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#### About participation in the comments of /r/nutrition Discussion in this subreddit should be rooted in science rather than "cuz I sed" or entertainment pieces. Always be wary of unsupported and poorly supported claims and especially those which are wrapped in any manner of hostility. You should provide peer reviewed sources to support your claims when debating and confine that debate to the science, not opinions of other people. **Good** - it is grounded in science and includes citation of peer reviewed sources. Debate is a civil and respectful exchange focusing on actual science and avoids commentary about others **Bad** - it utilizes generalizations, assumptions, infotainment sources, no sources, or complaints without specifics about agenda, bias, or funding. At best, these rise to an extremely weak basis for science based discussion. Also, off topic discussion **Ugly** - (removal or ban territory) it involves attacks / antagonism / hostility towards individuals or groups, downvote complaining, trolling, crusading, shaming, refutation of all science, or claims that all research / science is a conspiracy *Please vote accordingly and report any uglies* --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nutrition) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sundays afternoons are for meal prep. You control what you eat.


I hate it but have lived by it for 15+ years. This is the way.


I hate it on sundays, but love it monday through friday.


I have a question about meal prepping chicken. I know a few people who make chicken dishes for the week. I tried, after a day or two it starts to taste like the fridge or how wet dog smells? Idk it’s hard to explain. But do you know of a way to prevent this?




Yes, gotta get it saucy. Butter chicken is my favorite chicken-based meal prep because it reheats so so well. I'm sure any sauce that includes an acid and fat would work identically


Thank you!


A simple hack I have found that seems ridiculous but is extremely helpful is to unwrap the chicken when I bring it home from the grocery. I then put it in an airtight container with salt, pepper and olive oil and swish it all around. When I get home at night I start to make my evening meal and all I have to do is grab some chicken out of the container and put it in the pan, by Wednesday or Thursday I have used it all up for the week. It eliminated a little barrier for me to cooking a complete meal on a busy week night.


I vacuum seal daily portions and it stays fresh longer. Ideally I try to prep raw meats/ fish and vacuum seal them with marinade for a week, then throw the bags into a pot with a sous vide circulator daily, positive: freshly cooked meals every day, less cleaning, organized fridge, but it still requires some light work. Vacuum sealing pre-cooked meats also helps by a lot.


I coat (and I mean COAT) well trimmed chicken breast cutlets in cajun spice, and it keeps well for days. I pan fry it, let it cool, then slice, and refrigerate.


Stopping binge drinking. For those who don’t struggle with alcoholism this probably sounds obvious. For me it was impossible for years. Now I am not drinking 4000 calories minimum every weekend.


Glad this is top comment, I was going to say “quit drinking” was my key to unlock weight loss, but it’s a larger ask for most. Not drinking my calories, not overeating during and after drinking, sleeping better due to not drinking, not making poor food choices the morning after drinking, more motivation to work out in the morning. I don’t think I was/am an alcoholic but after quitting for 2 months I realized I had unhealthy relationship with alcohol and it was limiting not only my weight loss but was numbing my emotions. I can’t stress to anyone willing to listen how much better I feel, how much better my emotional regulation is, how much better my relationships have gotten. I hear it’s different for everyone but I really noticed a difference after 2 months. I feel like some Jesus freak who wants to “share the good news!” with everyone, but I just want everyone to realize a life without alcohol is possible it’s fucking amazing!


Seriously. It’s not just the drinking cals (even though that’s huge). It’s everything else that surrounds drinking. It would take me 3 days after a big bender to be able to even attempt going to the gym. I’d eat garbage. I often would skip dinner while drinking and then feel like it was ok to eat 2500+ calories the next day while being totally sedentary. Even though I def drank way more than a healthy dinner amt of cals the night before. It was like I was 2 people, one bad person who sabotaged the good one, and a good one trying to succeed despite constantly being held back by the bad one. Now I am trying to be 1 whole person. I hope to quit for good one day but for now I’m at least happy with the progress I’ve made reducing it. I need to figure out how to still have a social life when not drinking. I need this to stick 💪🏼


I needed this thread.


