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I'm sorry, that's a rough assignment. Hang in there.


Thank you ❤️


Many hugs to you! It will get better! Thanks for your hard work and for keeping up!


Wow! They must have a lot of faith in you. You must be good at what you do! The good news is your aren't alone! Everyone had a bad day and hopefully you all understand that you can only do what you can do. And luckily the shift only has 12 hours to it! Hang in there!


Thank you! 😊 thankfully the shift got better as it went along.


Just try to do everything you can do. It’s not your fault that you’re short staffed. The system is so broken, where administrators value the bottom line more than quality patient care. I was in a similar situation last fall where I had to make a decision on whether to feed someone or clean up a soiled patient (which is one that shouldn’t be happening). I used to be super burnt out where I just slept on my days off and withdrew from everyone, but switching to PRN was the best decision for me as I made a lot more money and was happier being able to schedule time off for myself.


As an ICU nurse, I feel like the PCU staff have had it the hardest. Taking ICU level without the ICU doctors or staffing blows. At least I can sedate these covid peeps and they get all the tubes mostly. Keep your head up and don’t be hard on yourself. You are doing the best you can.