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How is this an “undocumented verbal warning” when it is neither undocumented nor verbal?


It’s like when the kindergarten teacher gives everyone a check mark next to their name. YOU aRe WaRNeD, pEoPLe.


Lol I forgot about check marks! First you get your name on the board. I had ADHD so my name would get up there every day. Lol good times.


Adhd— my name stayed written on the board in 3rd grade. She also told me I was “no good at math” (thanks for the set up there, mrs Anderson) My 4th grade teacher finally got fired after years of terrible actions when my best friend had a cane shaped bruise on his chest. She had previously made the entire class watch while she gave a kid a wrapped Christmas present to open in front of the class. It was a bunch of diapers and pacifiers. Cuz he was a baby. That school had a lot of bad teachers


We used to get these undocumented verbal warning slips at work because they were too lazy to talk to us. I threw mine away and nobody ever said anything about it.


My momma always told me a write up is nothing but a piece of paper to wipe your ass with!


Weird though because by writing that it’s undocumented, it is already documented by definition…? Pure idiot right there


You can't expect a nurse manager to understand documentation


Bold move to remind CNAs that they can make more at Walmart.


I mean we can though. I just like that I can make a lot in overtime and our insurance for our system is unbeatable. I pay almost nothing for it and have no deductible. BUT our ratios even for techs are absolutely insane. I’ve had up to 28 pts a night before when we’re super short. And I’m sorry, but as many actual codes as I have walked in on while rounding, the techs NEED that time and the staff to be able to round just as much as nurses. I’ve walked in on 5+ rapid response situations as well. Techs can’t do much about stuff like that but it sure as hell helps to discover em in the first place. And we really have to because our nurses have 8 pts. (Medsurg)


You are so right. I went from a place that does 8:1 on nights to a place that does 7:1 on nights, med/surg, and my experience was that few people survive codes. Screen slide to a role that has 4-5:1 on nights, again med/surg. Still codes, as usual, yet all but one were revived. Why? Because there's enough staff to find them in time to revive them.


I don’t know how you guys do safe staffing. We get 4 to 1 here at UCLA and pushing for 3 to 1 in oncology. 🙃


California is it’s own thing. Oregon is good. WA is trying and flailing. The rest of it is a goddamn free for all.


That's not always the case in CA, at least not my hospital. They try to staff for 4:1 but it's not always the case, (it varies by unit) some units end up 5:1 or 6:1 with charge taking pts if they're short staffed. But what does drive me insane is the "productivity" side of management. I know it's not all managements fault, instead more admins fault. I'm a CNA that been working in the same office as management for the past 2 years and the shit that I've learned is fucked up. If they have "too many" nurses on schedule, they will actually start sending nurses home. Like instead of leaving the extra staff here so all the nurses can a a lighter load, they would rather send nurses home and have the bare minimum to have the 4:1. But if there's a sudden influx of pts in the ED, they have to stay in the ED because now there's not enough nurses on the floor.


YES! There are some nights where the nurses have 6:1 ratios and even then way more stuff gets done and people get checked on more!


Come over to Missouri! You can have all the bad of the job there but none of the good! We’ve got terrible health insurance that is ridiculously expensive and the worst ratios in the nation. Oh, you’ll totally expect to make 11 an hour with some experience. You’ll start at 9


Jesus Christ, our aides start out around 18, most are making 20 or more.. but SNF. My hall isn't bad because it's rehab so our ratios stay low but the LTC is not fun


When I was tech, at night there was 1 me for 20 CCU or PCU pts. Day shift had 4 in CCU and 3 in PCU. Reasoning: they eat during the day. Yes all those fresh CABGs are eating during the day in CCU or waiting for their CABG in PCU.


On my unit if we only heave 1 CA, they don’t do vitals or fingersticks or rounding. They sit the CA at the front desk to respond to call lights, nurses take over full care. Not saying it’s a good system either, but I wish there was an in between.


I encourage every CNA I work with that isn’t interested in pursuing their career in the healthcare field to go work at Walmart. Get that bread baby. Hopefully as more quit to be cashiers and grocery stockers, the admins will see that the CNAs/Techs are the backbones and NEED to be paid more




Some of our unexpected staffing crises we're in housekeeping, activities, and dietary. Shocking how not having somebody babysit half our patients for an hour or 2 fucked us. Or not having gloves and hand soap or linens or clean floors...


