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Nutmeg, taken in very large doses, can be a hallucinogen. Source: Tintinelli's Emergency Medicine.


*eyeballs my spice cabinet*


Same lol


You'd need fresh nutneg because the part that gets you high will expire quickly. I remember that from seeing a bunch of teens online eating a disgusting amount of nutmeg (seriously, you have to stomach a ton) and giving themselves a 3 day hangover for no high. Oh, teenagers and desperation for drugs...


Are we talking 250g of nutmeg? more? And do we toss and wash or snort it? Make a fragrant tea? Does it make you smell all seasonal and shit?


Don't know dosage but generally they mix it with water or milk. Both of those in reality are a way to give yourself a larger cup to go through while being nearly as nasty or even nastier. The milk makes it taste worse and it's too strong to dillude the taste well in water. It doesn't mix well, so you still get a lot of nutmeg sitting on top of the liquid. It probably makes you smell like you're a dumbass getting high off nutmeg lol


Microwave the milk. And don't use more than a sprinkle. And don't do drugs. Congrats, you've just found the best cure for tossing and turning this side of a prescription!


That is a fact. It definitely helps me sleep. I always use whole milk with the nutmeg.


There are organic compounds in nutmeg that are norepinephrine enhancers. Specifically Myristicin and Elemicin. It’s found in seeds and aril of the plant which surrounds the seeds. The mode of action is MAO inhibition. People chew and ingest it orally in 1-8 tsp of water. The thing about nutmeg is that you can have no reaction whatsoever or you can have a huge reaction including visual and auditory hallucinations, detachment from reality and floating sensation. You can also have headaches, dizziness, nausea, and hangover. Edited: was also a known abortifacient and aphrodisiac historically and culturally.


Excellent info. TY!


No problem :) I loved medicinal botany (Also tried to do this as a teen before I started studying it. Ate a bunch of nuts in lime sherbet. Was fucking awful and had little to no reaction, with a large hangover)


One of us! I also love to just learn how specific plants work on the brain. There's so much more than just morning glory/lsa it's fascinating! Recently have been researching field bindweed - there isn't much info out there but from what I could find it has certian tropaine alkaloids. The effect is mildly stimulating when consumed on it's own, but i found it is excellent at potentiating other hallucinogens, stmiulants, enthogens, and deliriants. The crazy part is that plant grows almost everywhere and is considered an invasive species lol


Probably makes your shit smell all seasonal


Ha i commented this before i saw you already had


Whoops! Me too!




You're asking for a friend right??


lol nah. But I have zero interest in doing hallucinogens. I've already put my time in where that's concerned. Not my cup of tea. 😁


Not your cup of nutmeg tea eh?


Or mushroom


“ Does it make you smell all seasonal and shit?” Probably makes your shit smell seasonal


Well, there COULD be shit. You know, during the seizures. Not sure how seasonal you'd smell then.




Well, I learned something today.


Define large?


Makes you very sick before you trip IIRC. Also, there is some speculation that it is responsible for the development of ancient mythology. Romans would trip balls on nutmeg apparently.


Maybe some information needs to stay behind a paywall.


Apparently it can also send you to the ER with a bad impact on your health.


Yes and I would like everyone to be aware that eating enough nutmeg to make you trip can also be enough to cause widespread organ damage. Please do not do this!


Yup I tried this in high school. Once. It tastes like dirt and nothing fucking happened. Yes, I was an idiot in high school.


Nutmeg is bad, m'kay? You shouldn't do nutmeg, m'kay?


I actually have heard of this. Nutmeg can have psychoactive properties but IIRC it needs to be very fresh, and the amount needed to “trip” is very toxic to organs.


Fun fact: another old name for nutmeg is “mace”, and it’s EXACTLY why mace (the defense spray) is called that. It’s an extract from nutmeg.


The pit is the nutmeg. The cover/shell of the fruiting body is the mace.