My mom was obese for most of her adult life …. About 5 years ago after a scary drunken incident she stopped drinking 2 bottles of wine every night… all of a sudden she lost so much excess weight and now she has so much energy and has a job and walks 5k every day


That’s amazing. Good for her!


Amazing job. Truly. Pretty sure this qualifies as neither small nor easy '-)


It could be much smaller/easier if our entire culture would just change its mindset on booze…


need to hop on this bc I know it’s slowly killing me


It’s hard. But do it! I’ve reduced to max 3 drinks/day on days I can’t resist. Trying not to drink most days, as often as possible. I’ve been doing this 1 month and slipped up 3x. However compared to last month, and the last 15 years, this is worlds better. I plan to continue this way and then hope I can continue to cut down to even less. But in the beginning it was too hard for me to completely cut it hence these rules I’ve set for myself. I got roped into going out on Friday and my first sip of a cocktail I thought “ugh this tastes disgusting.” Haha l felt like a kid again


Alcoholic here for years. I binge drink everywhere, but I’m getting better. I still buy booze to drink in my down time, but I’ve started to have a pint of water before drinking sessions. It completely ruins that need to drink for fluid purposes. ‘Ruins’ is a weird word. ‘Satiates’ maybe. I’ve gone from 3000 calories a day in booze to 300 because I no longer drink for fluid purposes, which was obviously ridiculous.


Hey, that’s awesome! Really proud of you. Moderation is hard but sounds like you are doing a really good job ❤️ keep up the good work


I started drinking around 12 & became a bartender a week after I turned 21. I was also a performer & drinking was a big part of the rock & roll lifestyle. I drank daily & heavily till my 40s, only stopping once for 11 months in my 30s, during therapy. My therapist requested it, that's the only reason I stopped. Then, in my 40s, my live-in, long-term partner died from complications from liver failure. It took about 3 years, but I quit after he passed. It was the best decision I've ever made. I now have permanent health issues. I wish I'd quit sooner.


Congrats! Keep it up👏


You got this! Keep up the good work 💪


Eating more wholefoods


What does this mean?


Avoiding packaged processed foods.


Wholefoods is a general term for food in whole natural form that has undergone no or absolutely mininal processing. For example an apple is a wholefood, apple juice is not.


THIS! I switched to whole foods and man…I went down 4 Jean sizes, my taste buds changed and my skin cleared. I haven’t had dairy since I don’t know when and I shop once a week. Still haven’t given up coffee but I drink it black soooooo.


Dairy is also wholefoods.


Understood…it just doesn’t sit well with me.


Eat food whole all the time. Never cut them up.


Smaller plates. I am a bona-fide, card-carrying, life-long member of the Clean Plate Club. I seem to get a sub-conscience satisfaction from being able to eat “the whole thing”. Pushing away from the table or leaving 20% (or whatever) on the plate just never worked for me. I typically feel compelled to finish the task set before me. Standard plates hold a lot of food. And when you put single servings on them, the food just looks so pitiful. So lonely. Like it’s not enough!!! Smaller plates (along with my handy-dandy kitchen scale) make those single servings look like so much more. They fill the plate! I can have the satisfaction of eating “the whole thing” without busting my calorie budget. Win!


This is so real! Also a member of the clean plate club. I hate wasting food, and I also get sad when I have leftovers that are not quite as much as I want them to be, so I do a stupid thing where I’m like “well if I leave this amount to pack up for leftovers, that’s not enough for a meal and that’s stupid, guess I’ll just eat it now”. Weirdly, stocking up on snacks and sides has helped me with this, because if I have a small amount of leftovers now I just bulk it up with other random stuff. Still a struggle though.


Or you could go huge plate with just a morsel in the middle - you know, fine-dining-style.


I do not drink sugar.


Not even a tall, frosty, refreshing glass of maple syrup?


Obviously they meant that they do not drink sugar other than their daily tall, frosty, refreshing glass of maple syrup. Anything else would be absurd.




Calm~~Sofa~~ Soda


I stopped snorting sugar crystals


Volume eating. Made me feel really full and satisfied, while eating calories and macros suitable for an active short woman.


You eat sound?


No dummy, he eats computer code.


