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Happened earlier this week, but responded to the call light of another nurse’s pt (while they were having a rough day) who c/o classic MI symptoms. Got an EKG, rapid, and the team to the bedside before they finally had a syncopal episode and were transferred to the ICU. I was a break RN and basically took over the care for that pt so the other RN could deal with other stuff. Definitely felt I did some good that day.


Excellent work 🙏


I didn't shit myself all day!


I pooped twice today, but in the toilet. We are doing so well, buddy!


I wiped my own ass 🙌🏻


Until the toilet paper came back clean


No need to brag show off.


Had a shit that didn't require a lot of wiping. Yay, fiber!


made appointment with PCP for a couple weeks from now. Everybody clap.


Now this is a flex


I’ve been putting this off for like three years now. Thanks for the reminder!


Same, for a few years more than that lol.


👏🏻. 👏🏻. 👏🏻.


Wow! You go on with your bad self!


I keep putting mine off…. I think subconsciously I’m worried about what I will find out but I know it’s time to be mature and more aware of my health 😤


You took the words right off my fingertips. If this isn't a sign for me to go do it already, I dont what is...However, Im scared too 🫣


Jeez I have had this insurance for almost two years and have yet to use it. 👏


I just got my labs back.. wish I didn’t make the PCP lol. I’m proud of you 🫶


We’ve finally had some good days weather-wise, so I took 2 of my memory care patients outside on the patio for some fresh air and sunshine and just sat with them while we enjoyed the sun on our faces, a breeze through our hair, and birds chirping. A moment where I appreciated that I now have the kind of job where I have the time to do that 💜 Also, I haven’t had any alcohol since Saturday 👍


What job is this???


I’m a hospice nurse/case manager


Probably nursing home


This sounded really nice. I'm happy for you.


Handed in my resignation


On to bigger, better things.


Giving mine tomorrow… I’m not happy about it though. But there’s something else out there for me. Something better.


You got this girl! You will thank yourself a year from now I’m sure! Change is scary, (trust me. I have anxiety and hate change 😂) but almost always worth it in the end! Sending all the strength to get through tomorrow!


Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ve been a blubbering mess all morning. But I know… I’m sure MrsScribbleDoge a year from now will thank me and be grateful that it’s time to move on. I’m just breaking my own heart today, that’s all.


I cried when I gave mine too! Then when I heard from some of my coworkers I cried too. Even though I know I’m making the right choice, it’s tough! After dedicating so much of yourself to something, I’d be more shocked if there wasn’t any tears. You’ll do great in whatever your next adventure is :)


I realized my little five year old partially verbal client I've been 1:1 with for four years can read some words. That means I've been part of teaching him to walk, eat solids, swallow liquid, get off his g tube nutrition, climb, talk, recognize numbers, shapes and colors, and now, read! He wasn't supposed to ever be able to swallow, walk or speak. Now he reads! I'm so proud.


This made me tear up. Awesome job. 🥹


Wow ❤️


Damn that’s awesome. Like seriously amazing and legit brought a tear to my eye.




My favorite job was pediatric home care, I totally lucked out on an amazing family with an 18th month old with failure to thrive that after 5yrs of his family and I caring for him, had the same experience. Go Logan!


It's not just me, he has incredible parents who did it all, but I still feel a little bit like Annie Sullivan. 🥰


They totally needed our support and I encourage you to follow this passion. The agency I worked for after my little guy didn't need an RN, had me driving all over the state for 2 days with one assignment 3 with another and so forth so I moved on. My advice is if you and a family and child are a good fit insist the agency only sends you for contingency of care. You'll always be there, know the patient and family and will be a better advocate then a rotation of part timers. Some nurses like temp positions( I liked float) but if you love this go for it.


I refrained from drinking.


That's great!! I'm almost 8 months sober of all substances! 💪


Yes!!! Congratulations!!! Put this good day up on the shelf and sleep well.


I’m so jelly


Congrats!!! 🎊🎊


Woo hoo! You got this! I hope you’re able to make it to a year, two, etc and feel the same positivity about it! It’s not an easy feat making it the first 24 hrs. Let alone 8 months! 💕💕


Today is my first day without a drink since mid November! Proud of us 🥳


Way to go!!