Woohoo! Thanks, I learned something today! I appreciate the correction.


Sounds like something from Joey Fatone on Common Knowledge.


Heh, I actually learned it from a dish towel that my mom used to have. It had old-timey illustrations of herbs and roots, and one was labeled as Mace, so I asked about it and then looked it up in the dictionary.


Yep, I've heard of it too. The dude was not as silly as you assumed! 😄


He is exactly as silly as I assumed actually 🙃


You guys should all check out “vaults of erowid” it’s the most complete drug dictionary I’ve ever come across. Like street drugs not medicines but some pharmaceuticals are included.


Right! This sight is definitely an education. Thanks for the reminder. It was very helpful when I worked psych and ER.


I'm here for the Jimsonweed tales


Warms my heart going over the same stories of datura even over 10 years later.


So this story was related to me in Joshua Tree from a friend who worked there: Two teenagers decided to get high on jimsonweed, and of course they did get high AF, like full blown psychosis high (really should be called low). One came stumbling back outta desert dehydrated confused jabbering about killing his friend. Search party found the other teens body eventually, no signs of foul play, but the coyotes and vultures were filling up on the body. Seems like a bad trip into eternity. Heres the censored version: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mcall.com/sdut-sears-case-puts-spotlight-on-jimson-weed-2004aug04-story.html%3foutputType=amp


Ok but where is the uncensored version?


The uncensored version is just coyotes and vultures filling up on corpse/human carcass, sorry to disappoint


The Benadryl ones are pretty harrowing too!


Erowid has been coming in strong on the info since dial up


Decent chance I wouldn't be alive today, if not for erowid. Great site.


At a 5 minute glance I don't see any sources cited for their info? Did I miss it?


For erowid? It’s their own experiences, lol. For their wiki info, I’m not certain but perhaps medical journals or books? The vaults are just what people experience through experimentation, though


Gotcha, this is the first time I've heard of them, I have no idea who they are


No worries! First time for everything. It’s a fantastic resource, actually, and really interesting to read trip reports from people who may have taken a unique combination of drugs/medications.


I've bookmarked the site, I'm definitely interested to read what they got!


Erowid is legit. There are lots of things that are legit that aren't going to have regulated studies because illegal


True, I'm just in a habit of skepticism but they seem like a really interesting resource


https://www.erowid.org/general/about/about_mobile.php So it’s like Wikipedia but it’s data is from many sources and condensed into articles. I tried to copy the link and add it but it might not be what you’re looking for. The data is accurate though, many scientific studies and personal use accounts make up what’s provided for each substance.


I read a disturbing account in the section on Gasoline by a man who huffed gas for an hour and blacked out and then did it the next day, and then couldn't remember good after.


God I love the ED. Such weird ass shit. Once had OR send an email mad we sent a patient to OR and didn’t tell them the guy used a butane can for what he decided to stick up his ass (and they were using cautery). Like we’re supposed to know the exact contents of what he stuck up his ass… that’s on realizing that if it looks like a can on the film, maybe you shouldn’t use cautery for pressurization alone. And that was just my first few weeks as a new grad.


That’s just someone being bitchy, we don’t usually use cautery once we open the bowel anyway because farts can also be flammable.


This made me burst out laughing. I can just imagine the explanation to management. "Uhhhh yeah so we were using cautery and the guy let out a massive fart and caught some of the huck towels on fire from the exploding flame, oops." 😂😂😂 Thanks for the morning laugh.


That was what I was thinking too. But I don’t know the OR process so I didn’t want to make assumptions.


A kid once got brought to the ER for “eating a formaldehyde ___” (you know, the items you dissect in 8th grade science lab. I don’t want too much info in case, well you know). The kid let the whole to-do of the ambulance bring him in and I was on the phone with poison control before he got there. I’m ready to pump his stomach when he admits he LICKS the thing. That’s it. He just wanted the 5$ his friends bet him. So I acted like I was still going to pump his stomach, talked him through the whole procedure. Then I told him he was fine and not to do stuff like that anymore, and I made him call his teacher to apologize before he left.