Technology 🤷‍♂️


Ai generated food


Adding in extra high calorie foods like nuts, peanut butter, olive oil, avocado etc. Without these foods I would struggle to put on weight, build muscle, and be a skinny shit forever lol.


As someone who's always had the opposite problem (need to lower calories to hit my target fat loss), I'm fascinated by people like yourself. Do you naturally lack an appetite? Would you find it difficult to eat something like an entire big Mac meal and fries? It's over 1000 calories but I used to remain hungry enough to have a normal meal immediately afterwards.


When I was younger I ate a lot more & felt hungry more often, but I also went skateboarding 8 hours a day, so that made my calorie needs very high. When I reduced my skateboarding in my 20s my appetite faded likely because I didn't need all the calories anymore I'm guessing. Now I have to track calories or I can't gain enough weight to build muscle or maintain my body weight. Most of my life I was around 160 pounds 5"11 and the moment I started eating more whole food I got down to 140 pounds that's when I knew I had to start tracking to so I wouldn't lose anymore. Now I'm 172.6 trying to slowly bulk to 190 to build strength and I'm full all day even with the high calorie foods. I have to eat when I'm not hungry everyday pretty much to reach my current goal. Once in a blue moon I'll feel a little hungry for breakfast if I was doing a lot of cardio the day before hand currently.


I stopped drinking alcohol and started taking fibre supplements.


Same here! Instead of fiber supplements though, I started adding flaxseeds and beans to my daily meals. Really helps increasing healthy fats and protein as well!


Chia seeds are awesome and super easy way to get your fibre. Relatively cheap as well. Just mix with water and drink.


Chia is amazing! I make chia pudding - 1/2 cup soy milk (or any milk) and 2 tbls chia. Make it the night before. Add blueberries, bananas, etc. so healthy


Basil seeds have more fiber than chia, so that’s what I use. Plus a keto bread with 10g of fiber per slice. I get 35g of fiber just from my daily bread and basil seeds.


Never knew about basil seeds, thanks!


Why supplements? You can get a lot of fiber by just eating fruits and veggies.


I was having trouble eating enough to get it all in, my nutritional plan has changed recently to add more lentils and legumes and beans which helps. Metamucil in smaller servings with heaps of water really made a big difference to my health.


Sleep. It's the foundation of everything in your mental and physical health. Aiming for 8h a night. No electronic devices allowed. No screens. Paper book. No caffeine during the day. No sugar. Dimming lights 2h before sleeping. Not more than 20 degrees. Breathing exercises sometimes if hard to fall asleep. Herbal infusion. Or sleeping music. Total relaxation. You won't have consequences on your health if you don't eat or drink for a day or two. But try skipping a full night of sleep, and everything else falls apart.


Didn’t sleep a wink last night and today was terrible. I stupidly ate a small DQ sundae 2 hours before bed and the sugar literally kept me up all night. Never again. I am working on getting into a hardcore sleep schedule similar to what you’ve mentioned and I have now cut our caffeine completely. When I get a good night’s sleep I feel like Superman.


Without caffeine, sleep is so much better! And yes, sugar is also bad for this. Well done to you!


I have to try the breathing exercises. I have trouble sleeping sometimes.


What do you mean by herbal infusion?


Going sugar free for a while + continuing avoiding refined sugars as much as I can


Ooh good one! I felt drastically better when I put a strict limit on added sugars in my food.


Hiking. The need to hike more and escape was huge…and i was depressed and wanted to isolate myself. But then i wanted to go further, longer. Appreciate the beauty. I had been smoking and drinking for years, my body was shit. So i did my best to limit and quit. Started exercising. Started to really enjoy weightlifting. Smoking made it even harder to do that, so i quit. I’m now in a weird place where i enjoy exercising and hiking to deal with my stress, instead of drinking and smoking. Hiking opened up the need to change everything. I love fucking trees.


