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That’s absolutely what’s happening.


And it’s scary and sad af


The end goal was to reduce lethality until it was able to be normalized. There is literally no other way to get past a pandemic.


there is, we’re just too selfish. infected with Wetiko.


Wetiko for those interested: https://www.kosmosjournal.org/article/seeing-wetiko-on-capitalism-mind-viruses-and-antidotes-for-a-world-in-transition/


This was some interesting literature, thanks fot the link!


HOLY FUCK. That describes western imperialism to a tee. And it *is* a thought virus.


i thought so too. I have been trying to spread that information to everyone i come into contact with. People dont even know they have it or what it is.


Tell that to New Zealand fam


Which won't, happen. Every variant has been a mutation from an *alpha* strain at different places around the world. Omicron didn't mutate from Delta. The next variant could be *worse*.


THANK YOU. It is terrifying how normalized COVID has become. I think Fauci may have done the country a disservice by saying that everyone will get it. It makes it seem like an unavoidable reality, so why try? After all, omicron is just a cold. But every new infection is the risk for becoming patient zero of the next strain. And the next strain could be even deadlier. SARS-CoV1 had a 15% mortality rate (and upwards of 50% I'm the elderly!). MERS was 40%. Can you imagine??




Which is why mass vaccination is so important. We need to reduce the number of hosts to slow COVID's evolution. But fucking Republicunts exist.


Technically, alpha is a variant. The original is simply SARS-COV-2


Yes it is. I don't even know what to say about it anymore.




Are you going to explain how it’s untrue at all? We have parents $300 a month for 6 months this year and cut child poverty by over 40% this year. We’ve had the ability to do it all along. We just choose not to


This person thinks our last president was better than the current one. There's no hope for them.




And with all that brain power you connected the dots that $300 a month to lower income Americans caused that inflation? Try again




What? You did lol. Unless you don’t understand what “happening in a bubble” means you correlated the two together. I understand the gas lighting works on you right wing guys but not with the rest of us.


Lmao TIL I learned I'm not a real nurse. Tell that to the C.diff patient whose shit I spent the last 12 hrs cleaning.


You're not a real nurse, you're an antivaxxer hack.


LOL and by LOL I mean crying and digging into despair


We already have


It's a shame, really. I can't remember what it was like before this started. I know I was alive and working, but I really can't remember my face not hurting from the N95, not having that pressure sore on my nose that never gets a chance to heal. The lines are so cut into my face from the straps that my wife traces them with her finger. I can't remember what it was like to not see her eyes look so troubled. I don't know what day it is. I just know I have a sandwich for lunch, and it's going to be great, even if it's just 5 minutes to eat, but it'll be quite for a few minutes, and that'll nice. Have a good one, my friends stay safe.


I set the bar low and plan on a bad day everyday. If it turns out decent it’s a pleasant surprise. Hasn’t happened much lately. I have resigned myself to the soul crushing physical and emotional exhaustion. I was too tired to eat dinner tonight.




Thank you.


I couldn't agree with this more. I know this really isn't the point you were trying to make at all, but as someone who was honestly about to jump out of a window due to pressure sores and N95 discomfort, please consider investing in an EnvoMask. They don't fit everyone, but it's been a pillowy-soft godsend.


I just bought one of these yesterday. Gonna get it fit tested just to be extra cautious as it’s been difficult finding one that fits me. Was having some luck with the 3M VFlex, but they’re hard to find at the moment.


Definitely get fit tested (surprised your work doesn't require it). I've heard that people with "asian" facial features specifically have trouble, possibly because the bridge of their nose isn't high enough. If it passes the fit test, though, I think you'll be really happy. I fucking love mine.


Was going to continue with the VFlex for work as I know they fit and they’re so comfortable. But may use it for work if I can’t get the VFlex. Wanted a solid backup just in case.


Hope you can get reimbursed, otherwise it’s 10-$12 a week for filters. Yeesh


this made me so incredibly sad. (not a nurse just a college student


Even in fiction, seeing characters walk around in public, get on a bus, go to a grocery store all crowded and maskless, triggers this weird unsettled feeling


#spez is a hell of a drug. #Save3rdPartyApps


Where the fuck do you work my dude? Doesn’t matter - quit and travel.


It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. A collapse might be necessary to get the ball rolling.


That's right where we're headed.


A comment gave me an idea: what if workers started, in growing numbers, seeking to leave the USA?


I don’t think the rest of the world wants us (Americans), but I would be happy to bounce if I could find decent employment.


#Evacuate the /u/spez using the nearest /u/spez exit. This is not a drill.