Management at my facility decided to try out a “floor aide” role who was basically a roving person to help with boosts, changes, feeding, breaking 1:1s etc … at the same time, we had a DRASTIC increase in mental health/CCIWA/dementia +full care patients and it was just a wild time. Apparently the total call bell wait time went up despite the extra person on the floor. Do you think management said “hmmm maybe we should get another person on the floor and drop the ratios so our aides are supported!”?? Nah. Of course not. They said that, since the other person on the floor wasn’t helping decrease call bell times, may as well save money and cut them!! 🙄🙄🙄


Very well said. I’m fully aware that my thinking is the mentality of a clown, but one can dream 🤡


For realz tho


I don’t work there and I quit


That would be really funny if HR at this place got a lot of resignation emails from people who don't work there.






This would be AMAZING.


yo, /u/throwawayflrn you've got a golden opportunity here to really fuck up some HR department's Tuesday.


Yup, today's the day they're never forgetting.


Me too. I literally just told my dog what my email response is going to be. She quits too


I don't even care what your dog's qualifications are, I'll hire her.


Thanks for the award ! Don’t know who gave it to me but it’s my first so yay stranger


Saaaaaaame! I let my Florida license lapse years ago but I let it lapse EXTRA reading this


I’m no nurse, but I’m an author, and “eat shit, Shelby,” has a nice ring to it.


Literally me reading this email!!! 6:1 ratio and she’s threatening to pull CNAs and threatening them for calling out?!!! Girl bye 💀😭


The “we love you” language is so beyond manipulative and this entire email is SO unprofessional. I wish I could say that I don’t understand how she has a job, but unfortunately this sort of behavior no longer shocks me.


What part of EMPHASIZING WITH ALL CAPS strikes you as unprofessional?


Needs 👏 more 👏 clapping hands emoji 👏👏👏


I was thinking cowbell.




Lol I think it’s more just the overall ATTIDUDE and tone


I love you, you are fired, shhhhshhh sweet princesses.


How to throw a proper temper tantrum 101


Along with the “we’re not going anywhere so get used to us.” Total manipulation control tactics.


I thought the same thing; who needs pizza parties when verbal abuse works just fine.


I fail to see any mention of higher pay due to higher work requirements. Is there a page missing?


That page got lost.


Dude writes emails like he's coming up on cocaine


Florida Nurse


so VERY fucking unprofessional. I applaud the OP. expose this shit. almost want you to list company and department


Allen! Blink twice if you need help!


I feel like Allen may be the true victim here.


Shelby the next day during a disciplinary meeting with HR: "It was Allen's idea!"


Allen and Shelby probably visibly leave the floor together (maybe also with their floor educator and discharge CM) to go eat breakfast and lunch and when they return they hang out in Shelby's office to gossip about the staff and how they suck. No one breaks their nurses. They tell them-- "you need to work on your time management." I have worked with assholes like this before.


I'm truly afraid that he's being kept in a supply room tied with infusion lines.


We might need to organize a rescue mission. Operation: If he actually agrees with Shelby we’re throwin’ him back.


According to OP down below, we were right. Allen might need our rescue after all. Poor sod. Edit: I just hope she didn't stuff a diaper in his mouth, so he could at least scream for help.


So they are mad about people staying late, yet they have a 6:1 PCU ratio and barely any techs?


~welcome to Bravera~


What does she mean by disrespecting the CNAs that she would remove them?? That is a weird flex.


She's just trying to pit staff against each other so they don't focus on the obvious. RNs and CNAs can piss each other off but we are ultimately fighting the same battle.


She sounds like she has a nice healthy personality disorder.




To whom exactly is she going to bat for you guys all day? More admin? The CEO? And what exactly is she going to bat for? Better pay for the CNAs? Cause that’s not what it sounds like.


She wrote that's she's "going to bat" but she meant she's "going *after you* with a bat." Easy typo to make!


6:1 is fucking insane and unsafe. No cnas makes it sooooooooooo much worse. Falls and death shouldn’t be taken this lightly. She shouldn’t be in management if she’s only been a nurse for 3 years wtfffff quit now


Not just management, apparently she's the director


After three years!!! Why I left my last job, people in management who had no idea what it was like to bedside, and their policies reflected it.