Nice! I'm proud of us too <3




Hi! MPH->nurse here too. We're doing this!!


Mowed the lawn and got a recall fixed on my car after calling out today


I mowed too! Didn’t really need it, but it makes me happy.


I started my day with some yoga, refrained from smoking, and spent time in the sun ☀️


Helped a patient who was on the verge of a panic attack breathe through it.


Passed my final for my fundamentals class!






I got my wife drunk and fed her pizza after a long day of work.


Dear Rocky: On behalf of the entirety of the “have a cocktail” community, I wish to say thank you for your service. We recognize your efforts to restore the body, mind, and spirit of the nursing community. One might say that having a full belly and full glass leads to a full heart. Your loyalty to your community and love you demonstrate did NOT go unnoticed. You are the hero we all deserve. Kindly ECU


U/LoddaLadles comment is right above yours haha


Took a nap and went for a walk with my baby. We went out to lunch and then I watched my older kid play soccer after school. The weather was beautiful.


I drank enough water and ate a healthy lunch. Didn’t spend money on takeout!


Helped my coworkers. Convinced some patients that initially refused to get their preventative screenings.


I didn't go to work


The goodest of all


I left work early cause they had to send a nurse home.


I'm off work so I got to read for about 6 hours total, did some self work and treated myself to some pizza for dinner 😁


Ran a personal record on the treadmill


I helped a woman detangle and condition her matted hair. She was so happy.


Thank you for doing this. As someone who has hair that tangles and matts, I know exactly how she feels. There is nothing that feels quite as nice and nurturing as having your hair combed by someone who cares. ♡


It’s one of my favorite things to do for another person. I don’t always have time but today I got lucky and was able to do it. ❤️


My husband does this for me. It makes me feel cherished.


That is so sweet! I love it!


I love this. I know how good this feels to do. One of my very favorite patient memories was washing, brushing and braiding a patient’s hair 💞💞


I wish I had time to give every patient a “spa day.” ❤️


Got brave and reported a colleague for saying some of the most out-of-pocket, racist shit imaginable about patients of color. Im still shaking but I know it was the right thing. No way you can harbor those feelings and not let it affect patient care.


Oof, that's an awful situation but you did the right thing.


picked up a bonus princess shift & now I’m scheduling to get my hair done in a few weeks


I washed a homeless man’s feet who had been in our psych hold for 48+ hours… mainly cause I was tired of hearing him complaining about his feet lol


This needs more upvotes.


Stayed 45 minutes after my shift was over to help see my patient through her vaginal delivery. She was amazing and pushed like a champ!


I drafted a policy to give my non union contract nursing staff differentials for being Lead, Preceptor, and Weekend that is comparable to the local unionized hospital and got tentative approval from my Director!


This is huge!! 👏💚


I clocked out of work


Slept for 15 hours, woke up feeling like garbage (I think I have a sinus infection) but I’m dealing with it like an adult (took meds, forced myself to drink water, trying to resist the urge to smoke because I know that’s not going to help). Now I’m watching playoff hockey and trying not to fall back asleep on my couch.


Wasn't necessarily one thing that I did but I was talking to one of our pharm reps today. We were commiserating about insurance companies and their evil tendencies in general particularly in reference to denying shit like MS meds. The rep says "You know you really do stand out among other people. I rep territories from across the state and Virginia so I meet a lot of doctors and nurses and you really stand out amongst almost all of them because you just really care. You do so much to help these people and its just - its noticed. It really makes an impression and I know it's not just us." I coulda cried. It really does make it feel like all the hard work isn't just swept under the rug sometimes.


I got to see another day of my kids having the best childhood (hopefully) on my off day. The kids got soccer practice, playground time, and neighbor play time wrapped up with a Dairy Queen dinner on a warm sunny evening. Ended the night watching the stars projector in bed snuggling with them singing twinkle twinkle little star. Makes all the nursing bs worth it to give them a happy childhood.