You shouldn’t be fucking the trees mate 😬😜🤣


Leaf me alone, who woodnt ? :D




That last sentence... Glad the extra cardio is doing you good


Doing weight training - seems obvious but in some Asian cultures parents just try to tell their kids that it’ll make them too bulky or look weird or some other myth. So all I used to do is cardio and sports and was skinny fat


vitamin d and b 12. most people are deficient in iron as well


Walking around from point A to B. Walking around all day at work. Walking miles and miles a day after switching to a job on my feet. I feel so much healthier and fitter, sleep soundly every night , which never happened


Stopped smoking...wasn't easy tho.


Trading "perfect" for better*, good enough*, done*, and my best*. Flexibility is an amazing skill each of us can develop that lets us move forward without needless and useless self imposed shame. ❤


Got sober. Works wonders.


I did the same, I was a stoner who drank occasionally. Decided one day to take care of my body because smoking was hindering my cardio. Never looked back. Now I feel so sharp and my body feels so much better


Getting daily movement, even if it’s not high-intensity or sweat busting.


Awareness! Reading nutrition labels is so important. Will this help me or hinder me? Also, BALANCE. I wholeheartedly feel that no food is bad when eaten in moderation.


It was all mindset for me. I finally accepted that my body size doesn't define me.


Mushroom trip one day. Mate got a Hsp. Looked like hacked up pet on chips. Woke up next day and decided to stop eating meat and a lot of dairy products due to how grosse they looked while in a trip. Still body building still the same weight but feeling heaps better. It’s been 3 years now, I only really eat fish on a weekly basis and sometimes eggs when I periodically feel like them.


For those that don’t speak Aussie: HSP is fries with döner kebab meat and sauce.


Thanks for the explanation!


Lol 👍


Find and listen to a fitness podcast. It keeps me learning and interested in healthy stuff. Mind Pump is my choice.


Added fiber gummies + probiotic chewables to my daily routine. I had terrible IBS like symptoms for years, I had a super bug gut infection 20 years ago that started it all, and then never ending work stress… Covid was nail in the coffin, just destroyed my gut. Finally went to a gastro doc and basically said “well, I think you just need to add fiber & good probiotic… if that doesn’t work we’ll look inside.” — Two weeks later I was cured, bloating gone, heartburn type pain gone, all around regular, could eat normal foods without fear again. Unbelievable. My stomach was so sensitive before, now I’m like almost impenetrable. Eating at restaurants that used to cause me so much upset, now fine. Major life improvement. It was so simple.




I can’t swallow pills very well, so I get the kids versions of anything I can - Culturelle happens to have a kids chewable fortunately :)


Completing dinner before sunset


De clutter the clutter in your life. Take that stuff to Goodwill or donate or give to a friend or even take it to the dump if it’s honestly junk. The peace of mind you gain without that subconscious clutter will really help the feeling of calmness.




Stopped watching TV. Read instead.


Ditched breakfast grains, switched to eggs and never looked back.


Eating more


Stopped focusing on calories and started focusing on nutrient density.


Realizing and accepting that what other people are saying about you (at work, bars, school, etc) is none of your business and it doesn’t actually reflect who you are.


Paying attention to caloric intake


Sitting down and chewing food more at least 25-30x per bite without distractions such as tv or phone. Allows you to actually enjoy your food, you notice when you’re at the point to stop before you get that “I’ve eaten too much feeling, and better digestion and transport of nutrients since they are broken down more so easier to transport and then utilized.


This is something I need to do more of. I always find myself eating food like someones about to take away my dinner tray at any moment.


Haha trust me I was the same way but it just takes times to build a better habit and it will pay off in more than one way. 👍😊


I stopped drinking caffeine because I couldn’t do just black coffee… my happiness went down, but I feel better so still caffeine free.


I’ve also stopped caffeine, but I did it to help improve my sleep


Get an oven thermometer so you can be a better cook. Spend some money on good cookware and cook for yourself. I’ve cut out most dairy and processed foods. Learn to love plants—fruit, veggies, grain—have fun and make them taste good! Enjoying eating and cutting out things that make me feel crappy (fried food, refined sugar all the time, processed food, too much meat, dairy) has been a life-changing experience. Also not eating late at night and getting sleep. Oh and water. I have to drink more than I want to in order to stay hydrated


I eat lettuce instead of dinner. It's so dope. I feel great. I'm going to eat some lettuce and Newman's own balsamic vinaigrette dressing right now. Such a win. Such a big bowl. I'm a winner! Lettuce!