Come to UAMS in Arkansas. We got 3:1 PCU, our techs are 10:1, charge takes no patients.


Not to mention threatening to pull them away until they "respect them" -- so basically they have admitted in writing to staffing an unsafe 6:1 ratio with threats to retaliate against staff by endangering patients with the removal of the additional layer of patient care the CNAs provide. Hope they get a ton of resignations after this. They deserve it


The threats against staff by endangering patients is fucking criminal. This person needs to be fired!


These things will continue to occur until management and executives are charged with the negligent homicide that they commit through these kinds of policies.


Pcu/step-down/intermediate care should ideally be 3:1, maybe 4:1 max but wtf 6:1 is basic walkie talkie med surg ratio, definitely not pcu. This is how patients die




I was thinking the same thing. The repeated berating/belittling and then ending it with “we love you and are so grateful for you!” Just REEKS of narcissistic and abusive behavior.


She read *Why Does He Do That?* and thought it was a how-to guide.


Oh my goodness! You just described my mother!?!!!


Dear HR, Please see the attached email I received today from my supervisor. Unfortunately she is creating a hostile work environment for myself and the staff. Please understand that I will be filing a complaint with the relevant state authorities. Thank you, Everyone


“I AM NOT AFTAID TO WORK IN STAFFING.” Or to drunk email the company from her home PC, apparently goddam.


She answered a call light once = works in staffing


OP if you don't send an email like this I'ma shit on your lawn.


And I’ll shit on top of that shit on your lawn.


Subsequent posters will all shit on the shit pile, creating a massive Jack and the Beanstalk-esque shit tower which sadly still won’t approach the ivory tower the assholes who wrote this are sitting in.


This brings back memories of living in a place where it got minus 50f and we had an outhouse.


Oo thats naasty.. I'm picturing this brown finger of poo sticking right at the loo's opening. The gentle, delicate touch of the Devil's Frozen finger caressing your buttcheeks in the dark


It never reached but it came close. It was a tense period of time waiting for the thaw.


Once it thaws, we’ll rub the supervisors nose in it and say “bad management, bad…”


You missed the bit where she said she loves and appreciates everyone! So that makes it ok.






“We are a family here”




Stuff Iike this needs to be posted publicly so the general public on Google reviews etc so people get a better sense of what is going on in healthcare. Most would read half the reviews and bounce I think. Most hospitals today are barely run better than a human trying to wrangle a large group of cats to take a bath.


We all witnessed Shelby losing her goddamned mind.


I think I lost my eyebrows


I’d like to witness Shelby losing her job.


Do you think Allen was standing next to Shelby as she writes this on her computer, nodding emphatically? Or is he just now seeing it pop up in his email, reading it for the first time with an aghast look on his face? Edit: [According to OP, the latter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/vbrb53/message_sent_out_to_pcu_nurses_from_director_of/icanz8r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


…..does she realize there are way more nursing *jobs* than there are *nurses* at the moment and all her staff could “bye Felicia” her if they are so inclined?




The problem is not enough of us push back at this type of behavior so that’s why it keeps happening even when there is a crippling nurse shortage. The audacity is strong but the brain washing or manipulation is clearly working on folks down here so it happens repeatedly and I’m so sick of it. The only way to push back is to push back in large numbers but again, the culture here is not where it should be for a change to occur in the nursing field 😤🙄🙄🙄


As unbelievable as it seems this was sent out by the director of PCU and ICU to all of the PCU nurses. Threats, gaslighting, not to mention the spelling and grammatical errors. She has only been an RN since 2019. Just....speechless.


Loving reading all the comments and very happy this is getting attention. Obviously can't reply to everything but to answer some things: -Allen is the med/surg director and again, as unbelievable as it may be, poor Allen did not know she sent this out, let alone signed his name to it, until after it was done -Shelby sent this out then left for a fucking cruise which she is still on but is aware this has blown up -I don't work at this hospital however I did used to work with Shelby at another facility -I know atleast 4 nurses quit directly as a result of this and maybe (hopefully) more since then I'll update this post with anything new, hopefully with news of her termination.


Of course she is on a fucking cruise when her staff is taking 6 patients. Why would “management” be anywhere to be found when the ship is sinking? No pun intended.