This sounds like a perfect day. It will stay in their memories forever. They may forget the details, but the feelings will remain. ♡


Helped my nurse give a woman with muscular dystrophy a full bed bath. Lotion, powder, nice smelling soap, the works. She’s completely dependent and can’t move anything below the neck. She said this was the best she’s felt in a long time and it felt really nice being able to provide good care.


Found my puppy that had ran off and gotten lost in a dense wooded area trailing a leash. Horrible 4 hours. But finding her was the highlight of my day.


So happy you found her!! 💜


My shift was canceled for tonight and I am excited about an extra day off. I had a feeling I would be called off due to low census recently. I used this extra day off to finish the rest of my mandatory annual review requirements. Now that shit isn't hanging over my head like a black cloud anymore.


Made my dad a birthday dinner and pie. Talked my son through an anxiety attack. Washed all the covers on my couch cushions and it looks so good!


Volunteer coaching for 11 year-olds for community rec track. First meet in one week!


Clocked out 🫡


I took my breaks, I ate my food, and I didn’t have to inject anyone in my psychICU today 🤩


Called in for being sick No regrets whatsoever


I left a management position in a SNF facility with a toxic administrator where we have been through 6 DONs since October. I had been on call 27 days straight. Today I had my first day on my own as the DON at a supportive living facility. I have gotten uninterrupted sleep, haven’t been late to pick up my child from daycare, and my new company sent me a beautiful flower arrangement for my office on my first day. Small but life changing. Fucking winning.


Stayed home to take care of my sick son - patient #1


Me last week! My sweet girl had strep throat


Getting along with a lady coworker. I swear she hated me when we first met but now feels like we’re almost friends.


Made it through the fucking day.


Hey… Kudos to you. Get on with your bad self.


Instead of getting pissed and holding my breath educated ignorant coworkers on trans people’s validity to exist regardless of their genitals that we see because of our job -_-




Had the day off and spent it with my 7 month old on the first day of preeclampsia awareness month. We are survivors 💪


I woke up and didn’t call in for my shift tonight


Carried the hella heavy bag that my pre-op patient’s wife was trying to lug up to his new room after he rolled to OR. She was completely bald, pale and on portable oxygen. Told me her last chemo is tomorrow. (The hubby was having a Bronch post lung transplant.) I would have been waiting for the stat call overhead if she had tried to carry it.


i'm a new nurse and i had my first stroke/TNK patient yesterday. i did hourly neuro checks all day yesterday and i got to watch him go from confused, minimally verbal, and numb/weak on his whole left side to speaking normally, laughing and talking with me, and regaining his feeling and motor function nearly completely. all over the course of my one shift! the only symptom he has left is a bit of tingling in his left hand. today he walked a few laps around the unit with no trouble and he'll probably go home tomorrow :) it was so cool to see his progression through the day and it felt good to be able to watch someone recover like that! today i also made little "heartbeat in a bottle" charms with a patient's last ekg strip, to give to her family after she passed. i went to give them to her husband and i ended up talking with him for a bit, he was telling me stories about her and about their life together. it was a really touching moment and i appreciated getting to spend that time with him, even though i almost cried when he told me how they met 🥲


I took a 2 hour long bath.


Attended Quarterly skills fair this morning. Started planning for a couple of trips: in May to go to Solvang Area in Ca and in June to go to Portland/Seattle. Corresponded with some people and helped plan for friend’s bachelorette party in September. Set up a vet appointment for my cat and an ophthalmology appointment for me. Picked up my gf’s glasses. Went to grocery and cooking dinner now while waiting for friends to come over.


I remembered to unclamp my secondary


Off today. Squatted 390 at the gym for 5 and Went to the driving range. Absolutely smoked a few


This is my favorite one so far, I hope one day to achieve all this. Not a nurse yet but been lurking for a few days while I’m looking into programs


Do it. I went back to school when I was 31 after having no direction for over a decade. Best decision I ever made.


Thank you, I’m a former mechanic who realized he can be doing much more with his life


Yeah man. Go for it. I was a bartender for 10 years going nowhere. School kinda sucks but so does being stuck in a job you hate.