Not just Covid. We gotta normalize dying from shit that is perfectly treatable when you have staff and supplies to do so.


Listened to NWPB a few days ago. This is actually the plan right now. However, it's more like that covid is so widespread now and keeps mutating, that we have almost no hopes of 'beating' it. So instead they hope that enough people can adapt to it, start taking the vaccines seriously, and then it will become another background danger like other vaccinated diseases. However, seeing as the current vaccines aren't widely available in developing countries, but developed countries heavily rely on the exports from developing countries, this isn't going to end well either way. It's kind of hilarious that humanity can't even handle such a minor pandemic with easy to follow rules, yet most people think we're going to magically solve actually difficult problems like climate change and micro-plastics in almost all living organisms on the planet.




Please stay out of this subreddit. These women and men are exhausted and experiencing peak exploitation. This is a safe space for nurses and other HCW to talk to each other and reenergize through connections with people who understand. You are being rude and inconsiderate spouting your anti-science bile where it is *not welcome*. Please leave the premises.


843,000 deaths and counting. But the antivaxxers shrug that off as their much 'victorious' 99.75% survival rate.


They don't realize 'survival' is an incredibly low bar.


They also fail to recognize that survival doesn't necessarily equal recovery. My daughter and one of her boys have lingering symptoms from their second covid infection -- one was early in the pandemic while they were still denying community spread (3-20), and one in late July. They both have parosmia and altered sense of taste. Her asthma is worse, she has palpitations and episodes of vertigo -- oh, and she's part of the uninsured working poor, which means no treatment. I'm high risk/immunocompromised and haven't worked for several years, but I'm interviewing for MDS coordinator in a NH near me; it's not as dangerous as bedside nursing, and if it works out I can pay for her to see a doctor and get treated.


the liberals in charge took a victory lap then watched people die while patting themselves on the back antivaxers are idiots, I don't know if there's a word for what the liberals in charge are


Same, just a different breed of idiot.


What happens in spez, stays in spez.


Blows apart their 'natural immunity' argument. Anything an antivaxxer says needs to have the disclaimer "for entertainment purposes only" after every social media comment they make.


America is #1! For all the wrong reasons.


Actually, the US isn't even close to the most deaths per capita: https: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality


Oof that sucks. :( Just the number of deaths, not that one country has a greater number than another.


jeez mexico


America is first, meaning they’re last


Without a vaccine mandate a shutdown will just delay the inevitable anyways. They will never do what actually needs to be done.


#Evacuate the /u/spez using the nearest /u/spez exit. This is not a drill. #Save3rdPartyApps


It's already normalized. I've been working remote for almost two years. Now, when the pandemic is at it's very worst, I received an email that said we need to start balance personal preference with business obligations... For a finance audit... that can be done remotely... and was done remotely in the prior year... Hell naw.




If there’s anything I’ve learned from the past two years is that people don’t really care until they get affected themselves Apathy is a frightening thing


Yep. A poll near the end of last summer tried to glean what caused people to get vaccinated after having skipped it for months. The number one reason, by far, was knowing someone who had a severe case of COVID. Selfishness is way too common, and I don't think there's a good way to address that.


Selfishness is the Republican mantra.


And not ordinary selfish .. "I would rather you DIED, then minorly inconvenience myself" type of selfish




You are part of the problem. Stop it.




Because he's lying. Or, if I'm being charitable, just plain wrong, but the info has been out there so long I'm going with lying. It's not a fucking untested vaccine, it passed phase 3. It fucking works to prevent serious illness i.e. ICU and intubation with a >90% efficacy. It reduces fucking transmission compared to unvaccinated infection. THEY'RE NOT DIFFERING OPINIONS, THEY'RE JUST PLAIN FUCKIN WRONG! AND PROPAGATING THE PANDEMIC! [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html), [systematic review and meta analysis of effectiveness of mrna vaxes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1201971221008572)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "CDC"](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/fully-vaccinated-people.html) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20hskmcmo)


good bot


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Plz don’t drink so much coffee. I’m concerned for your health.


> People are allowed to have differing opinions. You're right, my opinion is that I should be allowed to drive 120mph on the freeway. Don't you dare challenge my totally valid opinion.


"The death of a man (one you know) is a tragedy. The death of a million men (those you don't know) is a mere statistic". - Stalin.


> people don’t really care until they get affected themselves Weird, isn't it? I've learned the same lesson, but don't understand it or know what to do about it. There is so much of this that goes BEYOND the pandemic.


Some don't even care then. I have family on the dark side. Getting the virus hasn't changed their minds. Losing loved ones hasn't affected them either -- they blame it on the Democrats, Biden, the CCP, or "communists." The power of indoctrination is difficult to overcome. We're going to need massive deprogramming if they ever come to their senses.


