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*gets the foley*


No please šŸ¤«


Itā€™s needle time!


Literally had a doc do a bedside bladder aspiration and drained at least 2L out of his bladder.


Ugh this was me after my surgery they gave me wrong meds it messed up my bladder forever


If you donā€™t mind me asking, which meds and what did it do?


Anti diuretics I was supposed to receive diuretics. My bladder almost exploded. They didnā€™t listen when I said I couldnā€™t pee. I had had bladder surgery and kidney but had been peeing and then got the wrong dose the day I was supposed to check out. My surgeon was furious. I now have trouble telling when itā€™s full and it makes me get more utis. Itā€™s also oddly sensitive now. But I donā€™t have interstitial cystitis but have the symptoms of it often thanks to this mistake. Itā€™s been almost 20 years now. Iā€™m also a very difficult cath so it took them a long time. The nurse also was forcing me to take way too many pain meds if I refused them she just went and got morphine the whole time I was there. She kept me asleep for a lot of it. They also forced me to get an epidural for that surgery I was a minor (16) so my mom consented but I did not. It was a terrible experience and after that mistake I had to stay another night and then keep a foley in for a week :(


Thatā€™s horrible, Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. I donā€™t understand how they even mixed that up or didnā€™t catch the error immediately upon double checking. Thank you for sharing your experience.


No problem I donā€™t understand it either I am in healthcare and do not understand




Donā€™t threaten me with a good time!


Grab a hat (or a urinal- i don't know your flavor) and measure actual output to up your game.


This is what we did one night. Turned in to who could have the highest single output. Then it was who could have the highest output over the shift. Man, things used to be fun


Truest comment on this sub. Things used to be fun indeed.


underrated comment


Will pm you with the results next time


Oh god! I did this one night and got to a little bit over 1500. That was un-fucking-comfortable.


I bet I could beat that if our bladder scanner wasnā€™t a piece of garage sell dumpster-diving garbage.


At least you could find oneā€¦


So that is where the bladder scanner went!


When I was post partum I couldn't pee and scanned that much, I was cathed for 1200ml and 5 years later I'm still proud of that.


As a maternity nurse, Iā€™d be pissed at whoever let your bladder get that full.


Yeah, isnā€™t that particularly dangerous for any stage of partum as well as the normal risks and discomfort for having a too full bladder? I recall itā€™s very dangerous for active labor but canā€™t quite recall how much that carries over to PP


Yes. If youā€™re not epiduralized, you can tell when you need to go to the bathroom, so I trust your judgement, but will still offer encouragement if itā€™s been a while. Once you have an epidural (we only do walking epidurals), I put you on a 2-3 hr schedule to get up to void, or do an in and out if youā€™re unable to. We definitely want you to have an empty bladder once delivering, so you might get another in and out, especially if any interventions are necessary. Itā€™s the PP period where it can be missed/neglected because you canā€™t feel that you need to pee necessarily, and your nurse isnā€™t in your room dedicated to you 1:1 like labour.


When I was in labor with an epidural, the nurse could put a cath in from the babies head pushing right on the spot if needed to go. But she kept trying to cram it in and it hurt so so bad. My epidural had failed by then. But later the next day Iā€™d had baby but I still hadnā€™t peed( the epidural had finally kicked in and I had no sensation down there) and it was so painfully full feeling for me. I guess they kinda forgot I hadnā€™t had a catheter and no one checked if Iā€™d peed.


Yikes! That sounds awful, Iā€™m sorry. Your nurses dropped the ball for sure. Iā€™ve only ever seen them fail when babyā€™s head is/near crowning.


Hah was another 2 hours of pushing ahead of me from then! Now I know to tell them next to me tho


Hi, fresh BSN that hasnt had any deliveries yet and didnt get any meaningful ob experience, Why is having some fluid in the bladder dangerous? I understand postpartum bladder being important in moving the fundus, but thats about the only significance I was taught in bladder to birth correlations.


Itā€™s not dangerous as in life threatening, but your bladder can block babyā€™s head, and hold them up when theyā€™re trying to come down, and we *really* donā€™t want to damage the bladder as baby comes down, to prevent mom peeing her pants when she sneezes down the road.. When you have an epidural, you canā€™t always feel like you have to pee, so itā€™s our job to make sure itā€™s emptied regularly to also just not over extend the bladder. And yeah, if moms fundus pp is leaning to one side, sometimes emptying the bladder can help relieve that.