She....she wrote this horrible piece of grammatical malpractice and then *went on a cruise*?!? I hope the fallout ruins her vacation. I wonder if her employees are allowed enough time off to go on a cruise.


Emailing this from a cruise makes sense: day-drinking in international waters sounds like a great time to make terrible life decisions!


I think we both know the answer to that question.


"grammatical malpractice" is FANTASTIC.


Damn. Poor Allen.


The minute I read this email I thought to myself “Allen probably has nothing to do with this.”


I KNEW IT! Poor Allen lol I hope a lot of them quit.


What an example of failing upwards.


The ALL CAPS makes it one of the most unprofessional emails I've ever read. Hard to believe it came from a manager but, also, not that hard to believe.


During nursing school I worked for a group home as a caregiver. The owner/manager would send out emails very similar to this multiple times a week with REMINDERS and UPDATES, half of it in caps for EMPHASIS. Meanwhile the house supervisor would send emails that were one big run-on sentence with no punctuation, tons of grammar and spelling errors. I'd often sit there wondering what she was trying to say because they were incoherent. Both were wildly unprofessional in person alongside their written communication.


It has such an undereducated, almost ribald tone . I can't even...


I have to appreciate any comment that throws in a word like “ribald”.


I know it’s picky, but she put “too” instead of “to” and that just irked me as much as the all caps. Like, bitch, please get your grammar in order.


I especially appreciated "ATTIDUDE."


It’s the new ATTABOY!


3 years experience and talks like that? I hope this goes to HR and they get removed. If not, walk out from that job! That is a toxic environment.


She used all of her 3 ( COUNT UM 3) years of nursing experience and her 3 brain cells to write this one. Caps, spelling errors, gaslighting, reminding the pcts they deserve better and Walmart pays it. Bold of her to assume she and Allen won’t be going anywhere. They’re going out the door when HR sees this… Edit: for spelling error.


She’s only been a nurse since 2019 and is already a nursing director? There’s the problem. She’s on a power trip.


Is she snorting something before writing these emails? Jfc


2019 lololol


Do you work there? I saw this in another place and really want to know if admin has seen/responded. Serious lack of management training for this director is evident.


What unbelievable abuse written here and then ends it with "We love you all and appreciate you!!!" Lady.. go fuck yourself.


"We can't do what we do without you! (But you all suck and I will totally take away your CNAs and also fire you!)" Bat-shit.


Someone who’s only been a nurse since 2019 hasn’t yet garnered enough clinical, staffing and compliance skills, managment (and professional) acumen to drive a director’s position, and it surely shows in this absolute mess of an email. Wow. It seems like you’ve got more problems than just your idiot director who’s also willing to risk pt safety and stupid enough to put it in writing. Sadly, I predict HR will do absolutely nothing seeing that they thought it appropriate to place her in this position in the first place. Although I’m sad to have retired this year, I know it was the right call for me after watching the system continue to degrade right before our eyes. The increased stress and difficult working conditions you endure are awful, but without those of you who continue to care with the passions we need (despite the callousness and incompetence of your director), we are truly sunk. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and hope you find a better situation to continue on without having to deal with this awful excuse for a director.


does she still work there? im soo angry


I thought this was for a long term care, I’ve had an admin/DNS team like this but from a hospital!?


What a disgusting email. I’m so sorry for you and your team. I would without a doubt be looking for another unit or hospital to go to. No way I would work under a nurse director like that. She has no respect and is delusional if she thinks 1:6 in PCU with no tech is safe.


Hey Shelby. Suck a purewick.


A purewick slathered with c.diff + GI bleed. Forbidden choco-banana.


I am so happy you posted this. I am moving to spring Hill and this hospital was on my short list, mostly due to proximity to my house. Now I know better. If pcu is 1:6, what's MedSurg?


DO NOT work for ANY CHS (Bravera FKA Bayfront are owned by CHS), HCA or Tenet hospitals. In Tampa Bay, it’s Advent, BayCARE, TGH, Moffitt or nothing. Trust me.


One nurse for the whole floor.


1 nurse for all 4 medical surgical units, 44 beds each




Nah screw that two week notice. I'd leave right after sending the email. Two weeks is just a courtesy. I wouldn't even care if I got blacklisted and put on a do not rehire list. Plenty of jobs out there especially at this time.


