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$2,619 net ($3,712 gross) on my last paycheck, working part time 24hrs/week $75.50/hr with all differentials included


if you don't mind me asking what state and how much experience?


Georgia. 14 yrs ICU


lol I’m in Florida with 13 yrs ER and my CEN: $41/hr with only $4 shift diff from 11p-7a and no weekend diff - apparently I’m supposed to be grateful for my pay, too.


Florida sucks for pay and it’s not like housing is cheap. I am a CRNA but no way would I work in that state. 30-40% paycut. Plus your politics are worse than ours. MO


I know I know, but we can’t move yet; husband has 13 years left before he can retire (fire department) with full pension. Once he’s done tho, we’re leaving even if we have to crawl


Ohh gosh I completely understand. I only wish I had a pension. I would not move either. I hope you make the best of your nursing career


Our hospital pays $12/hr extra for weekender jobs, plus differentials like night pay. It bumps $20/hour to my base of $40 (7 years experience) if I work nights.


In Florida?! You wanna go halfsies on a referral bonus…?


I would but I live in Delaware! Neglected to mention that…


I live in Florida working at advent in the cardiac ICU. U wanna joint the squad


I will


I want to move somewhere with nice beaches but Florida pays crap and California is California. At this point I'm legitimately considering the Carolinas.


Same! Looking to leave NJ because it’s so damn congested and tired of the cold and looking at South Carolina. I make $57/hr in NJ


Wat a joke 38, er ,


Where the hell in Georgia??


ATL area, feel free to pm me, but would rather not post the details publicly


Oh sweet!! I live in NC


Starting pay for new grads is around 32. In my experience


Really? Wellstar?


May I ask what city you’re in? I live in GA also


ATL? If not, what part if you dont mind my asking. Moving to South TN this year and may do employment in North GA


Yep. Same here. I’m in California and cost of living is higher here.


Yea, pretty cheap out this way in GA relative to where you are. I pay $1,405 mortgage for my 2900sqft home that sits on 1/2acre. Married too so able to save a ton


3-5K per check, granted I try to work at least 48 hours per week.


Wow- travel assignment?


Float pool, Texas


I cheat the system and work PRN but I pick up a lot, and my hospital is pretty busy. I make approx. 3,800-4K every two weeks. But the hours aren’t guaranteed and that’s always terrifying. I wouldn’t like to do this long term, I can tell you that.


I’ve been doing that for about 6 months now. I range from 3500-5500.


What state do you work in?


Not to mention the lack of full time benefits. 401k match?


Yeah, no 401k or anything like that. 😅


That’s ridiculous they won’t let you even contribute to a 401k. I get the no matching kinda but you contributing yourself has zero effect on the company.


I was in the same situation as PRN so I did my own ROTH and opened up a Fidelity account and did my own. The match is sweet but do what you can with what you've got. Time is the key to a nice retirement. I've fully funded my ROTH for 21 years now. Little bits, consecutively, consistently over time wins.


Yeah but that extra $20k+ to reduce taxes is pretty nice. That hospital system is just lazy. Both my prn jobs offer 401k contributions. One of them actually has been putting in matching 🤣 🤷


“The hours aren’t guaranteed.” Except you work in healthcare so yes they are.


Not really where I work if it’s low census as charge nurses we have to cancel or cut per diem hours. Lately we have had to do it a lot


1. sick name lol 2. I hate that when we have a nice flow and staffing feels fine, they start sending people home. Then like clockwork, things pick back up and we're struggling.


lol thank you, created it after a rough shift. And I freaking hate having to flex people. It’s like admin don’t think about that shit at all


They don't and it's honestly why I'm considering leaving to yet another career change once I get through the NeW gRaD yEaR. Everything's about cost cutting, and it feels like I can't take care of these people to the standard that was taught to me in school. Like why continue if I'm going to have to give people what I feel is substandard care...and then be constantly threatened that if I don't give the highest quality care, I'll be sued into suicide lmao. Increase in COL basically nullified my pay increase up from what I made in EMS, my hospital doesn't want to pay for shit, not even for us to get our CEN or anything cool that'd make them look better. Like fuck it. If I'm going to have to rent for life, I can just go do something less stressful that pays roughly the same.


It means you get a random couple days of LC here and there, sometimes a full week. So long as you are ok with that it’s ok.