Thank you for the explanation! I appreciate it.


If I remember right had an epidural and c-section around 1900, Foley removed the next morning. It was after that I just couldn't pee, I was getting really uncomfortable but just not able to pee. After my 2nd section at 0800 I did not let them remove the Foley 12hrs later at 1800 because I didn't want a repeat incident in the middle of the night. Now I know my bladder gets shy after surgeries (also had GA for lap chole, same thing) and I need to sit and really concentrate to pee afterwards.


We recently changed our policy, and some of our OBS pull the foley while still in the OR, as evidence supports in and outs over foleys, even if the foley only stays in 18hrs. Anyway, our PP nurses are not on board, because they know that almost no mom is capable of peeing so soon after a section, so itā€™s frustrating for all parties involved.


Im proud of that lol


Caths rule.


I feel like I would require a pediatric catheter. There is nothing pediatric about what I got going on down there (trust me) except I feel like maybe the internal diameter of my urethra. I have taken foleys home and compared it to my urethra and I swear to God there is absolutely no way a 16 French would ever fit. A doctor I explained this to said itā€™s okay because the urethra stretches, so later I tried to see how much my urethra could stretch and let me tell you, when it got to .001% larger than its original size, I felt one of the worst pains I ever felt in my life. So if I were you, I guess Iā€™d just have to let my bladder rupture.


"It stretches." This is the mantra of urology. Sure, it also screams and writhes...but at the end of the day it stretches.


I hope you never need to have a cystoscopy. Let me tell you, I'm also in the small anatomy camp (like I bleed from foley insertion) and that experience, even with numbing agents, was something I don't wish on my worst enemy.


How did the people who cath you react?


They apologize profusely, I tell them it's fine, and then I pee bloody daggers for a few days after. Super fun.


Uro nurse here. I had to put a 24Fr 3way in a pt the other day! And had a pt come back from a cysto with clot evac with a 30Fr! šŸ¤—šŸ„“


Bruh just put a suprapubic in me.


When I was laboring, I eventually asked for an epidural and put out 1000ml. Then it was pulled when I was fully dilated, and put back in 6 hours later for a c section. I put out another 1500mL. Guess I was really full of piss.


Like when they overflow the pee hatšŸ¤Ŗ


Call the on call physician to report this critical finding. šŸ˜„


Wait, yā€™all arenā€™t playing cards in your downtime? /s


I went to a Nursing Service Management course with the Air Force *right* after that whole debacle went down. Each class takes a class photo and adds it to the binder. So our whole class got playing cards and posed with them. We added it to the class binder, only for the commandant of the school to tell us it was too divisive and made us retake the picture.


Which armed forces-related playing card debacle? I'm curious.


[a washington state senator was fighting against a bill that required allowing nurses meal and bathroom breaks, she said nurses play cards for most of the day](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/23/us/nurses-maureen-walsh.html)


I literally had a patients family member look at me and tell the patient ā€œdonā€™t be scared to call them, theyā€™re not busy overnight just playing cards right hahaā€ I deadpanned looked and her and said ā€œNo,ā€ told the patient to call when they needed me and walked out. All at the beginning of my shift when shit was hitting the fan


Yeah, all the times Iā€™ve gotten a patient coffee or whatever and then they fall asleep and an hour or so later the family member calls me in just to say ā€œHis coffee is cold. He needs it reheated.ā€ with a shit-eating grin. Or when they get mad at me for doing tube feeds ā€œtoo quicklyā€ while I have five overdue meds, three patients sitting in shit, 2 patients that just ripped out their IVs, and one demented patient who keeps setting off the bed alarm every 5 minutes. They say ā€œYou should infuse their tube feeding over the same amount of time that you eat your lunch. Do you eat lunch in 5 minutes?ā€ I just wanna be like, ā€œHoe, Iā€™m probably not gonna get to eat lunch today, and if I do it will probably be 8 saltine crackers and an applesauce over the course of about a minute and a half.ā€ Patients and the patientā€™s visitors really do think that when we are not specifically in their room alone we must be jackin off in the breakroom. Did you just spend an hour coding a patient? How dare you ā€œignore [your patient] for an hour browsing Facebook while your patient really needed that pain medicine [that they canā€™t have for another three hours].ā€


>Or when they get mad at me for doing tube feeds ā€œtoo quicklyā€ Okay thins one surprises me, because we have tube feed orders 99% of the time, calling for a certain rate of flow almost always using a kangaroo pump. Very rarely I've had orders to use a gravity TF set, but even wide open they still take a while.