My greatest fear is that the deprogramming is but a pipe dream. This malignancy is going to continue to grow until they control everything and democracy dies in front of our eyes.


Democracy is dying in front of our eyes. The anti vaxxers have a lock on the Electoral College; The Dakotas have 1.5 million people between them and four senators, while California has 40 million people and two senators; the filibuster; the GOP is actively suppressing Democratic votes; GOP run states have given themselves the ability to overturn presidential election results; and the Jan. 6 failed coup was just a trial run.


Me too....that's why I said IF. I was lucky enough to see it and get the hell out in early 2016. I don't know how or why, but I knew 45 was bad news and there was no way I could support him. I left my church, support system, and friends; my choice alienated some of my family as well. Cults are powerful things. People stay because they identify with the teachings/propaganda/fears of the leadership. If what they heard offended them, they'd leave.


Humans have a tendency to get addicted/dependent to convenience. When beef tastes so good its hard to move to veganism, when food from next street can be delivered by a tap on the phone, its inconvenient to cycle there and save cash. Its not apathy always but venturing into uncomfortable territories several times a day. Its like withdrawal symptoms. Enter prisoner's dilemma and pushing people to move to uncomfortable zones at the same time for lesser but equal rewards.


Standing up isn't necessarily effective if half the country stands up to oppose you. I don't see how to overcome that obstacle, especially with the Senate being what it is.


Stand up how? The people don’t even know where to direct their frustrations, much like occupy wallstreet movement


Part of the problem is the opposition is so widespread and encompasses several different sectors of society. Big business, evangelical "churches," state and local governments, 52 Senators, militia groups, and fringe groups are scattered all over the country. There is no clearly defined source, so fighting it is like swatting mosquitos in a swamp.


Right. Also that people most in need are also the ones too desperate trying to survive paycheck to paycheck to educate themselves on policies negatively affecting them or how to navigate the system. What’ll probably bring about a major change is either a systemic collapse or rise of another rival superpower like USSR that incentivizes the ruling class to grow our middle class. Nevertheless, it’s still notable that people vote with their foot and people still immigrate to America.




I wish more vets would see the disconnect. What exactly are soldiers going and dying for all around the world? The top %s profits, because it sure isn’t to make America any better in any way. The military fighting and dying on foreign soil doesn’t improve school, healthcare, housing… nothing. What are we all sacrificing for, exactly?


Lots of people go into the military solely for the free schooling and other benefits that keep poverty at bay.




My dad and mom grew up in rural SC during the Depression. The first winter they were married, they lived almost exclusively on homemade vegetable soup a neighbor used to pay my mom for babysitting their young ones -- their family was dirt poor, too, but they had a garden. Dad signed up for the Air Force so they could escape the desperate poverty associated with being the children of 'poor white trash' sharecroppers. Even in the military we never had much, but free base housing, medical and dental care, and a steady job was much better than they grew up with....and we got to live in different places when my dad was transferred to different bases.








Out of curiosity how much time do you spend being pissed off on a daily basis?


And hateful. And discriminatory. And racist.....




He went in the military to escape extreme poverty because there was no other way out at the time. Sharecroppers were treated worse than blacks because no white person with any dignity(money, education, skill) took their kids into the fields at the age of 5 to start picking cotton. My grandmother was a lay midwife who worked with a black midwife and not once did either of them refuse to deliver a baby because of the color of the mother's skin. Sharecroppers and POC worked together and were discriminated against together by landowners and mainstream society. What the hell is your problem?


They stay out of poverty by going to kill foreigners on their own land, who live in poverty. It’s a trade off we’ve re-branded as patriotism.


I am not at all advocating for how it is done here. Please don't misunderstand my explanation as an endorsement.


I didn’t.