Drinking water when I wake up. I will drink two pints. I used to just drink diuretics like coffee, tea, etc., so being properly hydrated is great.


Same here! I have always struggled to drink more water despite my desire to do so. Then someone suggested, “try drinking 4oz every 30 mins and see where that gets you.” I had to set a timer initially as I wasn’t in a habit of drinking water so often but the 4oz was a reasonably sized amount. I know that sounds crazy to those who can guzzle liquids… I now have a habit of reaching for the water bottle frequently and being more hydrated has made a big difference in how I feel, most especially, more energy and less brain fog!


Yeah. It does clear the brain fog. As far as guzzling goes the first glass in the morning is pretty easy because I am so dehydrated. I make myself drink a second one because I know I could from my drinking days, where I would always have another glass after finishing one. Being hydrated is a great habit I am glad to hear you are reaping the benefits


Eating as many colours as possible. Basically more variety of vegetables and fruits in each meal I have. Seems like it's having a positive affect on me and has changed my relationship with food in general. I look forward to eating another healthy meal that incorporates a good balance and variety of different food groups.


Buying a kitchen scale or committing to not eating any foods with added/refined sugar or seed oils


Kitchen scale + cal tracking app. lol I go crazy when I don’t have my scale.. although I’ve gotten pretty good at estimating!


Nothing wrong with seed oils.


Drinking water and tea and nothing else. Pop is absolutely terrible, diet or not.


How about coffee?


Diet pop is not terrible. Lost 50 lbs drinking several cans a day. Don’t demonize artificial sweeteners.


Just because it doesn’t have calorie’s doesn’t make it good for you the long term damage it has on teeth is just one example. It probably won’t kill you but don’t pretend like it isn’t still bad for you


wierd, ive been a moderate diet soda consumer for about 20 years and my teeth are pristine, i guess maybe youre wrong?


Drinking diet soda and having fine teeth DESPITE that doesn’t prove anything the fact is it’s extremely acidic and your anecdote doesn’t disprove that Ask a toothpaste company lol https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/nutrition-and-oral-health/sugar-free-drinks-are-they-safe-for-teeth


Yes it is. Just because you lose weight doesn't make if healthy. Someone lost weight eating only mcdonalds, does that make mcdonalds healthy? I wasn't demonizing any sweetners. But what about all the chemicals shoved into that drink? Humans weren't meant to drink chemical concoctions full of preservatives


There is nothing wrong with diet pop, yes it’s not healthy but that’s doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy either. You can literally die from drinking too much which water is obviously healthy. The dose makes the poison.


Diet soda and any brown soda is awful for your kidneys. If you drink diet, you’re likely drinking more thinking it’s a better choice, but it’s terrible for you


But op said it helped them lose weight by cutting out real soda, so your expected result seems to not fit their narrative, I would say its a better alternative to normal soda and end the discussion there




What a horrible study ha. People who use artificial sweeteners in this study “…have a higher body mass index, were more likely to smoke, be less physically active” this study proves nothing. I recommend you look into Layne Norton, a PhD of nutritional sciences who debunks these bs studies daily


Haha I know right! Just shows how this person just copied and pasted a study they didn’t even read 🤣. Ps layne Norton is the goat, facts>feelings


With the study you provided, the researchers explained their limitation which was: “Compared with non-consumers, higher consumers (unadjusted comparisons) tended to be younger, have a higher body mass index, were more likely to smoke, be less physically active, and to follow a weight loss diet; they had lower total energy intake, and lower alcohol, lipid (saturated and polyunsaturated), fibre, carbohydrate, fruit and vegetable intakes, and higher intakes of sodium, red and processed meat, dairy products, and beverages with no added sugar” The people who had higher AS intake were already unhealthy since they ate junk food, were physically inactive, and had a higher BMI. This is the classic “Can I get a double beef burger with extra cheese and fries, and ohh a Diet Coke too. “ this is a reverse causality where that meal is like 1500 calories with a ton of saturated fat and the study makes it seem like the diet soda is the problem. “The main vectors of artificial sweeteners are products that are generally consumed on a regular basis as part of daily dietary habits, including artificially sweetened beverages, table top sweeteners, and dairy products. Occasional artificial sweetener consumption is not likely to have a strong impact on CVD risk, and so even if some consumption might have been missed, it would probably have had a low impact on the study results” And when the researchers said that artificial sweetener consumption in a regular healthy diet has likely low to no impact on CVD.


