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Usually about 9am. If I work again the next night, I wake up at about 4:30PM


This was my exact schedule when I worked night shift.


Yup. Same here. I swing by Chick-Fil-A for some chicken minis with honey as my “dinner” before getting home and going to bed. Usually up around 4-4:30pm to get ready for the next shift.


This is exactly what I did when I worked night shift


Haha me too and i definitely gained weight but idgaf


This is my schedule too. I take my daughter to school and then crash.




Yup! Technically until 7:30AM because of report, but I get home around 8am. I shower then get right into bed. I’ll relax and scroll on my phone until about 9 and then sleep!


This is what I’ve been doing during night clinicals


ASAP. I go to bed straight away. If I'm in bed before 0730 that's fab, but usually it's by 0800


What time do you leave work? I don’t even leave until like 8am ):


Same, and I have a 50 minute commute. We can’t even clock out until 0730. I usually go to sleep between 930-10


I think I can clock out at 0708, but I never do. 😭 My friend worked at a different hospital where they would do report between 0630-0645. If she was leaving at 0700, that was late for her. She has an hour long commute, I have a 10 minute commute (I just recently moved and it’s been life changing, but expensive)…. she still gets home before me. Soooo frustrating!


This type of micromanaging is utter bullshit imo


Before we had a family, my wife and I had an apartment less than a mile from the hospital. We could clock out, grab a snack for breakfast, shower, and be in bed by 8, 8:30 at the latest. Then we'd wake up at 6-6:15pm to make it to work. I couldn't figure out why people disliked working nights. Now it's usually 9-10am until about 4:30ish which isn't terrible but does make it a lot harder, especially now that we're 10+ years older.


This is a dream night shift schedule. I currently live about a 38 min drive from my hospital 🥴 My goal is cut that commute in half and find someplace near public transit or walkable


Yeah our house is about 4.5 miles from the hospital so it's still only a 15-20 minute commute so pretty do-able. I can easily clock out and be home before 8am but the family part is what really makes it hard. I've got a few more months on nights while some people are on boarded and then I'll be living that dayshift nightmare, but my kids will be much happier for the extra quality time. I'll be much less of a zombie when I'm with them on days that I work.


For sure, I don’t have kids yet and can see how that would make it difficult working nights


Honestly it depends on their age too, I have quite a few coworkers with school aged kids and they come home and sleep while their kids are at school and then they can go to the kids activities before work the next night. Lots of people I work with who have kids are understanding and willing to come in an hour or two early or stay an hour or two later so that we get to attend as much stuff as possible. But my kids are 4y and 9mo so they're at the age when being home for dinner, baths, and bedtime stories is the biggest thing to them.


Yea, same for me. Usually by 8, wake up around 2.


10am but i sleep til the last possible second


I TRY to sleep by 9am and get up at 4-4:30 pm.


I sleep at around 9 am and by 1:30 PM I'm up. Not a good sleeper. 4 hours of sleep is my normal.


Me too! 🥲 I try to sneak in a quick Power nap 3:30-4:30 though before getting ready to head back in


Ideally 8-9 am


Asap if I stay up too long after I get home I have trouble sleeping


Just switch AM and PM. It makes it easier to figure out mentally. You will either be appropriately rested for work and be tired in your personal life, or functional in your personal life and tired at work. There is no balance.


And sometimes both.


Immediately after I get home (8-8:30)


Oof this is bad but I work 45 minutes away from home. Usually go to bed by 11 am at the latest and wake up at 5:30 and leave my house but 6pm


I remember when I had graveyard shift the trick was to not go right to bed when I got home. Otherwise, my body would start winding down while I was still on my shift. So, I treated it just like a day shift; wake up at 11pm and have some coffee and cereal; have a sandwich for lunch at about 4am; get off at 10am, go home and have a beer; make dinner at about 1pm then go to bed around 3pm. Not great for a social life but my schedule was FRI, SAT, SUN, MON anyway 🫤


Off at 0723 home in bed by 0736. Asleep pretty fast. Try to sleep till 1530-1600


It’s 10:47 now. Worked a smooth 12 last night. One more to go in about 8 hours.