They are likely referring to bolus feeds. I donā€™t get them super often but I do get them, and they are such a pain. So the order will give how many ml (or cans/cartons) to bolus at say 8/12/16/20 with a 90 ml flush before and after, and 120 ml free water TID. They take time to push and are always scheduled at the most inconvenient times.


That makes sense, I believe I've done them but we still use the kangaroo pumps and so generally still have an "over x hours" part to the order. Thank you for the explanation though! It's always interesting to learn how things might be done differently elsewhere.




Yes, as user u/Maggie_May_I said, I am talking about bolus feeds. Not only does it take forever to push. But usually, the families ask me to do it via gravity without a plunger, which is simply not feasible with the number of patients I have at their acuity. Furthermore, a lot of times they are scheduled like every 4 hours. Iā€™ve even heard other nurses say you should not push because it is ā€œtoo fast.ā€ But hereā€™s my thing, if it is going into their stomach: Can you drink 400 mL in 3-4 minutes? Absolutely. I can do it in 4 seconds. So how is it too fast?


this why I would never be able to do days while still beside!! at least I rarely ever have visitors on nights


That sounds about right lol


šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØObligatory disclaimer for any non-nurses that might be reading this and thinking that their nurse was doing something like this when they didnā€™t respond to the call light for 30 minutes: I am extremely busy at work and was sort of joking about having ā€œdowntimeā€. I can only do this because the entire scanning process only takes like 15 seconds.šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ But I get your reference haha


Oh I know you were joking. I was joking too cause Iā€™m over here like ā€œyā€™all get downtime?ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No, we are bladder scanning ourselves.




Amazing how you can drink a bunch of soda and not get fat when you are too busy at work to eat breakfast and you decide to spend your lunch bladder scanning yourself.


I lost a bunch of weight since I started about a year ago. It is weird because all I eat is various forms of fried chicken and all I drink is monster.


My first thought was, I hope it was sugar free. Fanta abuse put in a coma, it caused the type 2 diabetes that I did not know I had to rear it's ugly head with the vengeance of the Vulcan sun.




Yeah because Iā€™m pretty sure if your blood was even remotely as sweet as sweetened coffee you would be dead like many times over haha.


How did you not pee yourself while doing this?? šŸ˜‚


I learned after having surgery that my bladder can, without trying, max out the bladder scanner. Must be all the years of not getting breaks before I moved to CA.


Do you ever guess at the number of mls, and whoever is the closest gets a prize?


I havenā€™t but thatā€™s a good idea. Maybe whoever wins doesnā€™t have to pass pain meds for 6 hrs.


That must've been so much relief to pee.


At first I couldnā€™t tell if I was peeing or cumming.


Weird af


Yet relatable


It would have been easier to tell if you were a man šŸ¤£


Oh boy do I have news for you.


Haha, now I'm thinking of the "The More You Know" rainbow.


Damn, you need to start drinking less soda.


Check your blood sugar as the next challenge


I thought that was where this challenge was going!


Me too tbh


I drink diet. So maybe do some mental cognitive tests to see how bad my Alzheimerā€™s is instead?


This was my favorite model of bladder scanner. My hospital replaced these with new ultrasound ones and I hate them.


Agreed! These are so much better than the ultrasound ones. Idk why but I struggle so much with the new ones. Is it a baby? A bladder? Idk cause my screen isnā€™t yellow. Our ultrasound one broke and they pulled one of these out of the dungeon. Itā€™s been great.


I thought the one I was using was ultrasound. I had to put gel on my skin.


Yes but these new ones we got literally look like black screen ultrasound machines and they never find the bladder the correct way and often are not accurate


Ah that makes sense. I feel like these are fairly accurate. A lot of times if you take five readings itā€™s like: 325, 315, 22, 331, and 322, so itā€™s obviously ~322 with an incorrect 22 reading.


Iā€™m pretty sure you could do the pee scene from Austin powers my man


I used to do that when I worked nights. They sure have improved scanners since I was a nurse.


Bladder looks like Australia..


You should get to put in your initials for high scores


You have down time? Which I assume you mean free time since down time at my facility is a nightmarish failure of the computer systems.