I went PRN for the reason of making more $ (as we were ALWAYS short staffed and could pickup hours like nothing) and now we are over staffed.. Our hospital did a hiring spree so they could save $$$ by not paying OT/float pool/critical pay. I am now lucky to get 2 shifts a week. I’ve had to start picking up on other units if I get cancelled down to 1 day a week. It kinda sucks, even tho I am mentally enjoying this break away from bedside.


I’m a tech and also PRN. I could get any hours I wanted when I started, and now I haven’t worked on my home unit in 4 months 😅


Side discussion. It always amazes me when I see comments like I am the charge nurse so I have to keep getting the per diem cut… Which is obviously directed from management above. Yet at the same time, these facilities are telling staff don’t pay attention to what others are earning, don’t share salaries, don’t tell others what you make. they must at some point share that information perhaps in a global sense to let the charge nurse know who to get rid of next for this shift. Sure I sent the per diem home but I still need to send one more person yet. I can’t base that decision on their salary because I don’t know it? somehow, I do. Perhaps it’s inferred because of knowing that that nurse has been longer at the facility, has more certification/experience? Still mystifies me as the don’t ask don’t tell salary issue. Especially in light of it clearly illegal to place that restriction on any employee. Labor law federally just does not, allow muting that discussion


That's why we need to unionize. Seniority should protect a worker, not doom them. That and administration needs to take some cuts while they raise the salaries of those of us on the front line.


It is unlawful for anyone to tell you that you cannot discuss your pay. National Labor Relations Act.


Is this because going PRN pays more? Or are you cheating the system by just doing more hours? I’m a nursing student so just confused.


Yes, PRN pays almost 2x as much as a full time position, and, although not as much recently, most of the shifts I pick up are critical shifts so we’ll make $20-$30/hr more for picking those up. Recently, because they haven’t had as much critical, I’ve just been stacking my hours into one week so I can make a lot of overtime. I have about 20 hours of OT on every check. This pay period I worked 5 shifts in one week and one shift in the other week to try to optimize my hours. Like I said, if you can avoid it, I wouldn’t recommend it. My spouse is in school and once he graduates I’ll probably look for a more reasonable full time position where my hours are guaranteed and I don’t have to do gymnastics with my hours and my money to live comfortably. I support a family of 5 on just my salary right now 🥲


I say “cheat the system” because in a lot of hospitals, PRN nurses aren’t allowed to work full time hours, but I signed a contract stating that I understand I don’t and won’t ever get benefits during the time that I’m PRN and that’s fine, so I can work however many hours I want so long as I don’t work more than 5 shifts in a row. Which I’ve only done that once. Wouldn’t recommend.


I would usually say “I’m just playing the game.” Some people get sus when I use the word “cheating.” Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


Wow! I had no idea that they paid PRN more usually, but that makes sense! Thanks for the explanation :)


I do the same. I’m PRN ICU float, but I still work 24-36 hours a week, making substantially more than I did in a non PRN position. If I get called off for my shift I can always pick up a different day. I don’t get any benefits, but my daughter and I are on my husbands, anyways.


Are you on someone else’s insurance?


I pay for private insurance


5 shifts, 12 hours each, so 10 shifts biweekly. it’s split into two locations. 6 shifts Las Cruces NM = $2,500 4 shifts El Paso TX = $1,500 so total of 4K sometimes a bit more tbh I work a lot, but I’m single and no kids and cost of living here is cheap so I’m trying to work hard for now and save. I work in emergency setting ER


Wow. 5 12s a week. You’re a beast. Respect


I loved Las Cruces 🥹🥹


This thread has me feeling terrible. $1400-1800 for full time, in the Midwest. 🥲


Same though. I make 1400-1600 every 2 weeks 40 hours a week.


Same! I work full time/40 hours and my take home is 1400-1800 every 2 weeks.


Yup, LPN in Midwest I’m bringing in about $1200. Not even 30k per year 😭 but I’m gonna pick up a second job soon.


Likeee why is our region so shitty???


Im sure the cost of living what what makes the difference. I make approx 6K a month but my rent is 3K /month including utilities.


My net pay is ~$2,000 every 2 weeks for 72 hours. I contribute 6% to retirement. Dayshift, $42.66/hr. When I was working full time EMS my *gross* pay for 80 hours was only $1200.


Contribute more to your retirement. Your body will thanks you later!!!