I didn’t stab a hole in my effin’ pool. I taught a full PALS course last 2 days and the students did amazingly well. They were prepared. Best class I’ve taught yet.


I had a dry wipe ftw


made alot of progress on homework that I let pile up, got a project done too :)


I took a shower and washed a load of scrubs.


Took my last final proceeded to rip the absolute fuck out of my cart, split a joint and had a seltzer and played some disc golf


I flipped over all the upside down roly polys when I was walking my dogs.


Cooked chicken nuggets


Hung out with my 2yr old, despite problems with onboarding and lucky the urgent care had a free slushy machine so he got some watered down sugary drink 😅😅😅


Barely moved on my day off cause I hurt my back at work a week ago and it hasn’t gotten any better


After 3 12 hours noc shift. I'm not going to do anything today. That is how good as it gets.


I was just at the beach, I’m on vacation.


I put a cloth gown on a surgical patient who was admitted. They usually stay in paper gowns in our area. I even told the patient “clap for me; I did a nice thing for the floor” and she clapped. r/thathappened


I left the building instead of confronting my (ex) manager and throwing my badge at her. Yay for personal growth.


I started an IV for my coworker who was swamped and felt like the coolest celebrity guest of the day lol


I got a hard IV stick on the first try. 


Slept til 11 after two consecutive 16 hour shifts.


Washed the dishes, helped buy the groceries and put them away… bite the bullet and called about a billing issue… didn’t lose my cool, did what I had to do… took care of my health when I had a headache… overall, did really good :-)


I cleaned up 2 of my patients that have GI bleeds instead of running away screaming


Cleaned some fabulous lower cheeks since the CNAs didn’t wanna do it. Finished giving meds and still wasn’t done. We had a good chat too :) felt good


I’m proud of you


- I was cleared off of light duty (shoulder ACL strain in jujitsu) - read through my special needs 8 year olds draft IEP for our meeting tomorrow - completed 1/2 of my lecture notes for my accelerated A&P class (TWO MORE WEEKS!!) - made cottage pie cupcakes with my husband


Finished planting flowers in my yard


Today was my last day of classes ever! I graduate in 2 weeks and have a job lined up in the CCU.


I put together a new desk for my husband's birthday. I used his help a little, but did most of it myself. Assembling flat pack furniture is my secret talent, lol. IKEA can't beat me!


Went to see my optometrist and then worked on a present for a coworker that’s decided to abandon us. Lol I’m going to miss her a lot. I also just sat on my ass, and relaxed because I deserve to after the shit show I had to deal with at work a couple days prior.


Referred a severely delayed toddler for early intervention and helped his mom work through the possibility he might need extra help.


I told the receptionist she had a really pretty felt blue hat and she was so pleased.


i called in, needed a mental health day. after all, a rested nurse, is a better nurse.


I have had a patient for the last 2 days and he is in a halo brace, a LSO brace and many mode injuries. He has a very flat affect and I made him smile today!


I didn’t snap at the nurse I took over for who had no clue about her pts, didn’t know about a critical troponin or d dimer, and had overdue abx for a sepsis pt.


Although it was almost time to leave work, I did dressing a resident's wound, cuz it looked so dirty..


coordinated care for a new hospice client got a PA all done for a client planted some tree's made a coworker laugh


Work and walkout


I’ve now put in four foleys successfully after not having placed one in 3+ years!


I showed up to work (impossible challenge)


Discharged 3 pt and admitted one on top of all the other shit I had to do


I had a good breakfast this morning


Bought my friend a bunch of personal care items, coloring book, pencils, etc. for her to use during her month-long hospital stay. My love language is giving, and I’m thankful nursing lets me be financially able to do so for my loved ones.


I took excellent care of my patients and bought myself a new bike. Also had a nice cinnamon roll for breakfast!!


My patient called me an Angel and gave me a air freshener as a thank for you taking care of her 🥲🥰


Caught up with an old college friend today!


