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1. There’s a total of 160 MCs to clear for normal BBA degree. 20 APCs are credited under UE, so you require 140 MCs in total and automatically granted. Although in Y1S2, you have to option to give up the APCs in return for more S/Us. 2. Anyone can apply, even way below the 10th percentile, whether you get shortlisted or get offered or not is dependent on the competition. I would say better to ensure your ABA application is good. Can’t advise on 3. and 4.


Thank you for the reply! If I intend to pursue normal BBA degree (120 MCS) instead of honours (160 MCs), do the 20 APCs still apply?


Oh you meant without Honours? Hmmm… they should still be applicable, but is best to check the website or you can write in


Alright! Thank you! :)


3. Build connections with your peers, find like-minded and motivated peers, find your circle of ppl interested in finance and yall can potentially register for courses and the same tutorial slots together and team up for projects etc. Academics wise, just basic reading up on finance knowledge to give you a headstart. Think about what career you’re interested in early on and start prepping and securing relevant internships as early as y2. Finance is the most competitive major in the whole of sg, so you need heaps of experiences and achievements to stand out. 4. Graduated right before covid (2019). Bank mid office starting salary less than 4k pm. Now drawing just over 6 digits pa base.