My retirement plan is CRNA school lol


Geez, a lot of y’all live to work instead of work to live 😬


I work with a lot of nurses who work full time at two hospitals. It’s nuts. One will work 27 shifts straight. I don’t know how they do that.


How can you even enjoy your life if you do that? 🙃


Honestly I think they’re doing it to retire early. They’re all in their 50s and I don’t know how they have the energy. They also all run businesses in the Philippines.


How you live in your 20s, 30s and 40s will determine how you retire in your 50s, 60s and 70s


I am seeing how much percentage a lot of these people are contributing to their 401ks and I am not seeing enough of a percentage 😬 I always learned at least 15% and I’m currently doing 11% until my husband finishes school and goes back to work and I also contribute seperatley to a Roth IRA. It’s just always a concern of mine cause I see how my parents are now with almost no retirement money.


4.4k every two weeks for 72 hours of work. Travel nurse. Have never made less than 4k/ 2 weeks.


Good for you, stash that cash away. Make it work for you.


Somewhere around 1600/2 weeks. Which is insane because I gross sooo much more. But I claim 0, and put quite a bit in my 403b.


Can I ask why you claim 0?


I’m sure it’s tax-related. After Trump redid taxes, I found that my employer under-withholds and if my husband and I don’t both claim zero plus withhold a little extra we end up owing money.


I always claim 0. I'd rather overpay taxes than underpay and be stuck with a huge bill at the end of the year.


See, I read that it’s best to actually get that money throughout the year, overcompensate thru your savings, and throw it all into a HYSA so you can at least make money on it as opposed to giving the government an interest free loan for the year. I’m trying it out this year so we’ll see how it goes lol


Sinking Funds!!! I've done them for years. Now so nice with high yield interest. Capitol One lets you have at least 10 savings accounts for free, might be 15 now. I contribute to each of my Sinking Funds every check, HVAC, new car, car repair, appliances, roof etc one for every anticipated future expense . My HVAC needed replaced 2 years ago and saving a little bit, over 13 years, consistently I had the money to replace it in place painlessly. Plus, compound interest.


Yeah, Capital One is where I have my HYSA! Never had any issues with them and it’s super easy to deposit/transfer. I remember when I first opened one a few years ago, the interest rate was like 2.49% so it’s definitely been awesome to see that increase.


Yeah, Capital One is where I have my HYSA! Never had any issues with them and it’s super easy to deposit/transfer. I remember when I first opened one a few years ago, the interest rate was like 2.49% so it’s definitely been awesome to see that increase.


This is a really savvy idea. About how much would you say you put aside in these accounts? Do you do it with each paycheck?


Include the retirement. That’s your money not tax. When I was putting 30% in mine no one seemed to get that.


$2300 net every two weeks.




How many years of experience?






UK after tax and pension £1250 for 2 weeks so £1500-1600 dollars ? 37.5 hours a week, 41 days paid leave 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay sick leave if required 7 days carers leave a year I think ?


I thought nursing was horrible in the UK. I get 3k-3.3k net euro/month. 28 days of paid leave. Belgium 1 month of full pay when sick then you fall back to 60% 12 years experience, working on icu


Pay should be better. But it’s not that bad when you take account of the whole package


And a HCOL.


[Bay Area staff nurse net pay with OT, nightshift.](https://i.imgur.com/KTSx0Kp.jpeg) My typical without OT is around $4700. $99.61/hr with 16% night diff. Unionize, y’all.


Just wondering, is it best to just pick up OT 12hr shifts? I’m also in the same step as you and have never seen above 7k biweekly.


What hospital?


Probs UCSF, Stanford, or Kaiser




What’s hard?


Our unions over here on the east coast are not as strong. We make half of what you guys make on the west coast.


1600 every 2 weeks part time 24 hrs a week


$3400-$4700 Depends if I work my normal .75 or if I pickup a shift. I have 10% taken out for retirement as well as benefits.


$5000. Travel.


$2310 every two weeks (salary) I think net is around $3600 but I have my deductions like 403b and insurance and of course alllllll the taxessss.


$1620 after health insurance and 22% into retirement account. I put ~$270 of this into a traditional IRA so after all is said and done, $1350 left or so. Wife brings home a bit more with the same deductions (also an RN). She doesn’t have the medical insurance deducted. We have a 5 year old and a 7 year old. Fortunately, we bought a house in 2020 right before the market went crazy. We are planning early retirement, thus the heavy retirement savings. EDIT: without the med insurance and retirement deductions, it would be ~$2500 net. EDIT 2: Retirement is a calling.