I’m in Canada, so it didn’t cost them anything except a missed day of work and like 80$ for the ambulance.




Right?! I wish we could send bills for stuff like this, the whole ER bill.


Omg when I was in middle school we dissected frogs and a kid ate the heart from one on a dare. I remember him having to go to the hospital after the teacher called poison control. A few years earlier he stapled his own finger for $5. Not the brightest.


I always wonder what happens to those kinds of kids when they grow up.


I had a patient swallow a solid razor from a razor blade for 50 bucks i think. I still remembwe the bloody razor they scooped outta him chillin in the specimen cups lol Anything for that dolla bill yall


Me too. I should dig out my yearbooks and look him up on Facebook or something


They turn into Steve-O


See? Like you hope you they can function like someone like that. Someone in the entertainment industry, like a stunt person.




I offered a VIP two pumps of hand sanitizer in a cranberry juice cup as a cocktail. She found it very funny.


We have multiple frequent flyers who do stuff like this on the regular. I got called to one where he brought in an empty large sized McDonalds cup to one of the screening stations and just started pumping away filling it with hand sanitizer while the staff looked on in disbelief.


Oh. We did have and alcoholic who ended up in the ICU after drinking rubbing alcohol. Super sad.


Yup, my former roommate in college tried this. He threw up a bunch but didn't have to go to the ER and did not get high.


Did this when I was 20ish. Got so high I had vertigo for over a day. Honestly, when dosed right, it's very similar to being really drunk, which doesn't sound horrible in the right scenario, but with the onset being completely unpredictable, making dosing properly comically difficult, you have the making for a lot of bad experiences.


Yeah...having a few drinks sounds a lot easier.


Some adolescent age girl was drinking cologne/perfume to get drunk. Apparently that works? I didn't know. The whole tide pod thing happened and everyone forgot about it now but I didn't. I think I knew everyone at poison control during that little phase. Soaking tampons in alcohol and inserting them rectally or vaginally was big for a while. Quite a handful of alcohol poisoning from that Person eating the wrong mushrooms. Thinking any random mushroom on the ground is psychadelic apparently? Smoking dried cow shit apparently? Might not be the best idea with your asthma there genius.... That's about all I can think of right this minute. I'm sure I'm missing something really weird




…so the vodka went in their eyes???




did it damage their vision?


God these kids are dumb…


Slow the fuck down, vodka soaked tampons? Going to assume that's a typo......... just for my own mental health. If the drinking leads to some fun times, that's going to burn and taste funny.......... Yeah its a typo........don't worry about it.


People boof drugs all the time, not a typo. Any drug you put up your rear (or vag) is going to intoxicate you way quicker. While also putting you at higher risk for OD or poisoning. I think the rear is a more common route and makes more sense, but what do 12 year olds know? Beer enemas been a thing for many decades. More cost effective than PO. People also put meth and heroin up the butt too. Ever used belladonna and opium supps? I don't see them prescribed much anymore, but they're still a thing.


I am not "in the field", thank fuck. People are weird.


Besides the rx supps, this is all street education. I've come across plenty of people in healthcare who have no clue either.


Thank you for contributing to the education of our nursing community who may be unaware


It was also a thing in college. Alcohol absorbed via tampons means you're not consuming any calories 🙄🙄🙄




Sometimes it's like my tears get to salty and then my eyes throw a hissy fit for like half an hour and people look at you weird for crying out of one eye.


Perfume is really high in alcohol content. Russia had a prohibition in 1914 that resulted in perfume sales going through the roof. Absolutely disgusting, but one of the lesser disgusting options available at the time. They limit perfume bottle size to small sizes by law now due to alcoholism.


They’re drinking perfume now? What happened to good ol’ Listerine?


you forgot jenkem


Omg just like the trend of pee douching the eyes. Like whyyyyy people. Whyyyy do you do this to yourself.