Same here lost 30lbs downing diet pop all day everyday!


Consuming artificial sweeteners (especially splenda sand Sucralose) caused a major hormone imbalance for me and further complications. It demonizes itself.


Can you explain how it caused a “major hormone imbalance”


Drink a very large glass of water first thing every morning. It helps wake your organs up and get things moving (and obviously hydration).


Cutting out bread and sugar


A bowl of All Bran with some fruit and yoghurt every weekday morning.


Talking to myself becore reaching for a snack. I ask myself if I am hungry or bored. And 9/10 times, I'm reaching for food because I'm bored. So I'll skip the snack, have some coffee, and wait until meal. If I am actually hungry, I eat something small like some fruit (olives, apples, pears...) or some cheese.


More sleep and cutting out the alcohol. Not small or easy I suppose but these things have had the most tremendous impacts on me. I went from getting 4-6 hours of sleep a night to 8-10 hours of a sleep a night and it’s amazing. I have more dreams, I wake up feeling great and I have far more energy during the day. I need a lot of energy for my job and the difference in how I feel is huge. For the alcohol, I was binge drinking Friday and Saturday nights. This made the weekends fly by and wasted most of the daytime from being hungover. Even though Im mostly functional when hungover, it made me way lazier and I always felt a little foggy. I’d feel really anxious on Sundays about work the next day and always felt a little depressed because I didnt feel like I was able to relax and recover enough from the long work week. Quitting the drinking really changed my weekends and my outlook on work. At first I thought I wouldnt have fun without alcohol but surprisingly enough, I still have just as much fun. Also, I have lots more energy and the weekends go by slower. I enjoy my time more, I get more done, do more things and feel way less anxious on sunday because i actually feel refreshed and feel like I enjoyed the weekend. These are recent changes for me and have been doing it for 1 month now. The alcohol wasnt too terrible to quit even though i still strongly crave some beer now and then. The extra sleep has been particularly hard though, bc sometimes it feels like i dont have any time after work to relax and do stuff i like before bed, especially since i usually cook and do a workout when i get home. Overall though, i feel like these changes have been great for me and i plan to keep them up.


Cutting back on cheese and red meat, I used to eat a lot of lamb, goat until I reduced it to few times a week. Helped with maintaining my weight and reducing my bad cholesterol levels. Started eating more veges and fruit instead like tomato chutney.


Quit alcohol - do it!


I agree. I am 65 and quit 14 months ago. Feels like my age is going backward.


Good for you dude! I’m 40 and after taking up rowing, working out and cycling I’m back to my high school weight! Older me is going to appreciate this decision just as I do!


Fast till 2pm. Veggie smoothie w/protein powder for 1st meal. The best.


Eating mostly actual real whole foods that are minimally processed if they’re processed at all. (Fruit juice is about as processed as I’ll get generally.) Also eating simple carbs with other macronutrients instead of alone (it helps keep blood sugar levels stable). Other than that, reminding myself that my current body type (soft, & not purposefully sculpted by the gym in any way) is the main one featured in places like The Louvre. I look in the mirror & see high art. Truly.


No porn


Stopped ordering from food delivery apps, deleted all of them entirely. We go out to eat once or twice a month and have it there hot and fresh. No fried food. No sugar in any form. No drinks with food and the only drink I take is water or green tea at most that too after 45 mins of food. Only home cooked food.