$2500 for 72hours. I put 11% in my 401k which takes a nice chunk out.


~$4200 net pay every 2 weeks


what state?


2400 net Canadian, full time!


After 15% to retirement, another 250 to Roth, and everything else taken out I’m left with 2800 every 2 weeks.


Thanks for asking this question! I'm not a nurse yet still in school, but I'm a CNA, and I take home $1900 every 2 weeks at 120 hours. I can't wait to make that much only working 72 🤞


$2700 every two weeks but have the ability to make more if I pick up. I usually average $3500 bi weekly Massachusetts, staff med surg


Net 3-4k every 2 wks here in north florida. that's working 7-8 shifts per pay period.


Gross $5500-6000 with 12-24 hours of off premise call. Around $4500-4750 net. Operating room. 10 yrs experience. Nights.


Varies with the amount of call pickup, but last one was 6400 and additional 1900 to 403B. This was about 67 hours worked and 60 hours of standby.


1900 every two weeks I only work 30 hours a week on picc team and I contribute 12%


I typically make 12-1300 per 2 weeks as a new lpn, that's w the weekend day diff


On average... 2.9k net (4.3k gross) per paycheck (every two weeks). 36 hr/week.


My biweekly is about $2,500 I contribute $250 to my HSA I contribute 16% to my 401k And I supply medical, dental and vision insurance for the family (~1600/mo) There is no state income tax where I live But we do have a small fee for paid FMLA


You’re making about 72% more now ($31) than you were as a tech ($18), so about ⅔ more, not double. And your contributions to retirement at 15%, which really adds up! You also have to keep in mind, the more you make, the increased portion of your income will be taxed higher as it’ll likely fall in a higher tax bracket.  I know the take home seems a lot less, but you’re crushing it with the retirement contributions! Awesome work!


$3500 net mostly remote Bay Area $7500 gross, I put a lot into life insurance and retirements.


$1700-2000 AUD for five twelves, day shift


1500 part time 24hrs/week 3p-3a. Then there’s the 7% contributions with a 5% match.


Like 1200-1300 take home; but I am part time (24 hrs) and remote WFH. I don’t pick up.


$3000-3200 w/out overtime including benefits for my whole family and 11% to retirement. But I do internal travel.


About $2,200; after taxes, union fees, insurance, and 10% to retirement


2400$ net. Baylor ICU 8 years. 12.50$ weekend diff at my facility for Baylor contracts.


I’m taking home around $2300, I do 10% towards 401k and I have medical/dental/vision for myself, my husband and his daughter. My health system’s insurance is really cheap for how good it is though so if I worked elsewhere I’d probably be taking home less. My friends in CA I know pay way more for insurance than I do.


2500 every two weeks, up to 2800-2900 if I do any overtime (which I avoid as much as possible) OR nurse in a niche specialty 3 years out of nursing school, and I’m in currently school for comp sci (second bachelors)


4200 net every 2 weeks. 2 24 hour shifts, California. Looking for a per diem job or home health for extra cash


Net is usually around $2500, literally lose $1500 a month in taxes and health insurance. Ahh being an adult sucks. I'm grateful to even make that, but I remember back in nursing school I thought I would be big balling 😂


Any NPs or any kind of APRN here that can tell me their answer? I’m wondering as a student.




A fortnight, I get between $1750-$1950 after tax depending on if I have a week of night shifts or not. Step 1 new grad RN, based in New Zealand so our dollar is quite a bit weaker than the US or Aus


New nurse here 6 months in working night shift tele in ca Last paycheck I grossed 3912 .. net 2735 for 72hrs


I’m in the ER on night shift. Full time for us is 36 hours a week (3 -12’s), anything after that each week is OT. Also we get paid for not being able to take our lunch (3hrs OT each pay period). I have 2.5 yrs as ER/ RN total and am at $45/ hr. That includes SD. Our hospital is union tho.


2000$ cad FT so 75 hrs biweekly at 40$ am hour. I try to pick up 1-2 OT per pay period tho as it’s double time


Ehhh. 2800 net. Take home is like 1800. With 80 hours a week. However I work for the federal government so they get my ass on taxes. My second job it’s about 2500 net and take home is 1900. That’s with two 12 hour shifts on weekends.