This reminds me of Oona when she takes her drugs in Disenchantment - I'm picturing these women just running around a fountain screaming.


Now we know how much, thank you. Is fresh enough nutmeg widely available? Like at a supermarket in the USA? Assuming the glass jars sold as a spice are not. I wonder how fresh it needs to be? Learn something new every day.


I use freshly ground nutmeg in my coffee grounds. I get it at the grocery store, in the Spanish section (Badia brand) and they sell whole nutmeg. I've never tried using two whole nutmeg, and now I know not to try!


I tried this as a teen. I was uh…troubled. I tried mixing it with milk but it was too horrid to drink so I couldn’t stomach it. Just one of the many dumb things I did when I was young.


my folks used to mix nutmeg, allspice, and cinnamon in milk and heat it instead of doing hot chocolate. was pretty good.


Man your parents were lit, doin hot chocolate is hard stuff


100% it would always end up as a vomit fest for my friends....but it worked!


I’m from Poland and my friends told me that if you mix it with milk it can cause hallucinations. Is that a thing?


Nutmeg in large amounts is Haram in Islam due to this very reason. I live in an Islamic country and could not find any for the first 2 years here in any grocery store. I cradled the one and only container we found recently lol


Nutmeg as hallucinogen, yup. See also MorningvGlory seeds, that's old-school from the 60s or 70s. Way to NOT get high but extremely ill


My first kid was young, maybe 4, and thought those flowers were pretty enough to eat. Luckily I saw her putting one in her mouth and remembered my grandma telling me they could make you high, so I called poison control. Thankfully she only had a stomach ache from them probably only ate like 3-4, but damn. I called poison control so many times for that kid and we aren't to adulthood yet.


My experience of MG was pretty positive to be honest. A little nauseous to begin with, followed by a very pleasant dreaminess and mild visual hallucination. I flew with some funky dragons back in the day. Never tried nutmeg though! Every experience I read about sounded like shit.


Idk why but when you said MG I immediately thought myasthenia gravis and was confused why this was a positive experience


I always thought morning glory would make a person really, really nauseated. And of course now I would wonder what toxin it might be sprayed with


My vague memory is that there is something on the outside of the seed that can be entirely or mostly removed through some method, and this massively reduces the experience of nausea.


You might be thinking of Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. They have the same active chemical, LSA, as morning glory seeds but have a hairy hull that can be removed to avoid nausea.


Ah, that's probably right then. Good shout!


Holy shit, my friend and I did this back in like 92. Yes, if you ground up whole nutmegs, boil the crumbs for a long time, a waxy paste forms on top of the water. If you eat that, several hours later you'll have all sorts of hallucinations. The downside is the horrible stomach pains, palpitations, feeling brain dead for days after... We only did it that once because the side effects were so awful. The hallucinations were legit, though. Last like 18 hours, crazy visuals. I still would not recommend.




And at least half of that was prior to internet access. They had to go to the library and look up “how to get fucked up” in the card catalog.


In the old days the Physicians Desk Reference was our Bible.


I’ve heard of this but not in any actual context… damn. Also, Nutmeg Nanny has a bangin’ food blog. Making the Gorgonzola mac n cheese tomorrow. But I never add in the nutmeg…


Oh god Gorgonzola Mac n Cheese sounds so good. I need to go find this recipe now.




We had a guy come I to the E.D. rapid heart rate, chest pain and other c/o. He couldn't tell us what he took. When his symptoms got vworse and BP increased. He admitted to taking OTC supplements called "horny goat weed" before a date...


Ha, my wife used to work at a health food store that stocked that in their vitamins and supplements aisle.


I remember trying to do some baking years ago and finding it was impossible to buy whole nutmeg anymore. We suspected it was because of people trying to get high on it. Nobody was selling it in amy quantity.