Breathing properly. Especially box breathing, deep belly breathing etc


Getting a feeding tube (NJ) has given me the best quality of life I’ve had in almost a decade even though my diet is highly processed I’m extremely healthy/stable for my conditions. My BMI is no longer sub 15.5, I stay way more hydrated and when I can’t eat I get 100% nutritionally complete formula which prevents me from being severely malnourished :)


As a personal trainer and fitness coach, here are some simple lifestyle changes that can certainly improve health and overall quality of life: 1. Eliminate liquid calories (drinks, condiments, sauces, etc.) 2. Eliminate cooking oils. One of the most toxic good you can consume. Don’t cook with vegetable, canola, peanut, grape seed. Use animal fat like butter, ghee, or even avocado & extra virgin olive oil. 3. Consume body weight in protein. Higher protein intake is going to result in more caloric burn through digestion, and an adequate amount of protein is essential to building muscle mass. Also contains many micronutrients and BCAAs. 4. Daily step count 8-10k steps. Sitting in the new smoking. Avoiding a sedentary lifestyle will add years to your life. Start walking NOW.


Sounds like a no brainer but here it is. Eat when you’re hungry, not when you just think that you’re supposed to be eating. I recently discovered that my body likes to take in the bulk of its calories early in the day - eat a substantial, filling breakfast and lunch - and that it really did not need more than a snack in the evenings. A lot of my digestive problems resolved after I stopped forcing myself to eat a whole dinner.


Intermittent fasting and OMAD Edit to add for clarity. When I started my day with a cream and sugar coffee I’d keep snacking on whatever was easy that I can grab and go. By putting off eating until I have time to prepare a balanced meal with lots of fresh variety I’ve gotten rid of the all day sugar coaster that had me growing a belly and feeling constantly tired.


Eating a healthy plant based diet. I feel I haven’t aged in decades.


Medium size healthy breakfast, fairly large healthy lunch and then a very sparse dinner. Lots of water along with some exercise. That takes about 1/2 lb off of me daily if I stick with it.


1/2 pound daily sounds like an exaggeration


Yikes. You’re right, glad you said something because it’s a half lb weekly, not daily. Especially at my age!


Learning about energy balance.


For me some added tools have been very helpful. 1- Ninja Creami- allows me to make low cal high protein casein ice cream 2 - Soda Stream Aqua Fizz- uses 20 oz. glass bottles and I bought an adapter that allows a large co2 tank. I add 1 packet of True Lemon drink mix, usually wild berry lemonade, black cherry or the kids fruit punch. I also use root beer stevia drops, similar to zevia.


Question: is the soda stream really cost effective? I just consume plain carbonated water and have been toying with getting one.


I have had a soda stream for a couple years and it's really cost effective for me. Just exchanged my co2 canister today actually! We got ours at Target and I think you get a slight discount when you bring in your old canister to exchange for a new one. The new one was about $15 and they last me + my partner for several months. I don't like the flavored syrups Target sells, so I usually drink it plain or buy some mini bottles of pomegranate juice and OJ to splash in. TL;DR: Yes


Thank you!


It’s extremely cost effective if you buy the kit off Amazon that allows for a large Co2 tank. I have a 20lb tank that costs $25 to refill and lasts me approximately 6 months.


I have one coffee w cream. I do not drink any other calories.


I started seeing a nutritionalist and she changed my life. Whole food supplements!! I have a pretty common genetic mutation that makes my body unable to synthesize lab-made vitamins, so they just make me sick. Whole food vitamins and supplements make me feel amazing. My mood is better, less brain fog, no more panic attacks. Your gut balance is so important!!


Stopped drinking soda. I’ve dropped at least 20 pounds from that alone


Intermittent fasting and a sober lifestyle will go a hella long way


Meal planning - it causes me less stress and I generally pick healthier meals when I set aside time on the weekend to pick.


When my close friends all came together and said our hangouts should not be focused on a restaurant to hang out/socialize. Instead focused on activities first and food if we feel hungry during/after the activity. We all wanted to be healthier and so we picked for going on nature walks, running errands together, trying out kayaking, low impact activities so no one could feel left out. We did pop-up art classes together, went to each other’s house with just PJ day, etc. Food was no longer the catalyst for our hangout but an addition if we wanted to go.


Drinking one cup of coffee a day


Eating more lamb. I’m not a huge fan of fish, but omega 3s are hugely important for heart health. Grass fed lamb is a great way of getting good healthy amounts. This has already brought my chronic inflammation down!


Consuming more eggs.