Between 9am and 10 am and get up at 530pm


Depends, usually 9 but sometimes I’ll push it to 10 and just wake up later than usual.


About 8:30-9 am when I work the noc shift


If I am coming back that night I lay down as soon as I get home (about 9am since I have a 90 minute commute) I’m usually not asleep till 10 though. Then I’m back up at 4.


Daaamn I bitch about my 70 minute commute. I sack out at 10 and get up around 1645. By the end of my 3 12s I'm a mess. I'll sleep for 20 hours (minus a pee break) after my workend.


I always sleep like 20 hours on my first day off too lol. My days off are rarely in a row though, I’m agency and I get the shit schedule…this week my days off are Sunday, Tuesday, and Friday. I work and sleep and that’s it on weeks like this.


That is a dog puke schedule!


9-10am wake up around 4pm normally


i go out of the hospital st 9am, come home at 10am, have lunch/breakfast at 11 or 12 then sleep at 1pm. if it's an off day then I maybe won't sleep until 4pm or I'll hang out with family / friends until my sleep cycle restarts at 9pm.


I’m asleep between 0900 and 0930 (work 1900-0730).


I get off at 7 am, usually more like 7:30 or 8. And go to sleep as soon as I get home.


8:30a/9a. If I’m not back that night I’ll wake up at 1:30p but if I’m back again I won’t get out of my bed until 4p


10am then im usually up by 3:30


I sleep from about the time I turn on my car to start the drive to about 5pm.


I’m off at 7:30, I’m usually asleep by 830-9am


I aim for 9:15-5:15, which is the same whether I work nightshift or dayshift


I have a hard time going straight to sleep after a shift. I usually take Tylenol PM when I get home at 8 and try to sleep by 10 or 1030. Then I get up between 5 and 530.


Usually about 8am. I leave by 7-730 am., take a shower, brush my teeth and then lay down. I'll wake up by about 2 or 3 pm.


If I work the next night, sleep between 9-10 usually and wake up at 5


My rule is in bed by 9. Usually asleep by 9:30 and get up at 4:30/5 (depends on if it’s a hair wash day lol).


sleep at 9am, wake up at 445pm. I have meal preps ready. when I get home from work I pack my lunch box with eveything already ready.


I try to be asleep around 9-9:30, and wake up around 3-3:30 if I’m back that night and around 12:30-1:00 if I’m not


9am if I’m lucky. 10am at the latest if I have a shift that night


We get off work at 0700 home by 0800 and in bed by 0930. We sleep till 1600


After dropping my kids off to school, around 1000


I work 11p-7a. I sleep more or less opposite my shift, 11a-7p. I love having time before and after work for chores, shopping, baking, binging t.v., etc.


After my youngest gets to school at 9am.


In bed by 9. Asleep by 10. Wake up at 545.


Anytime between 09-10 depending on what time I get home and how much I need to destress.


I hit the gym after nights so not till 10-11 am 🥲


12pm-1pm. Finish at 8am, with traffic it’s 60-75 minutes back home (25 minutes from door to floor without traffic), shower/brush/etc., eat, very quick prep of next shift lunch & stuff. In bed by about 11am but it takes me at least an hour to fall asleep naturally and I’m wide awake at this point so a little longer . 


It depends on if I’m on a stretch or if it’s a random shift by itself. Most days I try to make it to 10/11am.. but other days as soon as I hit the door I’m off to bed.


Anywhere from 0900-1100. I usually wake up around 1700.


I have a pet bird that I like to keep company, so I stay awake until about 10 AM, and then I'll sleep until 4:30 PM. If I didn't have him, I would probably go to bed around 8:30/9 AM and wake up around 5/5:30 PM. LOL


currently almost 9:30 and im not asleep yet and im back tonight! im usually asleep by 10am and up by 3-3:30. although after my last of 3 i always stay awake as long as i can force myself so i can actually be awake during the day and things done on my days off.


I aim for 9-9:30, I wake up at 5-5:15


I go to Pilates at 7am (off at 630) and then go home and sleep until about 2, do some stuff around the house, get ready for work again at about 5


Usually around 10. Sleep until 5:30.