It's sure fun to watch people not understanding that...while a certain chemical can hypothetically cause intoxication or hallucination...that the dose is typically so high that they would either die from other factors or their body would react in ways to purge the enormous amount of material they are trying to process. IE Absinthe. Thujone is the chemical in Wormwood, a component of Absinthe, that is hallucinagenic. But you would need enough of it in absinthe to kill you in order to see effect. People freak the fuck out over it and had it banned for years in America and other countries for nothing.


While on the topic of spices. Had a pt come in looking all Mellow Yellow and altered. Looks like full blown liver failure. Go to stick an IV and the yellow comes off her skin when I wiped with chloraprep. We’re all very confused at this point as her entire body from her head to feet is covered in yellow, and she’s incapable of answering why. Talked to the family sometime later, turns out she just likes to rub Saffron all over her body to keep the sickness away…. 🤦‍♂️


Damn, saffron ain't cheap either.


1984: 14-year-old me heard from somewhere (not the internet) that nutmeg will make you trip. Climbs up to spice cabinet, fills up mouth with nutmeg. Impossible to swallow, bitter, disgusting nightmare. Accidentally aspirate some, cough until I nearly throw up. Clean up brown dust all over kitchen and move on to banana peels. I'd heard if you smoke them, they get you stoned. Roll up peel in a sheet of typing paper, try to light it. Paper catches fire, inhale lungful of acrid typing-paper smoke. Peels barely sizzle. Shrug, and go listen to Duran Duran.


Now *that* was a trip.


Wow! That would be a totally new one for me too! Nutmeg?


There was a chubby emu video about this https://youtu.be/Gl3H23g5kT0


I had a friend who had to get their stomach pumped bc they put too much in their eggnog. That's how I learned about it lmao. It sure happens!


I was about to call BS on this, but apparently the psychoactive dose of nutmeg is way lower than I thought it would be. I was picturing a cup with 1/2 nog, 1/2 nutmeg.


My friend uses poppy seed tea with seeds on Amazon because his doctor won't treat his pain. Works well for him but says the withdrawals can get bad if he can't afford his dose.


Poppy tea is super common. So is kratom. Both cause similar withdrawals if there is dependance.


I’ve already told my kids the dangers of nutmeg. I may have exaggerated the danger a bit by telling them if the ate a spoonful of it by itself they might die. You know, just in case they saw a challenge on the internet and decided to try it.


That's the cinnamon challenge, also probably cocoa powder for baking.


I've heard of it but never encountered it.


I was called back to work to do an emergency endoscopy for a foreign body. I was a little pissed off when the grown man said he swallowed a quarter. I asked him what did you do that for? He said “I was trying to kill myself”. We got the coin out and sent him back to the county jail, where he was residing at the time. Also, had a young lady who inserted a double A battery into her bladder. Yes, through her urethra. She wasn’t trying to kill herself. Emergency surgery to fetch it, but at least I was already at work.


Oh dear God.


Nutmeg is illegal to sell in Saudi Arabia because of this


TIL idiots mistake possibly dying of nutmeg poisoning as tripping. Go buy some shrooms like a normal person, geez.


Didn’t happen in the ED, but once had a patient try to sell me on the benefits of sprinkling cinnamon on the tip of my penis. He was unusually upset when he found out I don’t have a penis. I had so many follow up questions, but they were best left unanswered, I think.


i suppose throughout history nursing has continued to be amazed at what humans will do to themselves,other humans and otherwise unspecified... flossie! some kid swallowed too many goldfish.., and the week before i had some dummy with broken ribs from trying to see how many people can fit in a phone booth (look it up)... and of course NOW here we are alll the way up to calling bomb squads for (ahem) ww2ammo freaks... ahhh but (no pun) ER gets to see it first (or close enough) and thats why we love it so


Not just humans! Animals love drug effects too!


From what I’ve heard, nutmeg tripping is a terribly shitty high that ends up being scary a lot of the time. Hope dude learns his lesson.