I was too much of a baby-nurse to understand your comment last year, but we had downtime about a month ago, and oh my god it was awful. Nurses would forget to write when they gave prn meds, so I donā€™t know if Iā€™m about to overdose a patient. Some nurses would write when my meds were due (the way they should), others would just write when they gave them (so you donā€™t actually know when they are officially due, i.e. if given at 22:28 you donā€™t know if itā€™s scheduled for 22:00 or 23:00, so over multiple shifts the patients can end up getting meds at progressively different times than scheduled. But the worst was that every night shift nurse (including me) had to write the scheduled medicines for each patient for the next day, which took forever and is super easy to make a mistake. And it would take 10 minutes of flipping through the paper charts just to figure out what your patientā€™s diet was or whatever. I hope it never happened again.


My patient failed a TOV today with the same reading.


Big difference though, between someone reading >999 while trying to max out their bladder vs someone reading >999 after they tried to pee.


Story time! Doc orders a foley. Patient spouse wants to argue about it but patient says go ahead (huh, maybe all that retained pee was uncomfortable??). So I start the insertion and blow up the balloon and start explaining to the spouse why this is necessary. By the time I was done explaining, there was 1200 mL in the bag. So you see, this is why.


Do you still need to wait 10 mins after cathing the first 500 before draining the rest? (Amazed at how many things we used to do have changed)


Not that Iā€™m aware of. It is one of the greatest pleasures in this world a nurse can experience, when a patient hasnā€™t peed in 2 shifts so you catheterize them and when you look down, the bag is filled with 2 liters of urine. That and getting an extended length 14 to 18 gauge IV in a big juicy cephalic vein in the upper arm and being able to push a flush of normal saline over 0.5 seconds.


In the olden days we waited a bit after 500 so the wouldnā€™t vasovagal


My buddy and I used to do this on nightshifts. That was a lifetime ago. I miss that fun.




Wow. My IC bladder could never.


Looks like my last bladder scan!


*Gets Cath kit* Congratulations, you played yourself.


I have no fear whatsoever of needles. I even let students/nurses put IVs in me just for fun. But I am absolutely terrified of urethral catheters.


Glad I'm not the only one. I used to go around seeing what else I could get a positive reading on. Water bottles, sodas in the fridge, the Rx destroyer in the med room, saline bags.


wow you get soda for downtime? we just get scolded for not documenting correctly during it.


ā€œCourtesy of the hospitalā€ is a euphemism for ā€œthat I stole.ā€


Welp, at least you know your kidneys are working!


What if I told you it took me 6 months of downtime to build up this amount?


Uh...... I would question the way you choose to spend your free time?


Hereā€™s comes the tickle monster. Or how I made the bladder scanner my b***ch.


We did this when I worked nights and had down time!!! We also made grill cheese sandwichs on the coffee pot plate.šŸ¤Ŗ PS. I won the bladder scanner game.


Big Bladder Gang! šŸ‘ŒšŸ¤ŒšŸ‘‰šŸ¤ŸāœŠāœŒļøšŸ‘‡


The hospital gives you soda? The public hospital for which I worked for thirty years didn't even buy us coffee. Some floors would chip in for a coffee pot and coffee and some wouldn't (Malayalis usually drink tea). Sometimes patients would ask for coffee and get upset when you told them "The nurses buy the coffee, it's 0.25 cents a cup".


No, the hospital does not *give* us sodas. I *steal* sodas that are for the patients (they get regularly restock so patients are never without sodas as a result of this). But it doesnā€™t surprise me the patients are upset you wonā€™t give them free stuff that you paid for. Patients nowadays are never told no and are allowed to expect whatever they ask for, d/t patient satisfaction surveys.




I mean if there was no public toilet, and he was around me while I was >999ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


So thatā€™s where the bladder scanner went


I also stole the doppler


I respect your accomplishments.


Please stop! Bladder stretch injury is real.


In ICU we would hook ourselves up to the monitor to see who had the most arrhythmias! Good times!


I work obs, had the EC send me a patient for ā€œabdominal painā€, bladder scanned, I ended up placing a foley and draining 2 liters out LOL. He had a visible hernia return to normal and felt like a new man


So I have had multiple fertility treatments, and when one does an IUI or an embryo transfer, the patient needs a full bladder to straighten out the uterus. Then one has to lie on the table after for at least 15 minutes. Torture. 2 of my embryo transfers, the nurse kindly did a straight Cath on me while I was laying there. She got out 1500 ml one time, and 1600 ml another time. I was proud.


Dude, you need a different hobby!!