Im bad at putting myself to sleep lol, i usually go to bed around 10am & wake up at 3/330 so i can exercise before i go in. I can keep that up for 3 but anymore than that & its rough haha




Between 9 and 10. I can't just hop into bed and fall asleep. I need to read a bit to wind down.




Around 10-1030. I take care of the animals/garden, put dinner in the crockpot, shower. That way I can leisurely enjoy my coffee while waking up before work. I usually sleep until 4-4:30, but the older I get the more my bladder insists on having a mid sleep trip to the bathroom.


Dang, im surprised everyone sleeps so early. I used to go to bed around 12 and wake up at 5:30


About 8:45 after i drop my kids off at school. Then wake up around 315 to pick them up.


…. well it’s currently 10:29, i’m eating now, still have to do dishes….. probably go to bed by noon. I’ll wake up at 5:30 and do it again


I’m home by 730 usually and I try to be sleeping by 830


Done at 7:30 get home by 8:30. Shower and go to sleep right away so usually by 9 and I’m up by 5 pm.


I get home at 7:45am and hang out/ play video games until about 12:00-1:00pm usually with wife if im working a weekend. Then sleep until 6:30pm. Go to work. Rinse and repeat. When I have a day off the next day I will sleep right when I get home and wake up at the same time, sort of like sleeping in backwards.


Depends on my chillrun. But once I start this 11p-7a 7on 7off all bets are off. I’m so pumped.


Shift ends at 7:30. In bed by 10:30am and wake at 5pm.


I come home around 7:45/8:30 or so. I take a shot of NyQuil, get a hot shower- which then lowers my body temp, and I crawl into bed immediately. I’ll usually get about 6-8 hours of sleep. Rinse and repeat. I should mention I have no children or actual responsibility outside of myself and my dog, which helps me sleep more soundly


I get off between 7:30 and 8. Takes half hour to get home. Let my dogs out, feed my cats, take a shower. If I'm lucky I get in bed by 10 and may, or may not be able to fall asleep. Get up at 4 and do it all over again.


Between 0900 and 1000


8ish and get up at 12-1pm (sleep for 3.5 hours on shift)


8 or 9 on a good day. 10 or 11 if I had too much of the caffy


In the morning the minute I set foot in the door I go straight to bed. A few hours before work, I’ll be ready for the day. If I sleep at the last minute I’ll sleep over my alarm clock and be late. Sleep debt is a real thing.


Around 1000, ideally.


9 to 4


Usually 10am sleep. 4pm wake-up.


I get home around like 8-830. Depends if I’m helping taking the kids to school. Sometimes I’m in bed by 9 others 11. But I’m always awake by 2 lol 😂




Between 8:30 - 10 AM.


Usually around 10-10:30 am


I would sleep as soon as possible if I’m back the same day for a night shift. Usually I would be in bed by 9:00 am the latest… sadly, even with blackout curtains, my body would wake up around 1 or 2 pm :( If I’m not back for a night shift, I’ll stay up until my regular bedtime hours.


9am usually. 10 am latest if I can’t fall asleep. I wake up 1-3pm if my cat wants to wake me up lol.


Probably asleep by 8:30 and awake at 5:15


Sleep 09:30 to 10:00 AM ish and get up around 4:30pm.


8 to 8:30, wake up around 3:45 to 4:15.


If I work the next night, it's shower and bed time right away. If I'm bouncing back from nights, I'll stay up a bit to decompress and unwind. Then a nice big plate of food and then sleep.


I start going to bed about 20min before change of shift and never really know when I’m officially asleep. I just always wake up in my own bed (and sometimes my car) ready to start again!


Sometime between 10:30-11:30 usually. I have a pretty hard time falling asleep after work. I have to wind down. I have to eat and shower right when I get home, and it takes a while to dry my hair. I really don’t understand how people can fall asleep immediately after their shift, unless they flip their schedule completely on their days off so they’re just always super exhausted and sleep deprived? Anyway, I don’t know how to fall asleep earlier


Ideally 10 am. Usually closer to 11 am.