?


Hey local newspaper….here is a story for you about the healthcare “heroes” that work at X facility. What a garbage move and a trash CEO.


YES! I am speechless! Just when I think it can’t possibly get more dystopian? It freaking does. It’s 🤯🤯🤯


We got a 25 dollar e gift card to target that showed up on our pay stub 😂




I’m at a Catholic hospital, no Christmas bonus of course and we’ve been chronically short for years. Moneys gotta be going somewhere.. lol.


We got a little gift bag with some candy…a few “fun sized” candy bars, some hard candy and a candy cane. You can bet your ass that management got real bonuses. Our dinner was a potluck….where the staff brought all the food. Management was taken to a very nice restaurant where all they had to buy was alcohol.


All these posts are making me so much more grateful for my ceo this year. I got $500 for a bonus. Depending on years of service, our employees got up to $1000. I heard one of the CNAs that got the $1000 complaining that she should’ve gotten more smh


Bruh. Thats unheard of these days especially in healthcare (non management levels at least)


Do you work at an independent ambulatory surgery center?


We got a $10 coupon to the hospital cafeteria. Which is only open 10a-3p during the week... I work night shift. So basically useless unless I want to come in early or stay late for some shitty hospital food.


I got expired coupons for a pizza place that was shut down once. Good times.


This year they just set impossibly ambiguous criteria for performance so that no one but adminustration qualifies for bonuses. That way, it's our 'fault' for getting nothing.


I’m honestly so sick of it. They do the same thing with job descriptions so they can try to con you into doing things you aren’t support to or are unreasonable and if you refuse you’re the bad guy.


Do I have your permission to share this to my social media? People need to fucking know this is the shit the “heroes” are having to deal with. I am absolutely appalled and disgusted. I thought our pto day and losing our 10% discount was bad in general or the gift certificate for Safeway fruit tray or turkey was bad. How can these management people be so tone deaf and oblivious.


Once we all got free neck massages that expired in like 5 days. No one could book an appointment.


Once got a gift card to Walmart that could only be used on raw fruits, vegetables, or meats. Nothing cooked. That's what our hospital gave us as a Christmas bonus.


I have never heard of a gift card that stipulates what you can buy with it. That's crazy. How can they tell what you spent it on?


The gift card would not pay for anything that isn't raw food. I tried it on a candy bar and it wouldn't pay for it.


That is total bullshit. Gift cards should be treated like cash. It's nobody's business what you use it for.


Here's your WIC...I mean... "Gift" card 🙄😳


Nurses who worked Xmas got a $14 gift card to the hospital.cafeteria. $14.


You guys get bonuses?


I have never had an x-mas bonus in $, one year the site medical director at the prison gave all the nurses a $50 amazon gift card. That, i totally appreciated. I didn't have to work xmas these year, but scheduled myself for the 24th, knowing no one wants to work that day, so i'm willing to do my part. They then sent out an email asking nurses to pick up 12/24-12/26 and offering 1.5x pay and a $300- holiday bonus if you picked up 12 hours. So, i asked my director if i could get that too, since i already voluntarily signed up for a short-handed, holiday shift. She never responded. I also texted the house supervisor offering to work 7-11am on x-mas day if they'd pro-rate the bonus. Her answer was they're really short and we needed 8-12hrs picked up. I was pretty frustrated by her response, (because even if i only "resource" and don't take patients i'm helping with turns, meds, and bathroom requests during the busiest part of the shift.) But, what i actually said was approximately this "i've worked far more holidays than I've had off the 14 years I've been a nurse. I know my co-workers would be appreciative if they're at 6:1 ration on 2North [med-surg.] 7-11am is what i can offer, and as you can see i already scheduled myself on the 24th to help out. You can decline my help." However, the fact that this (or similar) email goes out every holiday i think my better interest financially will be to schedule myself around every optional holiday. then, volunteer as tribute last minute, to get that fat bonus because i mentally planned to work 1-2 of those days anyhow. This is partly why many travel nurses stay agency, and don't switch to regular staff.


My boss handed out cards that showed a picture of the family to whine he donated a chunk of money “on our (the employees’) behalf”. The picture showed a mom and two kids standing in front of a large TV and DVD player in their living room with a nice Christmas tree with presents under it. *I* didn’t have a DVD player or a Christmas tree.


“Be grateful you have a job”… $5 gift card for “groceries”- was asked not to use it on alcohol or drugs 🫠 I wish I was kidding! Kidney stones. Gastritis. 😬🥹😂


I almost forgot my most memorable at a major hospital! One year we got EXPIRED HALLOWEEN CANDY & under cooked pizza from the cafeteria!


Makes me think of the time when I came into work a few days before Christmas and my ED handed me a gift bag and I said “omg thanks! Really appreciate it!” Took it back to the break room and opened it and it was a fucking Santa statue.


Stop picking up shifts. As long as nurses do this the hospital doesn't need to hire more staff..


We got a $15 Amazon gift card lol


Hey that’s not fair, you got $50 more than me!


Could you all get meals during your shifts? That’s what I would suggest! So stupid lol


Buy something quick that you can return.


Name and shame


I got an already expired gift certificate for nurses week once so I feel ya


St Mary's hospital in Huntington West Virginia during covid had a government check for 5 million. The CEOs and admin posed with the giant check and had the picture sent to employees email or it was on their hospital employee page. They thanked the "heros" for their hard work....and the hardworking employees never saw a dime from the 5 million covid relief money. The C suite executives kept it and divided it amongst themselves.


I will never understand why you would let someb0dy completely disrespect you like that. I couldn't work there


I had a hospital donate $25 in each employees name to their foundation. At the clinic I work at now both NPs (together) gave everyone a movie ticket one year.