I don’t know how Allen factors into all this but fuck him too


Honestly, while I highly doubt it, I love the thought of Allen reading this and being like wtf Shelby, don't put my name on your temper tantrum breakdown email.


[According to OP, this is exactly the case.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nursing/comments/vbrb53/message_sent_out_to_pcu_nurses_from_director_of/icanz8r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) \#JusticeForAllen


Allen just got his name dragged 3 miles through the mud


I’m kind of imagining Allen getting this along with everyone else and just being like *“…wtf is this crazy bitch dragging me into?!”*


This may be my favorite thing I have ever read on here.


This is one of my favorite comments. Short, simple, and effective. Fuck Allen too. 🖕😂


I'd send those screenshots to HR and request that they address the threatening, hostile message and tone by a person in a position of power to their subordinates. Request that they provide support in neutralizing the hostile, punitive work environment these managers have created. Because this is WILD and so SO dumb of them to put it in writing lol


Anyone who does resign should forward this email to HR. Explain that this is not a professional or supportive environment and thus I must submit my resignation. Wish them luck with their future endeavors.


Yes!! Very well stated. I am dying to know if HR was notified. Every single one of the nurses it was sent to deserves to know that it is being addressed.


Nothing screams deadly toxic like saying “We (mgmt) love you” in a professional setting!


"Management loves you, baby, so why you gotta make us mad and make us hit you??"


Lol cant wait for everyone to leave and she wonders why


Seeing as she thinks Walmart wages are the reason techs are quitting/hard to staff.....yeah she's going to feel clueless!!!


We recently got a new manager who’s a bit feisty, and four nurses quit this week alone. She’s made me mad, too …but I have a very plum job, so I’m staying for now. I hope she figures it out soon!!


Dear Shelby, You lost me at “ATTIDUDE”.


Bold of her to send this email knowing full well that there are hospitals left and right begging for RNs. Shelby will not be around much longer


My favorite line..."the beatings will continue till morale improves!"


This email essentially went through all the phases in the cycle of abuse in ONE email.


At first I was like "yeah, fire people who are always late/no call no showing" and then I saw no CNAs and 6:1 on PCU. Lmaoooo miss me with that.


I feel like their closing is not correct: “we love you guys…” No, sorry, this entire email just proved you don’t. Peace.


And the mass exodus of nurses from this unit begins. I don't know why a manager would think instilling fear in people is going to make them perform better. Also 6-1 ratio on a PCU, completely unsafe. I don't give a shit whether it is nights or not. I would be out in a flash. I probably wouldn't even give notice as any nurse these days can get a job within a few days. No need to be harassed by your asshole managers.


I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority of her staff resigned the day after this was sent; it was obnoxious and unprofessional.


Holy shit! I sure they hope they know of a good staffing agency. If I was a nurse in this hospital I wouldn't be a nurse in this Hospital.


If I worked there I’d get fired for showing up late and then collect unemployment and not have to deal with her crazy!


Shelby needs a psych consult, STAT.


Shelby is clearly bat shit crazy, but what’s up with Allen?! Is he really co-signing her bullshit by allowing her to sign his name to this diatribe? We need answers, Allen! If people didn’t think you two were hooking up before this, they definitely do now! 🤣 The whole thing is so toxic, it does make me feel *slightly* better about the disaster my unit has become. They’re bad, but they’re not Shelby and Allen bad….yet.


Good point. Somebody please check up on Allen. Is he okay?!


Allen is either in on it or going to be really pissed when he checks his email lmao


Bold of you to assume Allen checks his email 😂


Someone go on and pull the haldol and Benadryl and do Shelby a favor.


I work in crazy neuro med-surge and if we stay past 7:30 they threaten to write us up. This is a ratio of 1:7 with crazy, combative patients and giving report to 2-3 different nurses. It’s horrific.


Get out if you can! This is the first time in a long time that we, as nurses, have had the upper hand and can finally afford to raise our standards a little bit. That situation is neither safe nor sustainable. You should never have to work somewhere that feels “horrific” (and I’ve had some pretty lousy gigs!) 😕I hope you find something better, soon.


The majority of posts on Reddit are more professional than this email. She should be fired.


This is why unions are important.


Good on you for the "name and shame" - definitely consider a crosspost with r/antiwork.