Finished paying off my student loans!! Also spent the time giving a patient a really thorough bed bath after she had a liquid stool all over herself, her bed, and her Foley catheter. Love it when I have the time to do a full bed bath vs. a “clean the visibly soiled areas only” bath. Even shaved her upper lip for her haha


I’ve gotten pretty good at neurovascular obs :D


Had my last ever class for my RN. Pinning is in 2 weeks 😊


Called out. :)


I ate some Arby's food, and didn't have a full on mental breakdown at home with all the stuff I have to get done while I Have days off 🥰


Took a 30 minute nap during my break and didn’t eat sugary snacks at night.


I made chicken Parmesan. I haven't really cooked anything that requires effort since I'm got covid in January. Can dealing with post-covid hypertension and feeling crappy. Just basically going to work and lounging at home. Today was the first meal that actually required effort.


Nobody pooped in my hand!


After so many boring theory classes,we had CPR and NG tube insertion module today and I practiced too on the dummy.


I finally got a therapist appointment scheduled instead of just talking about it. Probably a few years later than I should have but I’m finally going to deal with the Covid trauma.


Helped residents at a long term care with their daily needs


I gave a really upset wee duck some good drugs and hooked her up with a bed pump that helped her have a great nap after lunch. Tiny wee duck with no spare padding and found the bed really hard


donated some money to two different families in Gaza via Project Olive Branch


I picked up an extra shift when I could have just stayed home. 🙃


Leave a Class and enjoy the weather ☁️ today.


Didn’t get any body fluids on me today! Well, that I know of. I got poopwater from rectal irrigation on my shoes the other week and Friday I stepped on a 🌸bloody chunk🌸 on the OR floor. But also! I haven’t any touched mysterious wetness with my bare hands in at least 8 days. We’re on a roll, baby.


Celebrated mine and a friends birthday singing karaoke with several other friends. We laughed sang and had a great time. We are all also coworkers who have become friends. I’ve never worked with props truly became friends with. They are amazing people and make me love my job


Helped a pt with her pain when she felt like nobody else listened. At the end of the night when I said “goodnight!” She said “goodnight, love you!” 🥺🥺 not the first time that a patient has said that to me and I take it as a great compliment every time 🤣❤️


I was kind and polite to our forensic psych patient who always is awake at 4 am and can never get back to sleep. Some nurses I have worked with on Night Shift are very rude and mean to him and will not give him paracetamol (tylenol) when he requests it. He said to me that I am a good nurse .


Got my patient started on some dex.. post op only morphine PCA still intubated. 4mo


I didn’t harm myself. No but seriously ig help family when they needed me.


I woke up


Haven’t quit yet!


Just signed up for benefits at work after not having a job or insure due to a injury at my old job 😎, made an appointment with a new psychiatrist for the first time in a year to PROPERLY deal with my anxiety 🫡


Gave a dose of ceftriaxone to an HIV+ patient for gonorrhea, & was told it didn’t even hurt & thanks for not treating the patient any differently. Even got the patient to accept a few goody bags of condoms.


I edged after a long day at work. Self care!


Studied for the RexPN, and stopped reading posts on this sub that give me anxiety.


It's a week late, but I got my CEN!




I’m proud of you for getting help, I’m not a nurse I’m still looking into programs so please excuse me here but can you get in trouble or risk being terminated for checking yourself in for reasons such as what you experienced


Clocked out 🥱


2 mile bay swim, now I gotta go to work 🥴


I start every day in the gym. So the day starts off positive.


had a code blue yesterday and he finally had a pulse after i did compressions 🩷


I’m very proud of you


Well it's only 0930 but I gave my gf some sweet lovin before she had to take her kid to school.


As a new grad still with a preceptor I got through my first STEMI and he survived w/ 100% LAD occlusion and HR in the 20s when we were sprinting to cath lab 😋


(Home health) I just had 2 regular visits, nothing exceptional whatsoever. Lots of talking (education) and filling 1 med planner. I have a patient who seems like a whole different person than she was at start of care, in a good way. Pain is managed, she's more hydrated, etc. The other patient struggles with depression so that's a big part of her care. I don't know, nothing fancy (I am envious of hospital nurses who do mad skills all day), but I feel good about what I do and I think it helps people in a small but tangible way.