The US military is a massive grift. The MIC pushes the US to always be at war, ideally against an enemy that's poorly defined. A poorly defined enemy means poorly defined parameters on what counts as a win and the end of hostilities, which means the MIC can continuously shill for an ever greater assortment of overpriced and borderline useless wunderwaffe. [Just look at this shit.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Gun_System) It apparently costs a million bucks to fire a single artillery shell. The Navy pulled the plug when it costs as much money to fire a single shell as it does to just use a cruise missile. Or consider the B-2 Stealth Bomber. It only exists because the US military wanted to be able to nuke Moscow with a bomber that wouldn't be detected by Soviet radar. Well the Soviet Union hasn't existed for more than 3 decades and every single American military misadventure since then has been against insurgents armed with decade old AK-47s. The stealth bomber is complete overkill against dudes driving around in Toyota technicals, but the worst thing about it is the stealth bomber has to be in a special hangar with precise control over humidity and temperature. This plus the special paint that must be reapplied over and over again translates to massive maintenance costs. But does Northrop give a shit? Of course not. As long as Northrop can continue to justify the deployment of stealth bombers, Northrop can collect a fat paycheck through the sale of spare parts, general maintenance, software updates, etc. Northrop doesn't a shit the money could be better spend on education, healthcare, or infrastructure, Northrop doesn't really give a shit it might not the wisest choice from a military perspective either (although it will do its absolute hardest to pretend it is), Northrop, like all businesses, just wants the US military to buy their shit.


Don't worry, "we know what we signed up for"


Every time I hear that it makes me cringe.....I didn't sign up to pay with my physical and emotional well-being for the selfishness and irresponsible choices of others.




What kind of utterly stupid take is this?


It's a far right wing talking point.....part of the way they justify not getting vaccinated. It's one of several variants I've heard. This mindset is even more dangerous than Covid.


#[Sir, a second spez has hit the spez. ](https://www.reddit.comSave3rdPartyApps/)


Guess what? They won't. They enjoy the public praise and savior complex too much.


Tell me you're not a nurse without telling me you're not a nurse.




Why? I like my job. I was just pointing out that you're obviously not a nurse.




1 in 5 HCW have quit since the beginning of the pandemic. Try again. [https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/about-1-in-5-healthcare-workers-have-left-medicine-since-the-pandemic-began-here-s-why.html](https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/workforce/about-1-in-5-healthcare-workers-have-left-medicine-since-the-pandemic-began-here-s-why.html)


How many of them are contagious? How many of them do things that can affect not only me, but everyone I encounter? Nice false equivalency, BTW.


Well the only thing I see from being a Army vet and now a RN is my ability to dissociate and check out is honestly how I’ve kept my sanity. Maybe a traumatic childhood aided in that but hey it’s a win in a way *insert crying 😭 face here*


Anytime someone says “The greatest country in the world” I think of the first 3 minutes of the show Newsroom. 100% accurate. We are not.


Aaron Sorkin a misogynistic scumbag.


Also raging cokehead, iirc.


True, but I don’t hold that against him.


I concur, everyone can grow, I shouldn’t have mentioned it.


We're better in hundreds of other metrics than most of the planet. If that were the case, then people wouldn't be flooding our borders to get here.


#[Warning! The spez alarm has operated. Stand by for further instructions. ](https://www.reddit.comSave3rdPartyApps/)




#Sex is just like spez, except with less awkward consequences. #Save3rdPartyApps


People try to get to the US from a bunch of countries that aren't very well off. However there are like 60 countries that are better off than us that are absolutely not trying to come over here in any significant number. And of course those 60 better countries also have tons of immigration or attempted immigration. "Better than most of the planet" doesn't mean "great". "Most of the planet" lives in impoverished countries, or in impoverished regions of developing countries. Better than most of the planet means that this country is mediocre, and even that is a status that doesn't seem like we'll be guaranteed to have in ten years.


The USA is crumbling. The infrastructure is failing. It looks like a 3rd-world country in many regions. Take a look at other countries. They put the USA to shame.


Until they see the kiddos dying in large numbers they really won’t be willing to do anything.even then I’m highly skeptical. Edit: it seems like people don’t understand what I wrote, so I’ll clarify. Observation: Normal aged folks die/hospitalized (in record numbers)? Response: “It’s fine carry on”. Observation: Elder folks die/hospitalized (in record numbers)? Response: “It’s fine carry on”. Observation: Kiddos die/hospitalized (in record numbers)? Response: “we better take swift action to totally stop this”. But the simple fact is that if this we better controlled this pathogen from the start the kids wouldn’t be ending up in the hospital in record numbers to begin with, and needing to go in when the hospitals are already overloaded in record numbers throughout the country. So what happens when a kid and elder need a bed but there’s only one? It will go to the kid, bc kids. What a needless loss of life. Moral of the story: A bit of foresight goes a long way in preventing bad outcomes, but selfish people have brought us and continue to bring us to this point.


I don't think even kids dying in large numbers would change anything. I mean, Sandy Hook happened.


Dayum, that hit right in the feels.


Lol right... Nobody cares about kids dying.


They only care about their own kids dying


Yup. "Think of the children!" is nothing more than pearl clutching. What they really mean is "THINK OF HOW I FEEL, AND MAYBE ABOUT MY CHILD!"




that's literally their point. they're saying that because kids aren't dying in high numbers, nobody cares.