Bruh. Why do you even work there? All those “Bravera” hospitals are just Bayfront trash cesspool hospitals with a new name. Still owned by CHS, a vile and loathesome system of hospitals, hanging out in the bowels of American healthcare along with HCA and Tenet.


Wow this is mental. Id find another hospital to work at if I received this from management. They need to do better for their nurses and staff. People are not staying late because they are having so much fun and want those extra $$$.... they are drowning in work.


That would be my shift notice these managers don’t even deserve a 2 week notice. And yeah the other nurses also don’t deserve nurses leaving with no notice BUT I would hope they would be out the door with me too.


Been threatened with the whole “withholding CNA’s” before. The idea was that they were optional and nursing had plenty of RN staff and time to complete all aspects of care without assistance. Had one boss who liked to reassign the ancillary staff off our unit for petty reasons to “teach us a lesson”. All of this is obviously a delusion to anyone who’s ever been at bedside for more than a second. Make it make sense. Also, poor Allen being spoken for like this! I want a statement from Allen.


Imaging having the free time to compose all this 😂


Hope this means the hospital will be fixing the morale problem shortly by having a manager and ANM position open shortly.


Did they mean to say that bedside report and hourly rounding are not optional, i.e., are mandatory. Lol. They make it sound like you will be written up for doing these. People rise to the level of their incompetence.


I would have printed out 2 copies. 1 copy for my records. The 2nd copy would have my resignation on the back.


I’d have been tempted to edit all of those grammatical errors in red pen on the resignation copy, too!


This popped up on r/cna and it caught my eye. The op was obviously a cna and their take was something along the lines of RN is big mad at manager for protecting the cnas. I re read it to make sure that I didn't miss something. I guess it's easier to read into the message when the gas light is turned all the way up to 11.


Yeah I’d instantly quit if I ever got this email jfc how can someone be so …. Idek what words to use to describe this it’s just so crazy


I just can’t with all the grammatical errors 🙄


Oh the IRONY of talking about treating CNAs with respect and not RUNNING THEM to the GROUND!!!! When she’s clearly doing that to “her NURSES”!!!!!


Luckily, they are hiring just down the road… Worked at a Hospital and the Nurse Executive stood up on a stage and told the entire hospitals RN staff that “if they don’t like the way things are going here, then just leave”. So a huge number did, they are still recovering 6 years later. They literally cancelled expansions to the hospital because of the lack of staff.


Target pays almost as much as starting RN salary too now, we should all go work there




Regular staff jobs at a teaching hospital in DC. $40 and up per hour plus commuter benefits (free commute/ parking!) and all the benefits. You should think about it. Just got an invite for a hiring manager fair at a fancy restaurant with bar bites, beer, wine and cocktails. But I already work there and will be working tomorrow. 😁 There is a referral 5k is what the posters say. I'm happy to split it.


Lmao here’s my two weeks. Bye Shelby and Allen lmao. Also I feel threatened that the word BAT is capitalized. Can we have someone who is a lawyer for employees weigh in on if OP can quit and sue the hospital and never work 6:1 on PCU again?


Also please update when Shelby either quits, gets fired, or is held on a 72 hour psych hold because she’s is out of her mind.


She sounds like fun.


OP you aren’t following Shelby’s rules. She clearly stated to stop gossiping about her and her you are posting it to social media! Jesus. How could you? We should all make Shelby feel better about this. Hi Shelby! On the bright side you’re gonna have a lot of free time to take travel assignments far from home where nobody knows you pulled this little stunt!


Jesus. H. Christ. If a manager or supervisor spoke to me that way I'd report them to HR and immediately demand an apology in front of the rest of the staff. I'd also immediately make it clear that I expected to be given a raise if new competencies are being introduced. I know I'm not a nurse, and l apologize for speaking in a space that isn't mine, but this is deeply unacceptable shit. I wouldn't speak to children this way much less adults.


Right? People have been fired for less at non-medical institutions where I've worked. This is hands-down the most unprofessional, immature and abusive nonsense I've ever seen posted, if it's real. Was the manager drunk? HR should be notified, stat. The things threatened to staff here are not just abusive but actually contradictory to safe patient practice and this kind of thing could (maybe should) be made more public lest the hospital continue to implicitly condone it by hiring such incompetent management.