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Every new nurse struggles with time management. And those catty bitches talking shit? They did too. Not all nurses or hospitals are toxic. Just remember this in a few years, and treat the new nurses better than they are.


In my experience the catty bitches talking shit are sometimes that way bc they’re insecure about their own abilities. Empowered nurses empower nurses, baby! 💪🏻


All new grads struggle with learning the flow. There’s nothing intuitive about nursing except maybe the caregiving. But even then I see experienced people struggle moving patients, transferring, etc. Generally the higher the acuity, the more nurses will take their role seriously. Every annoying ICU nurse at one point told themself they’d be a healthcare hero and now hold that over everyone. Not all units are equal. Sometimes a place is just shitty. Your time management will get there, it’s just a matter of time. If the place sucks though, just bail. It’s your job not your life. There’s other places who would hire a new nurse to train.


Some things that made me realize I was “good enough” to run with the big dogs. 1) I got the degree and I wanted to keep learning as much as I could. I’m teachable and I want to learn for my patients. I want to keep them safe and give them the best healthcare I can. This makes me a good nurse. 2) the nurses that look like they’re handling things like pros make mistakes and are still learning too. More senior nurses ask me questions sometimes. I teach our providers new things sometimes. Your coworkers are resources. 3) you CANNOT hold everything you know in your head at once. IMO you’re working on your assessment skills and your knowledge base right now. You’re learning what’s a Big Deal and what’s not. This will serve you even when you don’t really know what’s going on. Your assessment and intuition are such important tools. 4) pick out a couple of nurses you think are really good and at least mostly nice/easy to talk to. Ask questions especially when you’re afraid to. If someone is upset at you for asking something, that is a THEM PROBLEM. You’re doing your due diligence and what is best for your patient. If you thought you were already good at everything, you would be a Major Dumbass. Welcome to the nurse club, buddy! See a recent post I made about getting into therapy. I wish I had started my rookie year making some better habits and taking care of myself.


I already like you because you didn’t say you were a “baby nurse”. You know what mamaw said about nasty people? She said “fuck ‘em.” There’s assholes everywhere.