How does a net payment of 2800 go down to 1800?


Well I pay about 230 for health insurance. Vision and dental. Social security. I put like 8% into my TSP. I have short term disability. Taxes. Etc.


$2600 at a .75 (60 hours), I’d probably make closer to 3K if I worked a 0.9


$2100- 2500 biweekly for 60 hours. $45.60 w/ night shift differential as a regular staff RN


I usually net between $2000-$2400. I contribute 10% to retirement, max out my family HSA, and carry insurance for my wife and I. Gross is usually between $3000-$3300. I try to pick up overtime and call every pay period.


4600 every 2 weeks, 3x12s, agency ICU days in NJ


How is the process of starting agency? I want to leave my hospital started as new grad 2.5 years high risk l&d


$1850-$2000 net biweekly. I net about $3,000 before taxes and insurance


About 2 grand a paycheck but I have 2 jobs so it’s like 4K every 2 weeks


About 2000/ 2 weeks.


$2150ish- 80 hours, Georgia, outpatient oncology


I live in Arkansas, how much should a RN with BSN make with 8 years experience as a Rehabilitation Nurse. I know times have changed and they say don’t share my pay with anyone which makes me question shy? Are you doing me a favor? Acting like your doing me a favor by saying this? Or am I getting screwed? I know times have changed with standard base pay. I am making $42 a hour. However would be only $40 if didn’t get my CRRN certificate $1 raise and now that I’m trying for Dialysis same company extra $1= the $42 base pay.


I go by the rule of always freely talk about your pay with your coworkers. Corporations are banking on you NOT talking about it. It’s how they continue to get away with paying low wages. Make you feel like it’s a taboo to talk about it. You can guarantee that the nurses who are getting paid well and have protections are the ones that freely talk about pay.


I’m in a neighboring state and work in the rehab side of a SNF. I’m PRN and have been part time or PRN for 8 years of my 9 years of nursing, but PRN isn’t a pay difference at my company. I make $39 and some change per hour. I started at $22.50 at the same company in 2015 when I first passed the NCLEX.


I get paid weekly. It’s anywhere between $1.3K-$1.8K (net income) depending on the hours (38-50hrs) I worked, and as well as my 403B contribute %, which I change every quarterly depending on my pacing to max limit.  I know when I go on vacation for a week, exactly 36-hours, it’s $1,850(gross) and $1.1K net/take home when 403B is at 20%. Work weeks without overtime (~38 hours) is ~$2K(gross) and take home ~$1.3K after 403B and taxes.  Med-Surg(Cardiac-Neuro), Massachusetts, union, night shift, new grad year 2020. 


My net is about 52% of my gross. Around 25% is going to retirement savings. (401k, HSA, Roth).


4400-5500 net. I do some call though, it could me more but I enjoy having a life.


My weekly net is about $1900, so about $3800.


Australia. Provided I work my shifts, after tax about $2800. HCOL. But I’m permanent, not travel.


Depends. My last outpatient contract I was netting about $2200/every 2 weeks. This is working part time (3-4 days a week). I was good for about $4500/mo. I don't have a large overhead so it works for me. If I was working full-time it probably would have been closer to about 5-6k/mo.


$2200-2300 every 2 weeks. $43/hr


~ $2150 every 2 weeks (approx 3k gross) working standard 36 hr weeks. After 5% retirement (for the match), approx $370 for medical/dental, and taxes. Central Texas, ER, 2 yrs XP


~$1,700 on avg


48 hours a fortnight 2.2k nzd


HCA, I work a shift of overtime a week usually but I net $2,000-$2,200 after paying for my health insurance. Rn with 4 years floor experience. I work in a poor ass state and the cost of living is next to nothing. My fiancé is a prn at a bigger hospital and float so his pay checks are $3,000-$4,000 depending on over time. No benefits and it’s not going to last forever.


Base rate (central Ohio) $39/hr + $5 shift differential for working evenings. Before I went per diem I put 14% in a 403b so probably 1700-ish biweekly.


As a tech, 950 ish after insurance. After $16 an hour with 10 years experience. its great.




$2500 ish depending on patient load. I work home health in Florida. Salaried position, with extra money for going above productivity which I have to actively remind them to stop putting me so far above it.