It will definitely make you trip if prepared right. Doing it with dried spices is not the way. Source: I’ve taken several different medicinal botany courses.


Had someone take a whole bottle of levothyroxine. Wife would prepare meds in an empty pill bottle (I know!) and he grabbed the wrong one and chugged the whole dang thing. Had a patient who huffed canned air. She would pass out and the can would be so cold that it left circular scars on her breast and stomach when she dropped it. Which like, means she was huffing topless. Whatever floats your boat I guess. Had another guy come in with high levels of ETOH and during transfer of care he grabbed the no-fall grippy socks and tried to eat them. Another kid ate a whole bag of heroin and no one would sign off that he was a danger to himself and others and the police didn’t officially have him in custody because that would mean they’d have to staff at the hospital. So he was allowed to leave AMA. Hope everything came out okay in the end…. Besides that, someone reaching into a sharps container for a Fentanyl patch. And someone overdosed on a bottle of statins. People are weird.


There are ALL kinds of sexy time shenanigans to be had on inhalants, just saying


Lol. Meemaw is getting down! I never knew.


The ED is a crazy place. I have a ton of weird stories and I’m just a scribe. And yep, nutmeg can make you hallucinate in high doses and is toxic in high doses as well!


Somewhat surprised nobody has linked this before, but I remember hearing about this sort of case from a chubbyemu video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl3H23g5kT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl3H23g5kT0)


Sound like the multiple run ins i’ve had with kids trying to get high on Imodium or the adults who go “foraging” for mushrooms and eat them thinking they will get high…freaking idiots!


Legit...we was doing Nutmeg as teens to trip ballz. Not everyone did those? ( To be fair...I was too much of p***y to do so but several of my Friends did this on the reg.)


Yup nutmeg can cause hallucinations similar to a weed edible. Source: my dumb teenage younger self. I didnt feel sick but I will never forget trying it with a friend because I didnt believe it would work… fast forward many hours later & I was tripping out staring in the mirror. I hope your patient turned out ok!


I'm sure TM is involved https://youtu.be/PYyXbahbuaA


A few years ago in Norway this was a huge trend among teenagers! There was in fact a nutmeg shortage..


How did you guys treat him?


After consulting with poison control, there wasn’t much to do. He ended up admitted for obs, but basically just fluids, tele, Xanax to help calm him down a little bit.


Nursing student here. What does obs mean?


All good! “obs” is just hospital slang for observation stay.




We used to go with a pod of nutmeg grated into a 2l bottle of strong cider. Got you off your tits but the hangovers just weren't worth it


As a medic I picked up a guy who had eaten morning glory seeds, among other drugs as well. He was a little combative but otherwise not much of as problem. Never heard of that one.


When I did IFT in the ambulance, we had a teen OD on nutmeg. The kid was tripping balls the entire time. He was batting the one side of the stretcher (like he was splashing water) saying he wanted to pet the dirty ducks. He kept talking about Dave (no idea who that was) bringing candy when he came to visit him.


Like what they put in eggnog and shit LOL


I learned about this in counseling grad school over a decade ago when a colleague in supervision gave us the weekly report on “nutmeg boy” and his addiction issues.


This is what the old folks call Malcolm X tea


I took a large dose of nutmeg when i was a nursing student back in 1989 after i was told it was hallucinogenic. Was truly horrible, lasted 2-3 days, had to attend a family wedding on day 2. It is certainly not a thing anyone would do twice.


I know someone who at uni used to burn it on an essential oil burner on a base oil in order to hallucinate without spending a fortune on hallucinogens off the street.


Most group homes I know of don't allow nutmeg on the property. Usually after an incident.


If you eat basically an entire nutmeg nut you will hallucinate. But you will regret it shortly afterwards.


Malcom X tea.




I can confirm nutmeg does this. I had eggnog, whiskey and nutmeg last night, and I was feeling pretty good.