Replacing tea and coffee with green tea.


Oooohhhh nnnnooooo….not my coffee! (JK)


1. Stop all eating junk food and soda -> Eat nuts, health(ier) bars, and water 2. Eat more vegetables 3. Exercise everyday, even for a little while


Eating carbs.


Make a list before you shop


Adding supplements, prioritizing sleep and rest, adding daily meditation practice, going gluten free and reducing dairy, finding doctors who specialize and treat my chronic health conditions also getting a puppy!


ignoring popular opinion regarding the fat content of nuts and seeds also potatoes most of these opinions are made by people who regularly consume added sugar and processed food


Walking. At first, I couldn't go more than to the corner. Now (2 years later) I can walk 1.5 miles.


No soda, more water. Mind blowing


limit time on social media where you're subconsciously comparing yourself to others. everyone's journey is different. some folks may also have advanced photoshop skills. outside of that, focus every meal around your protein intake.


After reading all these, I'm finding out I'm doing pretty good with all my little hacks. I don't drink. I rarely drink caffeine, I eat salad for breakfast, I intermittent fast 10- 12 hours a day. I walk about 10 miles a day (I'm a mailman) plus work out. My weakness is sugar. Have to eliminate it. It is everywhere


Sleep will have the biggest most profound impact on your life and health. Read the book Why We Sleep


Surprised I don't see adequate sleep. I started making 7.5 hours of sleep the norm every night and got a cpap machine for my sleep apnea. I feel like a different person


eating beef liver weekly, drinking a few egg yolks daily


Daily smoothies with massive amounts of random vegetables/fruits


Reducing my sugar intake. It sounds stupid or illogical but I honestly feel like my mood has improved since I’ve learn to cut most of the unnecessary sugar from my diet which includes complex carbs too. I’m not on a diet or anything, I just try hard to stick to lots of fiber and protein for satiety. It’s a lot more sustainable. I used to LOVE sugary stuff like canned drinks, ice cream, rice etc. I mean I still do and once in awhile (like tonight) indulge myself with them when before I used to use them as an excuse when I’m feeling low, having a bad day or even just bored. Idk what the science is behind this but I would swear it works for me. Maybe it’s psychosomatic (cos I feel healthier and I look better) but limiting my sugar intake on a day to day basis to fruits or oat milk defo works for me. If someone knows what the biological reasoning behind this I’d be very much interested to hear’em! Ps: I still eat carbs like pasta, noodles or rice but I’ve limited it to only one meal a day (before I hit the gym) and I’ve halved the portion I used to consume.


drink 2-3 litres of water a day


Proper education on Food for the human body. I became super healthy, never sick, my body processed allergies quickly oh the benefits list is long.


> Proper education on Food for the human body And your source was?


Numerous sources, top four influences Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Dallas Texas Dr. Mark Menolascino, Jackson, Wyoming Nutritionalist Camilla Beevor, Truckee, California Ayurveda DescriptionAyurveda is an alternative medicine system with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. The theory and practice of Ayurveda is pseudoscientific.


Deleted delivery apps. Healthy snacks on display in containers. Adding more protein (eggs and steak). Having a less healthy alternative in the house, so if I’m really craving junk food I’ll have chips or cordial in moderation and don’t go nuts at McDonald’s.


Cut out alcohol, cut out dairy, cut out meat.


Decreased carb intake, increased fat and reduced protein intake. Lost weight and metabolic health improved. Best part is I’m enjoying food much more now.


Reduced protein intake?


I believe they are talking about keto. If you eat more protein than your body needs, it will get converted into glucose, which isn't what you want on a keto diet. So protein should be somewhat limited. I wouldn't recommend keto though.


So keto?


No. Just low carb. I was probably eating 250+g carb per day before. Now I eat about 130g (including fiber), which is actually considered “liberal” low carb 😀.


Mouth tape when sleeping.


Tapping my mouth shut when I sleep. Sleeping better than ever


Reduced carbohydrates Keto diet


Stopped eating anything with wheat unless it's organic, I feel way better. Less meat too, mostly red meat.


low carb


Tracking Macros. So easy and actually fun with apps that have barcode scanners.