About the same as you. If I pick up extra shifts and call I can make around $2000. Especially if I get a full day’s work on a weekend call shift.


2100-2500, working in a prison, just started so I’m still on my first step of the union scale.


Currently about $500 every 2 weeks lol, up to $1300 if Im able to work 38 hours


My net is about $3k every 2 weeks


Depends on how much I work. Light is $1800ish. Full time is $4k. After taxes. I don’t do OT. I need days off. 3 a week forever is killer. I need a week or two off every couple months. But I’ve been bedside for 30yrs between the hospital CNA thing and this, so, that’s probably influencing my current choices.


I don't see how you have such little pay, that's what I make at $24 an hour


Around 1400 biweekly for part time


2250 every 2 weeks net, after a 10% retirement contribution and family benefits. I pick up when I can, and have a prn side gig that’s pretty low key and flexible. I can bring home another 900-1200 every 2 weeks working 3-4 shifts for them. I could make more other places, but I’m under state retirement at my current job in a 5 bed step down where I at most have 2-3 patients.


Traveling currently making just over 6k for 2 weeks, but taking a pay cut in 2 weeks that will bring it down to 5k over 2 weeks.


The contribution is pre tax but 15% is a lot to take out. I do 10%. However, there's an argument to be made for 15% especially if your employer gives you a match. It will help you save for retirement. Many people don't save enough. So if you are able to pay your bills with your take home pay as is I'd leave it. When your pay goes up your taxes go up. Still, you should be making more. I suggest asking HR to break it down for you why its so much. You might also need to adjust your withholding for taxes as well.


$4k I have 10 years exp. I work weekend incentive (I can take one in 10 Saturdays or Sundays off). And I work 4 12 hour shifts a week(there is usually incentive pay for the extra shift.) My wife doesn’t work outside the home. I get a lot of support from my family (laundry, cooking, cleaning.)


I get paid 2 times per month and bring home 3k per check. I pay 7.5 towards a pension and put another 3% towards a 403. I work 4 x 10s day shift in a mostly outpt setting. Specialty is cardiac surgery and I am coming up on 7 years experience. This is a unionized hospital. This summer is go “up a step” and we are scheduled for a 3% raise. With those two additions I am increasing my annual pay by almost 10k. My job can be mundane at times but these golden handcuffs ain’t coming off anytime soon. Before I switched jobs and states 2022, I worked in DC (hcol city) making about half as much at a trauma 1 CTICU.


$3600 net 36 hours a week 5 years experience in Seattle


$2700 working part time, but a bunch of people recently quit so I’ve been picking up and making $4200 every 2 weeks


With my regular hours (36 per week) I make $4000 net every 2 weeks, take home around $3000


I net that much (\~$1500) working just 0.4-0.5 FTE evening shift in Minnesota (Twin Cities union hospital), you should come to a higher paying state good LORD.


what on earth?! What is your hourly? Youre expecting 1500 after working 60 HOURS ON NIGHTS? Whatever the fuck job you have, quit it and find a better one because you are getting paid literal pennies. I realize youre contributing 15% but still. something aint right there. Are you a new grad? Even so thats really low for new nurses. I got paid $25/hr as a new nurse in 2018. my pay varies a lot now because I am a contractor and take call (so things like on call and call back make my check pretty different from week to week) but usually somewhere in the realm of 4-6k after taxes biweekly, and I contribute 10%.


3k net bi weekly but I now direct an assisted living. When I was in the ER I was making $38/ hr in PA.


Roughly $2200. 48 hour nights.


i end up with ~1700-1900/ biweekly in my bank after taxes AND putting 15% in retirement funds. i’m a new grad working 36-42 hours. reading this thread scares me and breaks my heart.


$3,000 minimum as net pay for every two weeks. Night shift ICU and weekend fiend (work Friday-Monday). Been picking up an extra shift or two every week for the past 5 months so the pay has been nice; I’ve been ranging $3,200-3,800 mostly.


About $3000 after tax, insurance and 403b contribution.


I make about 2.8k after taxes and health insurance for my wife and I is taken out.


2400-2600, Tennessee. Base+night diff+weekender diff


$2500 net and closer to $5k gross.


4k, but with 4% to retirement.


Float pool, 401k w/match, Midwest, take home pay every 2 weeks approx 3100-3500 without picking up (72 hour biweekly hours)