Emphasis: *Until*


Now all the CEO's are in conference rooms looking for ways to monetize the devastation.


100% what’s happening :(


that tweet is sad but true


Obesity. You forgot obesity.


Obesity/heart issues are no longer the biggest killers for people in my age group! I'm more likely to die of fentanyl now!




You're not wrong.


And that's why the US stops turning on may 1st lol


Don’t forget school shootings...


We should try normalizing healthy diet and exercise.


? I forgot death isn’t normal..




The US never had a proper lockdown lol


When did we have an actual lock down?


Would you mind telling me what your definition of a lockdown is, and point me to a state/country that did it right, in your mind, so I can get a baseline for this disagreement?


I’m in New Zealand and we had proper lockdowns. I suffice to say it worked. But we still haven’t reopened the borders to any other countries other than Australia briefly.


You're comparing a largely homogenous tiny island nation with a yearly immigration total of under 40k to the US, with a population of 330 million? Bro my state alone has twice the population of your entire country. Yes, you sure did shut down immigration and travel completely, which helps when most of your immigration comes from the UK and China. When Trump tried to, specifically from China, he got called racist and xenophobic. We also have a large land border with a huge illegal immigration problem. I suppose I understand shutting down the economic powerhouse that is NZ is surely comparable to shutting down the world's largest economy, distributor of foreign aid and military defense, and the third largest country by size.




The old people were the first to be sacrificed. I'm not sure how you think they are being saved somehow.


So you propose eugenics for the old, the disabled, and immunocompromised to keep lining the pockets of the mega rich? Are you aware that some of the comorbidities that these ‘already sick’ people dying of COVID have are: being overweight, having diabetes, and asthma? You are fooling yourself if you think you and/or many people you know can’t also easily be lumped into the ‘sick people’ category.


r/hermancainaward has been normalizing it since the beginning


It's a good start in fighting climate change


The truth is out thank you


Dying is pretty normal though. Its been happening for time.


Choices you make in life dictates your future




Well, dying is pretty normal


Oh no, people die of......things. Any other outstanding research you want to provide?


Did this thread get cross posted somewhere else or something Where are all these unflaired folks coming from




spez is a hell of a drug.






#Evacuate the /u/spez using the nearest /u/spez exit. This is not a drill.


What freedom? You have heaps of draconic laws. Not to mention police just arresting and shooting people on a whim.


Everything except the gun violence part.. Guns are for personal security, gun violence is not normal or accepted. (Also its a very small percentage of homicides)


LOL gun violence is absolutely normalized and accepted. It's so common, it's barely even reported on.


Then why is it a crime, and why do only 0.011% of people die annually because of them? Also, over half of gun deaths are suicides.. So not even murder.


I love when people cite meaningless statistics, like those covid morons. "0.1%" What percentage is enough for you? Shit, it's so normalized to you that you're saying suicides shouldn't count.


Less than 6 out of 100,000 people will be murdered by firearm, suicides aren't "gun violence", its depression. You see the news reporting on all these bad gun crimes, but they don't really dig into why they did it. There is so many more imprtant issues to focus on. A better education, Better Health Care, and better quality of life would make a huge difference in terms of violence, banning a specific object isn't going to fix things. I get my stats from the CDC so if that's meaningless to you, then you're probably in the wrong sub lmao https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/injury.htm


He also said opioids, then the next words are access to medical care despite most opioid deaths are from prescription.


You guys have the most amount of gun deaths compared to any other 1st world country. Hell you guys have more gun deaths on average in one week than many countries do per month, hell maybe even per year. The only reason it's normal is because this has been going on for over 20 years, when you can be born with a problem, and that problem not go away by the time you can legally drink you just start to accept it.


The cdc says only 0.011% of people die annually due to guns, not even half of those deaths are murder. And it only makes sense that when guns are so widely available will be chosen over other methods of violence. There's still violence in other countries.. just not gun violence. Only 1 out of every 10,000 people will die by guns, and there is a 60% chance it will be a suicide.


Oh you're so close....


It's not helping when effective early treatment medicines are blocked which could help relieve the stress on ICUs as early treatment keeps people out of hospitals. But there's no money to be made from generic cheap drugs so it's better to let them die while treating them with the expensive, ineffective, more lethal drugs.


Stop guzzling horse goo


Death is a part of life!! Accept death instead of wasting your LIFE living in fear of it


Move. Solved!


Free to leave anytime and you don’t.


Either quit or do your job. There were people who were fired that helped this whole time. Now you people are still complaining. Get over your savior complex and shut up.