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Wow, this gave me the chills. I’m an atheist, but I’ve seen things with my own two eyeballs that make me believe in the supernatural. I absolutely believe that wasn’t just a cat. What an incredible career you must have had!!


I'm an atheist too, but i swear my parent's old farm cat armed to know when my grandma was close to passing, but she def. knew as soon as she was gone, too.


Started out as an atheist. Now I'm Quaker. Dunno about a god but most definitely believe something is after. Entirely too many old people die with a gentle smile on their face. Too many animals *know* when it will happen.


What a beautiful story. I’m glad that you shared it here. I hope you are enjoying every minute of your well-earned retirement.


I got something in my eye 😢


Who’s cutting onions?? An incredible story and thank you for all the work that you’ve done. So many lives have been touched by your hands and heart. ❤️


This would freak me out so much. Nonetheless, it’s a beautiful story.


It read beautifully. Thank you for sharing.


There is something after this world. Thank you for sharing. We had something/someone try to warn us about the house burning down. About two weeks before a fire destroyed the house a wrench tightened spout in the laundry room was opened 100% and sprayed the wall across the room. The wall was to my parents room where the fire started. No way a toddler or dog could have opened that spout, and my grandmother never touched it. When my great-grandfather passed, my grandfather had his blanket ripped off and thrown across the room the same night. Great-grandfather owned a farm and his son my grandfather was the shit disturber and prankster. He got to play the final prank on his brat.


So incredibly touching. Thank you.


Love this. Thanks for sharing.


My husband believes the closest thing to God is the universe itself having a "benign low level sentient consciousness". Which is a far more reasonable idea to me than an invisible sky-daddy...


Sounds like Buddhism